Students can use TS 10th Class English Model Papers Set 5 as a tool for exam preparation.
TS 10th Class English Model Paper Set 5 with Solutions
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
- Read the question paper carefully.
- Answer the questions under Part – A in the answer booklet provided.
- Write the answer to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself.
- Avoid overwriting.
Part – A (60 Marks)
(Questions 1 – 4) : Read the following passage carefully.
“He was even shy of receiving compliments, “said Roberge. To Roberge, the greatest mark of Ray’s appreciation for him was that he often addressed the French-speaking priest in Bengali, “in spite of my lack of elegance in that language, and the fact that Ray knew both English and Bengali so well.”
“Ray’s screenplay manuscripts were an art by themselves, “Roberge says, “hand-written in Bengali, with notes in English for his set-designer, with sketches here and there, and occasional staff notation of fragments of music.” One Sunday morning, Roberge found Ray in a disturbed mood. A few well-known personalities of the city had visited him earlier to go through some of his manuscripts. After they left, Ray found the Charulatha screenplay missing. Ray was almost sure who the culprit was. “I asked him whether he was planning to take any action, and he said no, and explained to me that he did not want to hurt the reputation of the person. I was absolutely stunned by his humane concern,” said Roberge.
Like Rabindranath Tagore, Ray strode his time like a colbssus. Roberge writes, “It is as if all Bengal was in Manikda : the rich and the poor, the powerful and the humble, the peasants and the city persons, children, teenagers, adults and odd people, men and women”.
Philosophically too, Roberge feels, Ray took off where Tagore signed out. If one compares the last major prose piece by Tagore, “Shahhyatar Sankat” (Crisis of Civilisation), which he wrote at the beginning of the Second World War, which contains his immortal dictum that in spite of what was happening it would be a sin to lose faith in Man, and the last three films of Ray – Ganashatru, Shakha Prashakha and Agantuk-the analogy becomes clear. (Rendezvous with Ray)
Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences. 4 × 3 = 12 M
Question 1.
What was the greatest mark of Ray’s appreciation to Roberge ?
Although Ray knew both English and Bengali, he often addressed Roberge in Bengali as a mark of his appreciation for the Freeh – Canadian priest.
Question 2.
Why was Ray in a disturbed mood ?
Ray was in a disturbed mood because the Charulatha screenplay was missing.
Question 3.
Ray did not take action against the person who stole his script. Do you think Ray was right or wrong ? Why ?
I don’t think Ray was right. Since the screenplay was a valuable one he should have com-plained to the police against the culprit for stringent action.
Question 4.
What is meant by the line,’Ray took off where Tagore signed out’?
What Tagore wrote in his last major prose piece “Shafhyatar Sankat” was continued by Ray in his last three films. Tagore’s immortal dicturm was that it would be a sin to lose faith in man. The last three films of Ray depic almost the same ideas.
(Questions 5 – 8) : Read the following passage.
“Who says you shouldn’t have a house ? You can have a small house with three convenient portions, a veranda in the front and at the back and the living section in the middle. Why spend unnecessarily on a storeyed house ?” Patil gave his counsel.
‘No, but ……………… ‘ Bayaji faltered. ‘You may go in for a storeyed house only if you don’t wish to stay in this village. I hope you know what I mean.’ Kondiba shot out as a warning and walked away. Other ruffians in the village threatened Bayaji in a similar manner.
Out of fear Bayaji had to abandon plans for the storeyed house. The conventional three-portioned house was taken up. Work was resumed and the walls rose rapidly. The middle portion was a little elevated and a small first storey fixed up there with a wooden flooring. This part could be reached by stairs rising from the kitchen. No one could guess from outside that there was a first storey to the house. Bayaji had to make the best of things.
The house was complete and the traditional housewarming ceremony was planned. Iftvitations were sent to relatives in different villages. The village elders, by convention, could not be invited to a meal or refreshments, so they were invited to the ceremonial paan-supari. Bayaji put up fine pandal in front of the house. His sons worked hard for two full days on the decorations. Relatives started arriving. Well-known devotional singers, Kadegaonkar Buwa, Parasu Buwa, Kalekar Bapu Master, Jija Buwa and Vithoba of Wadgaon came with their troupes. People looked forward with delight to the forthcoming contest among the various troupes. (The Storeyed House-II)
Answer each of the following questions in three to four sentences. 4 × 3 = 12 M
Question 5.
What does Kondiba mean when he says, “You may go in for a storeyed house only if you don’t wish to stay in this village” ?
Kondiba Patil could not bear the idea of Bayaji building a storeyed house. So he warned Bayaji not to go forward to build a storeyed house. Bayaji had to leave the village if he went on to build it.
Question 6.
Why do you think Bayaji had to abandon his plans for the storeyed house ?
Patil warned Bayaji, not to build a storeyed house. Hence Bayaji had to abandon plans for the storeyed house.
Question 7.
Why do you think the village elders were not invited to a meal or refreshments ?
The village elders, by convention, could not be invited to a meal or refreshments. They were invited to the ceremonial paan-supari.
Question 8.
Pick Three TRUE statements according to the passage.
A) Patil was a true and honest counsellor.
B) Kondiba threatened Bayaji by saying if he constructed a storeyed building he could not live in the village.
C) Frightened Bayaji constructed a conventional three-portioned single-storeyed building.
D) Kondiba and other village elders were jealous of Bayaji’s wealth.
F) The village elders were invited only for paan-supari.
B) Kondiba threatened Bayaji by saying if he constructed a storeyed building he could not live in the village.
D) Kondiba and other village elders were jealous of Bayaji’s wealth.
E) The village elders were invited only for paan-supari.
(Questions 9 – 12) : Read the following passage.
The Table given below provides, information about the trend in average annual drop-out rate in different stages of school education. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions. 4 × 2 = 8
Question 9.
What does the table show ? What are the different stages of education mentioned here ?
The table shows the trend in Annual Drop-out rate at different stages of school education. Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary are the three stages of school education mentioned here.
Question 10.
In which year are the male and female drop-out rates increased in secondary level when compared to the previous year ? How many academic years are mentioned here ? What are they ?
In the year 2013 – 14 the male and female drop-out rates increased in secondary level when compared to 2012 – 13. Four academic years from 2011 -1 2 to 2014 – 15 are mentioned in the table.
Question 11.
In which year are the rates of drop-outs of male and female equal in primary level ? What is the trend of drop-out rates of male and female in primary education from 2011 – 12 to 2014 – 15 ?
In 2012 – 13 the female and male drop-out rates are equal. The drop-out rates of male and female are decreasing from 2011 – 12 to 2014 – 15.
Question 12.
In which level of education are the drop-out rates of both male and female the least ? In which level of schooling are the drop-out rates of both male and female the highest ?
In Upper Primary level the drop-out rates of both male and female are the least. In secondary level the drop-out rates of both male and female are the highest.
(Question 13) : Read the passage given below focussing on the parts that are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions as directed and write them in the answer booklet. 4 × 2 = 8 M
Once (i) a man sold his well to a farmer. Next day when the farmer went to draw the water from the well, the man did not allow him to draw the water from it- He said, (ii) “I have sold you the well, not the water. You cannot draw the water from the well.”
The farmer became very sad and came to the Emperor’s court. He described everything to the Emperor and asked for the justice.
The Emperor called Birbal and handed over this case to him. (iii) Birbal was the wisest of all the courtiers. He called the man who to sold the well had the farmer, (iv) Birbal asked “Why don’t you let him use the water of the well ? You have sold the well to the farmer”. The man replied, “Birbal, I have sold the well to the farmer, not the water. He has no right to draw the water from the well.
The Birbal smiled and said to him, “Good, but look since you have sold the well to this farmer, and you claim that water is yours, then you have no right to keep your water in the farmer’s well, (v) You pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well, or you take that out of his well immediately”. The man understood that his trick has failed, (vi) Birbal has outwitted him.
i) Start the sentence with ‘His well’.
ii) Combine the sentences using ‘so’.
iii) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘No other’.
iv) Change the sentence into indirect speech.
v) Combine the sentences using’either ……………… or’.
vi) Add the question-tag.
i) His well was sold to a farmer by a man.
ii) I have sold you the well, not the water, so you cannot draw the water from the well.
iii) No other courtier was so wise as Birbal.
iv) Birbal asked why he didn’t let him use the water of the well.
v) Either you pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well, or you take that out of his well immediately.
vi) hasn’t he?’
(Question 14) : 10 M
Read the following poem and write script for choreography.
Once upon a time, son,
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their, teeth,
while their ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadow.
There was a time indeed
they used to shake hands with their hearts :
but that’s gone, son.
Now they shake hands without hearts :
while their left hands search
my empty pockets.
‘Feel at home’! ‘Come again’:
they say, and when I come
again and feel
at home, once, twice,
there will be no thrice –
for then I find doors shut on me. ”
So I have learned many things, son.
I have learned to wear many faces
like dresses – home face,
office face, street face, host face,
cocktail face, with all their conforming smiles
like a fixed portrait smile.
And I have learned too
to laugh with only my teeth
and shake hands without my heart.
I have also learned to say, ‘Goodbye’,
when I mean‘Good-riddance’;
to say ‘Glad to meet you’,
without being glad; and to say ‘It’s been
nice talking to you’, after being bored.
But believe me, son.
I want to be what I used to be
when I was like you. I want
to unlearn all these muting things.
Most of all, I want to relearn
how to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror
shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs!
So show me, son,
how to laugh; show me how
I used to laugh and smile
once upon a time when I was like you.
2. In the Story “The journey” the author says”. ……………… my education had made me shun physical labour.” This is an adverse effect of education.
Now write an essay on “ adverse Effects of Education”.
Stanza – 1 : The father describes his son that there was a time when people laugh and shake hands with hearts.
Stanza – 2 : The father says that there is a lot of change in people in receiving the others when they approach them for help.
Stanza – 3 : The father says that people pose many faces basing on their needs.
Stanza – 4 : The father says that people changed their attitude in shaking hands; they don’t laugh with hearts.
Stanza – 5 : The poet expresses his desire to learn all good things of those days to his son. He feels his son is young and innocent. So he does not know the mean ways. He wants to learn the good ways and respond to the needs of people whole heartedly.
(b) We usually find situations where people do not behave whole heartedly.
(c) identifying the characters and their actions :
Characters and their Actions :
The father : observes the differences between the olden times and the modern ones. He wants to learn his son good ways. He teaches him them.
The son : He listens to his father. He learns many good things from him.
(d) Deciding the location where the action take place: The house of the poet or father
(e) Deciding the chorus to create the setting:
The chorus group sing the lines of the poem creating the mood of the poem (philosophical)
(f) Sequencing the actions :
Shaking hands with hearts
Laughing with hearts
Shaking and laughing with faces
Posing various faces
Shutting the doors
Father and son laughing with hearts
(g) Setting music to the poem: Music that creates the philosophical mood is played.
(h) Singing the poem and synchronizing the movements and actions of the characters with the rhythm of the song.
Adverse Effects of Education
It is a well-known fact that education plays a vital role in bringing up both economically and socially. It is thought that education helps people in so many ways. But there are some adverse effects of education. This fact is not recognized by many.
When the pupils spend all their time in reading and writing, there is no scope for them to do any other work. They don’t find time even to play games. Their education makes them physically weak. “A sound mind in a sound body” is a proverb. Both the sound mind and the sound body are needed if one desires to be successful. But today’s education system doesn’t allow the pupils to do physical labour.
The second point is their dress sense. The persons with high education try to wear fashionable dresses. As far as the educated Indians are concerned, they give more value to the western culture. They try to adopt the foreigners’ culture. They think that only illiterate people wear such kind of dresses which reflect our culture.
Another important point is how education affects the family relations. When a person completes his education, he starts thinking that he is greater than the other uneducated members of his family. He doesn’t show any love and affection even for his parents. Thus, one’s education leads to the absence of human relationships.
Though educated, some people don’t respect the elders. As Indians, we generally have faith in our values, traditions and culture. What we have learnt form our ancestors is that we should give utmost respect to our elders.
No doubt, there are so many advantages with the education one gest. But the educated persons must do some work that involves physical labour. They should also take care about their dress and maintain good family relationships, respect elders and treat the illiterate people with courtesy. Then only their education becomes meaningful.
(Question 15) : 5 M
1. In the lesson ‘Maya Bazaar’, you’ve come to know that the film ‘Maya Bazaar’ was chosen India’s greatest film till date, on the occasion of 100 years of Indian Cinema. The online poll was conducted by a television news channel.
Imagine that you were the Director of the news channel and prepare a notice requesting the viewers to choose India’s greatest film. Imagine it is 7 – 11 – 2007.
TV 11 News Channel
7 – 11 – 2007.
TV 11 News Channel is going to conduct an online poll to find out India’s greatest film till date, on the occasion of 100 Years of Indian Cinema. All the viewers are hereby requested to choose India’s greatest film till now. The poll will be conducted between 12th and 17th of this month. For further details contact the undersigned.
Loshitha Production Manager
TV 11 News Channel
(Question 16) : 5 M
The Government had initiated Measles and Rubella Vaccination Campaign in our state. As you know we can beat two diseases with one vaccine. Measles is a deadly disease, which can lead to Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Rubella infection leads to children born with blindness, deafness and mental retardation.
Prepare a POSTER to motivate the public.
Use details like:
♦ Occasion
♦ Venue
♦ Date and Time
♦ Issuing authority
♦ Children of 9 months to 15 years etc.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE DEPARTMENT, TELANGANA STATE (Measles is a deadly disease, leads to pneumonia and Rubella infection leads to children bom with blindness and mental retardation) To create a healthy state Commissioner, |
Part – B (20 Marks)
Instructions :
- Answer the questions on the question paper itself and attach it to the answer booklet of Part – A.
- Avoiding overwriting.
(Questions 17 – 21): Read the following poem. 10 M
WHAT’S THE LIFE OF A MAN As I was walking one morning with ease |
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given. 5 × 1 = 5 M
Question 17.
The leaves have withered because ………………….
A) the frost has withered them.
B) they have lost their beauty.
C) the strom has withered them.
D) the man has withered them.
A) the frost has withered them.
Question 18.
Like the bright and beautiful lea1 man is ………………
A) pale and dull in his old age.
B) pale and happy in his youth.
C) fine and gay in his youth.
D) gay and ill in his old age.
C) fine and gay in his youth.
Question 19.
What example did the poet take to describe the immortality of human beings ?
A) A bird
B) A leaf
C) A dog
D) A tree
B) A leaf
Question 20.
The poet asks us not to grieve-because
A) We know, we have also to die some day or other as leaf, so there is no use to cry over uncertain life.
B) There is no place for sadness and grief in our lives. We are born to be happy.
C) Some scriptures and traditions tell us that death is a pleasant thing
D) None of these
A) We know, we have also to die some day or other as leaf, so there is no use to cry over uncertain life.
Question 21.
“like a leaf we must wither ……………… ” What figure of speech is used in this line ?
A) Simile
B) Personification
C) Metaphor
D) Exaggeration
A) Simile
(Questions 22 – 26) : In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and rewrite them in the given space. 5 × 1 = 5 M
(22) ‘I was deep depressed when I was eight years old,’ he said. ‘I went to my mum crying and told her I wanted to kill myself.’ T felt cold and bitter. (23) I hated God for doing this to me and was terrified of what would happen when my parents weren’t there to look for me.’ (24) ‘I could brush my own teeth with a wall mounted brush and wash my own hair with pump action soap, but there was / so much that was impossible to me.’ At age ten Nick tried to drown himself in the bath but luckily the attempt was unsuccessful. ‘I felt there was no purpose when you lack purpose and strength. It is hard to hold on,’ he said. But with the help of his religion, friends and family. (25) Nick managed to pull through to become a international sytnbol of triumph over adversity. (26) ‘When I was 13,1 read a news paper article about a disable man who had managed to achieve great things and helped others,’said Nick.’ v
22) ……………… 23) ……………….. 24) ………………… 25) ………………….. 26)
22. ‘I was deeply depressed when I was eight years old,’ he said.
23. I hated God for doing this to me and was terrified of what would happen when my parents weren’t there to look after me.’
24. ‘I could brush my own teeth with a wall mounted brush and wash my own hair with pump action soap, but there was so much that was impossible for me.’
25. Nick managed to pull through to become an international symbol of triumph over adversity.
26. ‘When I Was 13,1 read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and helped others,’ said Nick. ‘
(Questions 27 – 31): Complete the passage choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is numbered and has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given, 5 × 1 = 5 M
Govind ……………… (27) Ramana were good friends. They went ……………. (28) a temple on Sunday. As it was a holiday, ……………… (29) was a long queue. It was a cold evening and they …………….. (30) to stand in the queue for nearly ……………. (31) hour.
Question 27.
A) or
B) and
C) but
D) so
B) and
Question 28.
A) to
B) for
C) by
D) into
A) to
Question 29.
A) their
B) there
C) they
D) the
B) there
Question 30.
A) have
B) had
C) has
D) will have
B) had
Question 31.
A) an
B) in
C) a
D) the
A) an
(Questions 32 – 36): Read the following passage with focus on the underlined parts. Answer them as directed in the space given. 5 × 1 = 5M
Father had provided (32) for my education, and I had been able to realize his dreams. My parents were truly proud (33) of me. It was through me that they had earned a greater degree of admiration and respectful (34) from the villagers. My father would not like to sea (35) me carrying a trunk on my back and would be very hurt if I did so. I concluded that it would be better to let him carry it. Father was used to carrying luggage anyway. He was stronger and more skilled then (36) me in these matters. I had never got used to physical labour having stayed in hostels right from my childhood. So, in spite of my youth and strength, I was physically useless.
32. Write the word that is similar in meaning of the underlined word.
gave / supplied
33. Write the word that- is opposite in meaning of the underlined word.
34. Write the correct form of the word.
35. Replace the underlined word with a suitable one.
36. Replace the underlined word with a correct one.