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AP Inter 1st Year Botany Question Paper March 2023
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 60
General Instructions:
Note : Read the following instructions carefully.
- Answer all the questions of Section – A. Answer ANY SIX questions out of eight in Section – B and answer ANY TWO questions out of three in Section – C.
- In Section – A, questions from Sr. Nos. 1 to 10 are of “Very short answer type”. Each question carries TWO marks. Every answer may be limited to 5 lines. Answer ALL the ques-tions at one place in the same order.
- In Section – B, questions from Sr. Nos. 11 to 18 are of “Short answer type”. Each question carries FOUR marks. Every answer may be limited to 20 lines.
- In Section – C, questions from Sr. Nos. 19 to 21 are of “Long answer type”. Each question carries EIGHT marks. Every answer may be limited to 60 lines.
- Draw labelled diagrams, wherever necessary for questions in Section – B and C.
Section – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Note : Answer all the questions. Each answer may be limited to 5 lines.
Question 1.
Why is Mendel considered as the father of Genetics ?
Question 2.
Differentiate between apocarpous and syncarpous ovary.
Question 3.
Define the terms couplet and lead in taxonomic key.
Question 4.
How are Viroids different from Viruses ?
Question 5.
What is ‘Omega Taxonomy’ ?
Question 6.
Differentiate actinomorphic from zygomorphic flower.
Question 7.
What is referred to as satellite chromosome ?
Question 8.
Hydrophytes show reduced xylem. Why ?
Question 9.
Explain the Zwitterionic form of an amino acid.
Question 10.
An anther has 1200 pollen grains. How many pollen mother cells must have been there to produce them ?
Section – B (6 × 4 = 24)
Note : Answer any six questions. Each answer may be limited to 20 lines.
Question 11.
List the changes observed in angiosperm flower subsequent to pollination and fertilisation.
Question 12.
Differentiate between red algae and brown algae.
Question 13.
Give a brief account of Dinoflagellates.
Question 14.
What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell ?
Question 15.
What is the difference between lenticels and stomata ?
Question 16.
Give economic importance of plants belonging to fabaceae.
Question 17.
Though redundantly described as a resting phase, interphase does not really involve rest. Comment.
Question 18.
List out the anatomical adaptations of hydrophytes.
Section – C (2 × 8 = 16)
Note : Answer any two questions. Each answer may be limited to 60 lines.
Question 19.
Describe the internal structure of a dicot root.
Question 20.
With a neat, labelled diagram, describe the parts of a mature . angiosperm embryosac. Mention the role of synergids.
Question 21.
Explain how stem is modified variously to perform different functions.