Students can use TS 10th Class English Model Papers Set 7 as a tool for exam preparation.
TS 10th Class English Model Paper Set 7 with Solutions
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
- Read the question paper carefully.
- Answer the questions under Part – A in the answer booklet provided.
- Write the answer to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself.
- Avoid overwriting.
Part – A (60 Marks)
(Questions 1 – 4) : Read the following passage.
‘When I was 13, I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and helped others; said Nick.
‘I realised why God had made us like this – to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage other people and give them the courage that the article had given me.’
‘I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t.’
‘I looked at myself in the mirror and said : ‘You know what the world is right that I have no arms or legs, but they’ll never take away the beauty of my eyes.’
I wanted to concentrate on something good that I had.’
“The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run us over,” said Nick. In 1990 Nick won the Australian Young Citizen of the Year award for his bravery and perseverance.
‘And once I was in a car and a girl at traffic lights was giving me the eye. She could only see my head so I decided to do a 360 in the car seat to freak her out. Her face was like woooooooah what is going on? She sped off really quickly’.
Nick began travelling the world and in 2008 he went to Hawaii and met surfing master Bethany Hamilton, who had her arm bitten off by a shark when she was 12.
‘She was amazing,’ said Nick. ‘She taught me how to surf and I was terrified at first, but once I got up there it felt absolutely fantastic and I caught some waves pretty well.’ Nick quickly learned how to do the 360 degree spins on his board – a feat that got him on the cover of Surfer magazine within 48 hours. ‘No one has ever done that in the history of surfing’, he said. ‘But I have a very low centre of gravity so I’ve got pretty good balance.’ (Attitude is Altitude)
Answer each of the following questions in three to four, sentences. 4 × 3 = 12 M
Question 1.
What is the meaning of the statement, ‘I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t ?
One should be content about life with positive approach because discontentment leads to evil in life.
Question 2.
Why does Nick say, “I wanted to concentrate on something good that I had” ?
Nick says that he wants to concentrate on something good that he had with the inspiration he got from the story of a disable person who had managed to achieve great things and helped others. Nick understood that God had given him the life to inspire others.
Question 3.
Why did the girl at the traffic lights speed off quickly ?
Because she was frightened and she might not have seen such a torso till then.
Question 4.
What are the qualities we learn from the life of Nick Vujicic ?
From the life of Nick, we learn that if we fail, we should try again and again until we succeed. Nick shows us that anything can be done if we try hard enough. We shouldn’t lose our faith and hope under any circumstances. We should possess the qualities of perseverance, bravery, will power and uncrushable spirit to become successful.
(Questions 5 – 8) : Read the following excerpts.
Aunt Jane : And the rest belongs to Mr. Sage, I suppose ?
Jill : Er-Yes.
Aunt Jane : Well. I’m not going to sit on Mr. Sage’s part for any one. (She stands up.) Now, tell me, how much do all these instalments come to ?
Jack : Well, actually-(He takes out his pocket-book and consults it.) – actually to seven pounds eight and eight pence a week.
Aunt Jane : Good heavens ! And how much do you earn ?
Jack : As a matter of fact-er-that is-six pounds.
Aunt Jane : But that’s absurd! How can you pay seven pounds eight and eight pence out of six pounds ?
Jack : Oh, that’s easy. You see, all you have to do is to borrow the rest of the money for the payments from the Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation.
Jill : They’re only too glad to loan you any amount you like, on note of hand alone.
Aunt Jane : And how do you propose to pay that back?
Jack : Oh, that’s easy, too. You just pay it back in instalments.
Aunt Jane : Instalments ! (She claps her hand to her forehead and sinks back weakly into the chair. Then realises that she is sitting on Mr. Sage’s piece and leaps to her feet again with a little shriek.)
Jack : Aunt Jane! Is anything the matter ? Would you like to lie down ?
Aunt Jane : Lie down ? Do you suppose I’m going to trust myself in a bed that belongs to Mr. Sage, or Marks and Spencer, or someboedy ? No, I am going home.
Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences. 4 × 3 = 12 M
Question 5.
Why did Aunt Jane refuse to lie down on the bed ?
Aunt Jane didn’t like buying things on installment basis. Her motto was “Cash down”. When she came, to know that all the things Jack and Jill had, were possessed by instalment basis, she refused to lie down on bed.
Question 6.
Do you support Jack’s buying things on instalment basis ? Why (not) ?
No, I don’t support his way of buying things on instalment basis as it keeps me permanently in debt.
Question 7.
How much money had Jack to pay towards all the instalments ? Who would help him pay his instalments according to Jack ?
Jack had to pay seven pounds eight and eight pence a week towards all the instalments. Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation would help him pay his instalments according to Jack.
Question 8.
Pick Three TRUE statements according to the passage.
A) Aunt Jane was a spendthrift.
B) Jack and Jill didn’t have any financial discipline.
C) Mr. Sage, Marks and Spencer were financiers.
D) Aunt Jane did not like Jack and Jill’s financial affairs.
E) Jack and Jill bought all the furniture from Thrift and Providence Trust.
The following statements are TRUE.
B) Jack and Jill didn’t have any financial discipline.
C) Mr. Sage, Marks and Spencer were financiers.
D) Aunt Jane did not like Jack and Jill’s financial affairs.
(Questions 9 – 12) : Read the following table. 4 × 2 = 8 M
The Bar diagram given below provides information about India’s food grains production during a certain period. Study the diagram carefully and answer the following questions.
Source : RBI Handbook of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Question 9.
What is the bar-diagram about ? How many years of grains production is shown in the diagram?
The bar diagram shows India’s food grains production (in million tonnes) from 2016 – 17 to 2021 – 22. Six years of food grain production is shown in the diagram.
Question 10.
What is, the source of this bar-diagram? Who published the handbook?
The source of the bar-diagram is the RBI Handbook of Statistics. It was published by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Question 11.
Which years recorded equal food grains production ? What is the trend in food grains production during the given period ?
2017 – 2018 and 2018 – 19 are the two years when the equal food grains production is recorded.
The food grain production is increasing during the given period.
Question 12.
Which year has recorded the highest percent of increase ? Which year has recorded the least percent of increase ?
2021 – 22 has recorded the highest percent of increase. 2018-19 has recorded 0% increase in ‘ food grain production.
(Questions 13) : Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions as directed and write them in the answer booklet. 4 × 2 = 8 M
One day the king Krishnadevaraya announced that whoever rears a cat and removes the troubles created by rats from their houses effectively will be given a reward. For that he gave each house a cat, and a cow for feeding the cat with milk.
(i) The king gave Tenaii Raman a cat and a cow, (ii) the next day he gave boiled milk to the cat. It hurnt its month. He took those two. And the day came. All the owners complained that (iii) the cats were not hunting rats and they looked very fat. But Ramalinga’s cat was very thin. The king asked Ramalinga why the cat was like that, (iv) Ramalinga said, “It has not drunk milk”. Everyone was surprised. The king ordered to give some milk to cat. But the cat ran away from the milk bowl. Then Ramalinga told the real story, (v) It did not drink milk. It killed the rats and was active. The other cats drank milk from time to time and slept happily without killing rats, (vi) The king praised Ramalinga.
i) Change the sentence into passive voice.
ii) Combine the sentences using ‘which’.
iii) Rewrite the sentence using ’though’.
iv) Change the sentence into indirect speech.
v) Combine the sentences using ’As’.
vi) Start the sentence with ‘Ramalinga’.
i) A cat and a cow were given to Tenali Raman by the king. (OR) Tenali Raman was given a cat and a cow by the king.
ii) The next day he gave boiled milk to the cat which burnt its mouth.
iii) Though the cats were not hunting rats they looked very fat.
iv) Ramalinga said that it had ‘not drunk milk.
v) As it did not drink milk, it killed the rats arid was active.
vi) Ramalinga was praised by the king.
(Question 14) : 10 M
In the lesson ‘Environment’, Wangari Maathai described the environment when she was young. Now you describe the environment in which you live.
On February 24, 2015 a group of students of your school visited the Rashtrapati Bhavan on the invitation, of President Mr. Pranab Mukharji. Write a brief report of the visit for your school magazine.
A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. But our environment is getting dirty day by day. We do not have natural surroundings to grow, nourish and glorify our life. The plant life and animal habitat is disappearing gradually making the environment parch and lifeless.
The air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, acid rain and other dangerous disasters are created in the name of technological development. The natural components used as resources are exploited by some human beings in order to fulfill their purpose. Artificially prepared fertilizers are spoiling the earth and indirectly poisoning our food causing many incurable diseases. However, the.ecological balance is completely disturbed and we find very less scope for bringing biological diversity into existence.
A Date with the President – By Kumar
Stepping into the the Rashtrapati Bhavan, talking to the President and dining with him, might be something that most of us can only dream about. But on February 24, 2015 our dreams were realised and we were invited by Mr. Pranab Mukharji to the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Our day started early in the morning at eight o’clock when we were asked to be present at India Gate. From there, two buses took us to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. After a few security checks we entered the protals of the residence of India’s first citizen. The lobby was truly impressive with the portraits of all the past Presidents. We got a chance to meet the members of the family of the President.
Next we saw the Mughal Gardens. Finally we were taken to the Ashoka Hall. We were spellbound by the beautiful paintings, some of which had not been given a face-lift since the establishment of the building but still looked magnificent as if they were set up yesterday. The ceiling has had on oval centerpiece made of camel skin. The carpets were from Persia that were brought and installed in 1920 and but are still intact.
Later, we interacted with the President and he told us that if we want to hold the same position as he does, the only way to do it is to sweat which means ‘to work hard’. After having answered all the questions of the children, he shared with us his 10-point programme for the youth of India. He made us take a pledge to work for the progress, unity and integrity of the nation. We felt so honoured when he joined us for lunch. Mr. Pranab Mukharji’s simplicity and his philosophy completely mesmerised us.
(Question 15) : 5 M
You have read the lesson. ‘My Childhood’. In the lesson you have read that a new teacher who came to Kalam’s class humiliated Kalam by sending him to the last bench. Now imagine that you are Kalam and write a diary entry when the incident took place.
5 – 8 – 2018
8 p.m.
Dear Diary,
Something unexpected happened in the class today. A new teacher came to our class. Surprisingly he ordered me to sit on the back bench.
I was shocked on hearing the words of the new teacher. I went and sat in the last bench very obediently. Sastry became very sad for being separated from me.
I strongly feel it was so mean to say so on part of the new teacher. I really got angry with the new teapher for his decision in humiliating me. I was surprised to see Ramanadha Sastry. feeling even more worse for the teacher’s decision. And However, it is not fair to show social inequality in the village. We know pretty well that the communal and religious differences for every individual in his/her childhood has to be erased to develop equality and fraternity among them. Everyone of us are proud of having deep friendship among us. I always admire the close and amiable nature of Sastry. I hope somebody would talk and settle the issue. May God bless us to be at one place tomorrow. – Kalam
(Question 16) : 5M
Imagine you are the secretary of the “Cultural Club” of your school. You wish to conduct “Save Water” campaign in your locality. Now, prepare a POSTER keeping in view the following details.
♦ Title of the poster.
♦ Who issued the poster ?
♦ Proper layout and illustrations.
♦ Schedule of the campaign.
♦ Target audience.
♦ Highlights of the campaign.
SAVE WATER Mahatma Gandhi Z.P. High School Vijayawada Conducting a campaign on SAVE WATER AND WATER SOURCES on 4th April 2018 at 8.00 A.M. starts from our school and ends at colony communityhall. Prepared by Sravani K. Secretary, Cultural club. |
Part – B
Instructions :
- Answer the questions on the question paper itself and attach it to the answer booklet of Part – A.
- Avoiding overwriting.
(Questions 17 – 21) : Read the following poem.
The Daffodils I wondered lonely as cloud |
Word notes : host – group; fluttering – flapping wing; twinkle – sparkle; margin – edges; tossing : moving; sprightly – lively; outdid – surpasssed; glee – happiness; jocund – happy; vacant – empty, hollow; pensive thoughtful; inward – inside; bliss – extreme happiness; solitude – loneliness
Now, answer the questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given below. 5 × 1 = 5M
Question 17.
The poet saw daffodils ………………
A) in the vale
B) on a hill
C) on lake-side
D) among the stars
C) on lake-side
Question 18.
The waves seemed ………………
A) happy like the daffodils.
B) less happy than daffodils.
C) happier than the daffodils.
D) dancing like the daffodils.
B) less happy than daffodils.
Question 19.
“I wondered lonely s cloud” – What figure of speech is used in the above line ?
A) simele
B) Metaphor
C) Personification
D) Paradox
B) Metaphor
Question 20.
What was the mood of the poet when he came to the field of daffodils ?
A) lonely and pensive
B) pleased and comforted
C) sad and depressed
D) funny and joyful
A) lonely and pensive
Question 21.
“A crowd, a host of daffodils; fluttering and dancing in the breeze” – What figure of speech is used in these expressions ?
A) Simile
B) Personification
C) Metaphor
D) Paradox
B) Personification
Questions 22 – 26) : In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and rewrite them in the given space. 5 × 1 = 5 M
(22) From the time we started, we were trying to responded to the basic needs of people in the rural area and (23) people were asking to clean drinking water, for food, for energy (which is mostly firewood), for building material, for fodder for the animals. (24) And all this come from the land. (25) So we knew that what the people in the rural areas are asking for had to do with the environment. (26) They did not had those things because the environment was degraded. So, from the very begin¬ning we understood that we have to rehabilitate the environment.
22) …………….. 23) ………………… 24) ………………… 25) ………………. 26) ………………..
22. From the time we started, we were trying to respond to the basic needs of people in the rural areas;
23. People were asking for clean drinking water, for food, for energy (which is mostly firewood), for building material, for fodder for the animals.
24. And all these come from the land.
23. So we knew that what the people in the rural areas were asking for had to do with the environ¬ment. ‘
26. They did not have those things because the environment was degraded.
Questions 27 – 31): Complete the passage choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is numbered and has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given. 5 × 1 = 5 M
Mohan ……………. (27) a good student. He was born in ……………. (28) day. But my uncle made his money …………….. (29) Nellore. He was a short boy with rather ordinary looks……………… (30) his parent were tall and
handsome. His father was ………………. (31) highly educated nor very rich.
Question 27.
A) is
B) was
C) being
D) were
B) was
Question 28.
A) one
B) the
C) a
D) an
C) a
Question 29.
A) of
B) near
C) by
D) off
A) of
Question 30.
A) and
B) if
C) though
D) but
D) but
Question 31.
A) neither
B) either
D) never
A) neither
Questions 32 – 36) : Read the following passage with focus on the underlined parts. 5 × 1 = 5 M
Nick began travelling the world and in 2008 he went to a Hawaii and met surfing master Bethany Hamilton, who had her arm bitten of (32) by a shark when she was 12.
‘She was amazing,’ said Nick. ‘She taught mine (33) how to surf and I was terrified (34) at first, but once I got up there it felt absolutely (35) fantastic and I caught some waves pretty well.’ Nick quickly learned how to do the 360 degree spins on his board – a feat that got him on the cover of Surfer magazine within 48 hours. ‘No one has ever done that in the historical (36) of surfing,’ he said. ‘But I have a very low centre of gravity so I’ve got pretty good balance.’
Questions :
33. Replace the underlined word with the correct one.
34. Replace the underlined word with a suitable one.
35. Write a word that has the similar meaning of the underlined word.
36. Write the opposite word of the underlined word.
37. Write the correct form of the word that fits in the context grammatically