TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Telangana SCERT 8th Class Social Study Material Telangana Pdf 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS 8th Class Social 3rd Lesson Questions and Answers – Earth Movements and Seasons

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Question 1.
Do you think there is any correlation between the crops grown in your region and the seasons? Find out by discussing with your elders and friends and write a short essay on it. (Reflection on contemporary issues and questioning)
Yes, there is a correlation between the crops grown in our region and the seasons that we have. I got this information from my grandfather. The further details that I carne to know that:

  1. The onset of monsoon season makes our farmers to start the cultivation of Paddy, Jowar, Ragi, Cotton, Sugarcane etc. These crops arecalled Kharif Crops.
  2. In winter season wheat, oilseeds and the crops that grow with a moderate or less rainfall will be cultivated.
  3. During summer season, tropical crops like Maize, Tobacco are grown. Tobacco requires 75 cms. to 100 cms. rainfall, Maize needs 75 cms, rainfall. In the irrigated lands, the farmers grow these crops as rainfall is not available in summer season,

Question 2.
Why do you think does Telangana not receive any snowfall during winter months? (Conceptual understanding)

  1. Telangana lies between 15°55 N and 19°54 N latitudes. So, it lies in the tropical zone.
  2. Telangana records 13t to 30°C temperatures in the winter season.
  3. Temperature should be 0°C or below to make water to be frozen. But our state’s temperature is more than that. So, chances to get snowfall are almost nil.

Question 3.
We have a rainy season. How do you think it is related to the movement of the Earth and the pattern of Sun’s rays? Does it occur in the summer or winter or in the season in between? (Conceptual understanding)
1. India is in northern hemisphere and southern part of Asian Continent, India receives rainfall due to South West monsoon and North East Monsoon. The South – west monsoon season extends from mid – June to mid – September. The North – east monsoon from mid – September to mid – December.

2. I think, as the earth revolves around the Sun, its axis remains tilted in the same direction throughout the year. During the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towarth the sun while in some months the southern Hemisphere faces the sun. Asa result when the Northern Hemisphere has summer, Southern Hemisphere has its winter.

3. Hence, we can say in India the rainy season occurs in between the summer and winter seasons.

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Question 4.
Collect information about the time of Sunrise and Sunset for different months of the year in your place (you can look up the local newspaper for this). Calculate the duration of day and night – how many hours every day – for every month. Do you see any pattern in this? (Information skills)

Months Sun Rise
Hrs. Mts
Sun set
Hrs. Mts.
Duration of the Day
Hrs. Mts
Duration of the Night.
Hrs. Mts.
05.01-2016 06-47 17-56 11-09 12-51
05.02-2016 06-47 18-13 11-26 12-34
05.03-2016 06-31 18-23 11-52 12-08
05-04-2016 06-08 18-34 12.22 11-38
05-05-2016 05-48 18-37 12-49 11 – 11
05.06.2016 05-41 18-48 13-07 10-53
05.07-2016 05-47 18-55 13-08 10-52
05-08 – 2016 05-57 18.47 12-50 11-10
05-09-2016 06-03 18-26 12-23 11-37
05-10-2016 06-07 18-02 11-55 12-05
05-11-2016 06-16 17-43 11-27 12-33
05-12-2016 06-32 17-41 11-09 12.51

a. The months of May, June, July, and August have early Sunrise and late Sunset. So, the duration of the days are long and nights are little short.
b. October to March the late Sunrise and an early Sun set are being noticed. in these months duration of the day is shorter and the night is longer.

Question 5.
Explain the idea of rotation of the Earth to your parents or sisters or brothers. Write down their questions or doubts and try to answer them. (Reflection on contemporary issues and questioning)
After my explanation on the idea of rotation of the Earth to my parents and brother, they got the following doubts.
1. Why does Sunrise on the list only?
2. Why don’t we experience the rotation of the earth?
3. How does night occur?
4. How does day occur?
5. What happens if the earth does not revolve around the sun?
Answers for the doubts have been explained.
1. Actually the Sun is a stationary star. It never moves. It is the movements of the earth from west to east makes us to feel the happening of the Sun rise. The rotation of the earth takes about 24 hours. By the time of morning the earth’s eastern part is opposite to the Sun.

2. When the Earth rotates, the air around us, the clouds and the birds move along with the earth. That is why we don’t feel the movement in the manner when we travel on a train or bus.

3. The part of the earth which moves away from the Sun’s rays experiences the dark. That is called night.

4. The rotation of the earth which moves directly towards the Sun starts getting Sun rays either vertically or slantingly. This is called day.

5. There will be no seasonal changes at all, if the earth does not revolve around the sun.

Question 6.
Imagine that the Earth does not rotate but goes around the Sun around the year. What difference will it make to the seasons and distribution of temperature (Reflection on contemporary issues and questioning)

  1. If the Earth does only the rotation around the Sun, the region opposite to the Sun always experiences only summer. Only daytime and high temperatures are present here.
  2. The other side of the earth, which is away from the Sun will have only nights with very low temperatures. Hence, both the areas are not suitable for the human survival. The rotation of the earth makes it to get the light and required temperatures from the Sun.

Question 7.
Identify a country in the Temperate Belt in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Compare the seasons in those countries and your place. (Reflection on contemporary issues and questioning)
I am a resident of Khamrnam District in Telangana. I have chosen France from the
Northern Hemisphere and South Africa from the Southern Hemisphere.
TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons 1

Question 8.
What are the six seasons of Indian climate f (Conceptual understanding)

  1. The Summer season – 2nd half of March to 2nd half of May.
  2. The Pre-spring season – 2nd half of May to 2nd half of July
  3. The Monsoon season – Middle of July to middle of September.
  4. The late spring season – Middle of September to middle of November.
  5. The autumn season – Middle of November to middle of January.
  6. The winter season – Middle of January to middle of March.

Question 9.
Read the first paragraph of this chapter and answer the following question:
Human brings life along with a large community of plants and animals. We can observe
constant change in the course of the year – the flowering mrd fruiting of trees and plants
changes in the animal activity in our surroundings.

As months pass by you would have noticed that trees shed leaves, stand bare new shoots come forth, they flower and fruit. You may have also noticed that in different times of the year you get different kinds of vegetables and fruits. In some months it is very hot and in some it is cold or wet.

a) What is the impact of seasons on the lives of human beings? (or) (Reading tise text given), understanding and interpretation) Write the five important points of the above paragraph. Explain about them. (Reading the text (given), understanding and interpretation)
the Life of the human beings is very much connected with the seasons in the following ways.

  1. During the spring season the trees are very green and provide a few fruits, Eg. Mango, Watermelon.
  2. The summer season increases the temperature and make life little uncomfortable. Fodder to the cattle is also difficult to procure.
  3. The monsoon season provides the required water to people and crops. The agricultural operations start in this season. Food requirement of the people and cattle is met in this season.
  4. The medicinal plants grow during the autumn.
  5. The temperatures fall during the Winter season causing a little discomfort to the people.
  6. The plants and trees start shedding leaves and gradual increase in temperatures is found.

InText Questions

Text Book Page No. 33

Question 1.
Can you relate what are the major seasons you have seen? (Conceptual understanding)
There are 3 major seasons.
They are:

  1. Winter or cold weather season.
  2. Summer or hot weather season.
  3. Monsoon season
    (a. S-W or Advancing Monsoon and
    b. N-E or Retreating monsoon.)

Question 2.
Can you describe the changes that happen in each season- how hot It gets, how much it rains, what happens to the plants and trees and animals, what food you get to eat etc. (Conceptual understanding)
Winter, summer and monsoon are the three major seasons. Various changes that occur during various seasons are as follow:
Winter or cold weather season Temperatures start falling. Trees shed their leaves. Flowers like roses, vegetables like Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower are grown. The fodder for the cattle like green grass and leaves of the trees are available.

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Summer or hot weather season: Temperatures gradually start increasing Mango, Watermelon, etc., the seasonal fruits are available. All types of vegetables are not grown. The fodder and water for cattle become scarce. The farms look barren.

Monsoon season: Temperature is moderate. The South-West monsoons give a moderate
amount of rainfall to this state. A.P. gets 100 cms to 200 cms of rainfall. All plants and trees grow well. Different vegetables and flowers grow during this season. The cattle get sufficient fodder and water.

Question 3.
Find out if there is anyone in the class who has lived in distant places where the seasons are different. Get them to describe what happens there. (Information skills)
A new entrant Sarijoy admitted into our class. He came from Australia. He explained the seasons in Australia in the following way:
Australia is in the south of the Equator, the seasons are at variance with those of the countries in the north of the Equator, In the sense when it is summer in the north, it is winter here and vice rer, So, from November to April it is summer and from May to October it is winter here.

The Eastern side along the coast Is densely populated as it has good rainfall and consequently, crop production is much. It does not rain in the Western Australia and therefore most parts have desert conditions, But in some Southern and Southwest parts, there is the Mediterranean Climate. The central Australia does not receive any rain. Spite of many deserts the soil is fertile and good irrigation facilities exist in Australia.

Question 4.
Observe the picture given below carefully and answer the following.
TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons 2
a. Do you think the trees observed in the pictures are same or different?
It is a single tree. Same tree looks different in different seasons.

b. What are the changes you can see in the trees?

  1. In first picture the tree and its surroundings are covered with snow, due to the winter season.
  2. The beginning of the spring season makes the tree took green in the second picture.
  3. In the third picture the tree shed its leaves and there is no snow at all.
  4. The leaves of the tree changed into red and yellow colour in the fourth picture. All these changes iccured in the same tree due to the change of seasons.

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Question 5.
Find out the name of the country that is called the ‘land of midnight Sun’ and locate it on the globe. Find out its latitude and compare it with the latitude of Telangana. (Mapping skills)

  1. In many northern most countries in the world the sun is visible during the midnight. But Norway is only called as the land of midnight sun.
  2. Norway is located in between 62°N and 71° N latitudes and 10°E and 31°E longitudes approximately as our state Telangana is located in between 15°55’N and 19°54’N latitudes and 77°15′ E and 81°46’E longitudes. Moreover, Norway is located very close to ‘Greenwich longitude. A tree in Lancaster USA in four seasons

Question 6.
Locate Australia, South Africa and Chile on the globe. (Mapping skills)
TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons 3

Question 7.
Look at the globe and find out the names of countries which are located to the south of equator.
Asia: ………………………. North America: ………………… (Mapping skills)
Africa: ………………… South America: ………………………
Europe: ……………….. Australia …………………..
Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, East Timor.
Africa: Zambia, Namibia, South Africa. Mozambique.
Europe: No country lies,
North America: No country lies
South America: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru.
Australia: Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea.

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Question 8.
Did you find any continent which is located entirely to the North of the Equator? (Mapping skills)
Europe and North America are the continents lie entirely to the North of the equator.

Question 9.
Did you find any continent which ¡s located entirely to the South of the Equator?
The Australian and Antarctica continents lies entirely to the South of the Equator.

Question 10.
Did you find any continent which is spread on both ideas of the North and South of the Equator?
South America, Africa, and Asia are the continents spread both to the North and South of the Equator.

Text Book Page No. 38

Question 15.
Find out if Telangana falls on the Tropical Belt or in the Temperate Belt. (Conceptual understanding)
Telangana is in the tropical belt as it lies in between 15°55′ N and 19°54′ N latitudes and 77°15′ E and 81°46′ E longitudes.

Question 16.
Will the Sun shine directly on our heads in Telangana during any month? If yes, in which month? (C.U)
During May month the Sun rays fall vertically in Telangana.

Question 17.
Find out the belt in which Delhi is situated and if it would receive snowfall during winters.(C.U)
The city of Delhi lies in the temperate zone. It will not experience snowfall in winter season but gets fog during winter season. Reading the Text (given), understanding arid interpretation
“The first and foremost effect of earth‘s rotation is the daily alternation of day and night, as portions of Earth’s surface are turned first toward and then away from the Sun. This variation in the exposure to sunlight greatly influences local temperature and wind movements.”

Read the above paragraph arid answer the following question.
What would happen if the earth did not rotate on its own axis?

  1. One portion of the earth which i. in front of the Sun would constantly get sun’s heat and light and the other portion would remain cold and dark.
  2. This would make both portions unfit for life. The bright half would be too hot and the dark half would be too cold.

B. “when the Earth rotates, the air around us, the clouds and the birds move along with the Earth. That is why we don’t feel the convenient in the maimer when we travel on a train or bus.”
Read the above paragraph and answer the following question.
The Earth rotates or goes around just like a ‘top’ spins. What does it go around?
The earth actually rotates around an imaginary line which joins North pole and south pole. This line is called the Axis of the Earth’s rotation.

Information Skills


Earth’s Rotation i) Turning around of the Earth on its own axis.
ii) The Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation
iii) Rotation causes day arid night.
Earths Revolution i) Movement of the Earth around the Sun
ii) The Earth takes 36515 days to complete one revolution.
iii) Revolution along with inclination of earth on its own axis causes in seasons.

Read the above information and answer the following questions:
1. What is Rotation?
Earth moves around its own axis is known as rotation.

2. What is Revolution?
The Earth also moves round the sun while moving around its axis. this is called revolution.

3. What are the effects of Earth’s rotation?
Day and nights.

4. What are the effects of Earth’s revolution?

5. How much time earth takes to complete one rotation?
24 hours.


‘Sun on the Tropic of Cancer
Sun on the Equator March 21,
Sun on the Tropic of Capricorn
The world day and night are equal in size (or) equinoxes
June 21
December 22
March 21, Sep 23

1. What are equinoxes?
If the day and night are equal in size throughout the world are called equinoxes.

2. When does the sun is on the Tropic of Cancer?
June 21

3. When does the sun is on the Equator?
March 21 and September 23

4. What l the importance of ‘December 22’?
In this day the sun is on Tropic of Capricorn.

Mapping Skills

Question 1.
Point out the following places in the world map.
1. Australia
2. South Africa
3. Chile
4. Norway
5. U.S.A.
TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons 4
TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons 5
Read the above picture and answer the following questions.
1. Which season is there on March 21 in the South hemispheric?

2. Which season is there on September 23 in the South Hemisphere?

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

3. Which season is there on December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere?

4. Which season is there on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere?

5. What do you observe in the Earth’s revolution?
I observe the earth moves from West to east.

One Mark Questions

1. Which Country is known as ‘Land of midnight sun’?

2. What is rolation?
The movement of earth on its own axis is called rotation.

3. In which belt Telangana located?
Tropic Belt.

4. What is revolution?
The Earth’s movement around the sun once a year is known as revolution.

5. Where can we see the ‘pole star’?
In the Northern sky in the night.

6. What do you know about Equinozes?
On March 21 and September 23 throughout the world day and night are equal in size. So, these are called Equinoxes.

7. How many seasons are there in India?

B. What are the results of earth’s rotation?
Days and nights are caused by rotation.

9. Which ocean remains frozen throughout the year?
Arctic Ocean.

10. What are the results of Earth’s revolution?
Seasons are caused by Earth’s revolution.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Human beings live along with the following ( )
A) only animals
B) only plants
C) animals and plants
D) only with other human beings
C) animals and plants

Question 2.
The following nation is called the ‘land of midnight Sun’ ( )
A) Norway
B) Sweden
C) Finland
D) Italy
A) Norway

Question 3.
The time taken by the earth to rotate on its own axis is ( )
A) 20 hours
B) 24 hours
C) about 24 hours
D) 26 hours
C) about 24 hours

Question 4.
The state of Telangana lies in this zone ( )
A) Temperate
B) Tropical
C) Equatorial
D) Polar
C) Equatorial

Question 5.
This ocean remains frozen throughout the year ( )
A) The Arctic
B) The Indian
C) The Atlantic
D) The Pacific
A) The Arctic

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Question 6.
The first and foremost effect of earth’s rotation is ( )
A) the daily alternation of day and night
B) the daily alternation of day
C) the daily alternation of night
D) the alternation of midnight
A) the daily alternation of day and night

Question 7.
The sun illuminates the following portion of the earth ( )
A) 1/3
B) 1/2
C) 1/4
D) Full
B) 1/2

Question 8.
The Earth goes around the Sun on regular path called ( )
A) Orbit
B) Circle
C) Path
D) Trough
A) Orbit

Question 9.
The following makes the shifting of the area which faces the Sun directly throughout the year ( )
A) Slant of the axis
B) Height of the axis
C) Tilt of the axis
D) Width of the axis
C) Tilt of the axis

Question 10.
Northern lights are visible when the Sun does not rise above the following ( )
A) Buildings
B) Seas
C) Earth
D) Horizon
D) Horizon

Question 11.
Lancaster in U.S.A. is a …………………….. . ( )
A) rock
B) mineral
C) tree
D) monsoon
C) tree

Question 12.
The earth moves from ………………….. . ( )
A) North to South
B) South to North
C) East to West
D) West to East
D) West to East

Question 13.
This is true about polarity of axis ( )
A) We can see the pole star in the Northern sky
B) We can see the pole star in the Southern sky
C) We can see the pole star in the Eastern sky
D) We can see the pole star in the Western sky
B) We can see the pole star in the Southern sky

TS 8th Class Social Study Material 3rd Lesson Earth Movements and Seasons

Question 14.
Find the odd one ( )
A) Sun on the Tropic of Cancer – June 21
B) Sun on the Tropic of Capricorn – Dec 22
C) Sun on the Equator – Mar. 21, Sep 23
D) Sun on the Arctic and Antarctic Circle – June 5
C) Sun on the Equator – Mar. 21, Sep 23

Question 15.
Telangana is in ………….. belt. ( )
A) equator
B) tropical
C) temperate
D) polar
B) tropical

Question 16.
‘Chile’ is in this content ( )
A) North America
B) South America
C) Asia
D) Africa
B) South America

Question 17.
The earth’s axis of rotation is titled by …………… ( )
A) 21.5°
B) 225°
C) 23.5°
D) 24.5°
C) 23.5°

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