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AP 10th Class Social Question Paper April 2023 with Solutions
Time: 3.15 hours
Max. Marks: 100
Instructions :
- In the duration of 3 hours, 15 minutes, 15 minutes of time is allotted to read the question paper.
- All answers shall be written in the separate booklet only.
- Question paper consists of 4 Sections and 33 Questions.
- Internal choice is available in Section TV only.
- Answers shall be written neatly and legibly.
Section – I
12 x 1 = 12 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 1 mark.
Question 1.
In which hemisphere is India located on the basis of Latitudes?
Northern Hemisphere
Question 2.
Odd one out:
Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Indus
Question 3.
Expand HDI.
Human Development Index.
Question 4.
Who wrote the book ‘Silent Spring’?
Rachel Carson
Question 5.
Find out the missed item.
Bay of Bengal – Andaan and Nicobar
? – Lakshadweep
Arabian Sea
Question 6.
Who called the 20th century The Age of Extremes?
Eric Hobsbawm
Question 7.
Name the country which suffered with the atomic attack in World War -II.
Question 8.
Identify the person shown in the given picture, who acted as the Chairman of the Constitutional Drafting Committee of India.
Question 9.
Who was considered the father of Modem China?
Sun Yat-Sen
Question 10.
Name any two regional parties in India.
Question 11.
Which international organisation is connected to this Logo?
United Nations Organisation / UNO
Question 12.
What is the name of the country in the given map?
Section – II
8 x 2 = 16 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 2 marks.
Question 13.
Name any four physiographic divisions of India.
- The Himalayas
- The Indo-Gangetic Plain
- The Peninsular Plateau
- The Coastal plains
- The Desert
- The Islands.
Question 14.
Name the factors of production.
- Land
- Labour
- Capital
- Knowledge/enterprise
Question 15.
What is an Aerotropolis?
Settlements centered around large airports are called aerotropolis.
Question 16.
If any country takes an aggressive stance against another country, should the other country also respond aggressively? Write your opinion.
- No. If one country takes an aggressive stance against another country, the other country should not necessarily respond aggressively.
- It can solve the issues peacefully by discussions, with the help of UN.
Question 17.
Write two slogans on World Peace.
- Peace is the civilization
- War is our enemy -peace is our friend
Question 18.
Name the present President and Vice President of India.
- President: Droupadi Murmu
- Vice President: Jagdeep Dhankhar
Question 19.
Arrange the following countries from West to East.
Question 20.
Show the following information in a pie chart.
Share of employment in 1972-73
Agriculture | Industry | Service |
74% | 11% | 15% |
Section – III
8 × 4 = 32 M
Note :
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 4 marks.
Question 21.
What are the effects of great economic depression?
- There was a worldwide economic decline.
- Prices and demand crashed down.
- Factories were closed down.
- Massive unemployment rose.
- The purchasing power of people declined.
- Farmers stopped cultivation as there were no prices for their produce.
Question 22.
Mention the uses of Lok Adalat.
- No court fee.
- Procedural flexibility
- Speedy trial
- Direct interaction with the judge
Question 23.
The impact of globalisation is not uniform. Explain.
- The impact of globalisation in India is not uniform.
- It has benefited well-off consumers.
- U has also benefited the producers with skill, education, and huge wealth.
- Certain services enabled with technology have expanded.
- Some new jobs are created.
- Some large Indian companies have grown as MNCs.
- On the other hand, most of the small producers and workers suffered due to globalisation.
- They lost their employment and rights.
Question 24.
What are the problems faced by the migrants?
- Migrant labourers cannot get food grains in ration shops at their workplaces.
- So they need to spend more on food.
- They may need to live in unclean conditions.
- Then they may suffer from health problems.
- Accidents in industrial areas and construction sites are also common.
- There will be no provision of maternity leave for women workers.
- When families migrate, children may become dropouts.
- When males leave their families, women may face problems in managing the family.
Question 25.
Mention the various causes of two world wars.
- Aggressive nationalism
- Imperialism
- Secret alliances
- Militarism
- Severity of Versailles Treaty
- Failure of League of Nations
- German challenge to vengeful domination
- The fear of Socialism and the USSR
Question 26.
Which human activities are contributing to Global Warming?
- Deforestation
- Use of chemical fertilizers
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Industrial pollution
Question 27.
Plot the information given below in a bar graph.
The Armaments Race
Year | Military Expenditure in Million Pounds |
1880 | 132 |
1890 | 158 |
1910 | 205 |
1910 | 288 |
1914 | 394 |
Question 28.
Observe the map and answer the following questions.
1) Name any two tributaries of river Ganga.
2) On the bank of which river is Kolkata situated?
1. Yamuna, Ghaghara, Gomti, Gandak, Kosi, Chambal, Sind, Betwa, Ken, Son, Tamsa.
2. Hooghly
Section – IV
5 x 8=40 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 8 marks.
3) Each question is internal choice.
4) In question no.33, both A and B (India map and World map) should be answered separately.
Question 29.
A) Explain the uses of Himalayas.
B) Explain about the integration of Princely States into Indian Nation.
- The Himalayas protect India.
- They act as barriers to the cold winds of central Asia.
- They are the reason for summer rains in India.
- They are the reason for the monsoon type of climate in India.
- They are the origin of many perennial rivers such as Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra.
- The alluvial soil brought down by these rivers makes the plains very fertile.
- They have a great forest wealth.
- These thick forests provide us valuable timber and medicinal herbs etc.
- There were around 550 Princely states by the time of independence.
- They were asked to decide, if they wanted to join India, Pakistan or remain independent.
- Sardar Patel was given charge of integration of them in Indian Union.
- He completed the task successfully.
- He warned the princely states that if they did not join Indian Union, the army would have to be sent.
- By 15th August 1947, all states except three had agreed to join the Indian Union.
- Those three were Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Junagadh.
- Unification of these three states was also completed in the next two years.
Question 30.
A) ‘The Ground Water laws are both outdated and inappropriate.”-Explain.
B) Explain about the basic principles of Indian Constitution.
- According to the current laws, landowners have the rights over the groundwater too.
- There are no restrictions on how much of water can be extracted.
- Heavy extraction of water affects other areas also.
- The water stock that would be available for future generations also will be decreased.
- Today ground water is the major source of water for the people.
- So the present groundwater laws should be changed.
- Landowners should not be allowed to extract as much water as they wish.
- There should be some restrictions on this.
- We cannot create any boundaries for groundwater because it is a flowing resource as air.
- So the groundwater should be treated as a common pool resource.
- India is the biggest country which is following a parliamentary democracy system in the world.
- 6 fundamental rights are entitled to all the Indians.
- Every Indian should follow the 10 fundamental duties.
- According to the Indian constitution, we have single citizenship only.
- Indian Constitution divided and distributed the powers between the center and the states.
- Indian judiciary is independent. It protects Indian Constitution. It has the power of judicial review also.
- Indian Constitution provides guidelines to the central and state governments.
- Indian Constitution provides right to vote to the citizens of india who attained 18 years of age.
Question 31.
A) Read the following paragraph and comment on it:
“Developed countries want developing countries to Cut down on burning coal and other activities that add greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. Developing countries argue that developed countries developed precisely by burning fossil fuels in their development.”
B) Read the following paragraph and comment on it.
“With the creation of a Muslim Nation, Pakistan, a painful and unimaginable situation arose before many people. Most Hinduš living on one side of the newly drawn border became insecure and felt forced to leave. So did many Muslims living on the other side of this newly drawn border. Not all may have wanted this, not all may have understood why this was happening. They felt anger and hatred against each other for being forced to move out of their homes, villages, and cities. Around 5 crore people, both Hindu and Muslim, were displaced. They killed, looted, and burnt.
Between two to five lakh people, both Muslim and Hindu, were killed, They became refugees, lived in relief camps, moved out on trains to find new homes. Gandhiji moved amongst riot-hit people, in camps and hospitals, spreading the message of peace and brotherhood. This was not the freedom and Swaraj he had worked so hard to achieve. The Father of the Nation fasted and did not celebrate on the first Independence Day.”
- Global warming has become a big challenge before the human race all over the world.
- An international effort is being done to form an agreement whereby all countries try to reduce their emission of greenhouse gases.
- But this has not been achieved so far.
- Broadly, the disagreements are between the ‘developed’ and developing’ countries.
- Developing countries say that their economic development will be seriously damaged if they don’t burn fossil fuels (mainly coal).
- The argument of developing Countries is justified. Developed countries developed using the same fossil fuels and now they are saying morals to the developing countries.
- Before this, developed countries should do their fair share of work to help find the alternatives that can help the developing countries to progress.
- All the countries must work together to face this global challenge.
- Hindus on Pakistani side and Muslims on Indian side became insecure.
- As they were forced to leave their homes and villages, they became angry with each other.
- 1.5 Crores of Hindus and Muslims were displaced.
- 2 to 5 lakh people were killed.
- They became refugees.
- They lived in relief camps.
- People continuously killed, looted, and burnt.
- While the nation was celebrating on the first Independence Day, Gandhi fasted.
Question 32.
A) Based on the timeline, answer the following questions:
i) Which country was proclaimed as Weimar Republic? Who became the Chancellor of that country
ii) Name any two allied powers.
iii) Who were murdered on a large scale by Nazis in Germany? In which year these murders began’
iv) Which country joined lately in World War II? In which year did tNs war end? .
B) Observe the following bar graph and answer the following questions.
(i) What does the above graph say about?
(ii) In which year the lowest sex ratio was recorded?
(iii) What was the sex ratio of India as per 2011 census?
(iv) What are the reasons for low sex ratio?
- Germany Hitler
- Britain, France, Russia
- Jews 1941
- United States (USA) 1945
- India Population: Sex Ratio, 1951-2011
- 1991
- 943
- Male-dominated society.
- Gender bias.
Question 33.
A) Locate the following in the given outline map of India:
1) Mt. Everest
2) Mumbai
3) Deccan Plateau
4) Aravali Ranges
5) Delhi
6) Arunachal Pradesh
7) Vmdhya Ranges
8) Coromandel Coast.
- Mt. Everest
- Mumbai
- Deccan Plateau
- Aravali Ranges
(OR) - Delhi
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Vindhya Ranges
- Coraniandal coast
B) Locate the following in the given outline map of World.
1) Mediterranean Sea
2) USA
3) Italy
4) Nigeria
5) Britain
6) India
7) Japan
8) Atlantic Ocean.
- Mediterranean sea
- Italy
- Nigeria
(OR) - Britain
- India
- Japan
- Atlantic Ocean