AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 1 कौटिल्यः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् 1st Lesson कौटिल्यः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Upavachakam 1st Lesson कौटिल्यः

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
अर्थशास्रे कति अधिकणानि सन्ति?
अर्थशास्रे पञ्चदश अधिकणानि सन्ति। तेषु अध्यायः सन्ति।

प्रश्न 2.
चाणक्यः कस्य राज्ञः अमात्यः?
चाणक्यः चन्द्रगुप्तस्य राज्ञः अमात्यः। सः नन्दवंशम् उन्मूल्य चन्द्रगुप्तं सिंहासने अध्यारोपयत्।

कौटिल्यः Summary in English

कौटिल्यः Introduction:

आचार्य, पुल्लेल. श्रीरामचन्द्रुडु महाशयाः २४-१०-१९२७ दिनाङ्के आन्ध्रप्रदेशस्थगोदावरीतीरे इन्दुपल्लिग्रामे सत्यनारायणशास्त्रि सत्यवतीदम्पत्योः जन्म लेभिरे। उस्मानियाविश्वविद्यालये संस्कृत विभागाध्यक्षत्वेन, संस्कृतपरिषदः सञ्चालकत्वेन च कार्यं कृतवन्तः। बहुभाषापण्डिताः एते महान्तः राष्ट्रपतिपुरस्कारेण पद्मश्री बिरुदेन च सभाजिताः। अयं पाठ्यभागः एतैः महाशयैः प्रणीतात् वैज्ञानिक षण्मुखम् इति ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः।

Prof. Pullela Sriramachandrudu was born on 24-10-1927 to Satyavathi and Satyanarayana in the village of Indupalli on the banks of river Godavari in Andhra Pradesh. He worked as the Head of the Department of Sanskrit at Osmania University, and as the Director of Sanskrit Academy. He received the President’s Medal and Padma Shree. The present lesson is taken from his work वैज्ञानिकषण्मुखम्।

कौटिल्यः Summary

We know that Artha is the second human goal among the four goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. There is much importance to Artha in human life. The adage “The whole world is based on money” also point to the importance of money.

Vishnugupta was the author of Arthasastra. He had other names also such as Kautilya, Chanakya etc. He became famous as Kautilya as he advised even crooked ways also to earn money. As he was the son of Chanaka, he was called Chanakya. Historians opine that he lived somewhere around 400 B.C.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 1 कौटिल्यः

Kautilya was the prime minister of Chandragupta. We find in Kamandaka’s Nitisara that Kautilya uprooted the family of Nandas and made Chandragupta Maurya ascend the throne. The influence of Arthasastra can be seen in the works of Kalidasa, Bharavi, Magha etc. The drama Mudrarakshasa presents the story of Kautilya well.

There are fifteen sections in the Arthasastra, written by Kautilya. Each section is further divided into chapters. There are a total of 150 chapters. Arthasastra which contains 6000 stanzas, was composed with easily understood small sentences resembling aphorisms. There are verses also here and there.

In the first chapter of the first section, the four knowledge streams of Anvikshaki (the science of inquiry), Trayi (the Vedic Literature, Vartha (Agriculture and commerce) and Dandaniti (Politics and Public Administration) are explained. Next a brief description of the four asramas and varnas is given. Then up to the fifth chapter, various topics such as Agriculture, cattle breeding, commerce, royal discipline and punishment, serving the elders, self-control etc.

After that appointment of ministers, the portfolios of the ministers, examination of their purity and impurity, appointment of spies etc. topics are covered. Saying that what is good for the people will be good for the king also, Kautilya says :

The happiness of the king lies in the happiness of his subjects, and his welfare is in their welfare.

What he likes is not good for the king, but what the people like is good for him.

In the second section called formation of towns, topics such as formation of villages, construction of waterways, bridges etc. are described. In the third section, the duties of the three types of the ministers of justice are prescribed. Property of the women, remarriage of the women etc. topics are also discussed in this section. In the fourth section named Removal of Thorns, capturing thieves and others, keeping agreement in business matters, protecting the people from fire, water and disease etc. have been explained. The sections that follow deal with topics related to the protection of the kingdom.

In the seventh section war and peace, and in the eighth section Remedies to the Troubles are given. In the ninth section many things that are to be considered first by one desirous of victory and facing an enemy are prescribed. In the tenth and eleventh sections, the way of war is discussed in detail. The twelfth section points out the difference of opinion regarding the surrender of the weak to the strong. In the thirteenth section the ways of seizing a fort are described. The duties of the king in protecting the fourfold division are presented in the fourteenth section. The fifteenth is the last section. In this section the plan of the treatise, and the paragraphical divisions are given in brief.

The greatness of this science is established thus :

This science sets on foot and protects also dharma, artha and kama. This science also condemns the unrighteous and uneconomical acts.

Thus, this work of Kautilya, endowed with many merits has become very famous. The topics dealt in the science are ever relevant.

कौटिल्यः Translation in English

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाख्येषु चतुर्दा पुरुषार्थेषु द्वितीयः पुरुषार्थः अर्थः इति वयं जानीमः। मानवानां जीवने अर्थस्य प्राधान्यं विशेषेण वर्तते। ‘धनमूलमिदं जगत्’ इत्युक्तिरपि धनस्य प्राधान्यं ज्ञापयति।

We know that Artha is the second human goal among the four goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. There is much importance to Artha in human life. The adage “The whole world is based on money” also point to the importance of money.

अर्थशास्त्रस्य कर्ता विष्णुगतः। अस्यैव कौटिल्यः चाणक्यः इत्यादीनि नामान्तराण्यपि वर्तन्ते। अर्थार्जन कुटिलानप्युपायान् अयमुपदिदेश इति हेतोः कौटिल्यः इति प्रसिद्धि प्राप। चणकपुत्रत्वात् चाणक्यः इत्यप्यभिधीयते। क्रीस्तोः पूर्वं ४०० संवत्सरसमीपकाले अयं आसीदिति ऐतिहासिकः अभिप्रयन्ति।

Vishnugupta was the author of Arthasastra. He had other names also such as Kautilya, Chanakya etc. He became famous as Kautilya as he advised even crooked ways also to earn money. As he was the son of Chanaka, he was called Chanakya. Historians opine that he lived somewhere around 400 B.C.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 1 कौटिल्यः

कौटिल्यः चन्द्रगुप्तस्य महामात्य आसीत्। अनेन नन्दवंशम् उन्मूल्य मौर्यचन्द्रगुप्तः सिंहासनमधिरोपितः इति कामन्दकीये नीतिसाराख्ये ग्रन्थे दृश्यते। कालिदास – भारविमाघादिकवीनां काव्येषु अर्थशास्त्रस्य प्रभावो दृश्यते। मुद्राराक्षसनाटके कौटिल्यचरितं सम्यक् निर्दिष्टमस्ति।

Kautilya was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta. We find in Kamandaka’s Nitisara that Kautilya uprooted the family of Nandas and made Chandragupta Maurya ascend the throne. The influence of Arthasastra can be seen in the works of Kalidasa, Bharavi, Magha etc. The drama Mudrarakshasa presents the story of Kautilya well.

कौटिल्येन विरचिते अर्थशास्त्रे पञ्चदश अधिकरणानि सन्ति। एकैकमप्यधिकरणम् अध्यायरूपेण विभक्तम्। आहत्य १५० अध्यायाः सन्ति। षट्सहस्रग्रन्थपरिमितमिदमर्थशास्र अतीव हृद्यया सुबोधया रीत्या, सूत्रसदृशेषु लघुषु वाक्येषु निर्मितम्। तत्र तत्र श्लोका अपि उपनिबद्धाः।

There are fifteen sections in the Arthasastra, written by Kautilya. Each section is further divided into chapters. There are a total of 150 chapters. Arthasastra, which contains 6000 stanzas, was composed with easily understood small sentences resembling aphorisms. There are verses also here and there.

तत्र प्रथमाधिकरणस्य प्रथमेऽध्याये आन्वीक्षकी, त्रयी, वार्ता, दण्डनीतिश्चेति चतस्रो विद्याः निर्दिष्टासन्ति। तदनु चतुर्णा वर्णानाम् आश्रमाणां च संक्षिप्तं वर्णनम् दत्तम्। एवमेव कृषि-पशुपालनवाणिज्यानि, राजदण्ड विधानम्, वृद्धसेवा, इन्द्रियजयः इत्यादयः अंशाः पंचमाध्यायपर्यन्तं विशदीकृताः।

In the first chapter of the first section, the four knowledge streams of Anvikshaki (the science of inquiry), Trayi (the Vedic Literature, Vartha (Agriculture and commerce) and Dandaniti (Politics and Public Administration) are explained. Next a brief description of the four asramas and varnas is given. Then up to the fifth chapter, various topics such as Agriculture, cattle breeding, commerce, royal discipline and punishment, serving the elders, self-control etc..

ततः परम् अमात्यनियोगः, अमात्यमन्त्रिविभागः, तेषां शौचाशौचादि परीक्षणम्, गूढचराणां नियुक्तिः इत्यादयो विषयाः निरूपिताः । प्रजानां यत् हितं तदेव राज्ञेऽपि हितं भवतीति वदन्, कौटिल्यः –
प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते हितम्।
नात्मप्रियं हितं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियं हितम् || इत्युवाच।

After that appointment of ministers, the portfolios of the ministers, examination of their purity and impurity, appointment of spies etc. topics are covered. Saying that what is good for the people will be good for the king also, Kautilya says :

The happiness of the king lies in the happiness of his subjects, and his welfare is in their welfare.

What he likes is not good for the king, but what the people like is good for him.

जनपदनिवेशाख्ये द्वितीयाधिकरणे ग्रामनिवेशनम्, जलमार्गसेत्वादीनां निर्माणम् इत्यादि विषयाः उपवर्णिताः। तृतीयाधिकरणे धर्मस्थानां त्रयाणाम् अमात्यानां कर्माणि निर्णीतानि। स्त्रीधनम्, स्त्रीणां पुनर्विवाहः इत्यादयोऽपि विषयाः अस्मिन्नधिकरणे चर्चिताः। कण्टकशोधनं नामके चतुर्थाधिकरणे तस्करादीनां निग्रहः, वाणिज्यादिव्यवहारे शुद्धिपरिपालनम्, अग्निजल-व्याध्यादिभ्यः प्रजारक्षणम् इत्येतदादीनां विवरणमस्ति। तदनन्तरेषु अधिकरणेषु राज्यरक्षणसम्बन्धिनः बहवो विषयाः निरुपिताः। सप्तमाधिकरणे सन्धिविग्रहादीनां स्वरूपम् अष्टमाधिकरणे व्यसनप्रतीकारादयः प्रोक्ताः। नवम्माधिकरणे शतृ मभियास्यता विजगीषुणा । प्रथमतः पर्यालोचनीयाः नैके विषयाः प्रतिपादिताः। दशम-एकादशाधि करणाभ्यां युद्धविधानं विस्तरेण प्रतिपादितम्। द्वादशाधिकरणे दुर्बलस्य बलवद्वशीभावे मतभेदाः प्रदर्शिताः। त्रयोदशधिकरणे दुर्गाक्रमणरीतयः वर्णिताः। चतुर्दशाधिकरणे चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य रक्षार्थं राज्ञा कर्तव्याः क्रियाः उपदिष्टाः। पञ्चदशाधिकरणम् अन्तिमं भवति। अस्मिन्नधिकरणे अर्थशास्त्रविषयाः, तत्प्रतिपादनरीतिश्च संक्षिप्य प्रदर्शिताः।

In the second section called formation of towns, topics such as formation of villages, construction of waterways, bridges etc. are described. In the third section, the duties of the three types of the ministers of justice are prescribed. Property of the women, remarriage of the women etc. topics are also discussed in this section. In the fourth section named Removal of Thorns, capturing thieves and others, keeping agreement in business matters, protecting the people from fire, water and disease etc. have been explained. The sections that follow deal with topics related to the protection of the kingdom.

In the seventh section War and Peace, and in the eighth section Remedies to the Troubles are given. In the ninth section many things that are to be considered first by one desirous of victory and facing an enemy are prescribed. In the tenth and eleventh sections, the way of war is discussed in detail. The twelfth section points out the difference of opinion regarding the surrender of the weak to the strong. In the thirteenth section the ways of seizing a fort are described. The duties of the king in protecting the fourfold division are presented in the fourteenth section. The fifteenth is the last section. In this section the plan of the treatise, and the paragraphical divisions are given in brief.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 1 कौटिल्यः

अस्य शास्त्रस्य वैशिष्ट्यम् एवं प्रतिपादितम्।
धर्ममर्थं च कामं च प्रवर्तयति पाति च।
अधर्मानर्थविद्वेषान् इदं शास्त्र निहन्ति च ||

The greatness of this science is established thus : This science sets on foot and protects also dharma, artha and kama. This science also condemns the unrighteous and uneconomical acts.

एवं बहुभिर्लक्षणैः विशिष्टं कौटिल्यरचितमिदं शास्त्र सुप्रसिद्धमस्ति। शास्त्रऽस्मिन् प्रतिपादिताः अंशाः नित्यनूतनत्वेन विराजन्ते।

Thus, this work of Kautilya, endowed with many merits has become very famous. The topics dealt in the science are ever relevant.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 1st Lesson कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material 1st Lesson कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
पुण्डरीकमुद्दिश्य कपिजलः किमुपदिदेश?
What did Kapinjala advice Pundarika?
2. कामावेशात् निवर्तयितुं पुण्डरीकं प्रति कपिञ्जलः किमुवाच?
What did Kapinjala say to Pundarika in order to divert him from his passion?
The lesson Kapinjalopadesa is an extract from the Kadambari, written by Bana. Pundarika, an ascetic fell in love with a celestial nymph Mahaswetha, His friend Kapinjala advised him that it was not proper for him to lose his self-control. He asked him to condemn the Love-god.

Kapinjala’s questions :
Kapinjala told Pundarika that it was not proper for Pundarika to behave in such a way as the common men would behave. The ascetics had the wealth of courage. धैर्यधना हि साधवः। He asked Pundarika why he did not restrain himself. How he was attacked by the senses. Where had his courage, self-restraint, calmness, celibacy, learning, disinterestedness, and distaste for pleasures gone? If people like him were also sullied by passion then there was no use of intellect, study of the scriptures, culture, knowledge received from the teachers, and awakening. निरर्थक: संस्कारः। He asked him how did he not notice the crystal rosary that fell from his hand and taken away by that evil woman. He exclaimed that Pundarika was absent minded, and thought of rescuing him before his heart was stolen by that evil woman. अहो विगत चेतनत्वम्।

When Pundarika accepted that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha, Kapinjala further advised thus.

Kapinjala’s advice :
He asked Pundarika whether it was taught by his teachers of he studied it in the scriptures. Was it a means to acquire Dharma, a new kind of penance, a mystic vow or path leading to heavens? Could he even imagine this, let alone tell or see? Why did he allow the Cupid make him a laughing-stock? Only fools are tormented by the Cupid. मूढो हि मदनेन अयास्थते Could he have happiness in something condemned by the virtuous and honoured only by the vile?

He said that he was a fool, who watered a garden of poisonous plants, embraced a sword creeper, held a black serpent or touched a burning coal thinking them to be something else. If he could not restrain his senses or control his mind, what was the use of his knowledge like that of the light of a firefly? And he advised him to condemn the stupid Love-god.

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
कपिजलः कस्मिन् संदर्भ पुण्डरीकं प्रति उपदेशवचनानि अवदत्?
पुण्डरीकः महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तः अभवत्। तपोजपादिनियमेषु अनासक्तः च अभवत्। तस्मिन् सन्दर्भ तं सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुम् कपिञ्जलः – उपदेशवचनानि अवदत्।

प्रश्न 2.
पुण्डरीकः किमर्थं विचारग्रस्तः बभूव?
पुण्डरीक: महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तः अभवत्। तपोजपादिनियमेषु अनासक्तः अभवत् । ताम् एव चिन्तयन् विचारग्रस्तः बभूव।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

प्रश्न 3.
पुण्डरीकः कया आकृष्टहृदयः आसीत्?
पुण्डरीकः महाश्वेतया आकृष्टहृदयः आसीत्। महाश्वेता च एका गन्धर्वकन्या।

प्रश्न 4.
कपिजलोपदेशं कस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतम्?
कपिञ्जलोपदेशः कादम्बरी इति गद्यकाव्यात् स्वीकृतः। अस्य काव्यस्यकर्ता बाणभट्टः।

एकपदसमाधानप्रश्ना: One Word Answers

प्रश्न 1.
धैर्यधनाः के?
धैर्यधनाः साधवः।

प्रश्न 2.
महाश्वेता का?
महाश्वेता एका गन्धर्वकन्या।।

प्रश्न 3.
कपिजलः कः?
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकस्य मित्रम्।

प्रश्न 4.
बाणः कस्य आस्थाने आसीत्?
बाणः श्रीहर्षस्य आस्थाने आसीत् ।

सन्दर्भवाक्यानि Annotations

1. धैर्यधना हि साधवः।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
साधुजनानां तु धैर्यम् एव धनम्।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। साधुजनानां धैर्यमेव धनम् । परन्तु पुण्डरीकः विक्लीभवति स्म।

2. निरर्थकः संस्कारः।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
संस्कारः अर्थरहितः भवति।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। यदि पुण्डरीकसदृशः अपि रागेण कलुषीकृतः चेत् तथा प्रज्ञा निष्फला भवति, संस्कारः अर्थरहितः भवति, ज्ञानं च। निष्कारणं भवति इति।

3. मूढो हि मदनेन आयास्यते।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिजलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
मूर्खः एव मदनस्य वशे पतति।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। तेन यत् आरब्धं तत् किम्? तपः वा, व्रतं वा, नियमः वा? मूर्खजनः एव मदनस्य वशे पतति।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

4. अहो विगतचेतनत्वम्।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
अहो, अचेतनत्वम्।

विवरणम् –
कपिञ्जलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। सः अचेतनः इवास्ति । करतलात् भ्रष्टाम् अक्षमालाम् अपि न लक्षयति।

विशेषतो ज्ञेयाः


अनुरूपम् – उचितम्
रुणस्ति – वारयसि
संयमिता – निग्रहः
मदनः – मन्मथः
प्रबुद्धता – विवेकः
प्रकारः – पद्धतिः
अङ्गारम् – अग्निकणम्
क्षुभितम् – कलुषितम्
अभिभूयन्ते – तिरस्क्रियन्ते

व्याकरणांशाः Grammar


न + एतत् = नैतत् – वृद्धिसन्धिः
तव + अपूर्वः = तवापूर्वः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
गुरु + उपदेशः = गुरूपदेशः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
आर्जन + उपायः = आर्जनोपायः – गुणसन्धिः
माम + इयम् = मामेयम् – गुणसन्धिः
कः + अयम् = कोऽयम् – विसर्गसन्धिः
मनसा + अपि = मनसापि – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
तपसि + अभिनिवेशः = तपस्यभिनिवेशः – यणादेशसन्धिः


क्षुद्रजनक्षुण्णः – क्षुद्रजनैः क्षुण्णः – तृतीयातत्पुरुष समासः
कुलक्रमागतम् – कुलक्रमात् आगतम् – पञ्चमीतत्पुरुष समासः
विगतचेतनः – विगतं चेतनं यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहिसमासः
आकृष्टहृदयः – आकृष्टं हृदयं यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहिसमासः
गुरूपदेशः – गुरूणाम् उपदेशः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
कपिअलोपदेशः – कपिञ्जलस्य उपदेशः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Summary in English

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Introduction:

Many works of prose, poetry and mixed variety are there in Sanskrit. Among the poems, the Ramayana of Valmiki was the first kavya. Kalidasa and others followed Valmiki and wrote many verse kavyas. There are many prose works also. Among them, the Kadambari, a work of Banais considered the best. The greatness of prose is expressed by the saying गद्यं कवीनां निकषं वदन्ति। “Prose is said to be touch-stone for poets.” The scholars praised Kadambari as कादम्बरीरसज्ञानाम् आहारोगपि न रोचते। “The connoisseurs of Kadambari (the work of Bana and also liquor) do not relish food also.”

Bana was the court poet of Sri Harsha, who ruled during the seventh century AD. He wrote Harshacharita, a biography of Harsha. वाणी बाणो बभूव -“Goddess Saraswati became Bana.”

The Lesson :
The lesson कपिजलोपदेशः is an extract from Bana’s Kadambari. Here the advice given by Kapinjala to his friend Pundarikais told. Pundarika, an ascetic was attracted to Mahaswetha, a celestial nymph. Then his friend Kapinjala showed him the right path. In this world to do either good or bad, one needs someone’s help. If that person is a good friend, he will make one do good deeds. If he is bad, he will encourage sinful activities. So men should always seek good company.

The Previous Story:
Hamsa was a king of the Gandharva clan. He lived on the Hemakuta Mountain. He married a nymph name Gauri. They were a loving and affectionate couple. They had a daughter named Mahaswetha. The girl spent her childhood happily, and reached puberty. Then spring had set in. Mahaswetha accompanied by her mother went to the Acchoda Lake to take bath. After her bath, she started to roam around the bowers there. Then she was attracted by a sweet fragrance. She went in search of its origin, and saw a handsome young ascetic, who came to take a dip in the lake. He wore on ear a bunch of flowers, which was never seen by Maha-swetha earlier. Pundarika fell in love with Mahaswetha. At that time his friend Kapinjala came there carrying flowers collected for worship. On seeing that Pundarika was distracted, and unable to concentrate on the worship, Kapinjala gave him a piece of advice in order to show him the right path.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Summary

Pundarika, an ascetic fell in love with Mahaswetha, a celestial nymph. His friend Kapinjala, having observed the lovesickness of Pundarika wanted to turn his friend’s mind and talked to him.

Kapinjala’s questions Pundarika’s wisdom :
Kapinjala told Pundariká that it was not proper for Pundarika to behave in such a way as the common men would behave. The ascetics had the wealth of courage. He asked Pundarika why he did not restrain himself. How he was attacked by the senses. Where had his courage, self-restraint, calmness, celibacy, learning, disinterestedness and distaste for pleasures gone? If people like him were also sullied by passion then there was no use of intellect, study of the scriptures, culture, knowledge received from the teachers, and awakening. He asked him how did he not notice the crystal rosary that fell from his hand and taken away by that evil woman.

When Pundaţika accepted that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha, Kapinjala further advised thus.

Kapinjala’s advice :
He asked Pundarika whether it was taught by his teachers of he studied it in the scriptures. Was it a means to acquire Dharma, a new kind of penance, a mystic vow or path leading to heavens? Could he even imagine this, let alone tell or see? Why did he allow the Cupid make him a laughing-stock? Could he have happiness in something condemned by the virtuous and honoured only by the vile?

He said that he was a fool, who watered a garden of poisonous plants, embraced a sword creeper, held a black serpent or touched a burning coal thinking them to be something else. If he could not restrain his senses or control his mind, what was the use of his knowledge like that of the light of a firefly? And he advised him to condemn the stupid Love-god.

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Translation in English

‘सखे पुण्डरीक, नैतदनुरूपं भवतः। क्षद्रजनक्षुण्ण एष मार्गः। धैर्यधना हि साधवः। किं यः कश्चित्प्राकृत इव विक्लवीभवन्तमात्मानं न रुणत्सि। कुतस्तवापूर्वेयमाद्येन्द्रियोपप्लवो येनास्येवं कृतः। क्च ते तद्धैर्यम् । क्वासाविन्द्रियजयः। क्व तद्वशित्वं चेतसः। क्व सा प्रशान्तिः। क्व तत्कुलक्रमागतं ब्रह्मचर्यम् । क्व सा. सर्वविषय निरुत्सुकता| क्व ते गुरुपदेशः। क्व तानि श्रुतानि। क्च ता वैराग्यबुद्धयः। क्व तदुपभोग विद्वेषित्वम्। क्व सा सुखपराड्भुखता। क्वासौ तपस्यभिनिवेशः।

क्व सा भोगानामुपर्यरुचिः। क्व तद्योवनानुशासनम्। सर्वथा निष्फला प्रज्ञा, निर्गुणो धर्मशास्त्राभ्यासः, निरर्थकः संस्कारः, निरुपकारको गुरुपदेशविवेकः, निष्प्रयोजना प्रबुद्धता, निष्कारणं ज्ञानम्, यदत्र भवादृशा अपि रागाभिषगैः कलुषी क्रियन्ते प्रमादैश्चाभिभूयन्ते। कथं करतलाद्गगलितामपहृता मक्षमालामपि न लक्षयसि। अहो विगतचेतनत्वम्। अपहृता नामेयम्। इदमपि तावदपह्रियमाणमनया नार्यया निवार्यतां हृदयम्।

(न+एतत्+अनुरूपं this is not suitable, proper, क्षद्रजनक्षुण्णः (क्षुद्रैः जनैः क्षुण्णः) trodden by lowly people, धैर्यधनाः (धैर्यम् एव धनम् एषाम् ते) who has courage as wealth, विक्लवीभवन्तम् being agitated, losing heart, रुणत्सि stop, अपूर्वा strange, unheard of आद्य + इन्द्रिय+उपप्लवः first assault of the senses उपभोगविद्वेषित्वम् hatred towards pleasures तपसि + अभिनिवेशः devotion, resolution to penance राग + अभिषणैः by attachments to passion, desires विगतचेतनत्वम् loss of senses.

Friend ! Pundarika! This not suitable to you. This path is tread by mean fellows. The noble have courage as their wealth. Why don’t you hold yourself from being agitated like an uncultured person? Where from is this strange assault of the senses today that has done this to you? Where is your that courage? Where is the self-control? Where is that mastery over mind? Where is that calmness? Where is that celibacy that is family tradition? Where is that disinterestedness in all matters? Where are the teachings of the preceptor? Where are those good things heard? Where are those thoughts of renunciation? Where is that rejection of enjoyment? Where is that aversion to comforts? Where is that devotion to austerities?

Where is that restrain? Where is that distaste for pleasures? Where is that advice regarding youth? By all means, intellect becomes useless, study of the Dharmasastra becomes meritless, discipline becomes meaningless, wisdom of the teaching of the master becomes helpless, awakening becomes fruitless, knowledge becomes reasonless, if at all people like you also become turbid by the touch of passion, and get assaulted by carelessness. Why do you take no notice of the crystal rosary that fell from your hand, and has been taken away? Alas, absent-mindedness ! Verily this is being lost. Hold your heart that is being stolen by that unworthy one.”

पुण्डरीकोऽपि स्वयं चाञ्चल्यमङ्गीकृत्य महाश्वतायाः सौन्दर्येण आकृष्टहृदयोऽस्मीति उवाच। किञ्च, सखे, कपिञ्जल, विदित वृत्तान्तोऽपि कि मां पृच्छसि इति कृच्छ्रेण शनैः शनैः अवदत् । तदनु कपिञ्जलः पुनः तं कामावेशात् निवर्तयितुम् एवम् उवाच।

(आकृष्टहृदयः (आकृष्टं हृदयं यस्य) whose heart has been dragged, attracted to विदितवृत्तान्तः (विदितः वृत्तान्तः येन) who knew the story, news orhidenta from the emotion of love)

Pundarika also, having accepted his fickleness said that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha. “Dear friend, Kapinjala, why do you ask me know the matter well?” Thus he asked slowly. Then again Kapinjala told him thus in order to turn him back from his passion.

‘सखे, पुण्डरीक, सुविदितमेतत् मम, केवलमिदमेव पृच्छामियदेतदारब्धं भवता, किमिदं गुरुभिरुपदिष्टम्? उत धर्मशास्त्रेषु पठितम्? उत धर्मार्जनोपायोऽयम्? उत अपरः तपसां प्रकार:? उत स्वर्गगमन मार्गऽयम्? उत व्रतरहस्यमिदम् ? उत मोक्षप्रात्पि युक्तिरियम् ? अहोस्वित् अन्यो नियमप्रकारः ? कथमेतद् युक्तं भवता मनसापि चिन्तयितुम्? किं पुनराख्यातुमीक्षितुं वा? कथय किम् अप्रबुद्ध इवानेन मन्मथहतकेनो पहासास्पदतां नीयमानमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे? मूढो हि मदनेनायास्यते? कथं वा सुखाशा साधुजन निन्दितेष्वेवंविधेषु प्राकृतजनबहुमतेषु विषयेषु भवतः? स खलु धर्मबुद्ध्या विषलतावनं सिञ्चति, कुवलयमालेति निस्त्रिंशलता मालिङ्गति, कृष्णागरूधूमलेखेति कृष्णसर्पमवगूहते, रत्नमिति ज्वलन्तमगार मभिस्पृशति, मृणालमिति दुष्टवारणदन्तमुसलम् उन्मूलयति, मूढो विषयोप भोगेष्वनिष्टानुबन्धिषु यः सुखबुद्धिमारोपयति । अधिगतविषय तत्त्वोऽपि कस्मात् खद्योत इव ज्योतिर्निवार्यमिदं ज्ञानमुद्वहसि, यतो न निवारयसि प्रबलरजः प्रसरकुलुषितानि स्रोतांसीव उन्मार्गप्रस्थितानि इन्द्रियाणि न नियमसि च क्षुभितं मनः । कोऽयमनङ्गो नाम ? धैर्यमवलम्ब्य निर्भत्स्यतामयं दुराचारः इति ।

(धर्म+आर्जन+उपायः a means to earn dharma व्रतरहस्यम् secret of vow अहोस्वित् or, otherwise अप्रबुद्धः unawakened, ignorant faecalqay garden of poisonous creepers, plants कुवलयमाला garland of blue lotuses निस्त्रिंशलताम् (निस्त्रिंशः एव लता) the blade of a sword कृष्ण+अगरूधूमलेखा (कृष्णा च सा अगरुणः धूमस्य लेखा) the black smoke of incense अवगूहते embraces, holds, दुष्टवारण दन्तमुसलम् the club like tusk of a wild elephant अनिष्ट + अनुबन्धिषु that lead to undesirable results खद्योतः firefly निर्वीर्यम् useless (is a better reading than निवार्यम् to be stopped) प्रबलरजः प्रसरकुलुषितानि (applies to both the streams and the senses) muddied with the flow of much dirt (streams), sullied with the flow of many desires (sensés) B ryRetal flowing in uneven paths (streams), moving in unrighteous ways (senses) ARYANA condemn, abuse)

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

“‘Friend, Pundarika, I know it well. But I ask you this only – What you have started, is it taught by the teachers? Or studied in the scriptures? Or is it a means to attain Dharma? Or is it another variety of penance? Or is it the path leading to the heaven? Or a secret vow? Or a way to achieve liberation? Or is it another type of religious observance? How is it proper for you even to think about it in mind, let alone talk or see? Tell me, why do you, like an unintelligent one, not understand that you are being made a laughing-stock by that stupid Cupid? Only the fools are tormented by Love. What hope of happiness do you perceive in these actions that are blamed by the noble, but are honoured by the uncultured?

He is a fool, who waters but with good intension the garden of poisonous creepers; embraces the blade of a sword, taking it for a garland of lotuses, holds a black serpent thinking it is a line of black incense ash; touches a burning coal taking it to be a gem; plucks the tusk of a wicked elephant taking it for lotus stalk; and superimposes happiness in pleasures of senses that lead to undesirable results. Even though you are learned, why do you carry this useless knowledge just as a firefly carries light if you do not stop the senses (which are sullied by great passion) that have taken the wrong path like streams that have become turbid with lot of dirt, or control the agitated mind? Who is this Love-god? Take cour age, and condemn this miscreant.”

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Comprehension Passages

‘What are you doing, Tom ?’ she asked. ‘Nothing.’ ‘Nothing.’ ‘Look at your hand and your
mouth. I told you not to eat the jam.’ ‘Oh ! Aunt Polly, look behind you !! The old lady looked and Tom ran away. Aunt Polly was surprised and then she laughed. ‘I never learn. Tom always plays tricks on me and I never learn. I love Tom. He’s my sister’s child – she’s dead. But it’s not easy to look after him. Tomorrow is Saturday and there’s no school. But Tom must work tomorrow. He hates work but he must do it.’

Tom lived in the small village of St. Petersburg with his Aunt Polly, his brother Sid and his sister Mary. The summer evenings were long, and in the evenings Tom liked walking around the village. One evening he saw a big boy in front of him. The boy was a stranger.


Question 1.
‘What are you doing, Tom ?’ she asked. Whom does ‘she’ refer to?
Aunt. Polly.

Question 2.
Why was Aunt Polly surprised and laughed ?
Because she couldn’t realize that Tom tricked her by saying ‘Oh ! Aunt Polly, look behind you !’

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 3.
State true or false.
Aunt Polly is always tricked by Tom.

Question 4.
How are Tom and Aunt Polly related ?
Tom is Aunt Polly’s sister’s son.

Question 5.
How many family members does Tom have ? Who are they?
Answers :
Four including himself. Aunt Polly, Sid and Mary.


‘I’m going swimming but you can’t come with me. You’re working,’ said Ben. ‘Do you call this work ?’ asked Tom. ‘Of course it’s work. You’re painting a fence,’ said Ben. May be it’s work but may be it isn’t. I like it !’ said Tom, ‘I can swim everyday, but I can’t paint a fence everyday.’

Ben watched Tom. He painted slowly and carefully. He often stopped to and moved back from the fence. He looked at his work and smiled. Ben was suddenly interested in the fence and said, ‘Let me paint a little, Tom.’ Tom thought for a moment. ‘I’m sorry, Ben. Aunt Polly wants me to do it because I’m very good at painting. My brother Sid wanted to do it, but he’s not good at painting.’ ‘Oh please, Tom ! Please can I paint ? I’m good at painting too. Here, you can have some of my apple.’ ‘No, Ben I can’t’ – ‘Then take all of my apple !

Questions :

Question 1.
What is the work Tom was doing?
Painting the fence.

Question 2.
Was Tom really enjoying his work ?

Question 3.
Who was suddenly interested in painting the fence ?

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 4.
What did Ben offer Tom to give him a chance to paint the fence ?
An apple.

Question 5.
What do you think of Tom from the above incident ?
a. Tom is hard working.
b. Tom is plain natured.
c. Tom is cunning.
Tom is cunning.


The next day was Sunday. Tom wore clean Sunday clothes – he hated them ! Tom, Sid and Mary always went to Sunday school on Sunday morning. But Tom was not a good student and never listened to the teacher.

After Sunday school Tom and his family went to the church. This Sunday he had a big black beetle in his pocket. When the Reverend started speaking, Tom took the black beetle out of his pocket. He put it on the floor. There was a little dog in the church. It saw the beetle and wanted to play with it. Suddenly the beetle bit the dog’s nose. The little dog barked and everyone looked at it. It jumped and ran after the black beetle. It ran all about the church barking and making a lot of noise.

The people in the church laughed silently. Their faces were red. The Reverend continued talking but no one listened to him.

Questions :

Question 1.
Where did Tom and his family go after Sunday school ?
To church.

Question 2.
What did Tom have in his pocket ?
Black beetle.

Question 3.
Why did Tom bring the black beetle to church?
Because he felt bored in the church.

Question 4.
Why was the little dog barking ?
Because the bettle bit it.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 5.
Why were the people’s faces red ?
Because they laughed silently.”


‘Really ?’ asked Tom. ‘Well, old Mrs. Hopkins told me. She’s a witch and she knows about these things,’ said Huck.

‘Can I come with you ?’ asked Tom. ‘Of course ! Or are you afraid of ghosts ?’ asked Huck. ‘Afraid of ghosts! Of course not !’ said Tom. ‘Come and call me at my window at eleven o’clock tonight.’

Tom was late for school. The teacher was angry and said, ‘Thomas Sawyer ! Why are you late again ?’ Suddenly Tom saw a new girl in the classroom. She had blue eyes and long blonde hair. She was very beautiful. Tom looked at her. He was in love ! There was a free chair next to her and Tom wanted to sit there. But how ? Tom thought quickly and said, ‘I stopped to talk to Huckleberry Finn.

Questions :

Question 1.
‘Can I come with you ?’ asked Tom. Where did Tom want to go with Huck ?
To the graveyard.

Question 2.
Why was Tom late to school ?
Because he stopped to talk to Huck.

Question 3.
Write the masculine gender of the word ‘witch’.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 4.
At what time did Tom and Huck plan to go to the graveyard ?
At eleven o’clock in the night.

Question 5.
What is the word which is used to describe the colour of the girl’s hair in the passage and what does it mean? Answer:
Blonde is a pale yellowish or golden brown colour.


‘Ghosts !’ said Huck, ‘I can see ghosts ! They’re coming over here. I’m really scared !’ ‘Can ghosts see us ?’ asked Tom. ‘Ghosts can see everything,’ answered Huck, ‘Oh, why did I . come here ?’ Don’t be afraid. We must be very quiet,’ said Tom.

The three ghosts moved quietly in the graveyard. They came close to Tom and Huck. ‘Tom,’ whispered Huck. They are not ghosts. They’re humans. One of them is Muff Potter.’ ‘You’re right. And there’s Injun Joe and Dr. Robinson. But why are they here ?’ said Tom. They’re grave robbers. They want to rob a grave. The doctor wants a dead body,’ said Huck. ‘But why ?’ asked Tom. ‘He cuts bodies and studies them. My father told me about
Dr. Robinson,’ said Huck.

Questions :

Question 1.
State true or false…
Tom and Huck are not afraid of ghosts.

Question 2.
Who are the three ghosts they saw ? Name them.
Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe, and Muff Potter.

Question 3.
What does Dr. Robinson do with the dead bodies ?
He cuts bodies and studies them.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 4.
Who told Huck about Dr. Robinson ?
Huck’s father.

Question 5.
Pick the word the passage which means ‘to speak in a quiet voice, especially without vibration of the vocal cords’. Answer:


First he robbed the dead doctor. Then he put the bloody knife into Muffs right hand. A. few minutes passed and Muff moved a little and opened his eyes. He pushed the doctor’s body away. He looked at the knife in his hand. What – what happened, Joe ?’ he asked slowly. Injun Joe said, ‘Something very bad, Muff. Why did you kill him ?’ ‘I didn’t kill him ! said Muff. He was very confused, ‘I drank too much whisky last night. I don’t remember anything ! Tell me, Joe. What happened ?’ You fought with the doctor. He hit you on the head and you fell to the ground. Then you got up, took your knife and killed him,’ said Injun Joe. ‘I don’t understand, Joe. I never fought with a knife. I didn’t want to kill Dr. Robinson. He was young and he had a future. Oh, this is terrible ! It was the whisky,’ cried Muff, ‘Joe, don’t tell anyone, please.

‘I won’t tell anyone, Muff. But now you must leave this graveyard quickly. Go!’ said Injun Joe.

Questions :

Question 1.
Who killed the doctor ?
Injun Joe.

Question 2.
Who robbed the dead doctor ?
Injun Joe.

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Question 3.
Do you think Muff regretted killing the doctor ? Support your answer with a sentence or two from the passage.
Yes. Because he said, “He was a young man and he had a future. Oh ! This is terrible.

Question 4.
Did Injun Joe keep up his promise he gave to Muff.

Question 5.
Why did Muff believe that he killed the doctor though he remembers that he did not fight with a knife ?
Because he drank whisky.


Jackson’s Island was a small Island in the Mississippi river. It was about three miles south of St. Petersburg. No one lived on the Island. ‘Huckleberry Finn can come with us too,’ said Tom, ‘Remember Joe, don’t tell your mother, father or anyone about our adventure. Go home and and bring some food. We’ll meet here at midnight. ‘Tom and Joe were excited. At midnight the three boys met on the river.

Tom brought meat to eat. Joe brought some bread and Huck brought a frying pan. They found a small raft and they went down the river to Jackson’s Island. When they arrived on the Island they made a fire and cooked some meat.

“This is fun !’ said Joe. We’re free and we can do everything we want !’ said Tom. ‘What do pirates do ?’ asked Huck. “They go on ships and take money. Then they go to an Island and hide it in a safe place,’ said Tom. The three boys were happy and slept under the stars.

Questions :

Question 1.
Where is Jackson’s Island ?
It is in the Mississippi river, about three miles south of St. Petersburg.

Question 2.
Who went to Jackson’s Island ?
Tom, Huck and Joe Harper.

Question 3.
Why did they go to Jackson’s Island ?
As an adventure / to be and do everything they want.

Question 4.
What do the pirates do ?
Pirates attack and rob ships at sea.

Question 5.
Raft is a ____.
a. a thick rope
b. a small round shaped boat.
c. a flat structure of wood used to a boat.
c. a flat structure of wood used as a boat.


Well, there will be funeral for us on Sunday at the church,’ said Tom. Huck and Joe looked at him with big eyes. ‘And now I have a great idea. Listen-Tom told Huck and Joe his great idea. They liked it and laughed.

Sunday was the day of the funeral. There were no happy faces in St. Petersburg. Everyone in the village was in the small church. Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary and Joe Harper’s family were all dressed in black. The Reverend said many kind words about the three boys. The boy’s families cried and cried. Becky Thatcher cried. Everyone cried a lot.

There was great silence for a moment. Then Aunt Polly, Mary and Joe’s mother ran to the boys. They kissed Tom and Joe. Aunt Polly cried and then laughed. Poor Huck did not known what to do. No one kissed him. He stared moving away but Tom stopped him.

Aunt Polly, it’s not right. Someone must be happy to see Huck,’ said Tom, ‘Oh, you’re
right, Tom !’ cried Aunt Polly and she kissed Huck. Questions :

Question 1.
Whose funeral is being conducted on Sunday ?
Tom, Huck and Joe’s.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 2.
Why were Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary and Joe Harper’s family dressed in black ?
Because they were attending funeral.

Question 3.
What was Tom’s plan?
Tom’s plan was to surprise everyone by being present at their funeral.

Question 4.
Why did everyone in St. Petersburg cry in the church ?
Because they thought that Tom, Huck and Joe had died.

Question 5.
Why did no one kiss Huck when he returned ?
Because he had no family.


They went to the small jail and they saw Muff. He was happy to see them. No one remembers old Muff any more. But you’re my friends and you remember me. Thank you, boys!’ said Muff smiling. Now Tom felt terrible. He was worried about the trial. He could not sleep at night. Everyone in the village went to Muff Potter’s trial. Muff looked old, tired and unhappy. Injun Joe was at the trial too. During the trial there were many questions and answers. All the answers were against old Muff. Then the lawyer said, ‘Call Thomas Sawyer!’ Everyone was surprised and looked at Tom.

Questions :

Question 1.
Who went to see Muff in the jail ?
Tom and Huck.

Question 2.
Why was Muff in the jail ?
Muff was in jail on the accusation that he killed Dr. Robinson.

Question 3.
All the answers were against old Muff. That means …
a. Muff is cornered as a criminal.
b. Muff is innocent.
c. Muff really planned the crime.
a. Muff is cornered as criminal.
b. To enquire about the deatht of doctor:

Question 4.
Was Muff happy to see Tom and Huck.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 5.
Why did the lawyer call Tom ?
Because Tom knows the truth.


When the boys heard his voice they were terrified, “That’s Injun Joe !’ whispered Huck. The boys’ faces became white. What are we going to do with the –$ in silver coins ? That was a very good robbery !’ said the small, dirty man. Let’s take about – $ with us now and hide the bag here. We can come back to get it soon,’ said Injun Joe. The small, dirty man moved a big stone in the fireplace and pulled out a bag. He took some money from the bag. Injun Joe started digging near the fireplace with his knife. Tom and Huck watched with excitement. There was a real treasure downstairs ! Six hundred dollars was a wonderful treasure for two young boys ! Suddenly Injun Joe stopped digging. ‘There’s something here ! I think it’s a box,’ he said. He found an old box and opened it.

Questions :

Question 1.
The boy’s faces became white.
a. They covered their faces with white powder.
b. They were afraid.
c. They were curious.
They were afraid.

Question 2.
Why did Injun Joe start digging near the fireplace ?
To hide their bag of silver coins.

Question 3.
Why were Tom and Huck excited though they were afraid of Injun Joe ?
There was real treasure.

Question 4.
What did Injun Joe find while he was digging ?
A box.

Question 5.
Write the noun form of the verb ‘terrified’.


In the evening the other children returned to the boat. They laughed and talked, they were very tired. They did not see that Tom and Becky were not there. The boat took them back to St. Petersburg.

Huck saw the boat but he did not know about the picnic. The mothers of St. Petersburg did not like him. They never invited him to birthday picnics. But tonight Huck was not interested in the birthday picnics. He was interested in Injun Joe’s treasure. He hide behind a tree and watched an old house. ‘Injun Joe’s in that house,’ he thought, ‘I’ll stay here. and wait. When he comes out I’ll follow him and I’ll find the treasure.’ It was late and very dark. Soon two men came out. It was Injun Joes and his friend. Huck followed them quietly. ‘They’re going to Widow Dougals’s House,’ thought Huck, ‘But why ?’ Suddenly the two men stopped. Injun Joe said, ‘Many years ago Widow Dougals’s husband was very cruel to me. Now I want to hurt the widow. I want to cut her face, her nose and her ears.
And you must help me.

Questions :

Question 1.
Why were Tom and Becky not with the other children ?
Because they were lost in the cave.

Question 2.
Why did Huck not know about the picnic ?
Because on one invited him for birthday picnics.

Question 3.
What was Huck interested in that night ?
That night Huck was interested in Injun Joe’s treasure.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 4.
Why were the two men going to Widow Dougal’s house ?
To hurt the widow.

Question 5.
State true or false.
Huck was waiting for Injun Joe behind the tree because he knew that Injun was going to hurt Widow Dougals. Answers :


Mr. Welsh, help, help ! Mr. Welsh opened the door. ‘Mr. Welsh, please help ine! Two men want to kill Widow Dougals !’. Mr. Welsh and his sons took their rifles. They ran to the widow’s house. Suddenly there was a loud shot. Injun Joe and his friend escaped, and the widow was not hurt.

The next morning Huck returned to see Mr. Welsh. ‘You’re a courageous boy, Huck,’ said Mr. Welsh, ‘You saved the widow’s life. The two men escaped but we’ll find them. Sit down and have breakfast with us !’ Huck was happy because he saved the widow’s life. And now he had new friends, Mr. Welsh and his family. That morning all people of St. Petersburg knew that Tom and Becky were lost in Mc.Dougal’s Cave and they were worried.

Questions :

Question 1.
Why is Huck asking for Mr. Welsh’s help?
Because he knew that two men wanted to kill Widow Douglas.

Question 2.
Did Mr. Welsh catch Injun Joe and his friend ? What happened to them ?
No. They both escaped.

Question 3.
What are the two reasons for which Huck was happy ?
a. He saved the widow’s life.
b. He had new friends, Mr. Welsh and his family.

Question 4.
Why were the people of St. Petersburg worried ?
a. because the Widow was attacked.
b. because they knew Injun Joe was involved in the attack.
c. because they came to know that Tom and Becky were lost.
c. Because they came to know that Tom and Becky were lost.

Question 5.
Write the noun form of ‘courageous’?


Tom and Becky were happy but very tired and hungry. Becky stayed in bed for many days because she was weak. Tom stayed in bed for a few days too. Sometime after the adventure in the cave, Tom went to visit Becky. Mr. Thatcher asked Tom, ‘Do you want to go to the cave again ?’ ‘Oh, I’m not afraid of the cave,’ said Tom. Well, nobody is going to the cave again. There are big doors infront of the entrance now. And I have the keys,’ said Mr. Thatcher. ‘What !’ ‘Tom’s face became white. ‘Is something wrong, Tom ?’ asked Mr. Thatcher. ‘Injun Joe is in the cave !’ cried Tom. Many men from St. Petersburg went to the cave and opened the big doors. They found Injun Joe on the ground. He was dead.

Questions :

Question 1.
Why were Tom and Becky in bed for a few days ?
Because they were lost in the cave and did not have proper food, water and rest there.

Question 2.
State true or false.
Tom doesn’t want to go to the cave anymore.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

Question 3.
What did Mr. Thatcher say with Tom about the cave ?
Mr. Thatcher said that nobody is going to the cave again. Big doors are arranged at the entrance of the cave which are locked/Nobody is going to the cave again. There are big doors infront of the entrance. And the keys are with Mr. Thatcher.

Question 4.
Why did Tom’s face turn white when he heard that the cave is closed ?
Because he knew that Injun Joe was in the cave which is closed now.

Question 5.
What happened to Injun Joe in the cave ?
He was dead in the cave.


They took a small boat and went down the Mississippi River to McDougal’s Cave. ‘Look, Huck, here’s the other entrance,’ said Tom. ‘It’s very small,’ said Huck. Tom and Huck went into the cave. They were careful and used the long string to help them. Tom suddenly stopped and said, ‘I saw Injun Joe here.’ His ghost is probably here too,’ said Huck, ‘Let’s go now !’ ‘His ghost isn’t here. It’s probably at the other entrance.’ Well, alright. But let’s hurry,’ said Huck. Tom looked around slowly and then cried. ‘Look here’s the cross ! There was a black cross on the wall of the cave. You’re right ! It’s the cross ! said Huck. Let’s big under the cross.’ They dug and dug. Finally they found a small room. There was a small bed, some old candles and a few bottles. And there was the treasure box ! They opened it and saw the gold and silver coins. ‘We’re rich Tom, we’re rich !’ cried Huck, ‘This is wonderful !’ ‘I always knew it !’ said Tom, ‘Now let’s take out treasure and leave.’ They followed the long string and were soon out of the cave.

Questions :

Question 1.
Why did Tom and Huck returrn to the cave after such a bitter experience ?
To find out and take Injun Joe’s treasure.

Question 2.
State true or false.
Tom and Huck believe in ghosts.

Question 3.
What did Tom and Huck use to help them in the cave ?
The long string.

Question 4.
Where did they find the treasure box?
Near a black cross, in a small room.

Question 5.
Where did they take the treasure box to ?
To Aunt Polly’s house

Essay Questions & Answers
Answer the following in 10 – 15 lines each :

Question 1.
Write a character sketch of Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer was the young hero in the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by Mark Twaim, an American writer. Tom was a boy of a tender age. He was a misfit in the school. His behaviour with Becky Thatcher is interesting because he had a liking for her. He expressed it boldy. He was equally like by the girl. Tom had another friend, Huckleberry Finn, who was emtidy, and spent his time fishing and swimming. Tom liked this boy because he wanted to have adventures in life.

Tom went to the graveyard one day along with Huck, to see the ghosts. It was a mysterious experience for him. The three men who came there to rob a dead body quarrelled among themselves. One of them, a doctor was killed by Injun Joe. Tom was frightened to watch Injun killing the doctor. Tom had a liking to wander and his stay at Jackson’s island, was wonderful.

The parents arranged a funeral, thinking that Tom and Huck were dead, which indeed created a humorous occasion for Tom’s jolly mind. Tom’s presence at the church created a hilarious situation. Tom’s determination to save Muff Potter and his brave witness at the court, adds to his virtuous behaviour. His relationship with Becky Thatcher was very much appreciative.

Tom wanted to save Widow Bougals. His determination to punish Injun Joe and his pursuasion in the search of the treasure in the cave, were note worthy. Tom got the treasure and changed Huck, the dirty, lazy and unworthy boy to a neat and tidy boy. Thus Tom was typical of the days of Mark Twainer in America.

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Question 2.
What is the part played by Injun Joe in the life of Tom Sawyer ?
Mark Twain carved interesting characters in the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. The main character is Tom Sawyer but there are other important characters, fulfilling the background to make, Tom an impressive one. One such character is Injun Joe, the individual with villainy.

Injun Joe was seen by Tom and Huck at the burial ground. He was one among the three who came to steal a dead body. As there was a tussle among themselves Injun did not hesitate to kill the doctor. He made Muff the other person of the three believe that he had killed the doctor, in his drunken stage. This behaviour of Injun was a frightening experience to Tom.

In addition to this at the court also Injun escaped through the window, when Tom gave his witness against him. Tom’s impression still strengthened. He wanted to punish the villain some how or the other. Injun was after the hunt of the treasure for which he entered the cave. The judge closed the door. So he could not come out and died of hunger. Now Tom had great satisfaction because the world could get rid of a dangerous man.

Tom sawyer was of a tender age. His character could become complete with the activities and their effect upon it.

Question 3.
Describe in detail the major incidents in which Tom and Huck were involved.
Mark Twain wrote the novel “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” depicting the conditions of young boys, in America, in his time. Tom Sawyer and Huckelberry Finn are the two important characters in the story.

Tom was under the care of Aunt polly and Huckleberry Finn was an out cast whose father was an aweful drunkar Finn was accustomed to while away time. He did not think of his dirty dress or dirty habits in general. But Tom liked him. He admired him because he seemed to be adventurous. The two boys turn out important events in the story.

In the beginning Tom wanted to see the ghosts at the burial ground. Both of them went there and found the doctor killed by Injun Joe. It was a gruve some event and they did not forget it for a long time. They left their places and wanted to become pirates. When they left the houses, people thought that they were dead and arranged the funeral. Both of them enjoyed the occasion well. Tom and Huck followed Injun and watched his activities. Thus Huck helped Tom in this search.

For the treasure available at the dilapidated house, both went and tried. Huck traced the spot and Tom traced Injun. He found injun to have been dead in the cave. The position of Huck was changed. He became a neat and tidy. person. He became someone in the society. All this happened because of Tom’s effort only. Huck was adopted by Widow Dougals because of Tom only. Thus the important events happened by the effort of both of these boys.

Question 4.
What are the turning points in the story ? Discuss the main events in the plot.
Mark Twain, wrote the novel “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”. The story of Tom Sawyer is narrated by the writer, with interesting turning points at different places. The story moves round the tender boy Tom Sawyer. He was being brought up by Aunt Polly. At the school, there was an interesting episode. He got punishment but he drew a beautiful picture. He showed love towards Becky, a girl in the class. There is a turning point at the graveyard. The murder of the doctor, by Injun Joe, created frustration in the minds of Tom and Huck. It continued throughout the story until the person died in the cave.

There is an important point, when they attended the funeral function. It adds to the humour of the novel. Muff Potter was jailed but Tom gave witness before the judge and he was set free. Becky’s parents arranged a picnic. Tom and Becky were caught in the cave but were saved. The judge arranged an iron door. This door became the cause for the death of the villain Injun Joe at the end. Huck was adopted by Widow Dougals. He became a person with culture.

Afterwards Tom wanted to form a pirate gang and Huck would become the bold pirate. Thus, there are some turning points which make the story interesting.

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Question 5.
Give a character analysis of Huckleberry Finn.
Huckleberry Finn is an important character along with Tom Sawyer. Though Tom happens to be the prominent and dynamic character, its role become complete with the help of this character.

Huck was an outcast, without a house to live in. He had his father but he was a drunkard without paying any interest at the life of Huck. Huck became a friend to Tom because he seemed to be adventurous. Huck could attract Tom with his strange descriptions and oaths. When Tom wanted to go to as a pirate, Huck accompanied him. When they attended the funeral mourning of themselves, Huck’s behaviour was acceptable to Tom.

When there was the search for the hidden treasure, Huck helped Tom. Huck was daring enough to pursue things lonely. Huck knew the plan of Injun and his companion, to kill Widow Dougals. He did not hesitate to interfere in the matter. Moreover he took the help of Mr. Welsh. Thus his role becomes important at the right time. Huck is untidy in the beginning but became civilised in course of time. He could not enter into anybody’s house in the beginning, but became an important figure, when he saved the life of Widow Dougals. The character of Huck supplements the character of Tom. The novelist showed his skill in carving the characters, in the novel, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

Question 6.
Write at least five lines about the following characters.
a) Aunt Polly
b) Muff Potter
c) Becky Thatcher.
a) Aunt Polly: Aunt polly was the care taker of Tom Sawyer. As his mother died, she was carefully looking to the needs of Tom. When she was misguided by Tom, she showed anger but blended with motherly affection. She wanted the boy to be in a discplined way. When we look to her character, She was kind hearted, cool and considerate. She was loved by Tom and was deceived at times showing some love towards her. When she saw the boy Tom and his friend Huck at the mourning cermony she was astonished. She was filled with happiness. She show ther love and affection to both of them. On the whole, the character should have been given based on the life of Twain’s another.

b) Muff Potter: One of the small characters is Muff Potter. He was the father of Huckleberry Finn. He was an aweful drunkard. He could not provide a place of residence for his son. Muff Potter thought that. Injun Joe was his friend. He did not know that he was cheated by him. When the people believed that he was a murderer, his position still degraded. Muff Potter was saved from the plight, when Tom gave his witness in the court. He was kind hearted and was not harmful. But the circumstances drove him into troubles.

c) Becky Thatcher : Becky is an interesting character in the novel. Though she was the beautiful girl at the school along with Tom, she was taken as the heroine. She was at a tenderage and her pretty face was attracted by Tom. The writer did not want to make Tom a hero having maturity. Becky’s love towards Tom was a puppy love. We find her to be sacrificing her life also showing her bravery. Becky was a splendid girl, exhibiting virtues suitable for a tender and pretty girl.

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Summary in English

Mark Twain, a great writer of America, wrote the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. He was a novelist with great knowledge in English language. Tom Sawyer was a young by living at St. Petersburg, Missouri. ‘Huckleberry Finn’, was a friend of Tom. Both have different ways of living but they became friends.

One day they planned to go to the burial ground at night. There, the two boys experienced a new thing. Injun Joe, Muff Potter and Dr Robinson were seen there. They came to rob a deadbody but there was a quarrel among themselves. Injun Joe killed the doctor taking the knife of Muff Potter. Joe concocted a story and made Potter believe that he himself killed the doctor in his drunken state. Tom and Huck were afraid of Injun Joe and afterwards they went to Jackson’s island. They wanted to pretend as pirates.

There, the parents of these two were arranging the mourning ceremony, thinking that they were dead. Tom wanted to create fun at the procession. When they appeared in the church every one was happy. It was a joyful situation. Muff Potter was convicted and was in the Jail. Tom had pity towards innocent Muff. As he gave the witness about what had happened at the graveyard, Injun Joe fled away through the window of the courtroom. Muff was released.

Tom and Huck were in search of the treasure. They found Injun and his friends, engaged in the same deed. They overheard the plan of Injun. He wanted to kill Widow Dougals. He went into the cave. A big iron door was arranged by the judge. Tom informed the others that Injun Joe was in the cave, to steal the treasure. Later they found that Injun was lying dead as he had no food there. Huck was adopted by Widow Dougals. He learnt the new way of living clean and tidy. Tom and Huck got the treasure.

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Summary in Telugu

అమెరికాకు సంబంధించిన గొప్ప రచయితమయైన ‘మార్క్ ట్వెయిన్ ‘ “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” అనే ఈ నవలను వ్రాశారు. ఆయన ఇంగ్లీషు భాషలో ఎంతో గొప్ప జ్ఞానము కలవాడు. ముస్సోరిలోని సెయింట్ పీటర్స్ బెర్గ్ కు సంబంధించినవాడు “టామ్ సాయర్”. ‘హకిల్ బెర్రీ ఫిన్’ అనే వాడు అతని స్నేహితుడు. వారికి వేర్వేరు జీవిత విధానా లున్నాయి. కానీ వారు స్నేహితులయ్యారు.

ఒకరోజు వారు రాత్రియందు సమాధుల స్థలమునకు వెళ్లాలనుకొన్నారు. అక్కడ ఆ ఇద్దరు బాలురు ఒక క్రొత్త విషయం చూశారు. ఇజున్ జో, మఫ్టర్, డాక్టరు రాబిన్సన్ అక్కడ కనిపించారు. వారు ఒక శవము కొరకు వచ్చారు. వారి మధ్య ఒక వివాదము వచ్చింది. మఫ్టర్ యొక్క కత్తి తీసికొని, ఇజున్ జో అనేవాడు డాక్టరును చంపేశాడు. జో ఒక కథ అల్లి, మత్తులోనున్నప్పుడు Muff, డాక్టరు డాక్టరు చంపివేసినట్లుగా నమ్మబలికాడు. టామ్, హ లకు ఇజున్ జో అంటే భయము కలిగింది. తరువాత వారు జాక్సన్ దీవికి వెళ్లారు. వారు సముద్ర దొంగల వలె నటించాలి అనుకొన్నారు.

అక్కడ వీరి పెద్దలు, వీరు చనిపోయి వుంటారని, వారి మరణ బాధను జరుపుకొంటువుండిరి. ఆ స్థలంలో కొంత వినోదం కలిగించాలని అనుకొన్నాడు టామ్. వారు చర్చిలో కనబడినప్పుడు ప్రతివారు సంతోషించారు. అది ఎంతో . సంతోషకర సమయము. మఫ్ పోటరు జైలులో వున్నాడు. అమాయకుడైన మఫ్ పట్ల సానుభూతి కలిగింది. ఆ సమాధి స్థలంలో జరిగిన విషయాన్ని టామ్ సాక్ష్యంగా చెబుతుండగా, ఇజున్ జో కిటికీలో నుండి దూకి పారిపోయాడు. మన్ను వదిలి పెట్టారు.

టామ్ హక్, ఆ సంపద కొరకు వెదుకుచున్నారు. ఇజున్, అతని స్నేహితుడు ఇరువురూ ఇదే పనిలోనున్నట్లు వారు గమనించారు. ఇజున్ యొక్క పన్నాగం విన్నాడు. అతడు విడో డగ్లసును చంపాలనుకొంటున్నాడు. అతడు ఆ గుహలోనికి వెళ్లాడు. జడ్జిగారు ఒక ఇనుప ద్వారము పెట్టించారు. ఇజున్ జో ఆ గుహలో వున్నాడని టామ్ మిగతా వారికి చెప్పాడు. అతడు ఆ విధిని తస్కరించాలి. తరువాత వారు చూస్తే ఇజున్ అనేవాడు లోపల చచ్చిపడియున్నాడని గమనించారు.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material पद्यभागः 1st Poem दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material 1st Poem दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
दशरयस्य दुःखं स्वयंकृतमासीत्?
How was the sorrow of Dasaratha self-created?
प्रश्न 2.
दशरयस्य पश्चत्तापः इति पाठस्य सारांशं लिखत|
Summarize the lesson दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः
Introduction :
The lesson दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः is an extract from the Ayodhya Kanda of Ramayana, written by Sage Valmiki. Rama went to the forest at the command of Kaikeyi. Dasaratha could not bear separation from Rama. Then he told Kausalya that he was cursed by a sage during his youth.

Dasaratha’s Lamentation :

Dasaratha told Kausalya that one would receive the good or bad fruits of one’s own deeds only. Dasaratha committed a sin during his youth. He was famous for his ability to shoot at sound. He received the fruit of his action just as a boy who had eaten poison out of ignorance.

Going for hunting at night :
Once, when it was rainy season, Dasaratha went to the bank of river Sarayu at night for hunting. There, he heard the sound of a pitcher being filled with water. He mistook it for the sound made by an elephant and released an arrow towards that sound. अचश्रुविषये घोषं वारणस्येव नर्दतः|

The painful human cry:
Then he heard a human voice crying how anyone could hit a hermit, who came to the river to carry water. He grieved for his old parents. It was a cruel stupid, who killed all of them.

Dasaratha found a boy :
Dasaratha rushed to the bank of the river to find a hermit hit by his arrow. His hair was scattered, and the water pitcher fell at a distance. The boy asked the king what harm he did to him. He was about to carry water to his parents. Dasaratha killed his parents also who were weak and blind. He asked Dasaratha to carry the news to his father. पितुस्त्वमेव मे गत्वा शीघ्रमाचक्ष्व राघव ।

The old and blind couple :
“Carrying the water pot, Dasaratha went to the hermitage and saw the weak and blind parents of the boy who were without any support, and who looked like birds with clipped wings. The old man thought that it was his son, and asked him to give him some water. Then Dasaratha said that he was not their son, and he was Dasaratha, a Kshatriya. He told them that he went at night to the bank of the river Sarayu to kill, any wild animal or an elephant that came to drink water. He mistook the sound of filling a pitcher with water for that of an elephant, and killed it with an arrow. falsafah मत्वाऽयं बाणेनाभिहतो मया | But he saw their son with the arrow struck in the heart.

The curse uttered by the old man :
On hearing those cruel words, the sage could not control his emotion. He cursed Dasaratha saying that he would die lamenting for his son. To so garnicha Purahisi kurti

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
कः बालः इति उच्यते?
कर्मणाम् आरम्भसमये फलानां गुरुलाघवं वा दोषं वा न जानाति सः बालः इति उच्यते।

प्रश्न 2.
प्रस्तुतपाठ्यांशः कस्मात् उद्धृतः?
प्रस्तुतपाठ्यांशः वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयेध्याकाण्डात् स्वीकृतः।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

प्रश्न 3.
सरयूनदीतीरे दशरथः कम् अपश्यत्?
सरयूनदीतीरे दशरथः इषुणा हतं तापसम् अपश्यत्।

प्रश्न 4.
मुनिः दशरथं किमिति शशाप?
मुनिः दशरथं राजन्, पुत्रशोकेन त्वं कालं करिष्यसि इति शशाप।

एकपदसमाधानप्रश्नाः One Word Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
अयोध्यानगरस्य राजा कः?
अयोध्यानगरस्य राजा दशरथः।

प्रश्न 2.
दशरथः कां नदीम् अन्वगात्?
दशरथः सरयूनदीम् अन्वगात्।

प्रश्न 3.
घटमादाय दशरथः कुत्र जगाम?
घटमादाय दशरथः आश्रमं जगाम |

प्रश्न 4.
दशरथः कि मत्वा बाणं प्रयुयोज?
दशरथः गजं मत्वा बाणं प्रयुयोज |

सन्दर्भवाक्यानि Annotations

1. अचक्षुर्विषये घोषं वारणस्येव नर्दतः।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः इति पाठ्यभागात् सवीकृतम्। अयं पाठ्यभागः वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोद्याकाण्डतः स्वीकृतः।

सन्दर्भः –
दशरथः कौसल्यां प्रति मुनिशापवृत्तान्तम् कथयन् एवम् उक्तवान्।

भावः –
अदृष्टिगोचरे रात्रौ गजस्य शब्दः इव श्रुतः।

विवरणम् –
दशरथः कौसल्याम् उक्तवान् यत् सः एकदा रात्रौ मृगयार्थं सरयूतीरं गतवान्। तत्र रात्री जलेन पूर्यमाणस्य कुम्भस्य शब्दः गजस्य शब्दः इव श्रुतः।।

2. पितुस्त्वमेव मे गत्वा शीघ्रमाचक्ष्व राघव।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम् | अयं पाठ्यभाग: वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डतः स्वीकृतः।

सन्दर्भः –
तापसकुमारः दशरथम् एवम् उक्तवान्।

भावः –
राजन्, भवान् एव शीघ्रं गत्वा मम पितरम् एनम् कृतान्तम् वदतु ।

विवरणम् –
मृगयार्थं गतः दशरथः गजः इति मत्वा रात्री बाणेन तापसं हतवान् | नदीतीरे पतितः तापसः दशरथम् उवाच यत् भवान् मम पितरं मम मरणवार्ता वदतु इति ।

3. द्विपोऽयमिति मत्वाऽयं बाणेनाभिहतो मया ।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम् । अयं पाठ्यभागः वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डतः स्वीकृतः ।

सन्दर्भः –
दशरथः तापसस्य वृद्धं पितरम् एवम् उक्तवान् ।

भाव –
अहं गजः इति मत्वा भवतः सुतं बाणेन हतवान् ।

विवरणम् –
दशरथः तापसस्य वृद्धं पितरम् उक्तवान् यत् सः कुम्भपूरणशब्दं श्रुत्वा अज्ञानतः गजः इति मत्वा तापसं बाणेन हतवान् इति ।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

4. एवं त्वं पुत्रसोकेनतत राजन् कालं करिष्यसि ।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः इति पाट्यभागात् स्वीकृतम् । अयं पाठ्यभागः वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डतः स्वीकृतः ।

सन्दर्भः –
तापसस्य वृद्धः पिता दशरथम् एवं शशाप |

भावः –
राजन्, भवान् अपि पुत्रवियोगेन मरिष्यति ।

विवरणम् –
दशरथः तापसस्य वृद्धं पितरम् अज्ञानतः आत्मना कृतं पापम् उक्तवान् | पुत्रस्य मरणं श्रुत्वा शोकमग्नः वृद्धः दशरथं शशाप – भवान् अपि पुत्रशोकेन मरिष्यति इति ।

विशेषतो ज्ञेयाः

चापः – बाणः।
वारणस्य – गजस्य।
वासंसः: वस्रस्य।
आचक्ष्व – वद।
द्विपः – गजः।
निहतः – मारितः।
द्विजौ पक्षिणौ ।

व्याकरणांशाः Grammar

सन्धयः अथ + अन्धकारम् = अथान्धकारम् – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
विष + उपमम् = विषोपमम् – गुणसन्धिः
जराभारधरस्य + एव = जराभारधरस्यैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः
मर्मणि + अभिहतः = मर्मण्यभिहतः – यणादेशसन्धिः
बाणेन + अभिहतः = बाणेनाभिहतः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
द्वौ + अन्धौ = द्वावन्धौ – अयवायावसन्धिः


कामविवर्धिनी – कामस्य विवर्धिनी – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
व्यथितमर्मणः – व्यथितं मर्म यस्य तस्य – बहुव्रीहि समासः
अकृतात्मा – अकृतः आत्मा येन सः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
परमवारि – परमं च तत् वारि च – विशेषणपूर्वपद कर्मधारय समासः
लूनपक्षः – लूनौ पक्षौ यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
शोककर्शितः – शोकेन कर्शितः – तृतीयातत्पुरुष समासः
गतप्राणः – गताः प्राणाः यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
कृताञ्जलिः – कृतः अञ्जलिः येन सः – वहुव्रीहि समासः

दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः Poem Summary in English

दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः Poem Introduction:

Valmiki is praised as Adikavi, the First Poet. Ramayana, which was written by him, is considered as the Adikavyam, the First Poem. There are seven kandas (books) in it. Rama’s story was described in it. It is said that Rama was Vishnu Himself, and Ramayana was the Veda itself. Many virtues which are to be practiced such as the love between husband and wife, the affection of the brothers, devotion towards the. teacher, obeying the word of the father, friendship, protecting the refugees, following dharma, ruling the people amicably, etc. were well established in this work. Hence it was said :

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

यावत्स्थास्यन्ति गिरयः सरितश्च महीतले |
तावद्रामायणकथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति ||

As long as the mountains and the rivers remain on the earth, so long will the Ramayana spread in the worlds.

The present lesson is an extract from the 63rd and 64th cantos of the Ayodhyakanda in the Ramayana. Here the story of a young hermit’s cursing of Dasaratha leading to his death due to separation from his son has been described. Rama went to the forest because of the boon given to Kaikeyi by Dasaratha. The king who was saddened at the separation from his son then told this story to Kausalya.

दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः Poem Summary

Dasaratha’s Lamentation :
‘Dasaratha told Kausalya about the curse he received from an old sage. One will receive the good or bad fruits of his own deeds only. He is a stupid who does not consider the good or bad consequences right at the start of an action. Dasaratha committed a sin during his youth. He was famous for his ability to shoot at sound even at such a young age. He received the fruit of his action just as a boy who had eaten poison out of ignorance.

Going for hunting at night :
Dasaratha was not married at that time. Once, when it was rainy season, he went to the bank of river Sarayu at night for hunting. There, at night he heard the sound of a pitcher being filled with water. He mistook it for the sound made by an elephant and released an arrow towards that sound.

The painful human cry:
Then a human voice was heard distinctly crying “Alas ! How can an arrow be shot at me, a hermit. I came to the river to carry water. I am one with matted locks wearing bark and deer skin. I grieve for my old parents. Who is that cruel one who killed all of us ?”

Dasaratha found a boy :
Dasaratha rushed to the bank of the river to find a hermit hit by his arrow. His hair was scattered, and the water pitcher fell at a distance. The boy asked the king what harm he did to him. As he was about to carry water to his parents he was killed. Dasaratha killed his parents also who were weak and blind. They were waiting for their son. He asked Dasaratha to carry the news to his father.

The old and blind couple :
Carrying the water pot, Dasaratha went to the hermitage taking the path mentioned by the boy. There he saw the weak and blind parents of the boy who were without any support, and who looked like birds with clipped wings. On hearing the footsteps of Dasaratha, the old man thought that it was his son, and asked him to give him some water. Then Dasaratha said that he was not their son, and he was Dasaratha, a Kshatriya. He told them that he went at night to the bank of the river Sarayu to kill any wild animal or an elephant that came to drink water. He mistook the sound of filling a pitcher with water for that of an elephant, and killed it with an arrow. But he saw their son with the arrow struck in the heart. He killed their son unknowingly.

The curse uttered by the old man :
On hearing those cruel words, the sage could not control his emotion. His face was filled with tears. He was grief-stricken. Then with a sigh, he said that as his son was killed by Dasaratha unknowingly, he would curse him. He cursed Dasaratha to die lamenting for his son.

दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः Poem Translation in English

1. यदाचरति कल्याणि शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम् |
तदेव लभते भद्रे कर्ता कर्मजमात्मनः ॥
पदच्छेदः – यत् + आचरति कल्याणि शुभम् वा यदि वा+आशुभम् तत्+एव लभते भद्रे कर्ता कर्मजम् आत्मनः ।
अर्थाः –
कल्याणि = O auspicious one, भद्रे = 0 good one, कर्ता = the doer, यत् = what, शुभम् = good, वा = or, अशुभम् वा = bad, आचरति = performs, तत् एव = the same, आत्मनः = of his, … कर्मजम् = result of action, लभते = receives.

भावः –
O auspicious and good one, a person receives the good or bad result of his good or bad action only.

2. गुरुलाघवमर्थानामारम्भे कर्मणां फलम् ।
दोषं वा यो न जानाति स बाल इति होच्यते ॥
पदच्छेदः –
गुरुलाघवम् अर्थानाम् आरम्भे कर्मणाम् फलम् दोषं वा यः न जानाति सः बालः + इति ह + उच्यते ।।

अर्थाः –
यः = who, कर्मणाम् = of actions, आरम्भे = at the beginning, अर्थानाम् = of the results, गुरुलाघवम् = great of poor (value), वा = or, दोषं = evil, defective, फलम् = fruit, consequence, 7 Thila = does not consider, 74: = he, dist: = a child, fool, sa = thus, उच्यते = is called, ह = verily.

भावः –
He, who does not consider the great or poor value of the result or the dire consequences at the start of any action is called a fool.

3. लब्धशब्देन कौसल्ये कुमारेण धनुष्मता ।
कुमारः शब्दवेधीति मया पापमिदं कृतम् ।।

पदच्छेदः –
लब्धशब्देन कौसल्ये कुमारेण धनुष्मता कुमारः शब्दवेधी + इति मया पापम् इदम् कृतम् ||

अर्थाः –
कौसल्ये = O Kausalya!, शब्दवेधी = one who shoots at sound, कुमारः = young one, इति = thus, लब्धशब्देन = one who attained fame, धनुष्मता = holding the bow, कुमारेण = as a boy, मया = by me, इदम् = this, पापम् = sin, कृतम् = was committed.

भावः –
O Kausalya ! Even when young, I became famous as one who would shoot at sound. In my youth, wielding a bow I committed this crime.

4. तदिदं मेऽनुसंप्राप्तं देवि दुःखं स्वयं कृतम् ।
संमोहादिह बालेन यथा स्याद्भक्षितं विषम् ||

पदच्छेदः –
तत् इदम् मे + अनुसंप्राप्तम् देवि, दुःखम् स्वयम् कृतम् संमोहात् इह बालेन यथा स्यात् भक्षितम् विषम् |

अर्थाः –
देवि = O Queen, इह = in this world, संमोहात् = by ignorance, बालेन = by a child, भक्षितं = eaten, विषम् = poison, यथा = as (cause of grief), pa = becomes, (an = thus), pari = by myself, कृतम् = done, इदम् = this, दुःखम् = grief, मे = to me, अनुसंप्राप्तम् = happened, befallen.

भावः –
O Queen, in this world just as a child, who has taken poison out of ignorance receives the fruit of grief, so also this grief happened to me as a result of my own action.

5. देव्यनूढा त्वमभवो युवराजो भवाम्यहम् ।
ततः प्रावृडनुप्राप्ता मदकामविवर्धिनी ॥

पदच्छेदः –
देवि, अनूढा त्वम् अभवः + युवराजः + भवामि + अहम् ततः प्रावृट् अनुप्राप्ता मदकामविवर्धिनी ।

अर्थाः –
देवी = O Kausalya, त्वम् = you, अनूढा = unmarried, अभवः = were, अहम् । युवराजः = prince, भवामि = was, ततः = then, मदकामविवर्धिनी = which enhanced pride and passion, प्रावृट् = rainy season, 3754161 = had set in.

भावः –
O Kausalya, you were unmarried at that time, and I was only a prince. Then the rainy season that inflamed pride and passion had set in.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

6. तस्मिन्नतिसुखे काले धनुष्मानिषुमानथी ।
व्यायामकृतसंकल्पः सरयूमन्वगां नदीम् |

पदच्छेदः –
तस्मिन् + अतिसुखे काले धनुष्मान् इषुमान् रथी व्यायामकृतसंकल्पः सरयूम् अन्वगाम् नदीम् ।

अर्थाः –
अतिसुखे = Very pleasant, तस्मिन् काले = during that season, व्यायामकृतसंकल्पः = determined to exercise (by hunting), ET2041197 = armed with bow, 34419 = arrows, 7211 = riding a chariot, सरयूम् = by name Sarayu, नदीम् = river, अन्वगाम् = I went.

भावः –
During that enjoyable season, determined to get exercise by hunting, armed with bow and arrows I went to the river Sarayu in a chariot.

7. अथान्धकारे त्वौषं जले कुम्भस्य पूर्यतः ।
अचक्षुर्विषये घोषं वारणस्येव नर्दतः ॥

पदच्छेदः –
अथ + अन्धकारे तु + अश्रौषम् जले कुम्भस्य पर्यतः अचक्षुः + विषये घोषम् वारणस्य + इव नर्दतः ॥ ___ अर्थाः – अथ = Later, अचक्षुः + विषये = where nothing could be seen, अन्धकारे = in darkness, नर्दतः = making sounds, वारणस्य = of an elephant, इव = like, तु = but, जले = in the water, पूर्यतः = being filled, कुम्भस्य = of a pitcher, घोषम् = sound, अश्रौषम् = I heard.

भावः –
Later in that darkness where nothing could be seen by the eye, I heard a sound which was like that of made by an elephant, but was that of a pitcher being filled with water.

8. ततोऽहं शरमुद्धृत्य दीप्तमाशीविषोपमम् ।
शब्दं प्रति गजप्रेप्सुरभिलक्ष्य त्वपातयम् ।।

पदच्छेदः –
ततः + अहम् शरम् उद्धृत्य दीप्तम् आशीविष + उपमम् शब्दम् प्रति गजप्रेप्सुः + अभिलक्ष्य तु + अपातयत् ।

अर्थाः –
ततः = Then, गजप्रेप्सुः = desiring to get the elephant, अहम् – I, आशीविष + उपमम् = serpent like, दीप्तम् = bright, शरम् = arrow, उद्धृत्य = having taken, drawn, शब्दम् प्रति = towards the sound, अभिलक्ष्य तु = having but targeted, अपातयम् = released.

भावः –
Then, desiring to get the elephant, I drew a bright arrow which was like a serpent, and released having targeted towards the sound.

9. अमुञ्चं निशितं बाणमहमाशीविषोपमम् ।
तत्र वागुषसि व्यक्ता प्रादुरासीद्धनौकसः ॥

10. हा हेति पततस्तोये बाणाभिहतमर्मणः ।
तस्मिन्निपतिते बाणे वागभूतत्र मानुषी ||

पदच्छेदः –
अमुञ्चम् निशितम् बाणम् अहम् आशीविष + उपमम् तत्र वाक् + उषसि व्यक्ता प्रादुः + आसीत् + वनौकसः ।

10. पदच्छेदः –
हा हा + इति पततः + तोये बाण + अभिहतमर्मणः तस्मिन् निपतिते बाणे वाक् + अभूत् तत्र मानुषी ।

अर्थाः –
अहम् I आशीविष+उपमम् = resembling a serpent, निशितम् = sharp, बाणम् = arrow, अमुञ्चम् = I released, तत्र = there, उषसि = at dawn, तोये = in water, पततः = falling, बाण+अभिहतमर्मण: = whose vital parts were pierced by the arrow, वनौकसः = of a forest dweller, हा = Alas, हा = Alas, इति = thus, व्यक्ता = clear, distinct, वाक् = voice, cry, प्रादुः+आसीत् = arose, heard, तस्मिन् = that, बाणे = arrow, निपतिते = as hit, तत्र = there, मानुषी = human, वाक् = voice, अभूत् = was.

भावः –
I released a sharp serpent like arrow. And there at dawn was manifest a distinct voice of a forest dweller uttering “Alas”, while falling in the waters. As the arrow hit, a human voice said.

11. कथमस्मद्धिधे शस्त्रं निपतेतु तपस्विनि ।
प्रविविक्तां नदी रात्रावुदाहारोऽहमागतः ॥

पदच्छेदः –
कथम् अस्मत् + विधे शस्त्रम् निपतेत् तु तपस्विनि प्रविविक्ताम् नदीम् रात्रौ+उदाहारः + अहम् आगतः

अर्थाः –
अस्मत् + विधे = like me, तपस्विनि = an ascetic, तु = but, शस्त्रम् = an arrow, कथम् = how, निपतेत् = can hit ?, रात्रौ = at night, उदाहारः = to carry water, अहम् = I, प्रविविक्ताम् = lonely, secluded, away from habitation, नदीम् = river, आगतः = came.

भावः –
“How can but an arrow hit an ascetic like me ? I came to this lonely river at night to carry water.

12. कथं नु शस्त्रेण वधो मद्विधस्य विधीयते ।
जटाभारधरस्यैव वल्कलाजिनवाससः ||

पदच्छेदः –
कथम् नु शस्त्रेण वधः मत्+विधस्य विधीयते जटाभार धरस्य+एव वल्कल+अजिनवाससः

अर्थाः –
जटाभारधरस्य = sporting matted hair, वल्कल + अजिनवाससः = wearing bark garment and deer-skin, मत्+विधस्य एव = of someone like me also, शस्त्रेण = with a weapon, वधः = killing, कथम् नु = how, विधीयते = can be enjoined, done ?

भावः –
How can someone like me who has matted hair, and worn bark garments and deer-skin be killed with a weapon ?

13. मातरं पितरं चोभावनुशोचामि मधे ।
तदेतन्मिथुनं वृद्धं चिरकालभृतं मया ॥

पदच्छेदः –
मातरम् पितरम् च + उभौ + अनुशोचामि मत्+वधे तत् एतत्+मिथुनम् वृद्धम् चिरकालभृतम् मया

अर्थाः –
मत्+वधे = As I am killed, मातरम् = mother, पितरम् = father, उभौ = both, अनुशोचामि =Igrieve for, तत् = as, मया =by me, चिरकालभृतम् = for a long time taken care of, एतत् = this, वृद्धम् = old, aged, मिथुनम् = couple.

भावः –
As I am killed, I grieve for my parents. I have taken care of that old couple for a long time.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

14. केन स्म निहताः सर्वे सुबालेनाकृतात्मना ।
तां गिरं करुणां श्रुत्वा मम धर्मानुकाक्षिणः ॥

15. अपश्यमिषुणा तीरे सरखास्तापसं हतम् ।
अवकीर्णजटाभारं प्रविद्धकलशोदकम् ॥

पदच्छेदः –
केन स्म निहताः सर्वे सुबालेन+अकृत+आत्मना तम् गिरम् करुणाम् श्रुत्वा मम धर्म+अनुकाङ्क्षिणः ।

15. अपश्यम् इषुणा तीरे सरय्वाः+तापसम् हतम् अवकीर्णजटाभारम् प्रविद्धकलश+उदकम्

अर्थाः –
केन = by which, सुबालेन = stupid, अकृत+आत्मना = one having cruel intentions, सर्वे = all of us, (including his parents) निहताः स्म = have been killed, करुणाम् = piteous, ताम् = that, गिरम् = words, श्रुत्वा = having heard, धर्म+अनुकाङ्क्षिणः = who desired dharma, मम = my, इषुणा = by arrow, हतम् = hit, killed.

अवकीर्णजटाभारम् = whose hair became scattered, प्रविद्धकलश + उदकम् = with the water from the pitcher thrown, तापसम् = ascetic, सरवाः = of Sarayu, तीरे = on the bank, अपश्यम् = saw. .

भावः :-
By which cruelly stupid one all of us have been killed ? On hearing those piteous words, I, the follower of Dharma saw on the bank of Sarayu the ascetic who was hit by my arrow with his hair scattered and the water from the pitcher thrown out.

16. इत्युवाच वचः क्रूरं दिधक्षन्निव तेजसा ।
किं तवापकृतं राजन्वने निवसता मया ॥

पदच्छेदः –
इति + उवाच वचः क्रूरम् दिधक्षन्+इव तेजसा किम् तव + अपकृतम् राजन् वने निवसता मया . अर्थाः – तेजसा = with energy, radiance, anger दिधक्षन् इव = as if burning, क्रूरं = harsh, वचः = words, इति = thus, उवाच = spoke, राजन् = o king, वने = in the forests, निवसता = living, मया = by me, तव = to you, किम् = what, अपकृतम् = harm is done ?

भावः –
As if scorching me with his radiance he looked at me and said these harsh words. “O king, what harm has been done to you by me, who lives in the forest ?”

17. जिहीर्षुरम्भो गुर्वर्थं यदहं ताडितस्त्वया ।
एकेन खलु बाणेन मर्मण्यभिहते मयि ॥

18. द्वावन्धौ निहतौ वृद्धौ माता जनयिता च मे |
तौ नूनं दुर्बलावन्धौ मत्प्रतीक्षौ पिपासितौ ॥

पदच्छेदः –
जिहीर्घः + अम्भः गुरु + अर्थम् यत् + अहम् ताडितः + त्वया एकेन खलु बाणेन मर्मणि + अभिहते मयि

18. द्वौ।अन्धौ निहतौवृद्धौ माता जनयिता च मे तौ नूनम् दुर्बलौ+अन्धौ मत्प्रतीक्षौ पिपासितो

अर्थाः –
यत् = that, त्वया = by you, गुरु+अर्थम् = for my parents, 3771: = water, fusig: = desiring to carry, 367 = I, एकेन = with one, बाणेन = arrow, ताडितः = struck, खलु = verily, मर्मणि = at vital parts, अभिहते = struck, मयि = as, I, अन्धौ = blind, वृद्धौ = aged, मे = my, माता = mother, च = and, जनयिता = father, द्वौ = both.

निहतौ = killed, नूनम् = indeed, दुर्बलौ = weak, पिपासितौ = thirsty, अन्धौ = blind, तौ = those two, मत्प्रतीक्षौ = wait for me.

भावः –
With one arrow you have hit me while I was about to carry water for my parents. As I was struck at vital parts, indeed my blind and aged parents have also been killed, as the weak and blind ones wait for me with thirst.

19. भिद्यमानमिवाशक्तस्त्रातुमन्यो नगो नगम् ।
पितुस्त्वमेव मे गत्वा शीखमाचक्ष्व राघव ||

पदच्छेदः –
भिद्यमानम् इव + अश्क्तः + त्रातुम् अन्यः नगः नगम् पितुः + त्वम् एव मे गत्वा शीघ्रम् आचक्ष्व राघव

अर्थाः –
अन्यः = Another, नयः = tree, भिद्यमानम् = being cut, नगम् = tree, त्रातुम् = to save, अशक्तः = incapable, helpless, इवा = like, राघव = O scion of Raghu’s race, त्वम् = you, एव = alone, शीघ्रम् = immediately, गत्वा = having gone, मे = my, पितुः = to father, आचक्ष्व = tell.

भावः –
A tree is helpless to save another tree from being cut down. O Dasaratha, you go quickly and tell my father.
[Note : Here there is another line जानन्नपि च किं कुर्यादशक्तिर परिक्रमः, which is needed to understand this meaning. The actual context is the boy Sravanakumara says that my father awaits me without knowing that I have fallen on ground. Even if he knows about my situation, he is helpless as he himself is unable to walk. A tree, which does not move, cannot save another tree from being felled.]

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

20. ततस्तं घटमादय पूर्णं परमवारिणा
आश्रमं तमहं प्राप्य यथाख्यातपथं गतः ॥

पदच्छेदः –
ततः+तम् घटम् आदाय पूर्णम् परमवारिणा आक्षमम् तम् अहम् प्राप्य यथा आख्यातपथम् गतः ।

अर्थाः –
ततः = Later, परमवारिणा = with clean water, पूर्णम् = filled, तम् = that, घटम् = pot, आदाय = having taken, यथा + आख्यातपथं = the path as directed by the boy, प्राप्य = having gained, following, अहम् = I, तम् = that, आश्रमम् = hermitage, गतः =. reached.

भावः –
Later carrying the pot filled with clean water, Ireached the hermitage following the path as directed by the boy.

21. तत्राहं दुर्बलावन्धौ वृद्धावपरिणायकौ ।
अपश्यं तस्य पितरौ लूनपक्षाविव द्विजौ ॥

पदच्छेदः –
तत्र + अहम् दुर्बलौ + अन्धौ वृद्धौ + अपरिणायको अपश्यम् तस्य पितरौ लूनपक्षौ+इव द्विजौ । .

अर्थाः –
तत्र = There, अहम् = I, दुर्बलौ = weak, अन्धौ = blind, वृद्धौ = old, अपरिणायकौ = without guiding support, लूनपक्षौ = with wings severed, द्विजौ = birds, इवा = like, तस्य = his, पितरौ = parents, अपश्यम् = saw, found.

भावः –
There I found his old and blind parents, who were weak and without support, and looked like birds with clipped wings.

22. पदशब्दं तु मे श्रुत्वा मुनिर्वाक्यमभाषत ।
कि चिरायसि मे पुत्र पानीयं क्षिप्रमानय ||

पदच्छेदः –
पदशब्दम् तु मे श्रुत्वा मुनिः+वाक्यम् अभाषत किम् चिरायसि मे पुत्र पानीयम् क्षिप्रम् आनय |

अर्थाः –
मे = my, पदशब्दम् = sound of footsteps, तु = but, श्रुत्वा = having heard, मुनिः = the sage, वाक्यम् = words, अभाषत = spoke, मे = my, पुत्र = son, किम् = why, चिरायसि = do you delay, क्षिप्रम् = quickly, पानीयम् = water, आनय = bring.

भावः –
On hearing my footsteps, the sage said : “My son, why do you delay ? Bring water quickly.”

23. क्षत्रियोऽहं दशरथो नाहं पुत्रो महात्मनः ।
सज्जनावमतं दुःखमिदं प्राप्तं स्वकर्मजम् ॥

पदच्छेदः –
क्षत्रियः + अहम् दशरथः + न + अहम् पुत्रः + महा + आत्मनः सत्+जन+अवमतम् दुःखम् इदम् प्राप्तम् स्वकर्मजम् ।

अर्थाः –
अहम् = I am, दशरथः = Dasaratha, क्षत्रियः = a Kshatriya, अहम् = I am, महा+आत्मनः = of the noble soul, पुत्रः = son, न = not, सत्+जन+अवमतम् = despised by the good, condemned, स्वकर्मजम् = result of my own action, इदम् = this, दुःखम् = calamity, sorrow, प्राप्तम् = befallen on me.

भावः –
I am Dasaratha, a Kshatriya. I am not your son. Because of my own condemnable act, this calamity has be fallen on me.

24. भगवंश्चापहस्तोऽहं सरयूतीरमागतः ।
जिघांसुः श्वापदं कंचिन्निपाने वागतं गजम् ।।

पदच्छेदः –
भगवन् + चापहस्तः + अहम् सरयूतीरम् आगतः जिघांसुः श्वापदम् कञ्चित्+निपाने वा+आगतम् गजम् .

अर्थाः –
भगवन् = Sir, चापहस्तः = with bow in hand, अहम् = I, निपाने = to the pond, pool, lake, ford, आगतम् = arrived, कञ्चित् = some, श्वापदम् = wild animal, वा = or, गजम् = elephant, जिघांसुः = to kill, सरयूतीरम् = to the bank of Sarayu, आगतः = came.

भावः –
Sir, with a bow in hand, I came to the bank of Sarayu to kill any wild animal or elephant coming to the water pool.

25. तत्र श्रुतो मया शब्दो जले कुम्भस्यं पूर्यतः ।
द्विपोऽयमिति मत्वा हि बाणेनाभिहतो मया ॥

पदच्छेदः –
तत्र श्रुतः + मया शब्दः + जले कुम्भस्य पूर्यतः द्विपः + अयम् इति मत्वा हि बाणेन+अभिहतः मया ।

अर्थाः –
तत्र = There, मया = by me, जले = in water, पूर्यतः = filling, कुम्भस्य = of pitcher, शब्दः = sound, श्रुतः = heard, अयम् = this is, द्विपः = elephant, इति = thus, मत्वा हि = having thought, मया = by me, बाणेन = with an arrow, अभिहतः = hit.

भावः –
There I heard the sound of a pitcher being filled with water. Thinking that it was an elephant, I hit it with an arrow.

26. गत्वा नद्यास्ततस्तीरमपश्यमिषुणा हृदि ।
विनिर्भिन्नं गतप्राणं शयानं भुवि तापसम् ।।

पदच्छेदः –
गत्वा नद्याः + ततः + तीरम् अपश्यम् इषुणा हृदि विनिर्भिन्नम् गतप्राणम् शयानम् भुवि तापसम्

अर्थाः –
ततः = Later, नद्याः = of the river, तीरम् = bank, गत्वा = having gone, इषुणा = by the arrow, हृदि = in the heart, निर्भिन्नम् = pierced, गतप्राणम् = lost his life, almost dead, भुवि = on the ground, शयानम् = lying, तापसम् = an ascetic, अपश्यम् = I saw.

भावः –
Later, I went to the bank of the river and saw an ascetic lying almost dead on the ground, his heart pierced by the arrow.

27. अज्ञानाद्भवतः पुत्रः सहसाभिहतो मया ।
शेषमेवंगते यत्स्यात्तत्प्रसीदतु मे मुनिः ॥

पदच्छेदः –
अज्ञानात् + भवतः पुत्रः सहसा + अभिहतः + मया शेषम् एवम् गते यत् स्यात् तत् प्रसीदतु मे मुनिः ।।

अर्थाः –
अज्ञानात् = without knowing, मया = by me, भवतः = your, पुत्रः = son, सहसा = suddenly, unexpectedly, अभिहतः = was killed, एवं गते = as it happened thus, यत् = what, शेषम् = remains, स्यात् = to be done, मुनिः = the sage, मे = to me, प्रसीदतु = may convey, kindly command.

भावः –
Unknowingly I killed your son unexpectedly. As it happened thus, the sage may command me what is to be done now.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Poem 1 दशरथस्य पश्चात्तापः

28. स तच्छ्रुत्वा वचः क्रूरं मया तदघशंसिना ।
नाशकतीव्रमायासमकर्तुं भगवानृषिः ॥

पदच्छेदः –
सः तत् + श्रुत्वा वचः क्रूरम् मया तत् + अघशंसिना न + अशकत् तीव्रम् आयासम् अकर्तुम् भगवान् ऋषिः ।।

अर्थाः –
अघशंसिना = confessing sin, मया = by me, तत् = those, क्रूरम् = cruel, वचः = words, श्रुत्वा = having heard, भगवान् = venerable, ऋषिः = sage, तीव्रम् = severe, आयासम् = anger, anguish, अकर्तुम् = not to express, न अशकत् = unable. .

भावः –
Having heard those cruel words, confessing my sin the venerable sage could not control his anger.

29. स बाष्पपूर्णवदनो निश्वसन् शोककर्शितः ।
मामुवाच महातेजाः कृताञ्जलिमुपस्थितम् ॥

पदच्छेदः –
सः बाष्पपूर्णवदनः + निःश्वसन् + शोककर्शितः माम् उवाच महातेजाः कृतः + अञजलिम् उपस्थितम्

अर्थाः –
बाष्पपूर्णवदन = his face filled with tears, शोककर्शितः = afflicted by sorrow, महातेजाः = the radiant, निश्वसन् = sighing one, सः = the sage, कृत+अञ्जलिम् = with folded hands, उपस्थितम् present, standing, माम् = to me, उवाच = said.

भावः –
The bright sage with face filled with tears and sighing deeply said to me, who was standing there with folded palms.

30. त्वया तु यदविज्ञानान्निहतो मे सुतः शुचिः ।
तेन त्वामभिशपयामि सुदुःखमतिदारुणम् ॥

पदच्छेदः –
त्वया तु यत् + अविज्ञानात् + निहतः + मे सुतः शुचिः तेन त्वाम् अभिशप्स्यामि सुदुःखम् अतिदारुणम् ।

अर्थाः –
यत् = As, अविज्ञानात् = unknowingly, त्वया = by you, मे = my, शुचिः = holy, good hearted, सुतः = son, निहतः = was killed, तेन = by that reason, त्वाम् = to you, सुदुःखम् — very sorrowful, अतिदारुणम् = extremely terrible, अभिशप्पयामि = will curse.

भावः –
As unknowingly you killed my holy son, I shall pronounce a very sorrowful and terrible curse on you.

31. पुत्रव्यसनजं दुःखं पदेतन्मम साम्प्रतम्
एवं त्वं पुत्रशोकेन राजन्कालं करिष्यसि ॥

पदच्छेदः –
पुत्रव्यसनजम् दुःखम् यत् + एतत् + मम साम्प्रतम् एवम् त्वम् पुत्रशोकेन राजन् कालम् करिष्यसि ।

अर्थाः –
राजन् = O king, साम्प्रतम् = now, यत् = as, मम ; me, एतत् = this, पुत्रव्यसनजम् = caused by the death of son, दुःखम् = grief, एवम् = thus, त्वम् =you, पुत्रशोकेन =grieving for son, कालम् = death, end, uf = will get.

भावः –
O king, now as there is this grief caused by the death of my son to me, so you will also die grieving for your son.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Poem 1 On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Poetry 1st Poem On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material 1st Poem On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three

Paragraph Questions

Question 1.
Time and Tide wait for no man’ is an old saying. Discuss this in the context of the poem “On His Having Arrived at the age of Twenty Three”.
John Milton was an epic poet. He writes in a grand style. “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” is a sonnet, written by this poet. Here the saying of “Time and Tide wait for no man’ is suitable to be discussed. It is a fact that the tides in the sea move on to the shores at a high speed and they cannot be stopped by anything. Similarly time doesnot stay or stop at any place. It is a natural phenomena. The consumption of time is a continuous process. Milton looks to himself and wonders how his years have passed away. He cannot find a reason in the beginning. So he complains against God. But after introspection, he finds a solace. He thinks that time does not wait for him or for his maturity. Thus the saying can be applied to the views of John Milton.

‘కాలము, అల, ఎవరి కొరకు ఆగవు’ ఈ సామెత ప్రస్తుత పద్యభావమునకు ఎట్లు సరిపోతుంది ?
జాన్ మిల్టన్ ఒక పురాణ రచయిత. ఆయన గొప్ప స్టెలు కలిగియుంటాడు. “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” అను సోనెట్ ఈ కవి వ్రాశారు. ఇక్కడ కాలము, అల ఒక చోట ఎవరి కొరకు ఆగవు అనే సూక్తి తగియున్నది. అలలు సముద్రపు ఒడ్డునకు చాలా వేగంగా పరుగెడుతుంటాయి, వాటిని ఎవరూ ఆపలేరు. అది సహజమైన
అంశము. సమయము వాడబడుట అనేది ఒక నిత్య క్రతువు. మిల్టన్ తన స్థితిని చూచి, ఇన్ని సంవత్సరములు ఎలా .. జరిగినవి అని ఆశ్చర్యపడతాడు. దీనికి కారణము మొదట్లో తెలియలేదు. అందుచేత దేవుణ్ణి తప్పుపడుతున్నాడు. కానీ ఆత్మపరిశీలన చేసికొనగా ఆయనకు ఒక ఓదార్పు లభించింది. కాలము, అతని కొరకు గానీ, అతని అభివృద్ధి కొరకు ఆగదు. ఈ విధంగా ఈ నానుడి మనము జాన్ మిల్టన్ యొక్క అభిప్రాయములతో సరిపోల్చవచ్చును.

Question 2.
Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem, ” On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three”.
‘On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three’ is a poem written by, John Milton. It is a sonnet. A sonnet has fourteen lines. In the first eight lines, we find a problem and in the last six lines the solution is given. In the first part, Milton has a complaint against God. He tells that time is like a thief and he has no buds or blossoms in life. His ambition for writing has no progress. So groans in his mind. But afterwards his introspection help him to understand reality. God is the taskmaster and he endows everything out of his grace. Everything in this world is directed by God. Whatever is given to an individual, is given according to his will. Thus the poem is about maturity of mind and talents.

“On His Having Arrived at the age of Twenty Three” అను పద్యమును గురించి వ్యాఖ్యానించుము. ఈ పద్యం జాన్ మిల్టన్ వ్రాశాడు. ఇది ఒక సోనెట్ అయియున్నది. సోనెట్ కు 14 లైన్లుంటాయి. మొదటి 8 లైన్లలో ఒక సమస్య మరియు చివరి ఆరు లైన్లలో దానికి పరిష్కారము వుంటాయి. మొదటి భాగములో మిల్టన్ కు ఒక సమస్య దేవుని నాద కలిగింది. కాలము దొంగవలెనున్నది. ఆయనకు స్ప్రింగ్ లో పూసే పూలు లేవు. ఆయనకున్న వ్రాయవలెననే కోరిక ఫలించలేదు. అందుచేత ఆయన మనసులో బాధపడ్డాడు. తరువాత ఆయన ఆత్మపరిశీలన ఆయన పూర్తి వాస్తవాన్ని తెలిసికొనజేశాయి. దేవుడు కార్యనిర్వాహకుడు. ఆయన తన కృపను బట్టి ఒక్కొక్కరికి కలుగజేస్తాడు. ప్రపంచంలో ప్రతిదీ దేవుని నడిపింపులో వుంటుంది. వ్యక్తికి ఇవ్వబడినది, ఆయన చిత్త ప్రకారము ఇవ్వబడుతుంది. ఈ విధంగా ఈ పద్యము మనస్సు మరియు తలాంతుల అభివృద్ధి గురించినదైయున్నది.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Poem 1 On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three


Question 1.
How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth,
Stol’n on his wing my three and twentieth year.
Context ; These lines are taken from the poem “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three”. It was written by the epic poet John Milton. It is about his dissatisfaction towards God. Later he reconciled.

Explanation : The poet expresses his inner feeling that he has reached the age of 23 years, but without proper development. His age of 23 years has passed away at a high speed. There is no maturity of his talents. Time has stolen away the years just like a thief and it carries away the years on its wings like a bird. This is the problem, created in the first eight lines of the sonnet and an interesting solution is sought by him. The six lines find a solution to this problem.

General Relevance : These are the first two lines of the sonnet. There is a straight description of the event, in these lines. Milton’s style is a grand style.

సందర్భము : “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” అను పద్యములో నుండి ఈలైన్లు తీసికొనబడినవి. అది పురాణముల రచయితయగు జాన్ మిల్టన్ రచనయైయున్నది. అది దేవుని పట్ల ఆయనకు గల అసంతృప్తిని గురించినదైయున్నది. తరువాత ఆయన అవగాహనకు వచ్చాడు.

వివరణ : ఆ కవి తాను 23 సంవత్సరముల వయసుకు చేరుకొన్నానని కానీ తగిన అభివృద్ధి లేదు అన్నాడు. ఆయన 23 సంవత్సరములు చాలా వేగంగా జరిగిపోయాయి తన తలాంతులలో అభివృద్ధి లేదు. ఒక దొంగ వలె సమయము అనునది ఆ కాలమును దొంగిలించినది. అది ఒక పక్షివలె తన రెక్కల మిద మోసికొనిపోయినది. ఇది మొదటి 8 లైనులలో ఏర్పరచిన సమస్య దానికి తగిన పరిష్కారము కొరకు చూస్తున్నాడు. ఆరవ లైనులలో పరిష్కారమున్నది.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : ఇవి ఈ పద్యంలోని మొదటి రెండు లైన్లు. వీనిలో ఆ సమస్య చక్కగా వర్ణింపబడినది. మిల్టన్ యొక్క స్టైల్ ను ‘గ్రాండ్ స్టైల్’ అంటారు.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Poem 1 On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three

Question 2.
And inward ripeness doth much less appear,
That some more timely-happy spirits endu’th.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three”. It was written by the epic poet John Milton. It is about his dissatisfaction towards God. Later he reconcil.

Explanation : John Milton regrets that he has no proper development in life. He gets 23 years of age but his talents are not ripened. He thinks that he is growing rapidly. His age grows but his talent of writing has not developed. His capability is much less than what is expected to be. He is unhappy that his appearance, his age and his achievements are quite disagree one with the other. But afterwards he turns to introspection and consoles himself.

General Relevance : These lines give a vivid description of the originality of the poet. It is aspiration to become a poet is given here.

సందర్భము : “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” అను పద్యములో నుండి ఈ లైన్లు తీసికొనబడినవి. అది పురాణముల రచయితయగు జాన్ మిల్టన్ రచనయైయున్నది. అది దేవుని పట్ల ఆయనకు గల అసంతృప్తిని గురించినదైయున్నది. తరువాత ఆయన అవగాహనకు వచ్చాడు.

వివరణ : జీవితంలో తనకు తగిన అభివృద్ధి లేదని బాధపడుతున్నాడు. ఆయనకు 23 సంవత్సరముల వయసు వచ్చింది కానీ ఆయన తలాంతులు పెరుగలేదు. అతడు త్వరగా పెరుగుతున్నాడనుకుంటాడు. వయసు పెరుగుతుంది కానీ ఆయన వ్రాయునట్టి కళ పెరగడం లేదు. ఆయనలో వుండవలసినంత శక్తియుక్తులు లేవు. ఆయన వర్చస్సు, ఆయన వయసు మరియు ఆయన సాధించినవి ఒకదానితో నొకటి కలవదు. తరువాత ఆత్మపరిశీలన చేసికొని తనను ఓదార్చుకొన్నాడు.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : ఆ కవి యొక్క వాస్తవ పరిస్థితి ఈ లైనులలో వున్నది. ఆయన తానొక కవి కావలయునను వుద్దేశము ఇక్కడ ఇస్తున్నాడు.

Question 3.
It shall be still in strictest measure ev’n,
To that same lot, however mean or high.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three”. It was written by the epic poet John Milton. These lines explain the introspection of John Milton.

Explanation : The poet finds displeasure with his development. He attains twenty three years of age. There is no proper development according to the poet. He thinks that God has not provided the talents due to him. He wants to get maturity in writing. But when he comes to introspection, he understands the will and authority of God. Whatever is to be given by God, is given. He has a plan for Milton and that will be adopted. Whether the development is slow or fast it is to be accepted by the individual. So, the poet has to wait upon God and get his lot.

General Relevance : Every body in this world has to obey God and his plans. Though there is dissatisfaction in the beginning in course of time the individual will satisfy himself with the blessings of God.

సందర్భము : “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” అను పద్యములో నుండి ఈలైన్లు తీసికొనబడినవి. అది పురాణముల రచయితయగు జాన్ మిల్టన్ రచనయైయున్నది. ఈ లైన్లు జాన్ మిల్టన్ యొక్క ఆత్మ . పరిశీలనకు సంబంధించినవి.

వివరణ : అతడు మంచి రచనా పటిమ కావాలనుకొంటున్నాడు. కానీ తనను తాను పరిశీలించుకొనినప్పుడు, దేవుని శక్తిని, ఆయన ఉద్దేశమును గ్రహిస్తాడు. దేవుడు ఇవ్వవలసినది ఇచ్చాడు. మిల్టన్ కొరకు ఒక ప్రణాళిక వుంది అది నెరవేరుస్తున్నాడు. ఆ అభివృద్ధి నెమ్మదిగానా, వేగంగానా అనేది చూడక అంగీకరించాలి. కనుక కవి, దేవుని మిద ఆధారపడి తన మొత్తాన్ని పొందాలి.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : ప్రతి వ్యక్తి దేవుణ్ణి, ఆయన ప్రణాళికలను అంగీకరించాలి. మొదట్లో అసంతృప్తి వున్నా, కాలక్రమేణా వ్యక్తి దేవుడిచ్చే ఆశీర్వాదములతో తృప్తి చెందుతాడు.

Question 4.
All is, if I have grace to use it so
As ever in my great task-master’s eye.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three”. It was written by the epic poet John Milton. These lines explain the introspection of John Milton.

Explanation : The poet has a thirst to get the talent of writing. He becomes a grown up man now. Having attained the age of 23 years, he finds himself to be behind his age. He complains that he is not completely ripened. Then he falls into introspection. The great task-master is God. He is ready to do whatever is needed for an individual. If he shows grace, everything will be successful. So, the poet now yields to the will of God. He prays that his talents should be guided according to God only. He knows that everything is in the hands of the great taskmaster, God. Thus the problem has a solution in the last six lines of the sonnet.

General Relevance : God is Omnipotent. He is all powerful. So, one has to submit to God. The desires and wants are to be answered by God only.

సందర్భము : “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty Three” అను పద్యములో నుండి ఈ లైన్లు తీసికొనబడినవి. అది పురాణముల రచయితయగు జాన్ మిల్టన్ రచనయైయున్నది. ఈ ‘లైన్లు జాన్ మిల్టన్ యొక్క ఆత్మ పరిశీలనకు సంబంధించినవి.

వివరణ : కవికి వ్రాయడం అనే తలాంతు కొరకు దాహముండేది. ఇప్పుడు ఆయన పెరిగిన పెద్దమనిషి. 23 సంవత్సరములు వచ్చిన ఆయన తన వయసుకు తగినట్టు లేడు. ఆయన తాను పూర్తిగా పెరుగలేదంటున్నాడు. అప్పుడు ఆత్మపరిశీలనలో పడ్డాడు, గొప్ప కార్యనిర్వాహకుడు దేవుడు. ఆయన చేయడానికి సిద్ధంగా వున్నాడు. ఆయన కృప చూపితే అంతా విజయవంతమవుతుంది. అందుచేత కవి దేవుని ఉద్దేశమునకు లోబడుతున్నాడు. తన తలాంతులు దేవుని ఉద్దేశప్రకారమే జరగాలి. ప్రతిదీ ఆయన చేతులలోనే యున్నది. ఈ విధంగా ఆ సమస్యకు జవాబు చివరి ఆరు వరుసలలో దొరికింది.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : దేవుడు సర్వశక్తిమంతుడు. ఆయన ఎంతో శక్తి గలవాడు. అందుచేత దేవునికి లోబడాలి. మన కోరికలు అవసరతకు దేవుడే జవాబివ్వాలి. ”

On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three Poem Summary in English

John Milton Summary of the lesson John Milton was a poet with grand style. He wrote the epic poem “Paradise Lost” along ‘with the other works. In the poem “At The Age of Twenty Three” the expresses his mental worry1, about his condition. He is dissatisfied with his development as a man. He got twenty three years, but no proper maturity2 is experienced. He thinks about the art of writing and complains that there is no advancement in the field. In the sonnet, first eight lines create a problem and in the succeeding six lines, the solution3 is presented.

Milton draws a cause of dissatisfaction before God and looks forward for divine4 guidance. His introspection5, proposes a great relief. Whatever is given to an individual, is given from the great taskmaster6, God. He find a solace, by thinking about his destiny7. He is given all that is suitable for him. He has to accept it as the God given gift. God’s driving is always there in each and every phase8 of life. Time, is like a thief and steals. It does not wait for any one.

Milton is ready to accept the will of God. He accepts the supremacy9 of God. He praises God to be the great taskmaster. Finally it is observe that an individual has to accept the grace of God, whether high or low.

1. మానసిక ఆందోళన
2. నైపుణ్యము.
3. పరిష్కారము
4. ఆధ్యాత్మిక నడిపింపు
5. ఆత్మ పరిశీలన
6. కార్య నిర్వాహకుడు
7. గమ్యము
8. జీవిత దశ
9. ఘనత

On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three Poem Summary in Telugu

జాన్ మిల్టన్ Grand Style కలిగియున్న కవి. ఆయన Paradise Lost అనే పురాణ కావ్యముతోపాటు ఇతర రచనలు చేసెను. “At the Age of Twenty three” అను ఈ పద్యంలో ఆయన తన పరిస్థితిని గురించి మానసిక ఆందోళన ప్రకటిస్తున్నాడు. మనిషిగా ఆయన తన అభివృద్ధి పట్ల అసంతృప్తిగా వున్నాడు. ఆయనకు 23 ఏండ్లు వచ్చాయి గానీ తగిన అభివృద్ధి లేదు. ఆయన తన రచనల గురించి ఆలోచించి, ఆ దిశగా ఏమి అభివృద్ధి లేదు అంటున్నాడు. ఒక Sonnet లో మొదటి 8 వరుసలు ఒక సమస్యను వివరించగా, తరువాతి ఆరు లైనులు దానికి పరిష్కారము తెలుపుతాయి.

మిల్టన్ తన అసంతృప్తికి కారణము దేవుడి ముందు పెట్టి, ఆయన యొక్క దైవిక నడిపింపు కొరకు చూస్తున్నాడు. అతడు ఆత్మ పరిశీలన చేసికొనగా అతనికి ఎంతో నెమ్మది కలిగింది. ఒక వ్యక్తికి ఏమి ఇవ్వబడినను, అది దేవుడిచ్చినదే. అతడు తన గమ్యమును ఆలోచించి నెమ్మదినొందాడు. అతనికి పనికివచ్చేదంతా ఇవ్వబడినది. అది దేవుడిచ్చినవరముగా తీసికొనాలి. దేవుని నడిపింపు ప్రతి క్షణము వుంటుంది. సమయము అనేది దొంగవంటిది, అది దొంగిలిస్తుంది. అది ఎవరి కొరకు ఆగదు.

మిల్టన్ దేవుని ఆలోచనను అంగీకరించడానికి సిద్ధంగా వున్నాడు. అతడు దేవుని యొక్క ఘనతను అంగీకరిస్తున్నాడు. ఆయన దేవుడంటే గొప్ప కార్యనిర్వాహకుడు అంటున్నాడు. చివరిగా ఆయన దేవుని దయను, ఎక్కువగా వున్ననూ లేక తక్కువగా వున్నను మనం అంగీకరించాలి అంటాడు.

On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three Poem Glossary

1. Subtle (adj) : ‘S\(\Lambda\)tl / (సటిల్) :
(M) not very noticeable or obvious (here); ప్రత్యేకత గల.
(U) There is a subtle difference between these two plans.

2. Shew (v) : \(/ \int\)ə\(U\) (ఘ్యా) :
(M) An old form of the word ‘show’; చూపుట.

3. Semblance (n) : /’sembləns/ సెంబ్లెన్స్ :
(M) The outward appearance, especially when the reality is different; పై రూపము.
(U) The city has now returned to some semblance of normality after last night’s celebrations.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Poem 1 On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three

4. Grace (m) : /gress/ (గ్రేస్) :
(M) the kindness that God shows towards the human race; దేవుని కృప.
(U) It was only by the grace of God that Mr. Khan has survived from the accident.

5. Task-Master(n) : /ta:sk/ /ma:stə/ : (టాస్క్ మాస్టర్) :
(M) God (here); కార్యనిర్వాహకుడు.

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AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

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AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material 1st Lesson Of Studies

Paragraph Questions
Answer the following in 10 – 15 lines each :

Question 1.
What according to Bacon is the theme Of Studies ?
Francis Bacon was a great english essayist. ‘Of Studies’ is an interesting essay depicting the benefits and disadvantages of studies. Reading books gives us happiness. It helps us to become more intelligent in communication. Natural abilities can be developed by reading books. Sometimes it becomes harmful if too-much time is spent on it. Showy tendency should be avoided. There are books to be skipped through, books to be read completely and some others to be read with great care and to be digested. Through studies an individual becomes a full man. The author tells that the study of different subjects helps us to cure the weaknesses of the mind.

బేకన్ దృష్టిలో ఈ వ్యాసము యొక్క మూల అంశము ఏది ? –
ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ గొప్ప ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనునది చదువు యొక్క ప్రయోజనములు, నష్టములను గురించి వ్రాయబడిన ఆకర్షణీయమైన వ్యాసము. పుస్తకములు చదువుట మనకు సంతోషమునిచ్చును. మనం మాట్లాడే విధానములో ఎక్కువ తెలివిగల వారముగా అగుటకు తోడ్పడును. పుస్తకములు చదువుటవలన సహజమైన శక్తియుక్తులు అభివృద్ధి చెందుతాయి. కొన్నిసార్లు దాని కొరకు ఎక్కువ సమయం ఖర్చు పెడితే అది నష్టంగా ఉంటుంది. ఇతరుల వద్ద మెప్పు కొరకు ప్రయత్నించరాదు. కొన్ని వేగంగా చదివి పూర్తి చేయవలసిన పుస్తకములు, పూర్తిగా చదువవలసిన పుస్తకములు,, ఇంకను కొన్ని జాగ్రత్తగా చదివి నమిలి మ్రింగేయవలసినవిగాను ఉంటాయి. చదువు వలన నిండైన మనిషి తయారగును. వివిధ విషయములు, మనస్సు యొక్క బలహీనతలను సరిచేయును అని రచయిత చెబుతున్నాడు.

Question 2.
How does Bacon emphasize the value of experience ?
Francis Bacon was a great english essayist. In the essay “Of Studies” he writes about the value of education. Reading books is a good habit. It is liked by wise people. By studies, one can improve one’s knowledge. They read the books and get a lot of knowledge. They develop themselves by utilising the content in practical life. The views of the authors will be judged and utilised in daily life. By regular study of books, one can become worthy in day to day life. Bookish knowledge becomes ripened by its application in real life situations. Experience perfects our knowledge.

అనుభవము యొక్క విలువను బేకన్ ఎట్లు ఒత్తి పలికాడు ?
ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ గొప్ప ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనబడే. ఈ వ్యాసములో అనుభవము యొక్క విలువను గురించి వ్రాశాడు. పుస్తకాలు చదువడం ఒక మంచి అలవాటు. అది తెలివైనవారు అంగీకరిస్తారు. చదువడం వలన ఒక వ్యక్తి జ్ఞానము పెరుగును. వారు పుస్తకములు చదివి ఎక్కువ జ్ఞానము పొందుతారు. వారు తమ నిజజీవితములోని అనుభవములను ఉపయోగించుకొని అభివృద్ధి చెందుతారు. వ్రాసిన వారి అభిప్రాయములను పరిశీలించి తమ నిత్య జీవితములో ఉపయోగించుకొంటారు. నిత్యము చదువుటచేత, నిత్య జీవితములో విలువైనవారుగాను ఉంటారు. జీవిత అనుభవాలలో ఉపయోగించబడిన పుస్తకముల జ్ఞానము ఎంతో ఉపయోగపడును. అనుభవము మన జ్ఞానాన్ని స్థిరపరచును.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 3.
What did Bacon mean in the line “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested”.
Francis Bacon was a great English essayist. In the essay ‘Of Studies’, he gives the benefits of studies and the importance of reading books. He writes with an aphoristic style. He describes books to be of three types. Some books are there for formal reading, just taste it and leave it. Some books have to be studied completely. We read them because of our curiosity. Some other books are to be studied carefully. They are useful to the reader in real life experience. They can be chewed and digested. The subject matter can be tested, brought into experience, by means of applying the knowledge in day to day events. One should real with real understanding books. Sometimes it becomes harmful if too-much time is spent on it. Showy tendency should be avoided. There are books to be skipped through, books to be read completely and some others to be read with great care and to be digested. Through studies an individual becomes a full man. The author tells that the study of different subjects helps us to cure the weaknesses of the mind.

బేకన్ దృష్టిలో ఈ వ్యాసము యొక్క మూల అంశము ఏది ?
ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ గొప్ప ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనునది చదువు యొక్క ప్రయోజనములు, నష్టములను గురించి వ్రాయబడిన ఆకర్షణీయమైన వ్యాసము. పుస్తకములు చదువుట మనకు సంతోషమునిచ్చును. మనం మాట్లాడే విధానములో ఎక్కువ తెలివిగల వారముగా అగుటకు తోడ్పడును. పుస్తకములు చదువుటవలన సహజమైన శక్తియుక్తులు అభివృద్ధి చెందుతాయి. కొన్నిసార్లు దాని కొరకు ఎక్కువ సమయం ఖర్చు పెడితే అది నష్టంగా ఉంటుంది. ఇతరుల వద్ద మెప్పు కొరకు ప్రయత్నించరాదు. కొన్ని వేగంగా చదివి పూర్తి చేయవలసిన పుస్తకములు, పూర్తిగా చదువవలసిన పుస్తకములు,, ఇంకను కొన్ని జాగ్రత్తగా చదివి నమిలి మ్రింగేయవలసినవిగాను ఉంటాయి. చదువు వలన నిండైన మనిషి తయారగును.
వివిధ విషయములు, మనస్సు యొక్క బలహీనతలను సరిచేయును అని రచయిత చెబుతున్నాడు.

Question 2.
How does Bacon emphasize the value of experience ?
Francis Bacon was a great english essayist. In the essay “Of Studies” he writes about the value of education. Reading books is a good habit. It is liked by wise people. By studies, one can improve one’s knowledge. They read the books and get a lot of knowledge. They develop themselves by utilising the content in practical life. The views of the authors will be judged and utilised in daily life. By regular study of books, one can become worthy in day to day life. Bookish knowledge becomes ripened by its application in real life situations. Experience perfects our knowledge.

అనుభవము యొక్క విలువను బేకన్ ఎట్లు ఒత్తి పలికాడు ?
ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ గొప్ప ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనబడే. ఈ వ్యాసములో అనుభవము యొక్క విలువను గురించి వ్రాశాడు. పుస్తకాలు చదువడం ఒక ‘మంచి అలవాటు. అది తెలివైనవారు అంగీకరిస్తారు. చదువడం వలన ఒక వ్యక్తి జ్ఞానము పెరుగును. వారు పుస్తకములు చదివి ఎక్కువ జ్ఞానము పొందుతారు. వారు తమ నిజజీవితములోని అనుభవములను ఉపయోగించుకొని అభివృద్ధి చెందుతారు. వ్రాసిన వారి అభిప్రాయములను పరిశీలించి తమ నిత్య జీవితములో ఉపయోగించుకొంటారు. నిత్యము చదువుటచేత, నిత్య జీవితములో విలువైనవారుగాను ఉంటారు. జీవిత అనుభవాలలో ఉపయోగించబడిన పుస్తకముల జ్ఞానము ఎంతో ఉపయోగపడును. అనుభవము మన జ్ఞానాన్ని స్థిరపరచును.

Question 3.
What did Bacon mean in the line “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested”.
Francis Bacon was a great English essayist. In the essay ‘Of Studies’, he gives the benefits of studies and the importance of reading books. He writes with an aphoristic style. He describes books to be of three types. Some books are there for formal reading, just taste it and leave it. Some books have to be studied completely. We read them because of our curiosity. Some other books are to be studied carefully. They are useful to the reader in real life experience. They can be chewed and digested. The subject matter can be tested, brought into experience, by means of applying the knowledge in day to day events. One should real with real understanding.

“కొన్ని పుస్తకాలు రుచి చూడాలి. కొన్ని మ్రింగివేయాలి. మరికొన్ని పూర్తిగా నమలి జీర్ణం చేసికొనాలి” ఈ వాక్యాలను బట్టి బేకన్ యొక్క అవగాహన ఏమిటి ? ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ గొప్ప ఆంగ్ల వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనబడే ఈ వ్యాసములో చదువుట వలన ప్రయోజనములు, చదువు యొక్క ప్రాధాన్యత వ్రాస్తున్నాడు. ఆయన (aphoristic style) లో వ్రాశాడు. పుస్తకములు మూడు రకాలు అంటున్నాడు. కొన్ని సామాన్యంగా, చదువడానికి, కేవలం రుచి చూచి వదిలివేసినట్లుండాలి. కొన్నింటిని ఆసాంతం చదువదగినవి వాటి మీద మనకు ఆసక్తి కలుగుతుంది కనుక చదువుతాము. కొన్ని ఇతర పుస్తకములు జాగ్రత్తగా చదువడానికి అయియున్నవి. అవి నిజజీవితంలో ఉపయోగపడతాయి. వాటిని నమిలి, జీర్ణం చేసుకొనాలి. విషయము పరిశీలించి, అనుభవంలోనికి తీసుకొని ఉపయోగించి, నిత్య కార్యకలాపములలో ఉపయోగించుకొనాలి. ప్రతివాడు’ నిజమైన అవగాహనతో నడవాలి.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 4.
How do studies cure the diseases of the mind?
Francis Bacon was a great English essayist. In the essay ‘Of Studies’, he gives the benefits of studies and the importance of reading books. Being an essayist with great knowledge and experience, he tells us that studies are useful to cure some diseases of the mind. History can improve wisdom and poetry can improve imagination. Physical exercise cure the body weaknesses. Similarly, mathematics can cure the weakness of wavering mind. Weak thinking can be cured by the study of philosophy. For memory loss, the study of law shall work as a remedy. Thus study of books is useful not only to acquire knowledge but also to get the weaknesses treated.

మనస్సు యొక్క బలహీనతలను, ఈ విషయములు ఏ విధంగా సరిచేయును ?
ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ ఒక ఆంగ్ల వ్యాసకర్త. “Of Studies” అనబడే ఈ వ్యాసంలో ఆయన పుస్తకములు చదువుట వలన ప్రయోజనములు చెబుతున్నాడు. ఆయన గొప్ప అనుభవము, జ్ఞానము కలిగియున్న వాడగుటనుబట్టి, ఆయా subjects మానసిక బలహీనతలను సరి చేయగలవు అని చెబుతున్నాడు. చరిత్ర జ్ఞానమును పెంచును. పద్యాలు ఊహాశక్తిని పెంచును. శారీరక వ్యాయామము శరీర వ్యాధులను బాగు చేయును. అట్లే గణితము నిలకడలేని స్థితి గల మనస్సును బాగు చేయును. ఫిలాసఫీ ద్వారా బలహీనమైన మనస్తత్వము మారిపోవును. జ్ఞాపకశక్తికి లా కోర్సు ఉపయోగపడుతుంది. ఈ విధంగా పుస్తకాలు చదువడం అనేది జ్ఞానం సంపాదించడానికే కాక, బలహీనతలు బాగు చేయడానికి కూడా ఉపయోగపడుతుంది.


Question 1.
Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
Context: This line is taken from the essay “Of Studies” written by Francis Bacon. He was called the Father of English Essay. This line is about the benefits of studies.

Explanation : We get delight when we read a book. When we are at leisure, we read and enjoy. Reading enriches our capacity of communication and judgement. Thus it makes us efficient and it is like an ornament. Effective thinking and perfect knowledge are possible by studies. Many people take the advice of a man who studies well.

General Relevance : The short sentence, has got great meaning. Bacon’s sentences are aphoristic and are filled with sensitive views.

సందర్భము : “Of Studies” అనబడే ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ వ్రాసిన వ్యాసం నుండి ఈ లైను తీసుకొనబడినది. ఆయనను “ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసమునకు తండ్రిలాంటి వాడు” అంటారు. ఈ లైను చదువుట యొక్క ప్రయోజనములను గురించియైయున్నది.

వివరణ : ఒక పుస్తకము ‘ చదివినప్పుడు మనం సంతోషం పొందుతాము. ఖాళీగా ఉన్నప్పుడు చదివి ఆనందిస్తాము. చదువుట అనునది మన సంఘ పరిచయాన్ని మరియు విమర్శనా జ్ఞానాన్ని పెంచుతుంది. ఈ విధంగా అది మనలను శక్తివంతులుగా చేస్తుంది. అది ఒక భూషణంగా అనిపిస్తుంది. శక్తి కలిగిన ఆలోచన, నిక్కచ్చియైన జ్ఞానము చదువు వలన సాధ్యము. బాగుగా చదివిన వాని ఆలోచన చాలామంది తీసుకొంటారు.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : ఈ చిన్న వాక్యము ఎంతో గొప్పభావము కలిగియున్నది. బేకన్ యొక్క వాక్యములు aphoristicగా వర్తిస్తాయి. అవి మంచిభావనలతో నిండియుంటాయి.

Question 2.
Phenomenen contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.
Context: This sentence is taken from the essay”Of Studies” written by Francis Bacon. He was called the Father of English Essay. This line is about people who treat studies in their own way. Their views are different one from the other.

Explanation : While looking into the practical side of the subject, the writer points out, three kinds of people. Cunning and dishonest people dislike studies. They are proud that they have enough of knowledge. There are people who are interested in studies. These simple men shall have a liking for studies. The third group of people who are wise, study books well, get knowledge and apply it in their daily life.

General Relevance : Bacon’s sentences are aphoristic. They are filled with sensible ideas. The division of the three kinds,’shows the wit of Bacon. Real life situations are shown in the essay.

సందర్భము : ఈ వాక్యము “Of Studies” అనే ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ యొక్క వ్యాసములోనిది. ఆయనను ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసమునకు తండ్రి వంటివాడు అంటారు. ఈ వాక్యంలో ప్రజలు ఒక్కరొక్కరుగా వేరువేరు భావములు కలిగియుంటారు అనే విషయము చూపబడింది. వారి భావములు భిన్నములు.

వివరణ : ఈ విషయాన్ని వివరిస్తూ రచయిత మూడు రకాలైన మనుష్యులను చూపిస్తున్నాడు. మోసగాళైన నిజాయితీలేని మనుషులు చదువడానికి ఇష్టపడరు. వారు కావలసినంత జ్ఞానమున్నట్లు భావిస్తారు. మరికొంత మందికి చదవడం ఇష్టం. ఈ సామాన్య ప్రజలు చదువంటే ఇష్టపడతారు. మూడవ రకమువారు తెలివైన వారు, పుస్తకాలు చదువుతారు. జ్ఞానం ఆర్జించి తమ నిత్యజీవితంలో ఉపయోగిస్తారు.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : బేకన్ వాక్యములు aphoristic అవి భావగర్భితమైన ఆలోచనలతో నిండి వుంటాయి. ఈ మూడు రకాలుగా విడగొట్టడం బేకన్ యొక్క తెలివికి నిదర్శనం. నిజమైన అనుభవపూర్వక పరిస్థితులు చూపబడినవి.

Question 3.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
Context : This sentence is taken from the lesson “Of Studies” written by Francis Bacon. He was called the Father of English Essay. This passage is about the three types of books available. Different books are to be treated differently.

Explanation: The essayist differentiates the books according to the subject matter. Actually one should not read much. If any body reads, he should know the content of the book. Some books are to be read formally. We have to taste it and leave it Some books are to be read completely. We read them because we are curious. Some of the other books are to be studied carefully. They are useful for us in real life experiences. The knowledge acquired shall become our own and so they have to be chewed and digested.

General Relevance : Bacon’s style is aphoristic. The words tasted, swallowed and chewed give an interesting experience. Thus the language of the ‘essay is appreciated.

సందర్భము : ఈ వాక్యము ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ వ్రాసిన “Of Studies” నుండి తీసికొనబడినది. ఆయనను ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసమునకు తండ్రి లాంటివాడు అంటారు. ఈ వాక్యము మూడు రకాల పుస్తకాలను గురించియైయున్నది. వేర్పెలు పుస్తకములు వేర్వేరురీతులుగా వ్యవహరించాలి.

వివరణ : వానిలోగల విషయాన్ని బట్టి రచయిత పుస్తకాలను మూడురకాలుగా విడగొడుతున్నాడు. వాస్తవంగా వ్యక్తి ఎక్కువగా చదువరాదు. చదివితే దానిలో విషయాన్ని గ్రహించాలి. కొన్ని మామూలుగా చదివే పుస్తకాలు, దానిని రుచి చూచి వదలివేయాలి. కొన్ని పూర్తిగా చదవాలి. అవి మన వాస్తవ అనుభవంలో పనికి వస్తాయి. సంపాదించిన జ్ఞానము మన స్వంతమౌతుంది అందుచేత అది నమిలి మ్రింగివేయాలి.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : బేకన్ స్టెల్ aphoristic tasted, swallowed and chewed అనే మాటలు అనుభవపూర్వకమైనవి. ఈ వ్యాసము యొక్క భాష బాగున్నది.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 4.
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.
Context: This sentence is an extract from the essay “Of Studies” written by Francis Bacon. He was called the Father of English Essay. The sentence is about reading, speaking and writing. Bacon’s view about these three skills is very great.

Explanation : After giving a description of different kinds of books, Bacon tells us about the virtue of the three skills. Reading enables one to become a full man. By reading, one can get knowledge, speaking and participating in a dialogue with others, shall help one to become a ready man. If a man writes, he becomes an exact man. Bacon’s views of a full man, a ready man and an exact man, exhibit his wit and deep thinking.

General Relevance : Bacon’s style is aphoristic. Here in this sentence man’s abilities are. brought forth for the reader, in an interesting way.

సందర్భము : ఈ వాక్యము ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ వ్రాసిన “Of Studies” నుండి తీసికొనబడినది. ఆయనను ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసానికి తండ్రి లాంటివాడు అంటారు. ఈ వాక్యము మూడు రకాల పుస్తకాలను గురించియైయున్నది. వేర్వేరు పుస్తకములు – వేర్వేరురీతులుగా వ్యవహరించాలి.

వివరణ : ఈ వాక్యంలో బేకన్ మూడు నేర్పులను గురించి చెబుతున్నాడు. చదువుట వలన జ్ఞానము, మాట్లాడుట, చర్చించుట వలన మనిషి ready man అవుతాడు. వ్రాసినట్లయితే అతడు సరియైన మనిషి (exact man) అవుతాడు. అతడు తన తెలివిని, ఆలోచనాశక్తిని చూపగలడు.

సామాన్య అవగాహన : బేకన్ యొక్క స్టెలు aphoristic style. ఈ వాక్యంలోని మనిషి యొక్క శక్తియుక్తులు బయటికి ఒక ఆకర్షణీయమైన విధానములో వ్రాశాడు.

Speaking Skills

Greeting, Taking leave and Introducing : It is important to know how to use English to greet people politely when we meet them and to end the conversation when we take leave of them. Read the following dialogues. You will find people greeting and taking leave of one another and ‘introducing themselves or others.

Question 1.
Mr. Swamy and Mr. Ramesh meet at the SBI ATM Centre. They stay in the same colony, but do not know each other. They greet each other, exchange a few words and take leave.
Swamy : Good morning Mr. Ramesh !
Ramesh : Good morning Mr. Swamy! How are you?
Swamy : I’m very well, thank you and how about you, Mr. Ramesh ?
Ramesh : I’m fine, thanks ! I came here to withdraw money.
Swamy : I want to send money to my son. Bye, Ramesh.
Ramesh : Bye.

Question 2.
It is Sharma’s first day at work. He introduces himself to Mr. Surya, the Manager of the company.
Sharma : Good morning Mr. Surya. I’m Sharma, the new Public Relation Officer reporting for duty.
Surya : Good morning Sharma ! I’m pleased to meet you. Welcome to S.V. Telecom Services. We are glad to have you.
Sharma : Thank you sir ! I look forward to working here.

Question 3.
Surya Introduces Sharma, a new PRO to Ashok, Assistant Manager in the company.
Surya : Ashok, I’d like to introduce Sharma to you. He’s the new Public Relation Officer, joined duty in our company today.
Ashok : Hello, Sharma. Glad to meet you. I’m Ashok, Assistant Manager in the company.
Sharma : Glad to meet you too.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 4.
Rohitha meets her neighbour Charan at a restaurant. She introduces him to her cousin Yashwanth, who is with her.
Rohitha : Hi, Charan. What a pleasant surprise!
Charan. : Hi, Rohitha, I came to meet my friends here.
Rohitha : Charan, I don’t think you’ve met my cousin Yashwanth. He’s come from Bangalore. Yashwanth, this is Charan, our neighbour. He is studying B.Tech at S.V. Engineering College, Tirupati.
Yashwanth : That’s nice. Pleased to meet you, Charan.
Charan. : Nice to meet you too.


Vocabulary plays a very important role in learning a language. The more vocabulary you know the more confident you feel about the language. Increasing your vocabulary does not mean merely learning the definitions of large numbers of obscure words; it does not mean memorizing scores of unrelated terms.
Look at this examples
Phone is a Greek root word which means sound.
Phone (G) = sound
Microphone = an instrument to intensify slight sounds
Megaphone = a device that makes a very big sound when speaking into it
Telephone = a device that carries sound over long distances
Symphony = group of instruments which sound together
Euphonious = of a good sound
Cacophony = a harsh, unpleasant sound
Phonetics = the study of sounds
Homophone = words that sound the same but are different in meaning and / or spelling.

So if you have the idea that the word ‘phone’ means ‘sound’ you can guess the meaning of the words which use it as a root. The other part of the word which we attached to the root at the beginning are called prefixes and those attached at the end are called suffixes. Hence in the above word list micro-, mega-, tele-, sym-, eu-, caco-, homo- are all prefixes and -tics is a suffix. Prefixes and suffixes also have an idea attached to them. For example;
Micro – is a prefix which means small. Now let’s examine these words.

Microorganism = a very small organism
Microbe = a small organism /a germ
Microscope = a device that magnifies the image of small objects
Microcosm = a small (miniature) model of something
Microbiology = the study of very small organisms
Microsurgery = surgery using microscopes and small instruments
Microphone = an instrument to intensify slight sounds
Micrometer = an instrument for measuring minute distances
Microwave = a small radio wave
So let’s start.
Ego = I, self
Egoist = who always thinks about self, selfish person
Egotist = always thinks and talks about self, feels superior to others
Egocentric = if you consider yourself the centre of universe, self centered
Egomaniac = thinking about self becomes an obsession, abnormally self absorbed
Superego = the part of yourself (mind) that tells you what is right and what is wrong, the part of the mind that is self-critical
Alter ego = another self, another side of one self, a second self a bosom friend
Egoity = the essence of ego, personality

State whether Yes / No :

Question 1.
Are egomaniacal tendencies a sign of maturity ? Yes / No

Question 2.
Microorganisms can be seen with the naked eye. Yes / No

Question 3.
Cacophony is something harsh for ears. Yes / No

Question 4.
Are egocentric people easy to go with ? Yes / No

Question 5.
Micrometer can be used to measure roads. Yes / No

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 6.
Can alter ego be understood as our best friends ? Yes / No

Question 7.
Are ‘allowed’ and ‘aloud’ homophonous ? Yes / No

Question 8.
We can see microbes through a microscope. Yes / No

Question 9.
Euphony is something unpleasant to ears. Yes / No

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

Question 10.
Are egocentric people easy to get along with ? Yes / No

Match the following:

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies 1
1 – c,
2 – d,
3 – e,
4 – b,
5 – a


Simple present tense : The simple present tense is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. It is simple to form. Just use the base form of the verb : (I take, you take, we take, they take) The third person singular takes an -s at the end. (he takes, she takes)

The simple present tense is used :

→ To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes : I drink coffee (habit); I work in Guntur (unchanging situation); Bangalore is a large city. (general truth)
→ To give instructions or directions : You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
→ To express fixed arrangements, present or future : Your exam starts at 09.00.
→ To express future time, after some conjunctions : after, when, before, as soon as, until :
He’ll give it to you when you come next Saturday.
The simple présent is not used to express actions happening now.

Examples :
→ For habits :
He drinks tea at breakfast.
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.

→ For repeated actions or events :
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Kashmir every summer.

→ For general truths :
Water freezes at zero degrees.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.

→ For instructions or directions :
Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
You take the No. 6 bus to Nagarjuna Nagar and then the No. 10 to Railway station.

→ For fixed arrangements :
His mother arrives tomorrow.
Our holiday starts on the 26th March.

→ With future constructions :
She’ll see you before she leaves.
We’ll give it to her when she arrives

Examples :

  • He goes to school every morning.
  • She understands English.
  • It mixes the sand and the water.
  • He tries very hard.
  • She enjoys playing badminton.

Of Studies Summary in English

Francis Bacon was a great English essayist. The ‘essay “Of Studies” is taken from his book “Essays”. It is a clear description of the benefits1 derived by studies.

Reading books, gives us happiness. It helps us to become more intelligent in communication2, good judgement is possible by studies. Natural3 abilities of an individual can be developed by reading books. Cunning4 people do not like reading, simple people are interested in reading and wise people read and better themselves, by studies.

There are different books available in the world. Some books are useful for formal5 reading, some books are to be read completely and some other books are to be read with great care and digested6. Reading helps to make a full man. According to the author, there are distinct7 benefits by each subject. For wisdom, histories, for wit, the poetry, for concentration, the subject of mathematics, and such others are useful Through physical exercises, many diseases of the body can be cured8. Similarly studies, cure different weaknesses of the mind.
1. పొందిన
2. సమాచారము
3. సహజమైన
4. మోసపూరితమైన తెలివి
5. సాదారణమైన
6. పూర్తిగా జీర్ణమగుట
7. ప్రత్యేకమైన
8. బాగు అగుట

Of Studies Summary in Telugu

ఫ్రాన్సిస్ బేకన్ ఒక గొప్ప ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాసకర్త. ఆయన పుస్తకము “Essays” నుండి ‘Of Studies’ అను ఈ వ్యాసము తీసుకొనబడినది. అది చదువుట మూలంగా కలుగు ప్రయోజనములను గూర్చిన వివరణలతోనున్న ఒక చక్కని వర్ణనయైయున్నది.

పుస్తకములు చదువుట సంతోషమునిచ్చును. అది మనకు తెలివితేటలు పెంచి మంచి సమాచారము పొందునట్లు చేయును. చదువుటవలన మంచి తీర్పు సాధ్యమగును. సహజసిద్ధమైన శక్తియుక్తులు పెరుగును. మోసపూరితమైన తెలివిగలవారు చదువుటకు ఇష్టపడరు. సామాన్య ప్రజలు చదువుటకు ఇష్టపడతారు. తెలివైనవారు చదువుతారు మరియు తమనుతాము తెలివిగలవారుగా చేయుదురు.

ప్రపంచంలో భిన్నమైన పుస్తకాలున్నాయి. కొన్ని మామూలుగా చదువడానికి పనికివస్తాయి, కొన్ని ఇతర పుస్తకములు పూర్తిగా చదువడానికి పనికి వస్తాయి. . ఈ ప్రపంచంలో అనేక ప్రత్యేక పుస్తకాలున్నాయి. కొన్ని పుస్తకాలు మామూలుగా చదవడానికి కొన్ని పూర్తిగా చదువడానికి, ఇతరములు కొన్ని బహు జాగ్రత్తగా చదివి జీర్ణము చేసుకొనడానికి పనికివస్తాయి. చదువు వలన ఒక వ్యక్తి నిండు జీవనము వైపుకు నడుచును. రచయిత ఉద్దేశంలో ప్రతి సబ్జెక్టు వలన ప్రత్యేకమైన ప్రయోజనాలున్నాయి. జ్ఞానము కొరకు చరిత్ర, తెలివి కొరకు పద్యము, ఏకాగ్రత కొరకు గణితము మొదలైనవి సహాయపడును. శారీరక వ్యాయామము ద్వారా అనేక రోగాలు తగ్గిపోవును. అలాగే మనసు యొక్క బలహీనతలను, పఠనము బాగు చేయును.

Of Studies Glossary

1. retiring (adj.) : ri’tarIərin/ : (రిటైరింగ్) :
(M) preferring not to spend time with other people, preferred to be alone (here); ఏకాంతముగా ఉండుటకు ఇష్టపడునట్టి.
(U) Mohan’s son is a shy, retiring sort of boy.

2. discourse (n) : /’diskɔ:s/ : (డిస్ కోర్స్) :
(M) written or spoken communication or debate; ప్రసంగము లేక చర్చ
(U) Mr. Jacob likes to engage in lively discourse with his friends.

3. disposition (n) : /dispə ‘zıs(ə)n/ : (డిస్ పోజిషన్) :
(M) the action of arranging people or things in a particular way; ఒకదారిలో పెట్టుట
(U) Housewives are real financial managers in the disposition of funds given to them by their husbands.

4. counsel (n) : /’kavns(ə)l/ : (కౌన్సిల్) :
(M) advice; beast
(U) We need a wise counsel to develop our business.

5. marshal (v): /’ma:s(ə)1/ : (మార్షల్) :
(M) assemble and arrange in order (here); ఒక క్రమములో ఉంచుట
(U) She marshalled her thoughts before answering to the panel.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

6. sloth (n) : /sləu\(\theta\)/ : (స్లోత్) :
(M) laziness; బద్ధ కము
(U) Sloth and carelessness are the chief reasons for one’s failure in life.

7. affectation (n) : /afek’teis(ə)n/ : (ఎఫెక్టేషన్) :
(M) behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress; ఆకట్టుకొనగలుగు ప్రసంగము మొదలైనవి
(U) He speaks clearly and without affectation.

8. pruning (n) : /’pru:nın/ : ప్రూవింగ్ :
(M) reducing something by removing things that are not necessary; పనికిరాని వాటిని తొలగించుట
(U) The government has decided to prune the budget this year to save money from unnecessary expenditure.

9. crafty (adj.) : /’kra:fti/ (క్రాప్టి) :
(M) clever, especially in a dishonest or secret way; మోసకరమైన తెలివి
(U) She is an old, crafty woman.

10. contemn (V) : /kən’tɛm/ (కంటెమ్) :
(M) treat or regard with contempt, dislike; అయిష్టత
(U) The wicked contemn God.

11. contradict (n) : /kpntrə’dıkt/ ( కాంట్రడిక్ట్) :
(M) deny or be in conflict with; వ్యతిరేకించుట
(U) Fact always contradicts fantasy.

12. confute (n) : /kən’fju:t/ (కన్‌ఫ్యూట్) :
(M) prove to be wrong; తప్పు అని నిరూపణ అగుట
(U) He confuted his opponents with facts and logic.

13. diligence (n) : /’dılıd3(ə)ns/ (డిలిజెన్స్ )) :
(M) careful and persistent work; జాగ్రత్త కలిగి క్రమంగా పని చేయుట
(U) The police are pursuing their enquiries with great diligence.

14. flashy (adj.) : /’flæs.il de /(ఫ్లాషీ) :
(M) lack flavour, tasteless; సువాసనలేనట్టి
(U) Ravi always had a flashy bike.

15. witty (adj.) : /wItI/ (విట్టీ) :
(M) using words in a clever way; మాటలను తెలివిగా ఉపయోగించుట
(U) He was a witty, engaging, clever man who devoted his life to a political philosophy.

16. subtle (adj.) :7’s\(\Lambda\)t(ə)l/ (సటిల్) :
(M) sharp (here); చురుకైన
(U) Newton has a very subtle mind.

17. stond (n) (స్టాండ్) :
(M) (obsolete) stop or hindrance; తప్పని ఆటంకము

18. impediment (n) :/Im’p\(\mathcal{E}\)dIm(ə)nt/ (ఇంపెడింమెంట్) :
(M) a hindrance or obstruction in doing something; అభ్యంతరము
(U) In a number of developing countries, poverty has been one of the impediments to progress.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Chapter 1 Of Studies

19. wrought (v) :/rɔ:t/ (రాట్) :
(M) worked (here); సాధించినది
(U) Now-a-days one must choose peaceful life, wrought with duty and rest.

20. reins (n) (రెయిన్స్) :
(M) (archaic) kidneys; మూత్రపిండాలు

21. maketh (v) (మేకెత్) :
(M) (archaic form of) make; చేయును

22. doth (v) (డత్) :
(M) (archaic form of) do; చేయును

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Lesson 1(a) Digestion and Absorption Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Lesson 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Give the dental formula of adult human being.
The arrangement of different types of teeth in each half of both the jaws in the order I, C, PM, M is represented by dental formula.
In adult it is = \(\frac{2123}{2123}\) = 32.

Question 2.
Bile juice contains no digestive enzymes, yet it is important for digestion. How?
Bile juice doesn’t contain enzymes, but it contains bile salts such as sodium / potassium glycocholates and taurocholates, which helps in digestion and absorption of lipids. Bile salts emulsify fats and also render them water soluble. Bile salts activate the lipases. These lipases act on emulsified fats and convert them into fatty acids and glycerols.

Question 3.
Describe the role of chymotrypsin. Name two other digestive enzymes of the same category secreted by the same gland.
Chymotrypsin plays an important role in digestion of proteins, proteoses and peptones and convert them into tripeptides and dipeptides. Chymotrypsin, trypsin and carboxy peptidase are ehdopeptidases, produced by the pancreas arid involved in the digestion of proteins.

Question 4.
What would happen if, HCl were not secreted in the stomach?
HCl is secreted by the glands present on the stomach walls. It provides acidic pH which is optimal for the action of pepsin. HCl activates the pepsinogen into pepsin. Pepsin plays an important role in digestion of proteins. Therefore, if HCl were not secreted in the stomach, then pepsin would not be activated. This would affect on protein digestion.

Question 5.
Explain the terms thecodont and diphyodont dentitions.
Teeth of human beings are embedded in the sockets of the jaw bones is called thecodont.

Majority of mammals including human beings form two sets of teeth during their life time, a set of temporary / milk teeth replaced by a set of permanent teeth. This type of dentition is called diphyodont dentition.

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Question 6.
What is Autocatalysis? Give two examples.
Autocatalysis is the catalysis of a reaction in which the catalyst is one of the product of the reaction (or) catalysis caused by a catalytic agent formed during a chemical reaction.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 1

Question 7.
What is chyme?
Semi fluid mass of partly digested acidic food formed in the stomach is called chyme.

Question 8.
Name the different types of Salivary glands of man, and their locations in the human body?
There are three pairs of Salivary glands in man.
1. Parotid glands — present below the pinna / inner surface of the cheeks.
2. Sub maxillary (or) Sub mandibular glands —.located at the angles of lower jaw.
3. Sublingual glands — present below the tongue.

Question 9.
Name different types of papillae present on the tongue of man.
The upper surface of the tongue has small projections called papillae. In humans the tongue bears 3 (three) types of papillae namely 1) fungi form 2) filiform 3) Circumvallate papillae.

Question 10.
What is the hardest substance in the human body? What is its origin?
Enamel of tooth is the hardest substance in the human body, which is secreted by ameloblasts of ectodermal origin.

Question 11.
Name the structure of gut which is vestigial in human beings, but well developed in herbivores. And mention the type of tissue with which it is mostly formed.
Appendix is vestigial part in human beings. It is a narrow finger like tubular projection, arises from the caecum. In herbivores it is a functional part and useful in the digestion of cellulose materials. The appendix contain a high concentration of lymphoid tissues. These are highly specialized structures which are a part of the immune system.

Question 12.
Distinguish between deglutition and mastication.
Deglutition :
Deglutition is the swallowing of food and involves a complex and coordinated process. It is divided into three phases.

Phase one :
The collection and swallowing of masticated food.

Phase two :
Passage of food through the pharynx into the beginning of the esophagus.

Phase three :
The passage of food into the stomach.

Mastication :
The mastication process includes the biting and tearing of food into manageable pieces. This usually involves using the incisors and canines teeth. The grinding of food is usually performed by the molars and premolars. During the mastication process, food is moistened and mixed with saliva.

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Question 13.
Distinguish between diarrhoea and constipation.
Diarrhoea :
The abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge is known as diarrhoea. It reduces the absorption of fqod arid results in loss of water.

Constipation :
A condition ip which the faeces are retained within the rectum as it is hard due to low content of water and the movement of bowel occurs irregularly.

Question 14.
Name two hormones secreted by the duodenal mucosa.
The epithelium of duodenum secretes the hormones namely secretin and cholecystokinin (cck).

Question 15.
Distinguish between absorption and assimilation.
Absorption :
Absorption is the process by which the end products of digestion pass through the intestinal mucosa into blood (or) lymph. It is carried out by passive, active (or) facilitated transport mechanisms.

The absorbed substances finally reach the tissues, where food materials become integral components of the living protoplasm and used for the production of energy, growth and repair. This process is called assimilation.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of L.S of a tooth. Ans.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 2

Question 2.
Describe the process of digestion of proteins in the stomach.
Protein digestion begins in the stomach. The food entered into the stomach is mixed thoroughly with the gastric juice of the stomach by the churning movements of its muscular wall and the product is called chyme. The main components of gastric juice are protein digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucus.

HCl provides the acidic pH (1.8) which is optimal for the action of pepsin. The proenzymes of gastric juice, the pepsinogen and prorennin, on exposure to hydrochloric acid are convened into the active enzymes, pepsin and rennin respectively. Pepsin converts proteins into proteoses and peptones. Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme found in the gastric juice of infants. It acts on the milk protein, the casein in the presence of calcium ions and converts it into calcium paracaseinate and proteoses. Pepsin acts on calcium paracaseinate and converts it into peptones. The entire process of protein digestion in the stomach takes about 4 hours.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 3

Question 3.
Explain the role ofpancreatic juice in the digestion of proteins.
Pancreatic juice is secreted by the pancreas and it plays an important role in protein ‘digestion. Pancreatic juice contains protein hydrolysing enzymes like trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and pro carboxy peptidases, but they are inactive enzymes.

Trypsinogen is activated by the enzyme enterokinase, secreted by the intestinal mucosa into active trypsin, which in turn activates the other enzymes in the pancreatic juice. Trypsin itself can similarly activate trypsinogen into trypsin.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 4

Chymotrypsin, Trypsin and Carboxy Peptidase of pancreatic juice act upon proteins, proteoses and peptones in the chyme, result in the formation of tri and dipeptides. Which in turn hydrolysed into aminoacids by the action Of tri aruj di peptidases.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 5

Question 4.
How are polysaccharides and disaccharides digested?
Dietary carbohydrates principally consist of polysaccharides :
Starch and glycogen. It contains disaccharides and small amounts of monosaccharides.

Digestion in mouth:
Digestion of carbohydrates starts at the mouth, where they come in contact with saliva during mastication. Saliva contains carbohydrate-splitting enzyme called Salivay amylase (ptyalin). This enzyme hydrolyses the starch into disaccharides (maltose).
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 6

Digestion in stomach:
Ptyalin action stops in stomach when pH falls to 3.0. No carbohydrate splitting enzymes are available in gastric juice. Some dietary sucrose may be hydrolysed by HCl.

Digestion in small intestine :
Chyme reaches the duodenum from stomach where it meets pancreatic juice. Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed by the pancreatic amylase into disaccharides. Intestinal disaccharidases act on the disaccharides and convert them into monosaccharides.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 7

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Question 5.
If you take butter in your food how does it get digested and absorbed in the body? Explain.
Butter contains fat. Fats remain mostly undigested in stomach.

Digestion of fat in the small intestine :
The major site of fat digestion is the small intestine. This is due to the presence of a powerful lipase/(steapsin) in the pancreatic juice and bile juice. Bile juice contains bile salts such as Sodium/Potassium glycocholates and taurocholates, which helps in the emulsification of fat i.e., break down of fats into very small micelles. Bile also activates lipases of pancreatic juice (steapsin) and intestinal lipases. These lipases act on emulsified fats and convert them into fatty acids and glycerols.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 8

Absorption :
Fatty acids and glycerol being insoluble in water cannot be absorbed into the blood directly. They are first modified into small droplets called micelles, which move into intestinal mucosal cells. They are reformed into very small protein coated fat globules called chylomicrons, which are transported into the lymph capillaries in the villi by exocytosis. Then they are ultimately released into blood stream through left subclavian vein via the thoracic duct. These chylomicrons are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol by the action of an enzyme lipoprotein lipase and they diffuse into the adipocytes of the adipose tissue and liver for storage.

Question 6.
What are the functions of liver?
Liver performs a variety of functions such as synthesis, storage and secretion of various substances.

  1. Liver secretes bile juice, it contains bile salts such as sodium / potassium glycocholates and taurocholates, which helps in digestion and absorption of lipids.
  2. Liver plays the key role in carbohydrate metabolism.
    a) Glycogenesis : formation of glycogen from glucose.
    b) Glycogenolysis : breakdown of glycogen into glucose.
    c) Gluconeogenesis : Synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids, lactate (or) glycerol.
  3. Liver also plays an important role in synthesis of cholesterol and production of triglycerides.
  4. Deamination of proteins occurs in the liver.
  5. Liver is the chief organ of detoxification of toxic substances that enter the gut along with food.
  6. Liver acts as thermoregulatory organ.
  7. Liver acts as a haemopoietic organ in the foetus and erythroclastic organ in the adult.
  8. The liver synthesizes the plasma proteins such as albumin, globulins, blood clotting factors such as fibrinogen / prothrombin, etc., and the anticoagulant called heparin.
  9. The lactic acid formed during anaerobic muscle contraction is converted into glycogen (gluconeogenesis) in the liver by Cori cycle.
  10. Kupffer cells are the largest phagocytic cells which remove unwanted substances and microbes that attack the liver by phagocytosis.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Describe the physiology of digestion of various types of food in the human digestive system
Digestion is the process of convertion of complex non-diffusible food substances into simple diffusible forms. The process of digestion is accomplished by mechanical and biochemical process.

I. Digestion in the buccal cavity :
Buccal cavity performs two major functions, mastication of food and facilitation of swallowing. Teeth and tongue with the help of saliva masticate and mix up the food thoroughly. Mucus in saliva helps in lubricating and adhering the masticated food particles into bolus. The saliva secreted into oral cavity contains electrolytes such as Na+, K+, Cl, HCO3 arid enzymes like salivary amylase (ptyalin) and lysozyme. Carbohydrates digestion starts in the buccal cavity, about 30% of starch is hydrolysed here into a disaccharide called maltose by the enzyme amylase (ptyaline). Lysozyme acts as antibacterial agent that prevents infections.

II. Digestion in the stomach :
As the bolus enters into stomach starch digestion stops and protein digestion begins. The food entered into stomach is mixed thoroughly with gastric juice of the stomach by the churning movement of its muscular wall and the product is called chyme. The mucus and bicarbonates present in the gastric juice act as lubricant and protect the mucosal epithelium from HCl. HCl in the stomach provides the acidic pH (1.8) which is optimal for the action of pepsin.

The proenzymes of gastric juice, the pepsinogen and prorennin on exposure to HCl are converted into the active enzymes, pepsin and rennin respectively. Pepsin converts proteins into proteoses and peptones. Rennin found in gastric juice of infants. It acts on the milk protein, the casein in the presence of calcium ions convert into calcium paracaseinate and proteoses. Pepsin acts on paracaseinate and convert it into peptones. The entire process of protein digestion in stomach takes about 4 hours.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 9

III. Digestion in the small intestine :
Various types of movements are generated by the muscular external layer of small intestine. These movements help in thorough mixing of the food with bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice in the intestine and thereby facilitate digestion. The duodenal cells of the proximal part produces large amount of bicarbonates to completely neutralize any gastric acid that passes further down into the digestive tract.

i) Digestion of proteins :
Pancreatic juice contains protein hydrolysing enzymes like trypsinogen, chymotrypsin and procarboxy peptidases, but they are inactive enzymes.

Trypsinogen is activated by the enzyme enterokinase secreted by the intestinal mucosa into active trypsin which intum activate the other enzymes in the pancreatic juice. Trypsin itself can similarly activate trypsinogen into trypsin.

Chymotrypsin, trypsin and carboxy peptidase of pancreatic juice act upon proteins, proteoses and peptones in the chyme, result in the formation of tri and dipeptides which inturn hydrolysed into amino acids by the action of tri and dipeptidases.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 10

ii) Digestion of fats:
Bile salts of bile help in the emulsification of fat i.e., breakdown of fats into very small micelles. Bile also activates lipases of pancreatic juice (steapsin) and intestinal lipases. These lipases act on emulsified fats and convert them into fatty acids and glycerols.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 11

iii) Digestion of Carbohydrates :
Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed by the pancreatic amylase into disaccharides. Intestinal disaccharidases act on the disaccharides and convert them into monosacharides.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 12

iv) Digestion of nucleic acids :
Nucleases of the pancreatic juice act on the nucleic acids to form nucleotides and nucleosides. Nucleotidases and nucleosidases of the intestinal juice convert the nucleotides and nucleosides into pentose sugar and nitrogen bases.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 13

The end products of digestion pass through the intestinal mucosa into blood (or) lymph is carriedout by passive, active (or) facilitated transport mechanisms.

AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption

Question 2.
Explain the digestive system of man with neat labelled diagram.
AP Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material Chapter 1(a) Digestion and Absorption 14
The digestive system is a group of organs and tissues involve in the breaking down of ingested food in the alimentary canal into a form that can be absorbed ai a assimilated by the tissues of the body.

Human digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and the associated glands. Alimentary canal / Digestive tract:

The alimentary canal of man begins with the anterior opening, the mouth and ends with the posterior opening, the anus.

Parts of the alimentary canal / digestive tract:

  1. Mouth and Buccal (oral) cavity
  2. Pharynx
  3. Oesophagus
  4. Stomach
  5. Small intestine
  6. Large intestine

1. Mouth and Buccal (oral) cavity:
Mouth is the first part of the alimentary canal. It is formed by the cheek on either side and boardered by the movable upper and lower lips, leads into the buccal (or) oral cavity. The palate separate the ventral buccal cavity from the dorsal nasal chamber and facilitates chewing and breathing simultaneously. The jaw bones bear teeth and tongue occurs at the base of the buccal cavity.

i) Teeth :
These are ecto-mesodermal in origin. An adult human has 32 permanent teeth, which are of four different types namely, incisors (I), canines (C), premolars (PM), and molars (M). These are useful in cutting, tearing and grinding of food. The arrangement’ of teeth is represented by dental formula. In adult human
it is = \(\frac{2123}{2123}\) = 32

ii) Tongue :
It is a freeely movable muscular sense organ, attached to the floor of the oral cavity by a fold of tissue called frenulum. The upper surface of the tongue has small projections called papillae, some of which bear taste buds. The tongue acts as universal toothbrush and helps in mixing saliva with food, taste detection, deglutition and speaking.

2. Pharynx:
It is a muscular tube connecting the oral cavity and oesophagus and trachea. It is a common passage for food and air. It is divided into nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngo pharynx. Oesophagus and trachea open into the laryngopharynx. The trachea open into the laryngopharynx through the glottis. A cartilaginous flap called epiglottis prevents the entry of food into glottis during swallowing.

3. Oesophagus:
It is a thin long muscular tube (9 to 12 inches). The semisolid digested food from pharynx enters the oesophagus. Oesophagus is separated by the Cardiac sphincter from stomach. When the food reaches lower end of Oesophagus the cardiac sphincter opens allowing the food to enter the stomach.

4. Stomach :
It is a wide ‘J’ shaped muscular sac, located iii the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity just below the diaphragm. It has three major parts, an anterior cardiac portion into which the oesophagus opens, a middle large fundic region and a posterior pyloric portion which opens into the first part of the small intestine through the pyloric aperture which is guarded by the pyloric sphincter.

5. Small intestine :
The small intestine is the longest part of alimentary canal. It has three regions namely proximal duodenum middle long coiled jejunum and distal highly coiled ileum. Duodenum receives the hepato-pancreatic duct. Ileum opens into the large intestine.

6. Large intestine :
It consist of caecum, colon and rectum. Caecum is a small blind sac. A narrow finger like vestigial tubular organ arises from caecum called appendix. The caecum opens into colon which is‘divided into an ascending, a transverse, a descending parts and a sigmoid colon that continues behind into rectum. Rectum is a small dilated sac which leads into anal canal that opens out through the anus.

Digestive glands :
1. Salivary glands : There are three pairs of glands in man.
i) Parotid glands
ii) Sub-maxillary glands
iii) Sub-lingual glands
They secrete saliva, which mainly contains salivary amylase and lysozyme.

2. Gastric glands :
These are located in the wall of the stomach beneath the surface
epithelium, Gastric glands are of three types namely
i) Cardiac glands – secrete mucus
ii) Pyloric glands – secrete mucus and hormone gastrin
iii) Fundic / Oxyntic glands – secrete mucus, proenzymes like pepsinogen and prorennin, HCl, intrensic factor and some amount of gastric lipase.

3. Intestinal glands :
They are of two types
i) Brunner’s glands
ii) Crypts of lieberkuhn
which secrete intestinal juice contains peptidases, disaccharidases, enterokinase and lysozyme.

4. Liver :
Liver is the largest gland in human. Liver secretes bile juice, contains bile salts, which play a very important role in lipid digestion.

5. Pancreas :
The pancreas is the second largest gland in human. Exocrine part of pancreas secretes pancreas juice contains sodium bicarbonates, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, carboxy peptidase, steapsin, -pancreatic amylase and nucleases such as DNAase and RNAase.

AP Inter 2nd Year Study Material Pdf | Intermediate 2nd Year Textbook Solutions

AP Inter 2nd Year Study Material Pdf | Intermediate 2nd Year Textbook Solutions

Telangana & Andhra Pradesh BIEAP TS AP Intermediate Inter 2nd Year Study Material Textbook Solutions Guide PDF Free Download, Sakshi Education Intermediate 2nd Study Material in English Medium and Telugu Medium are part of AP Intermediate Study Material. The curriculum has been designed in such a way, to help them learn the different subjects and concepts in an interesting and easy manner. These AP Intermediate 2nd Year Textbook Solutions will prove to be useful study tools during exam preparation.

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Here is AP Intermediate 2nd Year Study Material to help students prepare and ace the AP Intermediate 2nd year exams.

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AP Inter 2nd Year Important Questions

AP Inter 2nd Year Notes

We hope that these Telangana & Andhra Pradesh BIEAP TS AP Intermediate Inter 2nd Year Study Material Textbook Solutions Guide PDF Free Download in English Medium and Telugu Medium helps the student to come out successful with flying colors in this examination. This Sr Inter 2nd Year Study Material will help students to gain the right knowledge to tackle any type of questions that can be asked during the exams.

AP Inter 1st Year Study Material Pdf | Intermediate 1st Year Textbook Solutions

AP Inter 1st Year Study Material Pdf | Intermediate 1st Year Textbook Solutions

Telangana & Andhra Pradesh BIEAP TS AP Intermediate Inter 1st Year Study Material Textbook Solutions Guide PDF Free Download, Sakshi Education Intermediate 1st Study Material in English Medium and Telugu Medium are part of AP Intermediate Study Material. The curriculum has been designed in such a way, to help them learn the different subjects and concepts in an interesting and easy manner. These AP Intermediate 1st Year Textbook Solutions will prove to be useful study tools during exam preparation.

The AP Inter 1st Year Syllabus has also been created to address the most important learning needs of the students. That being said, BIEAP Inter 1st Year students can actually succeed in academics by making use of AP Inter 1st Year Study Material Pdf. As such, they can also make use of AP Intermediate 1st Year Previous Year Question Papers, which will further enable them to understand the actual exam paper in a clear manner.

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Here is AP Intermediate 1st Year Study Material to help students prepare and ace the AP Intermediate 1st year exams.

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AP Inter 1st Year Important Questions

AP Inter 1st Year Notes

We hope that these Telangana & Andhra Pradesh BIEAP TS AP Intermediate Inter 1st Year Study Material Textbook Solutions Guide PDF Free Download in English Medium and Telugu Medium helps the student to come out successful with flying colors in this examination. This Jr Inter 1st Year Study Material will help students to gain the right knowledge to tackle any type of questions that can be asked during the exams.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 1 Solid State

Students can go through AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes 1st Lesson Solid State will help students in revising the entire concepts quickly.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes 1st Lesson Solid State

→ A crystalline solid is one in which the component structural units are arranged in a definite geometrical order characteristic of the substance.

→ Metallic Crystals are opaque, lustrous and are good conductors of heat and electricity.
Ex : Cu, Fe and alloys.

→ Minimum radius ratio, then can give a specific coordination number and hence the shape to the compound.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 1 Solid State

→  According VBT, proposed by ‘Pauling’, resonance takes place throughout the solid metal.

→ Be, Mg, Cd, Co, Zn, Ti and Tl have ‘hcp’ arrangement of spheres.

→  Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ba, Cr, Mo, W have ‘bcc1 arrangement of spheres.

→ Only known example with simple cubic arrangement is ‘Polonium’.

→ Al, Cu, Au, Pd, Pt, Pb, Ni and Ca have ‘fcc’ arrangement of spheres.

→ Amorphous solids are those substances that do not have sharp melting points. Generally they melt over a range of temperature.
Molten quartz on rapid cooling gives an amorphous solid.

→ Bragg’s equation is nλ =. 2d sin θ
From the relation the conditions for diffraction with max. intensity (i.e., constructive inter-ference) can be calculated.

→ Bragg’s method is used to determine the crystal structures. Bragg’s spectrometer is used for this purpose. But for this method to be used large single crystals are necessary. The planes of the crystal must be fully developed and easily identifiable.

→ Total no.of lattice points in a simple cubic structure = 1 atom.
Total no.of points per unit cell in fee arrangement = 4 atoms.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 1 Solid State

→ Formula for the calculation of density of unit cell (ρ) is
ρ = \(\frac{\mathrm{ZM}}{\mathrm{N}_{\mathrm{o}} \mathrm{a}^3}=\frac{\mathrm{ZM}}{\mathrm{N}_{\mathrm{o}} \mathrm{V}}\)
Z = no.of atoms per unit cell.
M = Molecular weight,
N0 = Avagadro’s number
a3 (=v) = Volume of unit cell.

→  Schottky defect:
“It is a point defect in which an atom or ion is missing from its normal site in the lattice”.

→ Frenkel defect:
“It is a point defect in which an atom or ion is shifted from its normal lattice position”. The ion or the atom now occupies an interstitial position in the lattice.

→ Interstitial defect:
Some of the constituent particles of solid compound occupy an interstitial site, the crystal is said to have interstitial defect.

→ Schottky and Frenkel defects are point defects. Schottky defect is fouild in highly ionic com-pounds. Frenkel defect is favoured by a large difference in sizes between cation and anion.

→ f – centers are the anionic sites occupied by unpaired electrons.

→ The conductivity in metals depends on the number of valence electrons present per atom.

→  Conductivity of the metals generally decreases as the temperature raises. This is due to increased vibrations in the lattice points.

→ Semi – conductors whose conductivity increases with increase in temperature are called intrinsic semi – conductors.

→  Addition of impurity to the semi conductor to increase the conductivity is known as Doping.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 1 Solid State

→ Addition of III group elements to Si (or) Ge leads to n – type semi – conductors.
Addition of V group elements to Si (or) Ge leads to p – type semi – conductors.

→  Diamagnetic materials are weakly repelled by the applied magnetic fields.
Ex : NaCl, Benzene etc.

→  Paramagnetic substances are attracted into the applied magnetic field.
Ex : O2, NO, Na-atom etc.

→ Ferromagnetic substances show permanent magnetism even after the applied field is removed. Fe, Co, Ni are the only three elements which show ferromagnetism at room temperature.

→ Fe3O4 shows antiferromagnetism.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Students get through AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions 1st Lesson Solid State which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions 1st Lesson Solid State

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by the term coordination number ?
The number of nearest neighbouring particles of a particle is defined as the co-ordination number.
The number of nearest oppositely charged ions surrounding a particular ion is also called as co-ordination number.
E.g.: Co-ordination no. of Na+ in NaCl lattice is ‘6’.

Question 2.
What is the co-ordination number of atoms in a cubic close – pack structure ?
The co-ordination number of atoms in a cubic close pack structure is ’12’.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 3.
What is the co-ordination number of atoms in a body – centered cubic structure ?
The co-ordination number of atoms in a body – centered cubic structure is ‘8’.

Question 4.
How do you distinguish between crystal lattice and unit cell ? [Board Model Paper]
Crystal lattice : A regular arrangement of the constituent particles of a crystal in the three dimensional space is called crystal lattice.
Unit cell: The simple unit of crystal lattice which when repeated again and again gives the entire crystal of a given substance is called unit cell.

Question 5.
What is Schottky defect ? [A.P. IPE 2015]
Schottky defect:

  1. “It is a point defect in which an atom or ion is missing from its normal site in the lattice”.
  2. In order to maintain electrical neutrality, the number of missing cations and anions are equal.
  3. This sort of defect occurs mainly in highly ionic compounds, where cationic and anionic sizes are similar.
    In such compounds the co-ordination number is high.
    Ex.: NaCl, CsCl etc.
  4. Illustration :
    AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 17
  5. This defect decreases the density of the substance.

Question 6.
What is Frenkel defect ? [A.P. IPE 2015]
Frenkel defect:

  1. “It is a point defect in which an atom or ion is shifted from its normal lattice position”. The ion or the atom now occupies an interstitial position in the lattice.
  2. This type of a defect is favoured by a large difference in sizes between the cation and anion. In these compounds co-ordination number is low.
    E.g.: Ag – halides, ZnS etc.
  3. Illustration :
    AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 18
  4. Frenkel defect do not change the density of the solids significantly.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 7.
What are f – centers ?

  • f – centers are the anionic sites occupied by unpaired electrons.
  • These import colour to crystals. This colour is due to the excitation of electrons when they absorb energy from the visible light.
  • f – centres are formed by heating alkyl halide with excess of alkali metal.
    E.g. : NaCl crystals heated in presence of Na – vapour, yellow colour is produced due to f – centres.

Question 8.
Why X – rays are needed to probe the crystal structure ?
According to the principles of optics, the wavelength of light used to observe an object must be no greater than the twice the length of the object itself. It is impossible to see atom s using even the finest optical microscope. To see the atoms we must use light with a wavelength of approximately 10-10 m. X – rays are present with in this region of electromagnetic spectrum. So X – rays are used to probe crystal structure.

Question 9.
Explain Ferromagnetism with suitable example.
Ferromagnetic Substances : Some substances containing more number of unpaired electrons are very strongly attracted by the external magnetic field. In Ferromagnetic substances the magnetic moments in individual atoms are all alligned in the same direction. Such substances are called Ferromagnetic Substances. In ferromagnetic substances the field strength B > > > H.
E.g.: Fe, Co and Ni.

Question 10.
Explain Ferrimagnetisms with suitable example.
Ferrimagnetism is observed when the magnetic moments of the domains in the substance are aligned in parallel and anti parallel directions in unequal numbers.

  • These are weakly attracted by magnetic field as compared to ferromagnetic substances.
  • These lose ferrimagnetism on heating and becomes paramagnetic.

Question 11.
Explain Antiferromagnetism with suitable example.
Substances like Mno showing anti-ferromagnetism having domain structure similar to ferromagnetic substance, but their domains are oppositely oriented and cancel out each others magnetic moment.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 12.
What are Tetrahedral voids ?
The second layer spheres over the first layer arrangement, the spheres of second layer are placed in the depressions of the first layer. All the triangle voids of the first layer are covered by the spheres of second layer. These are called ‘Tetrahedral voids’.

Question 13.
What are Octahedral voids ?
The triangular voids in the second layer are above the triangular voids in the first layer. Such voids are surrounded by six spheres and are called ‘Octahedral voids’.

Question 14.
What are n-type semiconductors ?
Silicon and Germanium belong to IVA group and have four valence electrons. When these elements are doped with VA group like P or As which have 5 valence electrons some of lattice sites of Si are replaced by VA group element. Each VA group element forms four bonds with four Si atoms and fifth electron is extra and becomes delocalised. These delocalised electrons increase the conductivity. The increase in conductivity is due to negatively charged electrons. Hence it is called n – type semi conductor.

Question 15.
What are p-type semi conductors ?
Silicon and Germaium when doped with IIIA group elements like B or Al which have only 3 valence electrons. These electrons are bonded to three silicon atoms and fourth valence electron place is vacant. It is called hole. Under the influence of electric field, electrons move towards positive electrode through holes. Hence this type of semi-conductors are called p – type semi conductors.

Question 16.
How many lattice points are there in one unit cell of face – centered tetragonal lattice ?
In face centered’tetragonal unit cell
Number of face centered atoms per unit cell
= 6 face centered atoms × \(\frac{1}{2}\) atom per unit cell
6 × \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 3 atoms
∴ Total no. of lattice points = 1 + 3 = 4.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 17.
How many lattice points are there in one unit cell of body centered cubic lattice ?
In body – centered cubic unit cell
The number of comer atoms per unit cell
= 8 comers × \(\frac{1}{8}\) per corner atom
= 8 × \(\frac{1}{8}\) = 1 atom
Number of atoms at body center = 1 × 1 = 1 atom
∴ Total no. of lattice points = 1 + 1 = 2.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Calculate the efficiency of packing in case of a metal of simple cubic crystal.
Packing efficiency in case of metal of simple cubic crystal:
AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 4
The edge length of the cube
a = 2r. (r = radius of particle)
Volume of the cubic unit cell = a3 = (2r)3
= 8r3
∵ A simple cubic unit cell contains only one atom
The volume of space occupied = \(\frac{4}{3}\) πr3
∴ Packing efficiency
= \(\frac{\text { Volume of one atom }}{\text { Volume of cubic unit cell }}\) × 100
= \(\frac{4 / 3 \pi r^{3}}{8 r^{3}}\) × 100 = \(\frac{\pi}{6}\) × 100 = 52.36%.

Question 2.
Calculate the efficiency of packing in case of a metal of body centered cubic crystal.
Packing efficiency in case of a metal of body centred cubic crystal:
AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 5
in B.C.C. Crystal
\(\sqrt{3}\)a = 4r
a = \(\frac{4 \mathrm{r}}{\sqrt{3}}\)
In this structure total no. of atoms is ‘2’ and their volume = 2 × (\(\frac{4}{3}\)) πr3
Volume of the cube = a3 = (\(\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}}\)r)3
AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 6

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 3.
Describe the two main types of semiconductors and contrast their conduction mechanism.
The solids which are having moderate conductivity between insulators and conductors are called semi conductors.

  • These have the conductivity range from 10-6 to 104 Ohm-1m-1.
  • By doping process the conductivity of semi conductors increases.
    E.g.: Si, Ge, crystal.

Semi conductors are of two types. They are :
1. Intrinsic semi-conductors : In case of semi-conductors, the gap between the valence band and conduction band is small. Therefore, some electrons may jump to conduction band and show some conductivity. Electrical conductivity of semi-conductors increases with rise in “temperature”, since more electrons can jump to the conduction band. Substances like silicon and germanium show this type of behaviour and are called intrinsic semi-conductors.

2. Extrinsic semi – conductors : Their conductivity is due to the presence of impurities. They are formed by “doping”.
Doping: Conductivity of semi-conductors is too low to be of pratical use. Their conductivity is increased by adding an appropriate amount of suitable impurity. This process is called “doping”.
Doping can be done with an impurity which is electron rich or electron deficient.

Extrinsic semi-conductors are of two types.
a) n-type semi-conductors : It is obtained by adding trace amount of V group element (P, As, Sb) to pure Si or Ge by doping.
When P, As, Sb (or) Bi is added to Si or Ge, some of the Si or Ge in the crystal are replaced by P or As atoms and four out of five electrons of P or As atom will be used for bonding with Si or Ge atoms while the fifth electron serve to conduct electricity.

b) p-type semi-conductors : It is obtained by doping with impurity atoms containing less electrons i.e., Ill group elements (B, Ai, Ga or In).
When B or AZ is added to pure Si or Ge, some of the Si or Ge in the crystal are replaced by B or AZ atoms and four out of three electrons of. B or AZ atom will be used for bonding with “Si” or Ge atoms while the fourth valence electron is missing is called electron hole (or) electron vacancy. This vacancy on an atom in the structure migrates from one atom to another. Hence it facilitates the electrical conductivity.

AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State

Question 4.
Derive Bragg’s equation. [A.P. & T.S. Mar. 17, 16; IPE Mar & May 15]
Derivation of Bragg’s equation: When X-rays are incident on the crystal or plane, they are diffracted from the lattice points (lattice points may be atoms or ions or molecules). In the crystal the lattice points are arranged in regular pattern. When the waves are diffracted from these points, the waves may be constructive or destructive interference.
AP Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1 Solid State 14
The 1st and 2nd waves reach the crystal surface. They undergo constructive interference. Then from the figure 1st and 2nd rays are parallel waves. So, they travel the same distance till the wave form AD. The second ray travels more than the first by an extra distance (DB + BC) after crossing the grating for it to interfere with the first ray in a constructive manner. Then only they can be in the same phase with one another. If the two waves are to be in phase, the path difference between the two ways must be equal to the wavelength (X) or integral multiple of it (nλ, where n = 1, 2, 3, ………..)
(i.e.,) nλ = (DB + BC) [where n = order of diffraction]
DB = BC = d sin θ [θ = angle of incident beam,]
(DB + BC) = 2d sin θ [d = distance between the planes]
nλ = 2d sin θ
This relation is known as Bragg’s equation.