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AP 10th Class Social Model Paper Set 6 with Solutions
Time: 3.15 hours
- In the duration of 3 hours, 15 minutes, 15 minztes of time is allotted to read the question paper.
- All answers shall be written in the separate booklet only.
- Question paper consists of 4 Sections and 33 Questions.
- Internal choice is available in Section IV only.
- Answers shall be written neatly and legibly.
Section – I
12 x 1 = 12 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 1 mark.
Question 1.
Find the odd one out with regard to reducing the differences In sex ratio.
Child marriages
Question 2.
River Ganga has twin sources.
Fill the box.
Question 3.
What is the river shown with’?’
River Brahmaputra
Question 4.
What is the book ‘Before they pass away’ about?
Extinction of nomadic communities.
Question 5.
Identify the wrong statement.
1. If we go towards poles from equator, temperatures increase
2. South of Tropic of Cancer is in tropical region
3. Surface temperatures depend on insolation.
1. (If we go towards poles from the equator, temperatures increase)
Question 6.
The pyramid shows the order of settlements.
What is the highest level?
A) Revenue villages
B) Metropolitan cities
C) Megacities
D) Towns
C. (Megacities)
Question 7.
Who is the prime minister that abolished privy purses?
Indira Gandhi
Question 8.
The 3R’ s in ‘New Deal’ policy reveals
i) Reforms
ii) Relief
iii) …………………….. .?
Question 9.
If you want to travel to Mexico from Greenland, in which direction you have to travel?
South direction
Question 10.
Arrange the following in a chronological order
(a) Simia agreement;
(b) Tashkent agreement;
(c) Indo-China War.
(c) Indo-China War.
(b) Tashkent agreement;
(a) Simia agreement;
Question 11.
Choose the incorrect matching.
i) George Orwell – AnimaI Farm
ii) Roosevelt – New Deal Policy
iii) Silent Spring – Bava Mahalia
(iii) Silent Spring – Bava Mahalia (Silent Spring is written by Rachel Carson about the impacts of DDT on living beings.)
Question 12.
Identify the ‘?
Hausa – Fulani
Section – II
8 × 2 = 16 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 2 marks.
Question 13.
MGNREGA is a scheme for providing rural employment. Mention some other schemes that are meant for providing employment.
jawahar rozgar yojana, DWACRA, PMEGP (Prime Minister Employment Generation
SGSY (Swarna Jayanti Gram Swaroz-gar Yojana)
Question 14.
Mention any two reasons for more employment in the agriculture sector.
- Not enough jobs were created in industry and service sectors.
- No need of literacy in agriculture compared to the other sectors.
- No need of skill as agriculture is more traditional.
Question 15.
Why did the people oppose the establishment of Kudankulam Nuder power project in Tamilnadu?
The people of Kudankulam have protested against the Nuclear power project on the grounds of safety, security, and livelihood.
Question 16.
Objectives of liberalisation are appreciable. Write any two appreciable facts.
- Removing the obstacles in the process of economic development.
- Widening the scope of the private sector.
Question 17.
Though Hitler was the main responsible person for the Second World War, to which of his characteristics, the Germans get attracted?
The Germans got attracted to
- Hitler powerful attracting speeches
- His promises to restore the dignity of Germany
- His promises to build a strong Germany.
Question 18.
Write any two malpractices in elections that we can notice nowadays?
- Give cash or gif to voters.
- Campaigning after or before the permitted hours.
Question 19.
What is the ‘two nation theory’?
Partition of India based on religions Ilindus and Muslims.
Question 20.
Is India a ‘Republic State’?
Yes, India is a Republic State because the head of our country is elected by the people either directly or indirectly. It is not a hereditary post.
Section – III
8 × 4 = 32 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 4 marks.
Question 21.
How is environmental protection linked with our lifestyle?
- Use of organic agricultural farming practices.
- Avoiding plastic usage.
- Use of renewable energy sources.
- Use of public transport.
- Use of CNG.
Question 22.
Name the facilities enjoyed by the workers in the organised sector.
The following facilities are available to workers organised sector.
- Security of Employment.
- Fixed number of working hours.
- Payment for overtime work.
- Paid leave
- Payment during holidays
- Provident Fund
- Medical facilities
- Pension
- Safe working environment.
Question 23.
How did the settlements begin? Why did they change?
Beginning of settlements :
Early humans were hunter-gatherers. But owing to changes in obtaining food, they started agricultural practices and this resulted in settlements.
Reasons for change:
- Livelihoods
- Migrations
- Importance of cities.
- Weather conditions.
- Infrastructural facilities, public amenities
Question 24.
Observe the map and answer the following questions.
1. What are the tributaries of River Indus?
2. ‘Girhills’ are situated in which state?
1. Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej
2. Gujarat
Question 25.
What is your opinion about the decisions made by Mountbatten in February 1947 before independence?
- In February 1947, Mountbatten replaced Wavell and became the Vicerc Mount Batten started one last round of talks to find a solution to the granting of free to our nation.
- When these talks also failed, he announced that British India would become freed but also would be divided.
- In my opinion, this solution was the Only workable solution to end the riots, bloodshed and hatred that people were filled with.
Question 26.
Write about ‘Operation Blue Star’.
Sikh militants under the leadership of Bhind Ranwale attacked non-Sikh population in Punjab. This Sikh separatist group hid in Golden Temple, a holy place for all Sikhs. Army was called to take action to subdue those militants and vacate the campus. This operation was called Operation Blue Star.
Question 27.
Why did anti-Hindi agitation start? Write about its consequences.
- When the Official Languages Act was passed in 1963, the Tamilnadu party D.M.K believed that it was an attempt to foist Hindi On the rest of the country. They started anti-Hindi agitation consequences.
- When things seemed to be going out of hand, Lal Bahadur Shastri, made a series of concessions to assuage the feelings of the anti-Hindi camp.
- These included among others, the right of each state to have a language of its own.
- English would continue to be the communication language.
- Thus, we can see how a popular social movement forced the government of the day to reconsider the official position.
Question 28.
If a constitution for the entire school had to be drafted who all have to be involved in it?
If a constitution for the entire school had to be drafted, the following members are to be involved in it.
- Student representatives of both genders from all classes.
- Headmaster of the school.
- Teaching and non-teaching staff of the school.
- Members of school management committee.
Section – IV
5 x 8 = 40 M
1) Answer all the questions.
2) Each question carries 8 marks.
3) Each question has internal choice.
4) In question no.33, both A and B (India map and World map) should be answered separately.
Question 29.
A) Read the given paragraph and comment. In many parts of the country, girls’ education is still given less priority by the parents as compared to boys’ education. While girls may study for a few years, they may not complete their schooling.
B) Read the given paragraph and interpret.
Labour being the most abundant factor of production, it would be ideal if the new ways of farming used much more labour. Unfortunately, such a thing has not happened use of labour on farms is limited. The labour, looking for opportunities is thus migrating to neighbouring villages, towns and cities. Some labour has entered the non-farm sector in the village.
- Education is very important for every child whether boy or girl. It is sad that some communities still discriminate against the education of the girl child.
- The biggest hurdle is the prejudices families have about girls that girls are slow learners, they are not rational, they are to be confined inside the domestic household.
- By sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive education.
- Children of educated women are less likely to die before their first birthday. Primary education also helps to reduce infant mortality rate.
- Agricultural labourers are widely scattered over large number of villages in the country and so cannot be effectively organised.
- Villagers are generally unskilled workers carrying on agricultural operations at a very low wage.
- The agricultural labourers are one of the most exploited and oppressed classes in rural areas.
- They have to face the problems of unemployment and underemployment.
Question 30.
A) What is the influence on society when female percentage decreases in sex ratio?
B) Give solutions to address the urbanization problems.
- Sex ratio is the number of females per 1000 males in the population.
- This information is an important social indicator to measure the extent of equality between men and women in a society.
The following are the effects of low sex ratio:
- Sex ratio is a cause of concern since it indicates a hidden form of discrimination.
- Women and girls iii particular face inequal opportunities for education and development.
- Sex ratio also shows the discrimination of women in the male-dominated society.
- Many of the girl children are married even before the age of marriage is reached. This is causing the early childbirth for the girl and as a result the girl is not only losing her childhood but also her health.
Question 31.
A) Observe the following table and answer the questions given below.
a) When was the first coalition government formed in India?
b) Which party was a partner of government in all the three coalition governments?
c) Which state does Trinamool Congress belong to?
d) What is the difference between political parties becoming partners in the coalition government and supporting the government?
B) Observe the following bar graph and answer the questions given below.
a) Prepare a table with the information given in the bar graph.
b) Mention names of the six countries which increased 300% of investment on military from 1880-1914.
c) What is the relationship between industrialisatioñ and armaments race?
a) In 1989 the first coalition government led by VP Singh’s Janata Dal was formed in India.
b) Jammu and Kashmir National Conference.
c) West Bengal
d) The political parties becoming partners in the coalition government can be ministers in the cabinet. They are binded over by the policies of the government The parties supporting the government do not take part in the ministry or cabinet The parties supporting the government give issue-based cooperation only.
Year | Expenditure (in million pounds) |
1880 | 132 |
1890 | 158 |
1900 | 205 |
1910 | 288 |
1914 | 397 |
(b) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and France.
(c) Relationship between industrialisation and armaments race:
- Industrialisation led to overproduction. This made the industrial powers to search markets to sell their production and to get raw materials. This created lot of tension among the countries to suppress one another through wars.
- All these industrial countries competed with one another leading to wars and decrease in military expenditure.
- A large industry of weapons emerged due to industrialisation. They constantly promoted the idea of using war as a solution to diplomatic problems.
Question 32.
A) Write about the great economic depression.
B) Read the following paragraph and interpret the changes taken place in social and economic fields in India.
Land reforms were implemented in a half-hearted manner across India. While Zamindari system was abolished, redistribution of land to landless did not take place. The rich and powerful in the rural areas continued to control most of the land. The Dalits continued to be landless but benefitted from the abolition of forced labour and abolition of untouchability.
- The Great Depression began around the end of 1929 and lasted almost till 1939 when the Second World War began. During this decade there was a worldwide economic decline triggered by a decline in Iemand and faU in prices.
- As many as 25% of Americans were unemployed and nearly 33% in many other countries. As factories closed down and trade declined, cities became centres of decline.
- This in turn caused a collapse of prices up to 60% on agricultural produce causing pauperisation of millions of farmers and stopping of cultivation.
- It had devastating social consequences, increasing poverty, desolation and’ homelessness etc.
Question 33.
Locate the following In the given map of India.
1) A peninsular river
2) Mumbai
3) Himalayan mountains
4) Circar coast
1) Vindhya mountains
2) One summer resort
3) Chennai
4) Arunachal Pradesh
1) A peninsular river: R. Godavari
2) Mumbai
3) Himalayan mountains
4) Circar coast
1) Vindhya mountains
2) Chennai
3) Ooty
4) Arunachal Pradesh
a) Locate the following on the given world map.
1. China
2. Vietnam
3. France
1) The ocean in which Japan is existing.
2) The nearest group of islands to Taiwan
3) The country where Igbo tribe lives.
4) The city in which UNO headquarters is situated.
1) China
2) Vietnam
3) France
1) Pacific Ocean
2) Philippine Islands
3) Nigeria
4) New York