Teachers often recommend practicing with AP 10th Class Biology Model Papers Set 5 to enhance exam readiness.
AP SSC Biology Model Paper Set 5 with Solutions
Time : 2.00 hours
Max.Marks : 50
Instructions :
- Question paper consists of 4 sections and 17 questions.
- Internal choice is available only for Q.no. 12 in section III and for all the questions in section IV.
- In the duration of 2 hours, 15 minutes of time is allotted to read the question paper.
- All answers shall be written in the answer booklet only.
- Answers shall be written neatly and legibly.
(6 × 1 = 6 M)
Note :
- Answer all the questions.
- Each question carries 1 mark.
Question 1.
I am the functional region of contact between two neurons. You can find me in the brain and spinal cord. Who am I?
Question 2.
Identify the homozygous type.
Group – A (YY, RR, TT)
Question 3.
Observe the flow chart and identify ‘A’.
Question 4.
Find out the mis – matched one.
1. Tricuspid valve | Venacava |
2. Bicuspid valve | Mitral valve |
3. Systemic valve | Systemic aorta |
1. Tricuspid valve – Venacav.
Question 5.
Observe the diagram and identify the part X.
Question 6.
Retinol is a fat soluble vitamin. Name another fat soluble vitamin.
Calciferol (Vitamin D)
(4 × 2 = 8 M)
- Answer all the questions.
- Each question carries 2 marks.
Question 7.
Bhumika told that ‘If there were no green plants, all life on the earth would come to an end.” Comment.
- Plants are autotrophs. Naturally plants are the prime producers of food for all the organisms. If the were no plants there would be no food for organisms.
- Plants release oxygen into the atmosphere by photosynthesis that will be taken up by all the animals.
Question 8.
Complete the following table.
Hormones secreted in stomach | Functions |
Hormones secreted in stomach | Functions |
1. Ghrelin | Induces hunger pangs. |
2. Leptin | Suppresses hunger pangs. |
Question 9.
Write two healthy habits which you practise to protect your kidneys from diseases.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eat low salt diet that saves kidney life. Cook freshly Reduce the pollution Earth sinks into ocean Don’t pollute the atmosphere.
Question 10.
Write some slogans about global warming.
Cook freshly | Avoid refrigerator. |
Reduce the pollution | Increase the percentage of Oxygen. |
Earth sinks into ocean | Please lift the earth. |
Don’t pollute the atmosphere | Save our resources. |
(5 × 4 = 20 M)
Note :
- Answer all the questions.
- Each question carries 4 mark
Question 11.
Study the given table and answer the following questions.
Name of the phylum organism | Excretory system |
Protozoa | Simple diffusion from the body surface into the surrounding water |
Porifera and coelenterates | Water bathes almost all their cells |
Platyhelminthes | Flame cells |
Annelids | Nephridia |
Nematoda | Renet cells |
Arthropoda | Green glands, Malpighian tubules |
Mollusca | Meta nephridia |
Echinodermata | Water vascular system |
Reptiles, Birds and Mammals | Kidneys |
i) In which organisms, there are no specific excretory organs?
Protozoa, Porifera.
ii) Which organisms excrete through Malpighian tubules?
iii) What are the excretory organs in phylum Nematoda?
Renet cells.
iv) What are the excretory organs seen in lizards?
v) In which phylum organisms have no specific excretory organs?
Protozoa, Porifera and Coelenterata.
vi) Which organisms have kidneys as excretory organs ?
Reptiles, birds and mammals have kidneys as excretory organs.
vii) Name the excretory organs in Arthropods.
Excretory organs in Arthropods are green glands and malpighian tubules.
viii) Name the phylum where the excretory organs first evolved.
Exeretory organs are first evolved in platyhelminthes.
Question 12.
Draw a well labelled diagram of mitochondria. Write why mitochondria is called power house of the cell.
Mitochondria are called power houses of the cell. This is because the energy currencyATP requit, by body’s metabolism, is generated in mitochondria through cellular respiration.
Identify the diagram and write two functions of it.
The diagram given in the picture is liver Functions :
- Breakdown of larger fats into small globules/emulsification of fats.
- It excretes bile salts, cholesterol, steroid, hormones, extra drugs, vitamins and alkaline salts through urine.
Question 13.
Prepare four questions to find the reasons for obstructions in excretory system.
- Some times urine is not excreted, what are the reasons for it?
- Why do stones form in the kidney ?
- Which type of food is preferrable to avoid formation of stones in the kidney ?
- What is the relation between amount of water taken and functioning of kidney ?
Question 14.
What kind of change do you observe from two leaves experiment of digestive process.
- The greasy leaf doesn’t change. It remains intact.
- The colour of leaf which is not applied grease / vaseline is changed. Acid acts on it and it looks like a burned leaf.
Question 15.
Fish are the bio-indicators of metal accumulation in an aquatic system. Give reasons.
- It was found that the accumulation of heavy metals in the bodies of fish in Edulabad reservoir is more compared to other parts of our country.
- Heavy metals enter human beings from fish through food chain.
- Especially cadimum easily enters fish due to high sensitivity.
- Heavy metals harm human beings and damage the organs such as kidneys, lungs, intestine etc.
(2 x 8 = 16 M)
Note :
- Answer all the questions.
- Each question carries 8 marks.
- Each question has internal choice.
Question 16.
A) How do the tropic movements help in the daily life ?
Tropic Movement | Response | Uses |
1. Thigmonasty | Towards touch | Protection from enemies Eg: Mimosa pudica (Touch me not plant) |
2. Geotropism | Towards ground | Growth of roots towards the gravitational force. |
3. Phototropism | Towards light | Growing of Sun flower plant |
4. Hydrotropism | Towards water | Grows towards water |
5: Chemotropism | Towards chemicals | Pollination |
B) What are the different stages in urine formation ? Explain what happens in those stages.
i) Glomerular filtration :
Blood flows inside the glomerulus under the influence of pressure due to the narrowness of efferent arteriole. As a result it undergoes pressure filtration or ultra filtration. Waste molecules, nutrient molecules and water are filtered out and enter the Bowman’s capsule.
ii) Tubular reabsorption :
The peritubular capillaries around PCT reabsorb all the useful components of primary urine such as glucose, amino acids, vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Chlorides and 75% of Water.
iii) Tubular secretion :
It is the active secretion of waste products by blood capillaries into the urinary tubule. It ensures removal of all the waste products from blood, viz., urea, uric acid, reatinine, salt ions like K+, Na+ and H+ ions. This maintains proper concentration and pH of urine.
Question 17.
A) How can you prove that plants show phototropism ?
Aim :
To prove that the plants show phototropism.
Apparatus and chemicals :
Glass Jar, Bean seeds.
Procedure :
A glass jar is taken and filled with fertile soil. A bean seed is sown near the wall of the jar. It helps us to observe how the root and shoot grow. Seed is germinated after 4 or 5 days. Then the jar is kept under the sun. It is observed that how root and shoot are grown.
Then the glass jar is tilted and kept horizontally. The direction of root and shoot growth is observed for more than a week.
Observation :
It is observed that the plant is growing towards light and the stem is bending towards light.
Results :
It is proved that plants move to light by the phenomena called phototropism.
Does the shoot take a horizontal tilt after a week ?
Which side of the shoot may have grown more and which less to bring about this effect ?
The apex part of the stem grows more. The below part to apex of the stem and the root grows slow. Auxins act on the stem and root to show this type of growth.
B) What are the gum yielding trees in your surroundings ? What procedure you should follow to collect gum from trees ?
Neem and Acacia are gum yielding plants in our surroundings.
The procedure to be followed to collect the gum from trees:
- Matured and grown up plants are chosen for extracting gum.
- Suitable stem parts are selected.
- Ensure that the selected parts of the plant can give enough amount of gum.
- Furrows of grooves are designed with knife on the selected parts of plant.
- Collecting containers are arranged at the lower end of the each furrow or groove.
- The plants are to be kept undisturbed for at least two or three weeks.
- After third week containers are seen that are filled with gum.
- The gum will be collected and stored for supply and used as adhesives, binding agents in the preparation of medicines and food etc.