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AP 10th Class Social Model Paper Set 7 with Solutions
Time: 3.15 hours
Max.Marks: 100
- In the duration of 3 hours, 15 minutes, 15 minutes of time is allotted to read the question paper.
- All answers shall be written in the separate booklet only.
- Question paper consists of 4 Sections and 33 Questions.
- Internal choice is available in Section IV only.
- Answers shall be written neatly and legibly.
12 × 1 = 12 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 2 marks.
Question 1.
Where is Mawkdok Dympep Valley located?
Meghalaya State
Question 2.
Identify the wrongly matched pair and write ¡t in the answer booklet.
primary Sector | Fishing |
Secondary Sector | Mining |
Tertiary Sector | Banking |
Secondary Sector – Mining. (Mining comes under primary sector)
Question 3.
Write any three environmental issues.
The environmental issues are deforestation, soil erosion, lowering groundwater levels, increasing pollution, pressure on grazing land, rising dependence on fossil fuels, industrial emissions, use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides, etc.
Question 4.
Census is about to start in India soon.
‘A’ says that this census shows age structure, gender ratio, and literacy rate.
‘B’ says that it shows the size and density of population. Who is correct?
‘A only
B only
A & B
None of the above
Both A & B
Question 5.
Poorest of the poor have a provision to get 35 kgs of grains per month under PDS. Name the ration card related to this.
Antyodaya Cards
Question 6.
Which of the following places is nearer to the equator?
The place nearer to the equator is -Kanyakumari
Question 7.
Expand U.S.S.R
U.S.S.R – “Union of Soviet Socialist Republic”.
Question 8.
The relation between the items in the first pair is the same with those in the second pair. Find out the missed item of the second pair. Vietnam : France:: India:?
Vietnam : France:: India: Britain.
Question 9.
Which regions are good absorbers of sunlight?
Heavily vegetated regions.
Question 10.
In which state was the Anti-Hindi agitation started?
Tamil Nadu.
Question 11.
The chairman of the Constitutional Drafting Committee was ……………….. .
B.R. Ambedkar.
Question 12.
Based on the information given below, answer the question that follows.
Beginning of First World War | Russian Revolution | Treaty of Versailles | Break out of Second World War | German Invasion of USSR |
1914 | 1917 | 1919 | 1939 | 1942 |
Q. Nitme the country which withdrew from the World War I before the War.
Section – II
8 x 2 = 16 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 2 marks.
Question 13.
Distinguish between population growth and population change.
Population growth | Population change |
1. Increase in population per annum. | Difference in number of inhabitants of a country during specific period. |
2. Population growth is the difference between birth rate and death rate plus migration per year. | Population change is the number of people added to the total population in year. |
3. It is expressed in percentage. | It is expressed in the addition of number of people. |
4. Population growth refers to the increase in the number of inhabitants of a region during specific period of time. | This refers to the change in the distribution and composition of size of population during a specific period of time. |
Question 14.
Give examples of the criterion for the measurement of human development.
In measuring human development, the criteria taken into consideration are
- per capita income
- education
- health
- Electricity
- housing
- Life expectancy.
Question 15.
Plot the below information on a bar graph (rough).
Year | Cultivated area (in million hectares) |
2000 | 140 |
2010 | 140 |
Question 16.
Observe the below world map which is based on the basis of population and answer the question that follows.
Q. Asian Continent looks the largest in the above map. Why?
- Asia has the largest populous countries like China and India.
- These two countries occupy the first two places as the highest populous countries.
- This world map has been drawn on the basis of population.
- So, the Asian continent looks big when comparing with other continents.
Question 17.
Mention any two environmental problems faced by Nigeria.
Environmental problems faced by Nigeria:
Reckless oil extraction without care for the environment by foreign oil companies in Nigeria has created havoc in coastal environment.
- Oil spillage from oil wells has a major impact on the ecosystem. Large tracts of the mangrove forests, which are especially susceptible to oil, have been destroyed.
- Spills destroy crops and aquaculture through contamination of the groundwater and soils.
Question 18.
Explain how RTI Act enriches the democracy.
- It ensures the availability of all types of information to the citizen.
- Democracy requires informed citizens.
- Information should be transparent.
- This can help to control corruption and make the governments accountable Thus RTI act enriches democracy.
Question 19.
Observe the following table and answer the given questions.
Coalition Governments and some political parties from 1980’s
1) What are the governing parties from 1989 – 1990?
2) What are the parties in NDA?
1. Janatha dal,DMK, AGP,TDP and Jammu Kashmir National Conference (JKNC), etc.
2. JDU,SAD, AIADMKJKNC,Trinamool Congress,Biju Janta Dal and Shiv Sena
Question 20.
” I Have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged the colour of their skin but by’ the content of their character…. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Express the sensitivity in this speech.
In this speech the intention of Jr. Martin Luther King is to achieve equality for all people through peaceful means. He expected that the government should ban segregation gradually on blacks by their colour and give them opportunity based on their intelligence.
Section – III
8 × 4 = 32 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 4 marks.
Question 21.
What suggestions do you give to maintain friendly relations with neighbouring countries?
The following are the suggestions for maintaining friendly relations with neighbouring countries:
- Following the ideals of democracy and international peace.
- Mutual understanding and respect for each other’s territorial integrity.
- Settlement of disputes through bilateral discussions.
- Not interfering in the internal affairs of others.
- Promoting friendship and cooperation in the fields of culture, trade and technology.
- Restoring diplomatic relations.
- Reducing arms.
- Sharing of technological innovations.
- Organising cultural festivals.
Question 22.
Explain the role of schooling played in Vietnam National movement?
- Vietnamese was taught in French.
- While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated by the French.
- Students were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of the society.
- Many students went to Japan, China, France, USSR to study and learn about new ideas.
Question 23.
Observe the following table and analyse it.
Seat share of various political parties in 1952 and 1962
Political Party | 1952 | 1962 |
1.Indian National Congress | 364 | 361 |
2. Communist Party of India | 16 | 29 |
3. Independents | 37 | 20 |
4. Socialist Party | 12 | 06 |
5. Others | 38 | 27 |
- The table shows the seat share of various political parties in 1952 and 1962 Loksabha elections.
- In first general elections held in 1952, 1957 and 1962. the Indian National Congress won reducing other parties to almost nothing.
- It was the one-party domination in political system. The Congress consistently won over 70% of the seats by obtaining about 45% of the total votes cast between 1952-1962.
- The opposition parties posed only a latent and not a real threat.
- This period helped to a large extent to nurture democracy in its early years allowing the establishment of a multi-party system based on free and open competition.
Question 24.
Based on the map given below, name any four states which record average temperatures more than 15 degrees in the month of January.
The states which record average temperatures of more than 15 degrees in the month of January:
- Gujarat
- Madhya Pradesh
- Chattisgarh
- Odisha
- Goa
- Kamataka
- Kerala
- Tamil Nadu
Question 25.
Write any Two welfare programmes launched by present Government of India.
The welfare programmes launched by present Government of India are
- Sukanya Samrudhi Yojana.
- Prime Minister Jeevan Jyothi Bhima Yojana.
- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
- Atal Pension Yojana.
Question 26.
Write about the League of Nations.
League of Nations:
- The Treaty of Versailles set up the League of Nations.
- The League of Nations had 58 members in its peak stage in 1934.
- The President of America, Woodrow Wilson took an active role in the set up of League of Nations.
- The League of Nations also set up health, labour welfare organisations and an International Court of Justice.
- The League of Nations failed to prevent Germany and Italy from violating international agreements and attacks as it had no army.
Question 27.
Mention the Constitutional provisions that facilitate social change.
- The Constitution has many provisions facilitating social change.
- The abolition of Untouchability.
- The provision for reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Constitution.
- Voting rights to all citizens.
- The reservation of seats in legislatures and in public sector jobs.
- The right of religious minorities to run their own educational institutions etc.,
Question 28.
Explain the role played by women in Anti Arrack movement in the then Andhra Pradesh.
Role of women in Anti arrack movement in the Andhra Pradesh:
- The women m Dubagunta village, Nellore read Sitamma’s story” Adavallu kamacite” in evening school and got inspired.
- So next day, hundréds of them marched out of the village and stopped a cart of toddy.
- They told the owner to throw away the liquor and he was terrified.
- In several villages, liquor shops had to face picketings,throwìng out liquor packets and the alcohol was set on fire. Only women did all these things.
- After innumerable meetings and protests by women across the state, arrack was officially banned by the government in 1993 and total prohibition was implemented in 1995.
- This is really a great achievement of women who are uneducated and are of rural background.
5 x 8 = 40 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 8 marks.
3) Each question has internal choice.
4) In question no.33, both A and B (India snap and World map) should be answered separately.
Question 29.
A) Describe the occupational structure of Indian Economy.
B) ‘Most children of migrant families become drop-outs. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.
A) The distribution of working population among different occupations or productive activities is known as occupational structure.
1. Primary Sector:
Agriculture, fishing, plantations, mining and allied activities are included in primary occupations.
2. Secondary Sector:
- industries both large and small comprise this sector. Construction is also included in this sector.
- This sector showed a tremendous increase in the last 37 years.
3. Tertiary Sector:
- Occupation services like, Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, etc., come under tertiary sector or service sector.
- The shares of service sector in employment and CDP are 25% and 57% respectively.
- Yes, I agree with the above statement
- When families migrate, children also accompany them to their destination.
- The children who are at present studying in a school in their native village need to discontinue their studies and migrate along with their parents.
- These migrated children are not able to continues their studies at the new place due to financial problems and strange atmosphere in the new place.
- Schools in their native place refuse to take them again when they come back. So, finally, most of the children become drop-outs.
Question 30.
A) Describe the cycle of the monsoon patterns in India.
B) How are human activities contributing to global warming?
- 1. The climate of India can be described as tropical monsoon type. The word ‘monsoon’ has been derived from the Arabic word ‘mausam’ which conveys the rhythm of seasons and the changes that occur in the direction of winds and in the distribution of rainfall and temperature with the change of seasons.
- 2. Monsoon winds are caused by thermal Contrast between the inter-tropical convergence zone and the upper air circulation.
- 3. An intensive low pressure develops on the land surface during the summer season. It draws air from the high-pressure region of the seas Leading to the southwest monsoons.
- 4. During the winter, the pressure conditions in the area are reversed and so are the winds. This time low-pressure system develops in the seas which draws air from the landmass particularly blowing from northeast side and form the north-east monsoons.
- Global warming is occurring since the Industrial Revolution.
- More and more of greenhouse gases are released due to industrialization.
- Burning of fossil fuels by humans also increased global warming.
- Radiation created by the humans also causes global warming.
- The release of chiro-fluoro carbons also led to global warming.
- Deforestation i.e. cutting down of trees is one of the human activities that contributes to global warming.
- Excessive use of vehicles releases much carbon-di-oxide which contributes to air pollution. Arid that, in turn, causes global warming.
Question 31.
A) Hitler said, “We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere” – How far are his words justifiable? Give your opinion.
B) Describe the present circumstances, that are threatening world peace.
- The words of Hitler are not justifiable.
- In the view of Hitler, men and women belong to a distinct world.
- Women should be confined have bringing up children and to bear pain and suffering.
- of course, as a social norm, it was in practice that men make out a living and women are entrusted the responsibility of the children.
- But, now the scenario changed. Nowadays women came into every field and succeeded.
- They are in every sphere. They are not only holding household activities but they are also the bread winners for the family.
- In some institutions, they are in key positions also. They are ruling the governments. In my view, we have to respect every woman.
B) Present circumstances that are threatening world peace
- Terrorism
- Wars
- Armament race
- Invasions
- Communalism
- Exploitation of resources
- Interference of developed countries in the affairs of developing countries
- Aggressive nationalism
Question 32.
A) Observe the below bar graph and analyse it.
B) Based on the information given answer the questions.
i) Who won the Second World War?
ii) What was the immediate provocation of World War II?
iii) Mention the superpower that joined late in the World War II.
iv) Name the person who was mainly responsible lot the mass murder of the Jews
- The constitution makers were aware that laws will have to be amended from time to time.
- The makers laid down the provisions for amending the laws and the articles in the constitution.
- Since the constitution came into force on 26th January 1950 till 2013, nearly 99 amendments were made to make successful functioning of our democracy.
- During the decades 1971-1990, maximum amendments were made.
- One major amendment to the constitution was made in 1970 including the words ‘Secular and ‘Socialist to the preamble. ‘
- However, certain basic principles on which the nation continues to exist cannot be amended.
- Allied Forces.
- Germany’s invasion of Poland
- Adolf Hitler.
Question 33.
A) Mark the following on the outline map of India.
1) Delhi
2) Lakshadweep islands
3) River Godavari
4) Arunachal Pradesh
1) Aravalis
2) River Krishna
3) Sikkim
4) Indian Ocean
1) Delhi
2) Lakshadweep islands
3) River Godavari
4) Arunachal Pradesh
1) Aravalis
2) River Krishna
3) Sikkim
4) Indian Ocean
B) Mark the following on the outline map of the world.
1) Egypt
2) Portugal
3) China
4) USA
1) Mediterranean Sea
2) Srilanka
3) Equator
4) France
1) Egypt
2) Portugal
3) China
4) USA
1) Mediterranean Sea,
2) Srilanka
3) Equator
4) France