AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Students get through AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions 3rd Lesson Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions 3rd Lesson Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What physical feature pertaining to the organism and its medium do you notice in a sponge body from which sponges can be/were identified as animals and not plants? What do you call the region in the sponge body in which you noticed that feature?

  1. Sponges are identified as animals due to the presence of Osculum.
  2. It is present at the anterior free end of the sponge, which acts as exit for transport of water.

Question 2.
What are the different structures that makeup the internal skeleton of a sponge? What are the chemicals involved in the formation of these structures?

  1. Internal skeleton of sponges is madeup of spicules and spongin fibres.
  2. Calcareous spicules are madeup of calcium carbonate.
  3. Siliceous spicules are madeup of silicon dioxide.
  4. Spongin fibres are madeup of protein.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla
Question 3.
What are the functions of canal system of sponges? [TS M-22]
The functional of the canal system in sponges are

  1. Collection of food(nutrition)
  2. Respiratory exchange of gases (respiration)
  3. Removal of wastes (excretion).

Question 4.
What are the two chief morphological ‘body forms” of cnidarians? What are their chief functions? [APM-19]

  1. The chief morphological body forms of cnidarians are (i) Medusa form (ii) Polyp form
  2. Chief function of medusoid form is reproduction and polypoid form is nutrition.

Question 5.
What is metagenesis? Animals belonging to which phylum exhibit metagenesis?

  1. Occurence of sexual and asexual phases alternately in the life cycle is called metagenesis.
  2. Animals belonging to phylum Cnidaria exhibit metagenesis

Question 6.
What is the cnidarian group with quantitatively/relatively large mesOglea? What is the significance of such a well developed mesoglea pertaining to the aquatic life of that group?

  1. Cnidarian group with relatively large mesoglea is Scyphozoa. Ex: Jelly Fish
  2. Such a well developed mesoglea helps in the buoyancy to afloat the organism iri water.

Question 7.
What is the chief difference between the hydrozoans and the rest of the cnidarians regarding the germinal layer(s) in which its ‘defensive structures or cells of defence’ occur?

  1. The defence cells in cnidaria are cnidocytes or stinging cells.
  2. In hydrozoans, the cnidocytes are present only in ectoderm.
  3. But in the rest of the cnidarians, the cnidocytes occur both in ectoderm and endoderm

Question 8.
What are the excretory cells of flatworms called? What is the other important function of these specialized cells?

  1. The excretory cells of flatworms are called flame cells (or) protonephridia.
  2. Another important function is osmoregulation.

Question 9.
Distinguish between amphids and phasmids. [APM-19,22]

  1. Amphids are cuticular depressions around the mouth of nematodes. They are chemoreceptors.
  2. Phasmids are posterior unicellular glands of some nematodes. They are glandulo sensory .

Question 10.
What is the essential difference between a ’flat worm’ and a ’round worm’ with reference to the perivisceral area of their bodies?

  1. In flatworms, perivisceral area is filled with parenchyma, so it is called acoelom.
  2. But in nematodes, perivisceral area is present, but it is not derived from mesoderm, so it is – called pseudocoelom.

Question 11.
How do you account for the origin of the perivisceral space in the body of a nematode and an annelid?

  1. The space around the visceral organs in triploblastic animals is called perivisceral space.
  2. In nematodes the mesoderm is restricted to ectodenn.
  3. The remaining perivisceral space is blastocoel. It is not a true coelom. It is a pseudocoel.
  4. In Annelids the perivisceral space is formed by the splitting of mesoderm. It is true coelome as it is lined by peritonim.

Question 12.
What is the metamerism? What is the essential difference between the mode of formation of individual morphological body units of a tapeworm and those of an earthworm?

  1. Metamerism: The linear segmentation of the body into morphological units (metamers) along the anteroposterior axis of the body is called metamerism.
  2. In tape worm, individual morphological body units are formed from the neck (the anterior end)
  3. But in earthworms, they are originated from the posterior end.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 13.
How do you distinguish a ‘hirudinean’ from the rest of the annelids, based on the morphological features pertaining to metamerism? How does the coelom of a leech differ from the coelom of an earthworm with reference to its contents.

  1. Hirudineans have definite number of body segments, but in rest of the annelids, the number of segments is not definite.
  2. Coelom in leeches is filled with botryoidal tissue which is absent in the coelom of earthworm.

Question 14.
What do you call the locomotor structures of Nereis? Why is Nereis called a polychaete?

  1. The locomotor organs of nereis are called paropodia.
  2. Nereis is called polychaeta, because each parapodium contains many setae (poly-many, cheta-setae)

Question 15.
What is botryoida! tissue?

  1. Botryoidal tissue is a characteristic tissue of leeches.
  2. It is present in coelom and occupies entire coelom and looks like bunch of grapes.
  3. Its functions are excretion, storage of Iron, Calcium and revascularization in areas of injury.

Question 16.
What is the difference between the epidermis of a nematode and that of an annelid?
How does a nematode differfrom an annelid with reference to the musculature of the body wall?

  1. The epidermis of nematode is syncytial (multi-nucleated state) whereas the epidermis of an annelid is madeup of single layer of columnar epithelial cells.
  2. Circular muscles are absent in the musculature of the body wall of a nematode, whereas that of an annelid consists of both circular and longitudinal muscles in its body wall.

Question 17.
What do you call the first and second pairs of cephalic appendages of a scorpion?

  1. The first pair of cephalic appendages of scorpion are chelicerae. |TS M-22J
  2. The second pair of cephalic appendages of scorpion are pedipalps.

Question 18.
What is the uniqueness about the first two pairs of cephalic appendages of a crustacean compared to those of the other extant arthropods/?

  1. The first two pairs of cephalic appendages are antennules and antennae.
  2. In other groups only antennae are present and Antennules are absent.

Question 19.
What is the sub-phylum to which ‘ticks’ and ‘mites’ belong? How do you distinguish them from the insects with reference to their walking legs?

  1. Ticks and mites belong to the subphylum chelicerata.
  2. Chelicerates have four pairs of walking legs but, insects have 3 pairs of walking legs.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 20.
What are the respiratory structures of Limulus and Palamnaeus respectively?

  1. The respiratory organs of limulus are book – gills (aquatic). [TS M-19]
  2. The respiratory organs of palamnaeus (Scorpion) are book lungs (aerial).

Question 21.
What are antennae? What is the arthropod group without antennae?

  1. Antennae are tactile sense organs.
  2. Subphylum chelicerata do not possess antennae.

Question 22.
What do you call the perivisceral cavity of an arthropod? Where from is it derived during development?

  1. Perivisceral cavity of an arthropod is called haemocoel. It is not completely a true coelom.
  2. Most of it is derived from blastocoel and filled with blood.

Question 23.
Which arthropod, is called a ‘living fossil’? Name its respiratory organs?[AP M-15,i6j

  1. Limulus(king crab) is the living fossil arthropod.
  2. The respiratory organs are book gills.

Question 24.
How do you identify a Chiton from its external appearance? How many pairs of gills help in the respiration of Chiton?

  1. Chiton is a mollusc having dorsal shell formed of eight shell plates (valves).
  2. Respiration takes place by 6-88 pairs of gills. .

Question 25.
What is the function of radula? Give the name of the group of molluscs which do not possess a radula? [APM-19][IPE-14]

  1. Radula is a rasping organ of molluscs used for feeding.
  2. Radula is absent in Bivalvia or pelecypoda.

Question 26.
What is the other name for the gill of a mollusc? What is the function of osphradium?

  1. The gill of mollusc is also called Ctenidium.
  2. Osphradium is a water testing organ present in bivalves and gastropods.

Question 27.
What is Aristotle’s lantern? Give one example of an animal possessing it? [AP M-22][TS M-17,20,22][AP May-17]

  1. Aristotles lantern is a complex 5 jawed masticatory apparatus present in buccal cavity of sea urchins.
  2. Ex: Echinus (Sea urchin)

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 28.
What is the essential difference between the larvae and adults of echinoderms, symmetry wise? [TS M-16]

  1. The larvae of echinoderms exhibit bilateral symmetry.
  2. The adult echinoderms exhibit pentamerous radial symmetry.

Question 29.
What are blood glands in Pheretima?

  1. Blood glands in pheretima are present in 4th, 5th and 6th segments of pheretima.
  2. They produce blood cells and haemoglobin which is dissolved in plasma.

Question 30.
What are spermathecae on the body of pheretima?

  1. Spermathecae of pheretima are sperm storing organs. There are 4 pair of spermathecae.
  2. One pair in each of 6ltl, 7th, 8th and 9th segments. They receive sperms during copulation.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Write short notes on the salient features of the anthozoans. [AP M-16] [TS-18,20]
Salient features of the Anthozoans:

  1. Anthozoans are commonly called as sea anemones.
  2. They are sedentary marine animals.
  3. There is only polyp form in life cycle.
  4. Medusa stage is absent.
  5. Cnidocytes occur both in the ectoderm and endoderm.
  6. Mesoglea contains connective tissue.
  7. Germ cells are formed in endoderm.
  8. They are advanced cnidarians.
  9. Ex: Adamsia (sea anemone), Gorgonia (Sea fan), Pennatula (sea pen)

Question 2.
What is the class to which the flukes belong? Write short notes on the chief characters of that group? [TS M-22]

  1. Flukes belong the class Trematoda, phylum -platyhelminthes.
  2. All the flukes are parasites.
  3. Body is covered by thick tegument.
  4. Generally two suckers are present, one is oral and other is ventral (acetabulum)
  5. The intestine is bifurcated (forked)
  6. Bisexual forms.
  7. In the life history there may be more than one host.
  8. There are different types of larval stages (miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia, Cercaria)
  9. Ex: Fasciola (liver fluke), Schistosoma (blood fluke)

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 3.
What are the salient features exhibited by polychaetes? [APM-18,20] [TSM-16,19 ]
Salient features of Polychaetes:
AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I Invertebrate Phyla 1

  1. Polychaetes are marine annelids.
  2. They are commonly bristle worms or clam worms.
  3. Many are free moving forms. Others live in tubes,
  4. Distinct head with sense organs like eyes, tentacles and palps are present.
  5. Parapodia are locomotor organs.
  6. Parapodia subserve respiration in addition to gills.
  7. Clitellum and Gonoducts are absent.
  8. They are Unisexual (dioecious)
  9. Sex cells are released into coelom and passout through nephridiopores.
  10. Fertilisation is external.
  11. Larva is Trochophore.
  12. Ex: Nereis (sandworm), Aphrodite (sea mouse), Arenicola (lugwarm)

Question 4.
How do the hirudineans differ from the polychaetes and oligochaetes?
Hirudinea (leeches):

  1. Hirudinea are ectoparasitic blood sucking annelids.
  2. Majority live in fresh water others are marine and land forms.
  3. The body is dorsoventrally flattered.
  4. Number of segments is definite.
  5. Segments are sub divided into annuli.
  6. Internal segmentation is absent.
  7. Two suckers are present, one is oral and other is ventral. They help in locomotion.
  8. Clitelum is formed only in breeding season.
  9. Coelom is filled with botryoidal tissue.
  10. Bisexual forms.
  11. Copulatory organ is present (Cirrus)
  12. Fertilisation is internal. Development is direct without a larva.
  13. Ex: Hirudinaria (fresh water leech), Pontobdella (marine leech), Haemadipsa (land leech)

Question 5.
What are the chief characters of the crustaceans? [ AP May-17] [TS M-15,17]
Chief characters of Crustaceans:

  1. Crustaceans are aquatic mandibulate arthropods.
  2. Head and thorax are fused to form cephalothorax.
  3. A hard exoskeleton is present which is formed by calcium carbonate.
  4. Head region (cephalic) has five pairs of appendages
    (a) antinnules (b) antennae (c) mandibles (d) first pair of maxillae (e) second pair of maxillae.
  5. Thoracic and abdominal appendages are biramous.
  6. Respiratory organs are gills (branchiae)
  7. Excretory glands are green glands or antennary glands.
  8. Sense organs are antennae, compound eyes and statocysts.
  9. Development is indirect having several larval stages.
  10. Ex: Palaemon (fresh water prawn), Cancer (crab), Daphina (Water flea).

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 6.
Mention the genera! characters of Arachnida. [AP M-19]
General characters of Arachnida:

  1. Arachnida are terrestrial chelicerate arthropods.
  2. Their body can be divided into prosoma and opisthosoma.
  3. Prosoma has six pairs of appendages.
    (a) a pair of chelicerate (b) a pair of pedipalps (c) 4 pairs of walking legs.
  4. Spinnerets of spider secrete spider silk. Spinnerets are modified abdominal appendages.
  5. Respiratory organs are book lungs(scorpion) and tracheae(some spiders).
  6. Respiratory pigment is haemocyanin contains copper.
  7. Excretory organs are malpighian tubules and coxal glands.
  8. Development is direct. No larval stage.
  9. Scorpions are Viviparous.
  10. Ex: Palamnaeus (scorpion), Aranea (spider), Sarcoptes (itch mite)

Question 7.
Compare briefly a centipede and a millipede.
Comparison of millipede and centipede:

  1. Centipedes and millipedes are mandibulate arthropods.
  2. Centipedes belong to the class chilopoda and millipedes belong to the class Diplopoda.
  3. Centipedes are called hundred leggers and millipedes thousand leggers.
  4. Both groups are terrestrial and air breathing.
  5. The body in both groups is divided into head and trunk.
  6. In chilopoda each segment has one pair of clawed appendages. In diplopoda each segment has 2 pair of appendages.
  7. Centipedes have poison claws to the first pair of trunk appendages. There are no poison claws in millipedes.
  8. In millipedes maxillae are modified into gnathochilarium which is absent in centipedes.
  9. Trachea are respiratory organs in both groups.
  10. Malpighian tubules are excretory organs in both groups.
  11. Centipedes are carnivorous and millipedes are herbivorous.
  12. Ex: (Scolopendra, Scutigera -Centipedes), (Spirostreptus, Julus- Millipedes)

Question 8.
Cephalopods show several unique or advanced features when compared to the other molluscs. Discuss briefly.
Salient features of cephalopoda:

  1. Cephalopoda are highly advanced molluscs.
  2. Mostly marine.
  3. There is a distinct head with well developed eyes (comparable to vertebrates)
  4. Buccal cavity has homy beak and radula.
  5. Shell is external and multichambered in nautilus. Shell is internal in sepia (cuttle bone) and loligo (pen) shell is absent in octopus.
  6. Foot is partly modified into eight sucker bearing arms in octopus and ten in sepia and loligo.
  7. Part of the foot is modified in to siphon (tube) which helps jet propulsion swimming.
  8. Cephalopoda is also called siphonopoda due to siphon.
  9. Some cephalopods have ink gland as defence structure.
  10. Ctenidia, atria and nephridia are two in dibranchiates and four in tetrabranchiates.
  11. Circulation is closed type (blood flows in tubes).
  12. There is well developed brain enclosed in cartilaginous cranium(brain case).
  13. Sexes are separate.
  14. Development is direct.
    Ex: Sepia (cuttle fish), Architeuthis (giant squid – the largest living invertebrate),
    Octopus (devil fish), Nautilus.

Question 7.
Compare briefly a centipede and a millipede.
Comparison of millipede and centipede:

  1. Centipedes and millipedes are mandibulate arthropods.
  2. Centipedes belong to the class chilopoda and millipedes belong to the class Diplopoda.
  3. Centipedes are called hundred leggers and millipedes thousand leggers.
  4. Both groups are terrestrial and air breathing.
  5. The body in both groups is divided into head and trunk.
  6. In chilopoda each segment has one pair of clawed appendages. In diplopoda each segment has 2 pair of appendages.
  7. Centipedes have poison claws to the first pair of trunk appendages. There are no poison claws in millipedes.
  8. In millipedes maxillae are modified into gnathochilarium which is absent in centipedes.
  9. Trachea are respiratory organs in both groups.
  10. Malpighian tubules are excretory organs in both groups.
  11. Centipedes are carnivorous and millipedes are herbivorous.
  12. Ex: (Scolopendra, Scutigera -Centipedes), (Spirostreptus, Julus- Millipedes)

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 8.
Cephalopods show several unique or advanced features when compared to the other molluscs. Discuss briefly.
Salient features of cephalopoda:

  1. Cephalopoda are highly advanced molluscs.
  2. Mostly marine.
  3. There is a distinct head with well developed eyes (comparable to vertebrates)
  4. Buccal cavity has homy beak and radula.
  5. Shell is external and multichambered in nautilus. Shell is internal in sepia (cuttle bone) and loligo (pen) shell is absent in octopus.
  6. Foot is partly modified into eight sucker bearing arms in octopus and ten in sepia and loligo.
  7. Part of the foot is modified in to siphon (tube) which helps jet propulsion swimming.
  8. Cephalopoda is also called siphonopoda due to siphon.
  9. Some cephalopods have ink gland as defence structure.
  10. Ctenidia, atria and nephridia are two in dibranchiates and four in tetrabranchiates.
  11. Circulation is closed type (blood flows in tubes).
  12. There is well developed brain enclosed in cartilaginous cranium(brain case).
  13. Sexes are separate.
  14. Development is direct.
    Ex: Sepia (cuttle fish), Architeuthis (giant squid – the largest living invertebrate), Octopus (devil fish), Nautilus.

Question 9.
Which class of Mollusca represents the primitive molluscs? What are their chief features?
Primitive molluscs:

  1. Class Aplacophora are primitive molluscs.
  2. The animals are like worms.
  3. They are marine.
  4. Mantle, shell, foot and nephridia are absent.
  5. Head is poorly developed.
  6. Radula is present.
  7. The cuticle has calcareous spicules.
  8. Some animals have a ventral grove which can be compared to the foot of other molluscs.
  9. Ex: Neomania, Chaetoderma

Question 10.
What are the salient features of the echinoids? (AP M-17,19,22)
Salient features of Echinoids:

  1. Echinoidea is a class of phylum echinodermata.
  2. Their body form is either semiglobular or disc like.
  3. The spines over the body are movable.
  4. Arms are absent. Tube feet bear suckers.
  5. The calcarious ossicles unite to form a strong test (corona or case)
  6. Madreporite and anus are aboral.
  7. Ambulacral grooves are closed.
  8. Peidicellaria have three jaws.
  9. Aristotle’s lantern is a five jawed masticatory apparatus present in mouth of sea urchins and absent in heart urchin.
  10. Larva is Echinopleuteus.
  11. Ex: Echinus (sea urchin), Echinocardium (heart urchin), Echinodiscus (sand dollar).

Question 11.
Mention the salient features of Holothuroidea. [AP M-15]
Salient features of Holothuroidea:

  1. Holothuroids are soft cucumber like echinoderms. They are called sea cucumbers.
  2. Their body is elongated in the oro-aboral axis.
  3. Skin is leathery containing dermal spicules.,
  4. Arms, spines and pedicellaria are absent.
  5. Mouth is surrounded by retractile tentacles.
  6. Ambulacral grooves are closed.
  7. Tube feet have suckers.
  8. Madreporite is internal (coelom)
  9. Respiratory trees are respiratory organs. Larva is Auricularia.
  10. Ex: Holothuria, Synapta, Thyone

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 12.
What is the function of nephridia?
Nephridia are ecodermally derived, segmentelly arranged cilliated coiled tubules.
Main function of Nephridia is removing metabolic wastes.
Nephridia are of different types with different functions.

  1. Micro nephridia open on to the body surface. Hence they release the waste on to the surface, keeping the body wall wet which facilitate cutaneous respiration in earthworms.
  2. Open nephridia with their nephrostome collect nitrogenous wastes from coelomic fluid and help in excretion.
  3. Entero nephridia open into the gut. They release wastes into alimentary canal thus help in conservation of water.
  4. In marine polychaetes, nephridia help in transport of gametes to out side. .

Question 13.
How many types of nephridia occur in Pheretima and how do you distinguish them.
Types of Nephridia:
1) Pharyngeal nephridia are present in 4th, 5th, 6th segments. They open into pharynx and buccal cavity (enteronephic) they are closed nephridia because nephuostome is absent.

2) Integumentary nephridia present attached inner side of body wall from 3rd segment to the last. They open to outside (exonephunic) by nephidiopores. They are closed type.

3) Septal nephridia attached to both sides of the septa. They are open type having nephostome.
They open into intenstine. Hence enteronephunic. They are present from 15/16 septerm to the last.
They are distinguished by the location of segments.

Question 14.
Give an account of the hearts in the circulatory system of Pheretima.
Hearts of Pheretima:

  • In the circulatory system of pheretima there are 4 pairs of hearts.
    (a) Two pairs of lateral hearts in segments 7th and 9th.
    (b) Two pairs of lateral oesophageal hearts in 12th and 13th segments.
  • They are valvular and muscular and contractive.
  • They pump the blood from dorsal blood vessel to the ventral blood vessel.
  • The lateral oesophageal hearts also pump the blood from supra oesophageal blood vessel into ventral blood vessel.
  • They are two pairs of anterior loops.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Draw a labelled diagram of the reproductive organs of Pheretima.
AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I Invertebrate Phyla 2

Question 2.
Describe the digestive svstem and orocess of digestion in Pheretima.
AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I Invertebrate Phyla 3
(A) Digestive system of pheretima:
1) Digestive system is alimentary canal and associated glands.

2) In pheretima the alimentary canal is a straight tube. With two openings, mouth and anus.

3) Parts of alimentary canal:

  • Mouth is in peristomium.
  • Buccal cavity is in 1-3 segments.
  • Large muscular glandular pharynx is in 4th segment.
  • Oesophagus is a narrow tube in 5 to 7 segments.
  • A muscular and cuticular gizzard is in 8th segment. It is also called grinding mill.
  • A stomach in 9-14 segments with calciferous glands.
  • Intenstine is from 15th segment to the last.
  • An inward longitudinal fold in last 23 to 28 segments called typhlosole.
  • Typhlosole increases area of absorption.
  • It is poorly developed in pheretima.
  • A pair of conical intestinal caeca present in the 26th segment.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

(B) Process of digestion:

  1. The food of earthworm is organic debris (humus) in the sand.
  2. The sand and humus is taken in through mouth.
  3. The humus is mixed with enzymes in pharynx.
  4. In gizzard the food is made into paste (grinding mill)
  5. Calciferous gland secretions neutralise the acid of humus in stomach.
  6. In intenstine the food is digested by digestive enzymes.
  7. The digested food is absorbed in intenstine.
  8. The absorbed food is utilised for various metabolic activities. ,
  9. The undigested food is sent out through anus in the form of pellets.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The only phylum representing the sub-kingdom parazoa is
1. Cnidaria
2. Porifera
3. Annelida
4. Mollusca
2. Porifera

Question 2.
………… cells are absent in sponges
1. Archaeocytes
2. Pinacocytes
3. Choanocytes
4. Neurons and sensory cells
4. Neurons and sensory cells

Question 3.
Digestion in sponges is
1. Intercellular
2. Extracellular
3. Intracellular
4. Intravesicular
3. Intracellul

Question 4.
Fertilization in sponges is
1. External
2. Internal
3. Radial
4. Holoblastic
2. Internal

Question 5.
Hydra lives in
1. Marine water
2. Fresh water
3. Terrestrial environment
4. Brackish water
2. Fresh water

Question 6.
In Hydrozoans, gonads occur in
1. Colenteron
2. Gastrodermis
3. Vellarium
4. Epidermis
4. Epidermis

Question 7.
In Anthozoans, gonads occur in
1. Epidermis
2. Endoderm
3. Hypostome
4. Vellarium
2. Endoderm

Question 8.
The Scientific name of red coral is
1. Gorgonia
2. Pennatula
3. Corallium
4. Aurelia
3. Corallium

Question 9.
Locomotary structures of Ctenophores are
1. Cilia
2. Tentacles
3. Flagella
4. Comb plates
4. Comb plates

Question 10.
The Ctenophores are classified on the basis of
1. Body shape
2. Biolumineseence
3. Parellel cells
4. Aboral tentacles
4. Aboral tentacles

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 11.
………… is not seen in Platyhelminthes.
1. Mouth
2. Suckers
3. Anus
4. Segmentation
3. Anus

Question 12.
Fertilization in platyhelminthes is
1. External
2. Internal
3. Both external and internal
4. Neither external nor internal
3. Both external and internal

Question 13.
Number of suckers found in trematodes is
1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
3. 2

Question 14.
Which of the following is a nematode?
1. Roundworm
2. Acron worm
3. Shipworm
4. Flat worm
1. Roundworm

Question 15.
“Tube-within-a-tube” organisation is seen in
1. Platyhelminthes
2. Cnidaria
3. Protozoa
4. Nematoda
4. Nematoda

Question 16.
Hookworm is the name given to
1. Trichinelia
2. Trichuris
3. Ancylostoma
4. Wuchereria
3. Ancylostoma

Question 17.
In Annelids gaseous exchange takes place through the
1. Mouth
2. Nephridia
3. Body wall
4. Anus
3. Body wall

Question 18.
The unique feature of invertebrates is
1. Closed type of blood vascular system
2. Haemoglobin
3. Respiratory pigment dissolved in plasma
4. Cephalization
3. Respiratory pigment dissolved in plasma

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 19.
Earth worm and leeches are
1. Hermaphrodites
2. Dioecious
3. Unisexual
4. None
1. Hermaphrodites

Question 20.
Leeches do not possess
1. Appendages
2. Ocelli
3. Annuli
4. Suckers
1. Appendages

Question 21.
Smallest earth worm in the world is
1. Drawida grandis
2. Megascolides australis
3. Chaetogaster annandalei
4. Pheretima posthuma
3. Chaetogaster annandalei

Question 22.
The first body segment of earth worms is called
1. Peristomium
2. Prostomium
3. Clitellum
4. Pygidium
1. Peristomium

Question 23.
Genital pores in male earth worms are present on the
1. 18th segments
2. 19th segment
3. 10th segment
4. 14th segment
1. 18th segments

Question 24.
In earthworms the cuticle is
1. Thick and cellular
2. Thin and non-cellular
3. Thick and multicellular
4. Thin and multicellular
2. Thin and non-cellular

Question 25.
In earthworms, the buccal cavity is located in
1. Prostomium
2. 1-3 segments
3. 4th segment
4. 5-7 segments
2. 1-3 segments

Question 26.
In earthworms testes are located in
1. 10 & 11 segments
2. 11 & 12 segments
3. 12 & 13 segments
4. 13 & 14 segments
1. 10 & 11 segments

Question 27.
The largest phylum in the animal kingdom is
1. Mollusca
2. Inseeta
3. Arthropoda
4. Chordata
3. Arthropoda

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 28.
The largest class in animal kingdom is
1. Mollusca
2. Inseeta
3. Arthropoda
4. Chordata
2. Inseeta

Question 29.
In arthropods, the position of heart is
1. Ventral
2. Lateral
3. Dorsal
4. Postero-lateral
3. Dorsal

Question 30.
Balancing organs in arthropods are
1. Antennae
2. Antennules
3. Statocysts
4. Oscilli
3. Statocysts

Question 31.
Arthropods are
1. Unisexual
2. Bisexual
3. Hermaphroditic
4. Asexual
1. Unisexual

Question 32.
The Scientitic name of scorpion is
1. Palamnaeus
2. Arnea
3. Sarcoptes
4. Scutigera
1. Palamnaeus

Question 33.
Water flea is the common name of
1. Daphnia
2. Sacculina
3. Cancer
4. Astacus
1. Daphnia

Question 34.
Crab is the common name of
1. Daphnia
2. Sacculina
3. Cancer
4. Astacus
3. Cancer

Question 35.
Which of the following is not a molluscan character
1. Segmentation
2. Cephalization
3. Schizocoelom
4. Bilateral symmetry
1. Segmentation

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 36.
In molluscs, ctenedia are located in
1. Mantle
2. Mantle cavity
3. Mantle upper layer
4. Mantle lower layer
2. Mantle cavity

Question 37.
Shell Is ábsent in
1. Neomenia
2. Neoplina
3. Dentalium
4. Mytilus
1. Neomenia

Question 38.
Glochidium larva leads a parasitic life on
1. Fish
2. Snail
3. Crab
4. Snake
1. Fish

Question 39.
Devil fish is the popular name of
1. Loligo
2. Sepia
3. Octopus
4. Architeuthis
3. Octopus

Question 40.
Largest living invertebrate is
1. Loligo
2. Sepia
3. Octopus
4. Architeuthis
4. Architeuthis

Question 41.
The term Echinodèrmata indicates the character of
1. Water vascular system
2. Enterocoelom
3. Schizocoelom
4. Spiny skin
4. Spiny skin

Question 42.
Free-swimming pelmatozoan is
1. Feather star
2. Sea lily
3. Sea fur
4. Sand dollar
1. Feather star

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 43.
Star fishes are included in the class
1. Asteroidia
2. Ophiuroidea
3. Echinoidea
4. Holothuroidea
1. Asteroidia

Question 44.
Basket star is the common name of
1. Ophiothrix
2. Gorgonocephalús
3. Ophiocoma
4. Asterias
2. Gorgonocephalús

Question 45.
Arms aie absent In the class
1. Crinoidea
2. Asteroidea
3. Ophiuropidea
4. Echinoidea
4. Echinoidea

Question 46.
In hemichordates, respiration occurs through
1. Trunk
2. Stomodium
3. Gills
4. Collar
3. Gills

Question 47.
The term ‘Porifera’ was coined by
1. Goldfuss
2. Grant
3. Lamarck
4. Aristotle
2. Grant

Question 48.
The collared, flagellated cells present in the choanoderm of sponges are
1. choanocytes
2. thesocytes
3. myocytes
4. pinacocytes
1. choanocytes

Question 49.
Canal system of sponges arc useful for
1. nutrition
2. respiration
3. excretion
4. All of these
4. All of these

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 50.
……………. in sponges asexual reproduction is by the formation of
1. external buds
2. internal buds
3. gemmules
4. 2 & 3
4. 2 & 3

Question 51.
Diploblastic body and Radial symmetry are present in
1. protozoa
2. cnidaria
3. echinodermata
4. annelida
2. cnidaria

Question 52.
In cnidarians ………… help In deference adhesion and capture of prey
1. Trichocysts
2. Neoblasts
3. Phasmids
4. Cnidoblasts
4. Cnidoblasts

Question 53.
Polymorphism is the characteristic feature of
1. hydrozoans
2. scyphozoans
3. anthozoans
4. all the above
1. hydrozoans

Question 54.
Larval form of ctenophorcs is
1. Planula
2. Cydippid
3. Trocophore
4. Muller’s
2. Cydippid

Question 55.
The term ‘Platyhelminthes’ was coined by
1. Muller
2. Laniarck
3. Gegenbaur
4. Jacob Klein
3. Gegenbaur

Question 56.
In flat worms, ecretlon Is performed by specialized cells called
1. solenocytes
2. pericardial gland
3. renette cells
4. flame cells
4. flame cells

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 57.
The triploblasticans with ‘one way gut’ for the first time are
1. annelids
2. nematodes
3. platyhelminthes
4. arthropods
2. nematodes

Question 58.
The ‘tube-with-in-a tube’ body concept was evolved for the first time in these animals
1. schizocoelmates
2. acoelomates
3. pseudocoelomates
4. enterocoelomates
3. pseudocoelomates

Question 59.
The most common nematodes called ‘round worms’ arc
1. viviparous
2. oviparous
3. ovo-viviparous
4. parthenogenetic
2. oviparous

Question 60.
Distinct cephalization first appears from
1. platyhelminthes
2. nematoda
3. arthropoda
4. annelida
4. annelida

Question 61.
In Pheretima, spermathecae are found In segments
1. 4th to 7th
2. 6th to 9th
3. 9th to 12th
4. 17th to 20th
2. 6th to 9th

Question 62.
Pheretlma Is
1. sterile
2. hermaphrodite
3. radially symmetrical
4. dioecious
2. hermaphrodite

Question 63.
The main function of clitellum is
1. cocoon formation
2. locomotion
3. excretion
4. copulation
1. cocoon formation

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 64.
The largest phylum In kingdom Animafta is
1. Arthropoda
2. Chordata
3. Platyhehninthes
4. Protozoa
1. Arthropoda

Question 65.
Respiratory organs In crustaceans are
1. Trachea
2. Book-lungs
3. Book-gills
4. Gills
4. Gills

Question 66.
Hundred leggers belongs to class
1. Arachnida
2. Xiphosura
3. Chilopoda
4. Diplopoda
3. Chilopoda

Question 67.
The Arthropod which is regarded as a living fossil is
I. Sarcoptes
2. Bombyx
3. Limulus
4. Triarthrus
3. Limulus

Question 68.
The second largest phylum in Kingdom Animalia is
1. Annelida
2. Arthropoda
3. Mollusca
4. Echinodermata
3. Mollusca

Question 69.
Ospharidlum is a
1. Sense organ
2. Defensive organ
3. Genital organ
4. Respiratory organ
1. Sense organ

Question 70.
Living fossil in mollusca belongs to the class
1. Polyplacophora
2. Aplacophora
3. Monoplacophora
4. Gastropoda
3. Monoplacophora

Question 71.
The larva of fresh water bivalve which lives as ectoparasite on the gills of fishes is
1. Glochidium
2. Veliger
3. Trochophore
4. Nauplius
1. Glochidium

Question 72.
The nature of body cavity in echinoderms is
1. Pseudocoel
2. Haemocoel
3. Schizocoel
4. Enterocoel
4. Enterocoel

Question 73.
Aristotle’s lantern is the masticatory apparatus present in the mouth of
1. Loligo
2. Cancer
3. Clypeaster
4. Aphrodite
3. Clypeaster

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Important Questions Chapter 3 Animal Diversity-I: Invertebrate Phyla

Question 74.
This hypothetical larva is considered as the ancestor of all eehinoderms
1. Tomaria
2. Planula
3. Trochophore
4. Dipleurula
4. Dipleurula

Question 75.
Symmetry exhibited by hemichordates is
1. Spherical
2. Biradial
3. Bilateral
4. Radial
3. Bilateral

Question 76.
The larva of Balanoglossus is
1. Tomaria
2. Glochidium
3. Doliolaria
4. Planula
1. Tomaria

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