AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 1st Lesson कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material 1st Lesson कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
पुण्डरीकमुद्दिश्य कपिजलः किमुपदिदेश?
What did Kapinjala advice Pundarika?
2. कामावेशात् निवर्तयितुं पुण्डरीकं प्रति कपिञ्जलः किमुवाच?
What did Kapinjala say to Pundarika in order to divert him from his passion?
The lesson Kapinjalopadesa is an extract from the Kadambari, written by Bana. Pundarika, an ascetic fell in love with a celestial nymph Mahaswetha, His friend Kapinjala advised him that it was not proper for him to lose his self-control. He asked him to condemn the Love-god.

Kapinjala’s questions :
Kapinjala told Pundarika that it was not proper for Pundarika to behave in such a way as the common men would behave. The ascetics had the wealth of courage. धैर्यधना हि साधवः। He asked Pundarika why he did not restrain himself. How he was attacked by the senses. Where had his courage, self-restraint, calmness, celibacy, learning, disinterestedness, and distaste for pleasures gone? If people like him were also sullied by passion then there was no use of intellect, study of the scriptures, culture, knowledge received from the teachers, and awakening. निरर्थक: संस्कारः। He asked him how did he not notice the crystal rosary that fell from his hand and taken away by that evil woman. He exclaimed that Pundarika was absent minded, and thought of rescuing him before his heart was stolen by that evil woman. अहो विगत चेतनत्वम्।

When Pundarika accepted that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha, Kapinjala further advised thus.

Kapinjala’s advice :
He asked Pundarika whether it was taught by his teachers of he studied it in the scriptures. Was it a means to acquire Dharma, a new kind of penance, a mystic vow or path leading to heavens? Could he even imagine this, let alone tell or see? Why did he allow the Cupid make him a laughing-stock? Only fools are tormented by the Cupid. मूढो हि मदनेन अयास्थते Could he have happiness in something condemned by the virtuous and honoured only by the vile?

He said that he was a fool, who watered a garden of poisonous plants, embraced a sword creeper, held a black serpent or touched a burning coal thinking them to be something else. If he could not restrain his senses or control his mind, what was the use of his knowledge like that of the light of a firefly? And he advised him to condemn the stupid Love-god.

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
कपिजलः कस्मिन् संदर्भ पुण्डरीकं प्रति उपदेशवचनानि अवदत्?
पुण्डरीकः महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तः अभवत्। तपोजपादिनियमेषु अनासक्तः च अभवत्। तस्मिन् सन्दर्भ तं सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुम् कपिञ्जलः – उपदेशवचनानि अवदत्।

प्रश्न 2.
पुण्डरीकः किमर्थं विचारग्रस्तः बभूव?
पुण्डरीक: महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तः अभवत्। तपोजपादिनियमेषु अनासक्तः अभवत् । ताम् एव चिन्तयन् विचारग्रस्तः बभूव।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

प्रश्न 3.
पुण्डरीकः कया आकृष्टहृदयः आसीत्?
पुण्डरीकः महाश्वेतया आकृष्टहृदयः आसीत्। महाश्वेता च एका गन्धर्वकन्या।

प्रश्न 4.
कपिजलोपदेशं कस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतम्?
कपिञ्जलोपदेशः कादम्बरी इति गद्यकाव्यात् स्वीकृतः। अस्य काव्यस्यकर्ता बाणभट्टः।

एकपदसमाधानप्रश्ना: One Word Answers

प्रश्न 1.
धैर्यधनाः के?
धैर्यधनाः साधवः।

प्रश्न 2.
महाश्वेता का?
महाश्वेता एका गन्धर्वकन्या।।

प्रश्न 3.
कपिजलः कः?
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकस्य मित्रम्।

प्रश्न 4.
बाणः कस्य आस्थाने आसीत्?
बाणः श्रीहर्षस्य आस्थाने आसीत् ।

सन्दर्भवाक्यानि Annotations

1. धैर्यधना हि साधवः।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
साधुजनानां तु धैर्यम् एव धनम्।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। साधुजनानां धैर्यमेव धनम् । परन्तु पुण्डरीकः विक्लीभवति स्म।

2. निरर्थकः संस्कारः।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
संस्कारः अर्थरहितः भवति।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। यदि पुण्डरीकसदृशः अपि रागेण कलुषीकृतः चेत् तथा प्रज्ञा निष्फला भवति, संस्कारः अर्थरहितः भवति, ज्ञानं च। निष्कारणं भवति इति।

3. मूढो हि मदनेन आयास्यते।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिजलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
मूर्खः एव मदनस्य वशे पतति।

विवरणम् –
कपिजलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। तेन यत् आरब्धं तत् किम्? तपः वा, व्रतं वा, नियमः वा? मूर्खजनः एव मदनस्य वशे पतति।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

4. अहो विगतचेतनत्वम्।
एतत् वाक्यम् ‘कपिजलोपदशः इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य मूलग्रन्थः कादम्बरी। अस्य कविः बाणः।

महाश्वेतायाम् अनुरक्तम् पुण्डरीकम् सन्मार्गे प्रवर्तयितुं कपिञ्जलः एवम् उपदिशति।

अर्थः –
अहो, अचेतनत्वम्।

विवरणम् –
कपिञ्जलः पुण्डरीकं वदति यत् पुण्डरीकस्य स्थितिः तस्य अनुरूपा न। सः अचेतनः इवास्ति । करतलात् भ्रष्टाम् अक्षमालाम् अपि न लक्षयति।

विशेषतो ज्ञेयाः


अनुरूपम् – उचितम्
रुणस्ति – वारयसि
संयमिता – निग्रहः
मदनः – मन्मथः
प्रबुद्धता – विवेकः
प्रकारः – पद्धतिः
अङ्गारम् – अग्निकणम्
क्षुभितम् – कलुषितम्
अभिभूयन्ते – तिरस्क्रियन्ते

व्याकरणांशाः Grammar


न + एतत् = नैतत् – वृद्धिसन्धिः
तव + अपूर्वः = तवापूर्वः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
गुरु + उपदेशः = गुरूपदेशः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
आर्जन + उपायः = आर्जनोपायः – गुणसन्धिः
माम + इयम् = मामेयम् – गुणसन्धिः
कः + अयम् = कोऽयम् – विसर्गसन्धिः
मनसा + अपि = मनसापि – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
तपसि + अभिनिवेशः = तपस्यभिनिवेशः – यणादेशसन्धिः


क्षुद्रजनक्षुण्णः – क्षुद्रजनैः क्षुण्णः – तृतीयातत्पुरुष समासः
कुलक्रमागतम् – कुलक्रमात् आगतम् – पञ्चमीतत्पुरुष समासः
विगतचेतनः – विगतं चेतनं यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहिसमासः
आकृष्टहृदयः – आकृष्टं हृदयं यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहिसमासः
गुरूपदेशः – गुरूणाम् उपदेशः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
कपिअलोपदेशः – कपिञ्जलस्य उपदेशः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Summary in English

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Introduction:

Many works of prose, poetry and mixed variety are there in Sanskrit. Among the poems, the Ramayana of Valmiki was the first kavya. Kalidasa and others followed Valmiki and wrote many verse kavyas. There are many prose works also. Among them, the Kadambari, a work of Banais considered the best. The greatness of prose is expressed by the saying गद्यं कवीनां निकषं वदन्ति। “Prose is said to be touch-stone for poets.” The scholars praised Kadambari as कादम्बरीरसज्ञानाम् आहारोगपि न रोचते। “The connoisseurs of Kadambari (the work of Bana and also liquor) do not relish food also.”

Bana was the court poet of Sri Harsha, who ruled during the seventh century AD. He wrote Harshacharita, a biography of Harsha. वाणी बाणो बभूव -“Goddess Saraswati became Bana.”

The Lesson :
The lesson कपिजलोपदेशः is an extract from Bana’s Kadambari. Here the advice given by Kapinjala to his friend Pundarikais told. Pundarika, an ascetic was attracted to Mahaswetha, a celestial nymph. Then his friend Kapinjala showed him the right path. In this world to do either good or bad, one needs someone’s help. If that person is a good friend, he will make one do good deeds. If he is bad, he will encourage sinful activities. So men should always seek good company.

The Previous Story:
Hamsa was a king of the Gandharva clan. He lived on the Hemakuta Mountain. He married a nymph name Gauri. They were a loving and affectionate couple. They had a daughter named Mahaswetha. The girl spent her childhood happily, and reached puberty. Then spring had set in. Mahaswetha accompanied by her mother went to the Acchoda Lake to take bath. After her bath, she started to roam around the bowers there. Then she was attracted by a sweet fragrance. She went in search of its origin, and saw a handsome young ascetic, who came to take a dip in the lake. He wore on ear a bunch of flowers, which was never seen by Maha-swetha earlier. Pundarika fell in love with Mahaswetha. At that time his friend Kapinjala came there carrying flowers collected for worship. On seeing that Pundarika was distracted, and unable to concentrate on the worship, Kapinjala gave him a piece of advice in order to show him the right path.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Summary

Pundarika, an ascetic fell in love with Mahaswetha, a celestial nymph. His friend Kapinjala, having observed the lovesickness of Pundarika wanted to turn his friend’s mind and talked to him.

Kapinjala’s questions Pundarika’s wisdom :
Kapinjala told Pundariká that it was not proper for Pundarika to behave in such a way as the common men would behave. The ascetics had the wealth of courage. He asked Pundarika why he did not restrain himself. How he was attacked by the senses. Where had his courage, self-restraint, calmness, celibacy, learning, disinterestedness and distaste for pleasures gone? If people like him were also sullied by passion then there was no use of intellect, study of the scriptures, culture, knowledge received from the teachers, and awakening. He asked him how did he not notice the crystal rosary that fell from his hand and taken away by that evil woman.

When Pundaţika accepted that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha, Kapinjala further advised thus.

Kapinjala’s advice :
He asked Pundarika whether it was taught by his teachers of he studied it in the scriptures. Was it a means to acquire Dharma, a new kind of penance, a mystic vow or path leading to heavens? Could he even imagine this, let alone tell or see? Why did he allow the Cupid make him a laughing-stock? Could he have happiness in something condemned by the virtuous and honoured only by the vile?

He said that he was a fool, who watered a garden of poisonous plants, embraced a sword creeper, held a black serpent or touched a burning coal thinking them to be something else. If he could not restrain his senses or control his mind, what was the use of his knowledge like that of the light of a firefly? And he advised him to condemn the stupid Love-god.

कपिञ्जलोपदेशः Translation in English

‘सखे पुण्डरीक, नैतदनुरूपं भवतः। क्षद्रजनक्षुण्ण एष मार्गः। धैर्यधना हि साधवः। किं यः कश्चित्प्राकृत इव विक्लवीभवन्तमात्मानं न रुणत्सि। कुतस्तवापूर्वेयमाद्येन्द्रियोपप्लवो येनास्येवं कृतः। क्च ते तद्धैर्यम् । क्वासाविन्द्रियजयः। क्व तद्वशित्वं चेतसः। क्व सा प्रशान्तिः। क्व तत्कुलक्रमागतं ब्रह्मचर्यम् । क्व सा. सर्वविषय निरुत्सुकता| क्व ते गुरुपदेशः। क्व तानि श्रुतानि। क्च ता वैराग्यबुद्धयः। क्व तदुपभोग विद्वेषित्वम्। क्व सा सुखपराड्भुखता। क्वासौ तपस्यभिनिवेशः।

क्व सा भोगानामुपर्यरुचिः। क्व तद्योवनानुशासनम्। सर्वथा निष्फला प्रज्ञा, निर्गुणो धर्मशास्त्राभ्यासः, निरर्थकः संस्कारः, निरुपकारको गुरुपदेशविवेकः, निष्प्रयोजना प्रबुद्धता, निष्कारणं ज्ञानम्, यदत्र भवादृशा अपि रागाभिषगैः कलुषी क्रियन्ते प्रमादैश्चाभिभूयन्ते। कथं करतलाद्गगलितामपहृता मक्षमालामपि न लक्षयसि। अहो विगतचेतनत्वम्। अपहृता नामेयम्। इदमपि तावदपह्रियमाणमनया नार्यया निवार्यतां हृदयम्।

(न+एतत्+अनुरूपं this is not suitable, proper, क्षद्रजनक्षुण्णः (क्षुद्रैः जनैः क्षुण्णः) trodden by lowly people, धैर्यधनाः (धैर्यम् एव धनम् एषाम् ते) who has courage as wealth, विक्लवीभवन्तम् being agitated, losing heart, रुणत्सि stop, अपूर्वा strange, unheard of आद्य + इन्द्रिय+उपप्लवः first assault of the senses उपभोगविद्वेषित्वम् hatred towards pleasures तपसि + अभिनिवेशः devotion, resolution to penance राग + अभिषणैः by attachments to passion, desires विगतचेतनत्वम् loss of senses.

Friend ! Pundarika! This not suitable to you. This path is tread by mean fellows. The noble have courage as their wealth. Why don’t you hold yourself from being agitated like an uncultured person? Where from is this strange assault of the senses today that has done this to you? Where is your that courage? Where is the self-control? Where is that mastery over mind? Where is that calmness? Where is that celibacy that is family tradition? Where is that disinterestedness in all matters? Where are the teachings of the preceptor? Where are those good things heard? Where are those thoughts of renunciation? Where is that rejection of enjoyment? Where is that aversion to comforts? Where is that devotion to austerities?

Where is that restrain? Where is that distaste for pleasures? Where is that advice regarding youth? By all means, intellect becomes useless, study of the Dharmasastra becomes meritless, discipline becomes meaningless, wisdom of the teaching of the master becomes helpless, awakening becomes fruitless, knowledge becomes reasonless, if at all people like you also become turbid by the touch of passion, and get assaulted by carelessness. Why do you take no notice of the crystal rosary that fell from your hand, and has been taken away? Alas, absent-mindedness ! Verily this is being lost. Hold your heart that is being stolen by that unworthy one.”

पुण्डरीकोऽपि स्वयं चाञ्चल्यमङ्गीकृत्य महाश्वतायाः सौन्दर्येण आकृष्टहृदयोऽस्मीति उवाच। किञ्च, सखे, कपिञ्जल, विदित वृत्तान्तोऽपि कि मां पृच्छसि इति कृच्छ्रेण शनैः शनैः अवदत् । तदनु कपिञ्जलः पुनः तं कामावेशात् निवर्तयितुम् एवम् उवाच।

(आकृष्टहृदयः (आकृष्टं हृदयं यस्य) whose heart has been dragged, attracted to विदितवृत्तान्तः (विदितः वृत्तान्तः येन) who knew the story, news orhidenta from the emotion of love)

Pundarika also, having accepted his fickleness said that he was attracted by the beauty of Mahaswetha. “Dear friend, Kapinjala, why do you ask me know the matter well?” Thus he asked slowly. Then again Kapinjala told him thus in order to turn him back from his passion.

‘सखे, पुण्डरीक, सुविदितमेतत् मम, केवलमिदमेव पृच्छामियदेतदारब्धं भवता, किमिदं गुरुभिरुपदिष्टम्? उत धर्मशास्त्रेषु पठितम्? उत धर्मार्जनोपायोऽयम्? उत अपरः तपसां प्रकार:? उत स्वर्गगमन मार्गऽयम्? उत व्रतरहस्यमिदम् ? उत मोक्षप्रात्पि युक्तिरियम् ? अहोस्वित् अन्यो नियमप्रकारः ? कथमेतद् युक्तं भवता मनसापि चिन्तयितुम्? किं पुनराख्यातुमीक्षितुं वा? कथय किम् अप्रबुद्ध इवानेन मन्मथहतकेनो पहासास्पदतां नीयमानमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे? मूढो हि मदनेनायास्यते? कथं वा सुखाशा साधुजन निन्दितेष्वेवंविधेषु प्राकृतजनबहुमतेषु विषयेषु भवतः? स खलु धर्मबुद्ध्या विषलतावनं सिञ्चति, कुवलयमालेति निस्त्रिंशलता मालिङ्गति, कृष्णागरूधूमलेखेति कृष्णसर्पमवगूहते, रत्नमिति ज्वलन्तमगार मभिस्पृशति, मृणालमिति दुष्टवारणदन्तमुसलम् उन्मूलयति, मूढो विषयोप भोगेष्वनिष्टानुबन्धिषु यः सुखबुद्धिमारोपयति । अधिगतविषय तत्त्वोऽपि कस्मात् खद्योत इव ज्योतिर्निवार्यमिदं ज्ञानमुद्वहसि, यतो न निवारयसि प्रबलरजः प्रसरकुलुषितानि स्रोतांसीव उन्मार्गप्रस्थितानि इन्द्रियाणि न नियमसि च क्षुभितं मनः । कोऽयमनङ्गो नाम ? धैर्यमवलम्ब्य निर्भत्स्यतामयं दुराचारः इति ।

(धर्म+आर्जन+उपायः a means to earn dharma व्रतरहस्यम् secret of vow अहोस्वित् or, otherwise अप्रबुद्धः unawakened, ignorant faecalqay garden of poisonous creepers, plants कुवलयमाला garland of blue lotuses निस्त्रिंशलताम् (निस्त्रिंशः एव लता) the blade of a sword कृष्ण+अगरूधूमलेखा (कृष्णा च सा अगरुणः धूमस्य लेखा) the black smoke of incense अवगूहते embraces, holds, दुष्टवारण दन्तमुसलम् the club like tusk of a wild elephant अनिष्ट + अनुबन्धिषु that lead to undesirable results खद्योतः firefly निर्वीर्यम् useless (is a better reading than निवार्यम् to be stopped) प्रबलरजः प्रसरकुलुषितानि (applies to both the streams and the senses) muddied with the flow of much dirt (streams), sullied with the flow of many desires (sensés) B ryRetal flowing in uneven paths (streams), moving in unrighteous ways (senses) ARYANA condemn, abuse)

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 1 कपिञ्जलोपदेशः

“‘Friend, Pundarika, I know it well. But I ask you this only – What you have started, is it taught by the teachers? Or studied in the scriptures? Or is it a means to attain Dharma? Or is it another variety of penance? Or is it the path leading to the heaven? Or a secret vow? Or a way to achieve liberation? Or is it another type of religious observance? How is it proper for you even to think about it in mind, let alone talk or see? Tell me, why do you, like an unintelligent one, not understand that you are being made a laughing-stock by that stupid Cupid? Only the fools are tormented by Love. What hope of happiness do you perceive in these actions that are blamed by the noble, but are honoured by the uncultured?

He is a fool, who waters but with good intension the garden of poisonous creepers; embraces the blade of a sword, taking it for a garland of lotuses, holds a black serpent thinking it is a line of black incense ash; touches a burning coal taking it to be a gem; plucks the tusk of a wicked elephant taking it for lotus stalk; and superimposes happiness in pleasures of senses that lead to undesirable results. Even though you are learned, why do you carry this useless knowledge just as a firefly carries light if you do not stop the senses (which are sullied by great passion) that have taken the wrong path like streams that have become turbid with lot of dirt, or control the agitated mind? Who is this Love-god? Take cour age, and condemn this miscreant.”

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