AP 10th Class Biology Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

Teachers often recommend practicing with AP 10th Class Biology Model Papers and AP 10th Class Biology Board Model Paper 2024 to enhance exam readiness.

AP SSC Biology Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

Time : 2.00 hours
Max. Marks : 50

Instructions :

  1. Question paper consists of 4 sections and 17 questions.
  2. Internal choice is available only for Q.no.12 in section III and for all the questions in section IV.
  3. In the duration of 2 hours, 15 minutes of time is allotted to read the question paper.
  4. All answers shall be written in the answer booklet only.
  5. Answers shall be written neatly and legibly.

(6 × 1 = 6 M)

Note :

  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Each question carries 1 mark.

Question 1.
Which digestive juice does not contain any enzymes ?
Bile juice

Question 2.
Identify the movement in the given diagram :

AP SSC Biology Model Paper 2024 with Solutions 1

Peristaltic movement

Question 3.
In Mendel’s mono-hybrid crossing the phenotypic ratio is :
A) 3 : 1
B) 1 : 2 : 1
C) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
A) 3 : 1

AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 4.
Suggest an eco-friendly method to increase crop yield.

  1. Crop rotation
  2. Use of natual manures

Question 5.

Phase of Mitosis Activities / Changes Occur
1. Prophase Chromosomes are formed.
2. Metaphase Chromosomes reach the metaphasic plate.
3. Anaphase Chromatids are pulled towards poles.
4. Telophase Two cells are formed.

Which secondary metabolise is used in vanish preparation?

Question 6.
What will happen if fossil fuels are completely exhausted on the earth ? Guess.
There would be no fuel for cooking electricity and running vehicles. Life becomes miserable.

AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

(4 × 2 = 8 M)

Note :

  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Each question carries 2 mark.

Question 7.
Write differences between bolus and chyme.

Bolus Chyme
1. As a result of chewing, the food mixes with saliva and forms slurry mass called bolus. 1. Juices secreted in the stomach break down the food into a smooth mixture called chyme.
2. The carbohydrates in the food only are converted into maltose sugars. There is no change in the remaining nutrients. 2. The proteins in chyme are converted into peptones with the help of pepsin. The bacteria present in food are destroyed by HCl.

Question 8.
What are the consequences if the kidneys do not function properly ?

  1. Due to uremia our hands and feet may swell.
  2. We feel tired and weak, as our body needs clean blood to function properly.
  3. These waste materials turn in to toxic and it leads to death.

Question 9.
Study the following table :

Plant parts that involve in vegetative propagation Examples
1. Leaf Bryophyllum
2. Root Radish, Carrot

Now answer the following questions :
a) Give an example for a plant that propagates vegetatively by root.
b) Which part of the plant body involves in vegetative propagation in Bryophyllum?
a) Radish, Carrot
b) Leaf

Question 10.
Ask two questions to a dentist to know the functions of teeth in man.

  1. How many types of teeth are there in our mouth ?
  2. What care should be taken to avoid dental caries?

AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

(5 × 4 = 20 M)

Note :

  1. Answer ALL the questions.
  2. Each question carries 4 marks.

Question 11.
Write the differences between Axon and Dendrite.

Axon Dendrite
1. A long, cylindrical projection. 1. Shorter and branching projections.
2. Conducts electrical signals away from the cell. 2. Receives electric signals and transmits them towards the cell.
3. Covered by fatty myelin sheath. 3. Myelin sheath is absent.
4. Usually one axon per neuron. 4. Multiple dendrites per neuron.

Question 12.
A) Draw and label the diagram that shows the internal structure of a flower.

AP SSC Biology Model Paper 2024 with Solutions 2


B) Draw and label the structure of a nephron.

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AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 13.
Study the following table :

Phase of Mitosis Activities / Changes Occur
1. Prophase Chromosomes are formed.
2. Metaphase Chromosomes reach the metaphasic plate.
3. Anaphase Chromatids are pulled towards poles.
4. Telophase Two cells are formed.

Now answer the following questions :

1) In which phase a plate like structure is formed ?

2) What happens in the last phase ?
Two cells are formed

3) What is the first phase of mitosis ?

4) What are pulled towards poles in Anaphase ?

Question 14.
What is bio-remediation ? How does it help us ?

  1. The process of removal of pollutants by using biological methods is called “bio-remediation.”
  2. Scientists are trying to reduce the pollutants by using some kinds of bacteria and fungi.
  3. In some circumstances, materials like mercury and selinium (which evaporates quickly) are released from the soil to atmosphere directly by using plaìts. This is called phyto remediation.
  4. By using the kind of bacteria which feed on layers of oil, we are removing the layers of oil formed due to accidents in the seas.
  5. To prevent the poilu tio caused by the radio activity also, the biological methods are utilised.

Question 15.
Write slogans on conservation of bio-diversity.

  1. Biodiversity : Natures master piece, our shared responsibility.
  2. Protect, preserve, promote biodiversity for a sustainable future.
  3. Celebrate bfodiversity for a thriving planet.
  4. Biodiversity is earths symphony of life, lets keep it in harmony.

AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

(2 × 8 = 16 M)

Note :

  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Each question carries 8 marks.
  3. Each question has an internal choice.

Question 16.
A) Explain how do plants take water through root hairs by osmosis.
1. Roots have small hair like structures called root hairs. They originate from cells of single layered epidermis.
2. The cytoplasm of the cells in root hairs is called cell sap. It has dissolved salts.
3. The cell sap of root hair is more concentrated than that of the concentration of salt solution present in the soil.
4. The cell membrane of root hair acts as semipermeable membrane.
5. It separates the cell sap from the salt solution of the soil.
6. Therefore water passes into the vacuole of the root hair by osmosis.
7. The entry of water dilutes the contents of the root hairs vacuole. So that it becomes more diluted than its neighbouring cell.
8. Water passes into the neighbouring cell which in turn becomes diluted, finally water enters the xylem vessels.
9. A pressure in the xylem vessels develop forces which send the water upwards.

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B) Explain the process of sex determination in man.
1. Yes, I agree with that male is responsible for sex-determination in the human beings.
2. There are two types of sex chromosomes – one is ‘X’ and the other is ‘Y’ in the human beings. These two chromosomes determine the sex of an individual.
3. Females have two ‘X’ chromosomes in the cells (XX). Males have one ‘X’ and one ‘Y’ chromosomes in their cells-(XY).
4. All the gametes (ovum) produced by women will be with only ‘X’ chromosomes. The gametes (sperm) produced by man will be of two types one with X-chromosome and other with ‘Y’ chromosome.
5. If the sperm carrying ‘X’ chromsome fertilizes with the ovum (X-chromosome), the resultant baby will have ‘XX’ condition. So the baby will be a girl.
6. If the sperm carrying ‘Y’ chromosome fertilizes with the ovum (X chromosome)the resultant baby will have ‘XY’ condition. So the baby will be a hoy.

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AP SSC Maths Model Paper 2024 with Solutions

Question 17.
A) What experiment do you conduct to know about anaerobic respiration ?
Aim : To prove the release of CO2 by anaerobic respiration.
Apparatus : Thermos flask, thermometer, test tube, yeast, boiled and cooled glucose solution, lime water, liquid paraffin, diazine green solution.

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  1. Glucose solution is taken into a flask. It is boiled and cooled without shaking. So that O2 is removed from the solution.
  2. Some yeast is mixed to the solution. In order to check the removal of oxygen from solution few drops of diazine green Oanus green B) is added to the yeast.
  3. Later paraffin liquid is poured on the surface of glucose solution in order to cut the supply of oxygen.
  4. A boftle containing indicator (lime water) is arranged on the stand for the gas produced by the yeast.
  5. Pink colouration of blue dye indicates short supply of oxygen to the glucose mixture.
  6. Initial temperature is noted down in the thermometer.


  1. Mercury level is raised which indicates that temperature is produced.
  2. Lime water turns milky white which indicates that CO<sub>2</sub> is released.
  3. Smell of ethanol (alcohol) is observed.

Alcohol is produced from the yeast and glucose mixture by anaerobic respiration.


B) Explain the experiment that confirms the presence of starch in leaves.

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Aim : To prove the presence of starch in leaves.
Required materials : Beaker, water, ethanol, test tube / boiling tube, tripod stand, bunsen burner, petridish and healthy green leaf.
Chemical reagents : Methylated spirit, iodine solution.


  1. A leaf is taken from the potted plant. .
  2. The leaf is put into a test tube containing rnethylated spirit (ethanol).
  3. The leaf is boiled in methylated spirit over a water bath till it becomes pale-white due to the removal of chlorophyll.
  4. The leaf is taken out of the boiling tube and placed in a petri dish.
  5. A few drops of tincture iodine / betadine solution are added. Observe the leaf.

Observation :
When we poured iodine solution on the leaf, the leaf turned into blue-black colour showing the presence of starch in it.

Inference :
Basing on the above experiment, it is proved that starch is produced in photosynthesis.

Precautions :

  1. Take thin leaf well exposed to sunlight.
  2. Don’t remove the leaf with hand, use brush.
  3. Use dropper while pouring iodine.

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