TS Board Telangana SCERT Class 8 Biology Solutions 11th Lesson Lesson Why Do We Fall Ill? Textbook Questions and Answers.
TS 8th Class Biology 11th Lesson Questions and Answers Telangana – Why Do We Fall Ill?
Question 1.
A doctor nurse health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself himself.
Many of the diseases are not spreading through contact. (Non-Contagious diseases.) The resistance/immunity of the health worker, nurse and doctor is more since they are continuously exposed to the pathogens.
Question 2.
Differentiate the infective and non infective diseases?
Infectious (or) Communicable diseases | Non-infectious (or) Non-communicable diseases |
1. These are caused by the attack of pathogens. | 1. Caused by factors other than living pathogens. |
2. Disease is caused by external factors. | 2. Disease is caused by intrinsic factors. |
3. These type of diseases can pass from diseased person to healthy person | 3. Non-infectious diseases can not pass from one person to another. |
Question 3.
Why acute disease become chronic disease?
Acute disease in a patient or victim becomes chronic due to the following reasons.
- If the patient neglects or stops taking prescribed medicine and recommended doses the disease may become chronic.
- Lack of poor sanitation, housing and water supply contribute to change the acute condition of the disease to chronic condition.
- Neglecting to take proper diet leads to chronic condition because malnutrition gives a chance of increasing disease causing germs.
- Willful starvation or low food intake lessens the immunity power and the disease becomes chronic.
- Neglecting to follow daily healthy tips after the acute disease may lead to re-entry of disease causing organisms. Eg: T.B, Malaria, Jaundice.
Question 4.
Draw the figure of leishmania and trypanosoma?
Question 5.
Ramu was affected with small pox. What advice do you give Ramu for not spreading disease?
- We will advise him to stay back at home only, because small pox is an air-borne disease.
- Proper medical care should be extended to Ramu to recover from small pox.
- Proper disinfection steps should be followed at home also, to prevent the small pox spreading to others.
- We advise him to take medicine preseribed by doctor regularly.
Question 6.
How do you appreciate the role of vaccine in preventing disease?
A vaccine is a weakened infectious agent or its product that can be injected or given orally to prevent specific disease.
- Vaccines help in the specific prevention of diseases.
- Vaccines are available against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio,
chicken pox, measles, mumps etc. - Miny of these vaccines are given to children under the public health programme of childhood immunisation.
Question 7.
Prepare a questionnaire to collect the information from your local health worker about spreading of diseases?
- Which diseases are more common in our locality?
- If there is any specific season for the out break of diseases, which season is it?
- Do you know the reasons for the spread of diseases during that period?
- How do you prevent such type of infectious diseases?
- What precautions you suggest to protect ourselves from such infectious diseases?
- List the vaccines / immunisation programme that the government promotes for increasing the resistance of the children?
Question 8.
How many times did you fall ill during the last one year? What were the illnesses?
a. Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.
Two times. First time with malarial fever. Second time with typhoidal fever. If I did not allow the drainage water to stagnate, the mosquitoes can not breed. So, malarial fever can not spread. The pollution of drinking water with drainage can be avoided.
b. Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.
Supply of safe drinking water.
Proper cleaning of drainages and the proper coverage of drainages will
reduce the growth of vectors for diseases.
Question 9.
Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.
S.no | Disease | Causative organism | Preventive steps by local authorities |
1. | Malaria | Plasmodium | Cleaning the surroundings removing stagnated water. Proper covers to drainage. |
2. | Typhoid | Salmonella typhi | Proper sewage system, using safe drinking water (chlorination). Supplying TAB vaccine |
3. | Rabies | Rabies virus | Pets should be vaccinated. Stray animals should be removed. |
TS 8th Class Biology 11th Lesson Why Do We Fall Ill Activities
Activity – 1:
a. Find out what provisions are made by your local authority (panchayat/municipal corporation) for the supply of clean drinking water.
- They chlorinate/disinfect the drinking water. They periodically test the water for its quality and for pathogens.
- They supply the water in safe and drinking status periodically from time to time.
b. Are all the people in your locality able to have an access to this?
Yes, the local authority supplies the water through pipes. The areas which are not having pipes of municipality / panchayat, the water tankers of the local authorities will supply the safe drinking water to all the people.
Activity -2:
a. Find out how your local authority manages the solid waste generated in your neighbourhood.
The local authority employs a few people (sanitary workers) to collect the solid waste generated in our houses. In some areas dumping bins are established. So the household people will keep the solid waste of their houses in the bins. The local authority will clean up the bins everyday by sending solid waste to the low lying areas/pits present in the out side of the city.
b. Are these measures adequate?
Yes. In majority of the areas the measures taken by local authorities to collect solid waste is sufficient.
c. If not, what improvements would you suggest?
But in some areas the regular collection of solid waste by sanitary workers is to be done. In a few areas properly covered dumping bins have to be established for the convenience of house holders.
d. What could your family do to reduce the amount of solid waste generated during a day I week?
- Reduces the solid waste generation by using cloth/jute bags for shopping purpose. (plastic/packing material waste is reduced)
- We will follow the process of repair and reuse of the old and efficient appliances instead of buying new ones.
- If a vermi compost pit/gardening is developed, a lot of vegetable peel waste is used as a manure for garden plants.
Activity – 3 :
Survey your neighbourhood to find out:
a. How many people did suffer from acute diseases during the last three months?
Many people suffered from acute diseases during the last three months. Acute diseases last for only very short period of time. Eg: Common cold.
b. How many people did develop chronic diseases during this same period?
Very rarely one or two persons got chronic diseases, because chronic diseases are the ailments which can last for a long time, sometimes even for a life time. Eg: Elephantiasis.
c. And finally, what is the total number of people suffering from chronic diseases in your neighbourhood?
Very few people suffer from chronic diseases such as cardio vascular problems (Heart attacks, B.P.) and diabetes.
d. Are the answers to questions (10) and (11) different?
Yes, many people may get acute diseases which last for a short period of time. Very rarely few people get chronic diseases which last for a longer period of
e. Are the answers to questions (11) and (12) different?
Answer: Yes.
- During the last three months, (in the specific time space), very few people got chronic diseases.
- But in the past many years, few people developed chronic diseases.
f. What do you think could be the reason for these differences? What do you think would be the effect of these differences on the general health of the population?
- In a very short period of time the chance of getting chronic diseases is less when compared to acute diseases.
- The general health of the population is affected by acute and chronic diseases. But for many of chronic diseases intrinsic factors of the population also plays a greater role; whereas for acute diseases the pathogens alone play important role.
Activity – 4:
a. Find out how many of you in your class had cold cough fever recently.
Cold and cough- many people suffered from them.
Fever – very few students suffered.
b. How long did the illness last?
- Cold lasts for one week.
- Cold and cough together it takes more than 10 days to cure.
- Fever, depending upon the types of fever it takes more time. (Malaria and Typhoid fevers generally lasts for two weeks.)
c. How many of you took antibiotics (ask your parents if you had antibiotics)?
- For cold alone no antibiotics required.
- For cough, bacteria is responsible, hence antibiotics are used.
- For typhoid fever also, antibiotics are used.
d. How long did they suffer from illness who took antibiotics?
Within 7-W days the people became healthy, as they took antibiotics.
e. How long did they suffer from illness who did not take antibiotics?
It took more than 15 days to control the symptoms and even sometimes it could be cured without taking antibiotics.
f. Is there a difference between these two groups?
Yes, use of antibiotics will control symptoms and disease very fast.
f. Is there a difference between these two groups?
Yes, use of antibiotics will control symptoms and disease very fast.
g. If yes, why? If not, why not? (Information skills)
Antibiotics are the chemicals which interfere with the metabolic activities of the bacteria and many of them will stop the synthesis of the cell wall of the bacteria. So the bacteria can be easily killed by our immune system. Hence antibiotics help us in curing the diseases fast.
Activity – 5:
a. Conduct a survey in your locality. Talk to ten families who are well off and ten who are very poor (in your estimation). Both sets of families should have children who are below five years of age. Measure the heights of these children. Draw a graph of the height of each child against its age for both sets of families.
The children of the well-off families the growth rate is more than the children from the poor families.
b. Is there a difference between the groups? If yes, why? (Project work)
The difference exists, because, the children from the well off families take balanced diet and proper proteins or nutritious diet. The children from poor families, cannot get the proper balanced diet, so their growth rate is poor.
c. If there is no difference, do you think that your findings mean that being well-off or poor does not matter for health?
The nutritious food / balanced diet supply may not be possible for poor families. So the economic conditions of the family plays a role in the health of the individual. So the Government make special programmes to supply balanced diet to the poor families to overcome the problems of malnutrition.
Activity – 6:
a. Why are we normally advised to take balanced and nourishing food when we are sick?
The cells and tissues will get damaged when we are sick. The repair and regeneration of tissues need more nutritious and balanced diet. Hence the balanced diet makes the patient recover fast and to develop the immunity properly.
b. What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?
The infectious diseases through air, water, food, physical contact, sexual act and insects.
Means of spread | Examples of diseases |
1. Through air (Air borne diseases) | 1. Common cold, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis |
2. Through water (Water borne diseases) | 2. Cholera |
3. Food | 3. Amoebic dysentry |
4. Physical contact | 4. Chickenpox, small pox, ring worm |
5. Sexual contact | 5. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, AIDS |
6. Insects (vectors) | 6. Malaria, filaria, dengue |
c. What precautions can you take In your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?
- Keeping the environment / surroundings of the school clean and neat with out any water logging areas and open drains to avoid the growth of mosquitoes.
- Keeping toilets neat and clean for avoiding contamination of food through flies.
- Developing the habit of washing hands before eating food and maintaining personal hygiene of the students to avoid the diseases through physical contact.
d. What is immunization?
- Stimulating the body to produce antibodies by artificial means. You can be immunised against certain diseases by taking vaccines for them.
- Vaccine is a preparation of weakened – infectious agents or their products that can be injected or given orally to prevent specific diseases.
e. What are the immunization programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?
Many of the vaccines are given to children under the public health programmes of childhood immunization.
- The vaccines given at different ages are – against the diseases of tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, chickenpox, measles, mumps, typhoid, tuberculosis, hepatitis etc.
- Polio, typhoid, tuberculosis, chicken pox are the major health problems of our area.
TS 8th Class Biology 11th Lesson Why Do We Fall Ill Important Questions
Question 1.
State any two conditions essential for good health.
- Nutrition
- Healthy habits
- Exercise & Relaxation.
Question 2.
State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.
- Balanced diet
- Personal & Community Hygiene.
Question 3.
Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different? Why?
Necessarily the same, because the nutrition i.e balanced diet of the people is essential for the good health of the individuals. It keeps them disease free. The healthy habits, exercise & relaxation are also essential conditions for good health. They also keep us away from diseases.
Question 4.
Do all diseases spread to people coming in contact with a sick person?
No, all the diseases are not communicable diseases or infectious diseases. The diseases where microbes are the immediate causes are called infectious diseases.
Question 5.
What are the diseases that are not spreading?
These diseases that are not caused by infectious agents, their causes vary, mostly internal, non-infectious causes. Eg: Cancer except uterus cancer, high B.P., diabetes etc.
Question 6.
How would a person develop those diseases that do not spread by contact with a sick person?
Due to metabolic disorders of the people, the internal homeostatic environment of the body is disturbed. It results in the manifestation of the disease symptoms of organ failure / metabolic disorder.
Question 7.
List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor? Why or why not?
Some reasons that make one sick are
- Lack of good nourishment
- Lack of proper rest
- Being uncomfortable.
I will not go to doctor, if I feel sick because of the above first two conditions. The sickness due to lack of good nourishment and proper rest, can be controlled by ourselves by taking good nourishment and rest. If I feel uncomfortable due to body pains and fever, I will go to doctor because body pains may be a concern to be examined by a doctor.
Question 8.
In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant?
a. if you get jaundice
b. if you get lice
c. if you get acne.
a. If you get jaundice, you will have the most unpleasant condition. Jaundice is mainly caused due to the malfunction of the liver. Bile juice is not properly secreted into the intestine. Jandice has the long term effect on our health.
Question 9.
Look at the picture. Let us read the wall writings on the panchayat office.
Drink boiled water only.
Use mosquito nets.
Keep your surroundings neat and clean.
Do not leave water to stagnate.
Eat food when it is hot
Was h hands before eating food.
Wash hands after toilet.
Use toilets only do not defeacate in the open.
Keep lids on food vessels.
Wash vegetables before cooking.
a. Why do local Panchayats display such instructions on the wall?
- To bring awareness among the people for good health.
- These precautions should he followed to maintain good health.
- To inculcate healthy habits among the people of panchayat by giving wide publicity.
b. What do we know from such instructions ?
- To maintain our personal health we should follow certain healthy practices; such as listed on the wall of the panchayats.
- These instructions help us to maintain good health.
c. What would happen to those who would not follow the instructions?
- The chances of getting disease will be more for the people who does not follow the instructions.
- They may also transfer the source of pathogens to other healthy people.
d. In which season do we generally find more mosquitoes? How do they affect us?
Except in winter season in all other seasons we find mosquitoes. But in Autumn and Rainy season, we find more number of mosquitoes than in summer season.
Mosquitoes act as vectors for the pathogens. So the microbes spread from one organism to another with the help of mosquitoes.
Question 10.
What does the word ‘health’ mean? When do we fall sick?
A state of being well enough to function well physically, mentally and socially. (or) Physical, psychological and social well being of organisms is known as health. We fall sick when the body is in abnormal condition which does not let the body function properly.
Question 11.
What would happen if no one takes responsibility for clearing the drains and ensuring that water does not collect in the streets or open spaces?
- The drains and open spaces or streets with stagnated water becomes the sources of breeding grounds of mosquitoes. So the mosquito population increases.
- The bacteria and fungus will grow in the water logged areas and they may contaminate the pure/safe drinking water also. Hence, it is necessary to clean the drains and not to allow the water to stagnate in the open areas / streets.
Question 12.
A boy suffered from smallpox a month ago. Now he Is freed from the disease. He ¡s playing with smallpox affected children. Does he suffer from the disease once again ? Why?
The disease causing germs won’t attack the boy second time. Once the disease attacked the individual, the body produces antibodies against it. Here the boy develops resistance power against small pox. Antibodies last for a longtime to inhibit the respective disease. If germs are ready. to attack a second time, the already produced antibodies kill them. Therefore the boy has immunity power and he won’t suffer from disease a second time.
Question 13.
Explain the causes and factors of infection?
Causes of infection : Healthy man suffers from disease due to various microbes. Many are viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, micro arthropods etc.
Microbes show various stages of process of disease in the body. Finally symptoms appear on the body.
Eg: Suppose a girl is suffering from motions. Here bacteria is the cause of disease.
Factors of infection: A disease spreads through different ways from a patient to a healthy person.
The person who is suffering from malnutrition also gets the diseases.
The genetic defects of a man also cause the diseases.
Unhygienic habits, poverty, drinking contaminated water, unhealthy habits, breathing polluted air are also factors for infection.
Choose the correct answers:
Conceptual Understanding
Question 1.
A healthy person is one who is free from ( )
A) bacteria
B) disease
C) mental tension
D) disease & mental tension
D) disease & mental tension
Question 2.
Fruits and vegetables brought from the market ( )
A) may carry germs
B) may carry eggs of the worms
C) may be coated with pesticides
D) All the above
D) All the above
Question 3.
Breathing polluted air causes diseases of the ( )
A) digestive system
B) circulatory system
C) nervous system
D) respiratory system
D) respiratory system
Question 4.
Which disease is likely to occur in crowded areas? ( )
A) Non-infectious
B) Infectious
C) Genetic
D) Deficiency diseases
B) Infectious
Question 5.
House flies are the vectors of ( )
A) malaria
B) dengue
C) cholera
D) yellow fever
C) cholera
Question 6.
Mosquitoes spread ( )
A) Influenza
B) Rabies
C) Malaria
C) Malaria
Question 7.
What kind of a disease is arthritis? ( )
A) An acute disease
B) A chronic disease
C) An infectious disease
D) A communicable disease
B) A chronic disease
Question 8.
Tuberculosis is caused by ( )
A) a protozoan
B) air pollution
C) a virus
D) a bacteria
D) a bacteria
Question 9.
A type of Rhabdo virus causes ( )
B) Influenza
C) Rabies
C) Rabies
Question 10.
The diseases that can be transmitted through body fluids are ( )
A) TB & typhoid
B) cholera & rabies
C) influenza & cholera
D) AIDS & hepatitis – B
D) AIDS & hepatitis – B
Question 11.
The factor which influences health: ( )
A) physical
B) psychological
C) society
D) all
D) all
Question 12.
The part of the body affected by ‘meningitis” : ( )
A) liver
B) brain
C) lungs
D) blood
B) brain
Question 13.
Chronic disease ( )
A) Malaria
B) Filaria
C) Jaundice
D) Cough
B) Filaria
Question 14.
Severe cough, loss of weight at faster rate are the symptoms of ( )
A) leprosy
B) ring worm
C) T.B.
D) small pox
C) T.B.
Question 15.
One of the following is not non-infectious disease ( )
A) cancer
B) high blood pressure
C) obesity
D) cold
D) cold
Question 16.
One of the following is not a viral disease ( )
A) Cold
B) Dengue
D) Typhoid
D) Typhoid
Question 17.
The organisms which spread disease: ( )
A) Disease factor
B) Vector
C) Host
D) Parasite
B) Vector
Question 18.
The disease caused by dog bite ( )
A) Rabies
C) Jaundice
D) Tuberculosis
A) Rabies
II. Asking questions and making hypothesis
Question 19.
What do you think about the results that occur when drainages are not cleaned regularly? ( )
A) It’s a personal problem
B) It’s a school problem
C) It is a community problem
D) It’s an animal’s problem
C) It is a community problem
Question 20.
For which disease do you think you prefer vaccine? ( )
A) Fever
B) Malaria
C) Hepatitis
D) Cold
C) Hepatitis
Question 21.
Which of the following diseases does not require use of vaccine?
A) polio
B) hepatitis
C) diptheria
D) malaria
D) malaria
Question 22.
Which is incorrect about malarial diseases? ( )
A) It occurs due to bite of male mosquito.
B) Its causative organism is plasmodium.
C) It can be controlled by antimalarial drugs
D) Its symptoms include fever, paroxyms of chills etc.
A) It occurs due to bite of male mosquito.
Question 23.
Which of the following is not an extrinsic cause of a disease? ( )
A) pathogens
B) inadequate diet
C) hypo/hyper secretion of hormones
D) environmental pollutants
C) hypo/hyper secretion of hormones
Question 24.
Which of the following is a mis-match? ( )
A) AIDS – bacterial infection
B) Polio – viral infection
C) Malaria – protozoan infection
D) Elephantiasis – helminth infection
A) AIDS – bacterial infection
III. Experimentation and field investigation
Question 25.
The vector commonly seen in your surroundings? ( )
A) Housefly
B) Mosquito
C) Elephant
D) A & B
D) A & B
IV. lnformation skills and Projects
Question 26.
Read the following para and answer the questions. ( )
Antibiotics prevent the bio-chemical toxins secreted by pathogens & penicillin is the antibiotic that prevents the cyst or sheath built by disease causing bacteria.
(Q) Antibiotic penicillin has an important function of ( )
A) killing disease causing microorganisms
B) preventing the sheath or cyst built by disease causing germs
C) promoting growth microbes
D) cannot prevent growth microbes
B) preventing the sheath or cyst built by disease causing germs
Question 27.
Diseases do not spread through this: ( )
A) water
B) air
C) death of patient
D) direct contact
C) death of patient
Question 28.
Who discovered the cause of gastric ulcers by bacteria Helicobactor pylon?
A) Robin Warren
B) Ben Marshal
C) CarryGym
D) A & B
D) A & B
Question 29.
A healthy person gets affected with cold from an infected person. The spreading factor is ………………………. ( )
A) droplets of saliva
B) direct contact
C) water
D) through articles
A) droplets of saliva
VII. Application to daily life,concern to bio diversity
Question 30.
Scientists Marshall and Warren were awarded with …………… for their discovery “Helicobactor pylon” bacterium that causes ulcers. ( )
A) Nobel prize in bio-chemistry
B) Nobel prize in chemistry
C) Nobel prize in medicine
D) Nobel prize in botany
C) Nobel prize in medicine
Question 31.
Treatment given to reduce symptoms of disease brings ( )
A) complete cure
B) reducing disease upto some extent
C) increasing disease condition
D) spreading disease
B) reducing disease upto some extent
Question 32.
AIDS spreads through ……………… ( )
A) blood transfusion
B) sexual contact
C) feeding infected mother’s milk
D) all the above
D) all the above
Question 33.
The benefit you get by eradicating mosquito population ( )
A) preventing malaria, elephantiasis
B) preventing T.B typhoid
C) preventing leprosy, cold
D) preventing AIDS, cancer
A) preventing malaria, elephantiasis
Question 34.
The step to be taken to prevent the Polio disease permanently: ( )
A) cleaning the surroundings
B) vaccination
C) use of drugs
D) destroying microbes
B) vaccination