TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

These TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components will help the students to improve their time and approach.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 1.
What are the sources of roughages ?
Bran, shredded wheat, cereals, fruits and vegetables and sweet and plain potato, peas, and berries, pumpkins, palak, apples, banana, papaya and many kinds of beans are the sources of roughages.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 2.
Read the following. Classify them based on consuming them with peels or without peels.
a. Banana
b. Seedless grapes
c. Sapota
d. Apples
e. Sweet lime
f. Straw-berry
g. Mango
h. Guava

Fruits that can be eaten with peel Fruits that can be eaten without peel

The given fruits are classified based on consuming them with peel or without peel.

Fruits that can be eaten with peel Fruits that can be eaten without peel
Guava, apple, seedless grapes straw berry. Sapota, banana, sweet lime, mango.

Question 3.
What factors make the people accustomed with certain food habits by eating same food in India?
Food habits of people depend upon climatic conditions and cultural practices of the particular place. We consume rice in large quantities. But. people of North India eat chapathies or roti daily. Because wheat is grown in North India and Rice is harvested in South India. The method of cooking also reflects the culture of people.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 4.
Mention the components that should be in balance diet. How are they useful to our body?
The components that should be in balanced diet.

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Moderate amount of fats
  • Vitamins,
  • Minerals and
  • Sufficient water.

Question 5.
Mention the names of food material containing roughages ? Write its importance.
Name the vegetables which contain roughages.
1. Food material containing roughages.

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Wheat
  • Bran
  • Pumpkin
  • Palak,
  • Papaya
  • Apples etc.

2. Roughages or fibres present in the eaten diet helps in preventing constipation
3. They also help in bowel movements in the digestive tract.

Question 6.
Ramu wanted to clear some doubts about the nature and importance of ‘Balanced Diet. What might be those doubts ? Think and write on your own.
Prepare questions about balanced diet.

  • Why is it advisable to consume balanced diet”?
  • How can one get good health by eating balanced diet daily?
  • Will anything happen if a person doesn’t choose balanced diet?
  • What should we do to have good food?
  • Why should we take balanced diet?

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 7.
A student avoided taking roughages along with his diet. What would be consequences he suppose to face?
If roughages are absent along with diet the person may suffer from constipation and over indigestion problems.
Absence of roughages or fibrous food brings struggle in passing of food through the food pipe.

Question 8.
What happens if nutrients are missing in our regular diet. Write any four effects and explain.
The following consequences occur due to missing of nutrients in our regular diet.

  • Our body growth slows down : Nutrients such as proteins provide necessary components for the growth of our body. If they are absent growth of our body slows down.
  • Production of energy decreases : Carbohydrates give energy If they are absent in our diet we will suffer from lack of sufficient energy in time.
  • Immunity power decreases : Vitamins, proteins help in development of resistance power against diseases. If they are absent in the diet we will lose immunity power.
  • Decreasing in mental ability : All the nutrients help in functioning of brain. If they miss in our diet we can’t maintain memory, intelligence and intellectual power.

Question 9.
What will happen if you take junk food?

  • Junk food damages our digestive system.
  • It adds more tars (cholesterol) which is very dangerous to our blood circulation.
  • Finally consuming junk food affects many health risks such as heart – attack, kidney problem, over weight etc.

Question 10.
What will happen if we don’t include roughages in our diet?
If we don’t include roughages in our diet we will stiffer from constipation or indigestion problems. Free bowel movement of food in the digestive tract will slow down.

Question 11.
Bhavana’s mother removing the peel of the Ribgourd to make curry. Bhavana told that eating vegetables without removing peel is good. Why did she said like that.
Peel of vegetables have rich in fibres, mineral and several nutrients. Fibres help in easy digestion of food and avoid constipation. Minerals and other nutrients help in functioning of several body processes. Hence vegetables are peeled off only when it is necessary.

Question 12.
What questions you ask your class teacher on preparing and preserving the food?

  • How do we preserve food?
  • What are the methods for preserving food material?
  • What type of materials are preserved?
  • What precautions are taken in preserving food material?

Question 13.
Collect any 2 or 3 wrappers of food packets. Put a tick mark if you find the listed food components present in food items. Answer for the given questions.

No. Food Items Carbohydrates Proteins Fat Vitamins & Minerals Others if any
1. Milk powder


  • What are the components present in the packet I and packet 2 respectively?
  • What components are the most common in both the packets?
  • Are those two food packets with similar food components?
  • Which one of them do you like most ? Why?
  • Is it always safe to eat packed food?

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 14.
Are those two food items be considered as balanced diet ? Why?
I collected a couple of food wrappers.

  • Milk powder
  • Marie gold biscuits

I found various components of these two food items and they are listed below.

No. Food Items Carbohydrates Proteins Fat Vitamins & Minerals Others if any
1. Milk powder Sugar
2. Marie gold biscuits Sugar saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

Answers for the given questions.

  • The components present in the packet 1 and 2 are carbohydrates,proteins fats, sugar saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Carbohydrates, proteins, sugar and fats are the most common food components in the two packets.
  • Yes, those two collected food packets contain similar food components except one or two components.
  • I like to have both the food items, because they contain major nutrients.
  • No. It is not always safe to eat packed food.
  • The collected two food items are not considered as balanced diet, because they don’t have necessary minerals and vitamins.

Question 15.
How can you do the test for starch? Show with example.
How can you conduct the test for a starch confirmation with the help of iodine solution, with the assistance of your sister. Write your observation.
Write down the procedure you have followed in the “test of starch” experiment.
Aim: To observe the starch in the given food items.
Requirements: Rice, iodine solution, water, cup, tiller and test tube.
Procedure: Few drops of iodine solution is taken into a cup with the help of filler.
It is diluted with water till it becomes light yellow or brown in colour. A sample of cooked rice is taken into a test tube. Then few drops of dilute iodine solution is added.
Observation : It is observed that the substance turned into dark blue or black.
Inference : Appearance of dark blue or black colour indicates the presence of starch.

Question 16.
Ramana took a piece of coconut. He is rubbing that piece on a paper. What changes would you expect by observing his activity? What factor made the changes in white paper?
While Ramana is rubbing coconut piece on a paper, we can observe that paper turns translucent. It indicates the presence of fats in the coconut piece.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 17.
How can you prepare reagents for testing proteins ? What are the reagents and write their concentrations.
Write the apparatus, observations and conclusion for protein confirmation test in your class room in the presence of science teacher?
Aim : To prepare accurate reagents to test for the proteins.
Requirements : Copper sulphate solution, sodium hydroxide solution, two glass beakers.
Procedure : 2 grams of copper sulphate solution is taken into a beaker. To that reagent loo nil of water is added. 2% of copper sulphate solution is ready. 10 grams of sodium hydroxide solution is taken into another beaker, 100 ml of water is added to that reagent. k is called 10% of sodium hydroxide solution. 2% of copper sulphate solution and 10% of sodium hydroxide solution are necessary for testing proteins in the food items.

Question 18.
You have done experiments for testing various food components in rice, potato, milk, curd, egg with required chemical reagents. You know well about indications as you did in the class room with your friends. Make a table and write the results as given below.
Answer the questions given below.

No Food Starch Proteins Fats
Present / Absent Present / Absent Present / Absent
1. Rice

1) Which foods show the presence of starch?
2) What nutrients are present in milk?
3) Which component of food could you identify in potatoes?
4) Which food items contain more fat?
5) Which food items contain more protein?

No Food Starch Proteins Fats
Present / Absent Present / Absent Present / Absent
1. Rice Present Absent Absent
2. Potato Present Absent Absent
3. Milk Present Present Present
4. Curd Present Present Present
5. Egg ——- Absent


  • All the foods show presence of starch.
  • Starch, proteins and fats are present in the milk.
  • Cabohydrate or starch is found in potatoes and rice.
  • Milk and egg contain more fat.
  • Milk and egg contain more proteins.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 19.
Show the experiment on importance of water along with diet in our daily life.
Water helps in movement of food in our digestive tract. To convey this fact, show an experiment.
Aim : To know the importance of water to our body.
Apparatus: A bowl of water, sponge, pipe.
Procedure: A piece of sponge is tried to insert in a pipe. It moves with some difficulty. Then the sponge is removed from the pipe. It is dipped in the water and tried to insert it again in the pipe.
Observation: The sponge is inserted freely in the pipe.
Inference: The sponge moves freely in the pipe only after dipping in the water.
Result: In this way water helps us in free movement of food in our digestive tract.

Question 20.
Srikanth performed a test and found that proteins are present in the sambar provided in the Midday meals in his school. What are the materials required for the test? How can he tests?
Material required tor protein test Copper sulphate solution, sodium hydroxide solution, two glass beakers.
2 grams of copper sulphate solution is taken into a beaker. To that reagent 100 ml of water is added. 2% of copper sulphate solution is ready. 10 grams of sodium hydroxide solution is taken into another beaker, 100 ml. of water is added to that reagent. It is called 10 % soduim hydroxide solution. 2% of copper sulphate solution and 10% of sodium hydroxide solution are necessary for testing proteins in sambar or any food item.

Question 21.
Read the passage and answer the questions:
Our food consists of carbohydrates proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Besides these, water and fibres are also present. The quantity of food component varies from type to type.

i. What are the main nutrients we should take?
Answer: Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

ii. What is the liquid component that we take everyday?
Answer: Water.

iii. Are all the consumed components in equal proportions?
Answer: The quantity of food components varies from type to type.

iv. What component helps in easy digestion of food?
Answer: Fibres.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 22.
Read the table and answer the questions.

Food item Food component
Fruits and Fruit Juice Vitamins and minerals
Liquids Water and Fruit Juice
Fats and Carbohydrates or Starch Energy-rich components.

i. Which food item provides vitamins and minerals?

ii. What is the advantage of taking fruit juice?
Fruit juice provides liquid, vitamins and minerals.

iii. Name the energy-rich components?
Fats and carbohydrates or starch.

Question 23.
Read the table and answer the questions given below.

S.No Name of the Starch Protein Fats
food present/absent present/absent present/absent
1. Rice Present
2. Potato Present
3. Milk Present Present Present
4. Curd Present Present Present
5. Egg Present Present

i. In which food carbohydrates are present?
Rice, potato, milk and curd.

ii. What are the nutrients present in the milk?
Carbohydrates (starch) proteins and fats.

iii. Which nutrients are present in potato by testing with iodine solution?

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

iv. Fats are present in which foods?
Milk, curd and egg.

Question 24.
TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components 1
i. What experiment is proved through the given diagram,
ii. Write its importance based on the experiment.
iii. Write the parts seen in the diagram.
i. The given experiment proves the importance of water in our daily life.
ii. When we drink sufficient water the food becomes soft and moves smoothly in the digestive tract.
iii. The parts seen in the picture are wet cotton and test tube.

Question 25.
Look at the picture THALI’. List out the food items and neutrients in them.

Food items Food components


Food items Food components
1. Rice Carbohydrates, fibres
2. Chapathi Carbohydrates, fibres
3. Onion, tomato Vitomins, minerals etc.
4. Banana Vitomins, Minerals carbohydrates
5. Dal Proteins
6. Veg curry Minerals, vitamins, fats
7. Curd Vitamins, minerals

Question 26.
‘Balanced diet is good for health” comment.
The food contains all the nutrients like carbohydrates proteins, fats. vitamins and minerals in proper proportion is called “Balanced diet”. Balanced diet brings good health and cure any disease that enters our body consuming balanced diet develops resistance power and helps in development and growth of body parts.

Scientists have found out that a balanced diet is not costlier. Everyone can afford it. If a person eats dal, rice, rotis, vegetables, little oil and jaggery all the nutrients for the body are fulfilled.

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 27.
Write some slogans in encouraging “balanced diet” and avoid “junk foods”.

  • Please take balanced diet. – stop junk foods
  • If you want good health – Balanced diet is wealth
  • Junk food disturbs you – But balanced diet promotes you
  • Allow Balanced diet – Down the junk food.

Question 28.
Teacher advices us that we must wash fruits and vegetables with salt water thoroughly – why?
Why should we must wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly?
Now-a-days farmers use many pesticides in the fruits and vegetable growing fields. They are very dangerous for our health. Thats why we must wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with salt water before eating.

Choose the correct answer :

I. Conceptual Understanding

Question 1.
Oils and Fats give to our body. ( )
A) Energy
B) Vitamins
C) Proteins
D) Minerals
A) Energy

Question 2.
Scury was discovered by ( )
A) Lind
B) Lavoisier
C) Jenner
D) J.C. Bose
A) Lind

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 3.
Scury can be prevented by eating ( )
A) Pizzas
B) Rice
C) Fresh fruits
D) Burger
C) Fresh fruits

Question 4.
One of the following is not correct ( )
A) Rice – carbodyrates
B) Meat – Protein
C) Green ground – Fibrous material
D) Oil – Proteins
D) Oil – Proteins

Question 5.
This contain more water. ( )
A) Brinjal
B) Onion
C) Water melon
D) Lady’s finger
C) Water melon

Question 6.
Among the following, the food that contain large amount of fats ( )
A) Potato
B) Pea
C) Groundnut
D) Dal
D) Dal

Question 7.
Growth giving food substances. ( )
A) Carbohydrates
B) Protein
C) Vitamins
D) Water
B) Protein

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 8.
Fats are present in ( )
A) Oil
B) Ghee
C) Butter
D) A, B and C options
D) A, B and C options

Question 9.
Fibres help in ( )
A) Cleaning food canal
B) Cleaning mouth
C) Indigestion of food
D) A and B
A) Cleaning food canal

Question 10.
It was known that the body obtains 3 substances namely proteins, fats and carbohydrates in ( )
A) I 8th Century
B) 17th Century
C) 19th Century
D) 20th Century
C) 19th Century

Question 11.
The founder of modern science of nutrition. ( )
A) James Lind
B) Lavoisier
C) Funk
D) Jerinu
B) Lavoisier

Question 12.
These are required in minute quantities. ( )
A) Carbohydrates – Proteins
B) Minerals – Fats
C) Fats – carbohydrates
D) Vitamins – minerals
D) Vitamins – minerals

II. Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis

Question 13.
This food causes damage to our digestive system. ( )
A) Junk food
B) Staple food
C) Ready made food
D) Salads
A) Junk food

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 14.
What would be the consequences occur due to absence of protein in our duty. ( )
A) Growth is fast
B) Growth lows down
C) Energy increases in the body
D) Fats decreases in the body
B) Growth lows down

Question 15.
Carbohydrates: Energy: Proteins ( )
A) Fats
B) Water
C) Body buildings
D) diseases
C) Body buildings

Question 16.
If you don’t take balanced diet ( )
A) You will become strong
B) You will become intelligent
C) You will become fast
D) You will become weak and feeble
D) You will become weak and feeble

III. Experimentation and Field Investigation

Question 17.
If we add iodine to food substance it changes to dark blue colour because of presence of ( )
A) Proteins
B) Carbohydrates
C) Fats
D) Fibre
B) Carbohydrates

Question 18.
The colour determines in starch test. ( )
A) Yellow
B) Blue
C) Red
D) Brown
B) Blue

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 19.
The chemicals used in testing proteins ( )
A) Copper sulphate
B) Sodium hydroxide
C) A and B
D) Calcium hydroxide
C) A and B

Question 20.
While rubbing the groundnut seed on the white paper, it turn translucent – Because of ( )
A) Fats in the seed
B) Carbohydrates in the seed
C) Protein in the seed
D) Vitamin in the seed
A) Fats in the seed

Question 21.
In the experiment for testing proteins the violet colour of the mixture turns that indicates presence of protein. ( )
A) Violet
B) blue
C) yellow
D) purple
D) purple

IV. Information Skills and Projects

Question 22.
When you have eaten vada or any other food items on a paper plate. You might have noticed the paper plate turning translucent. Why because ? ( )
A) Vada contains water
B) Food contains fats
C) Vada has proteins
D) Food has carbohydrates
B) Food contains fats

Question 23.
The regular food of North Indians. ( )
A) Rice
B) Corn
C) Wheat
D) Grape wine
C) Wheat

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 24.
The diet included in your mid day meal. ( )
A) leafy vegetable
B) Dal
C) Egg
D) All of the above
D) All of the above

V. Communication through Drawing and Model Making

Question 25.
The nutrients present in the given fruits. ( )
A) Carbohydrates
B) Vitamins
C) Minerals
D) Above all
D) Above all

VI. Application to Daily Life and Concern to Bio Diversity

Question 26.
Use of fibre in our food. ( )
TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components 3
A) Give energy
B) Body building
C) Micro – nutrients
D) Avoid constipation
D) Avoid constipation

Question 27.
If a person is suffering from constipation what should be included in his diet? ( )
A) Oily food
B) Protein
C) Fibre
D) Carbohydrate
C) Fibre

Question 28.
Choose the correct statement. ( )
A) Fibre food material causes constipation
B) Fibre food material is a factor of constipation
C) Fibre food material eliminates constipation
D) Fibre food material is present in rice.
C) Fibre food material eliminates constipation

Question 29.
This would be the better thing. ( )
A) Better to peel or discard outer Layers of fruits.
B) Better not to peel or discard outer layers of fruits
C) It is good to peel of all the vegetables.
D) It is not good to eat fruits with peels.
B) Better not to peel or discard outer layers of fruits

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 30.
Sushma is eating a banana. Her friend came and said that banana contains starch. Which of the following chemicals can prove the presence of starch in banana? ( )
A) Copper sulphate
B) iodine solution
C) Paper
D) Oil
B) iodine solution

Question 31.
This food causes damage to our digestive system. ( )
A) Junk food
B) Staple food
C) Readymade food
D) Salads
A) Junk food

Question 32.
What would be the consequences due to absence of protein in our diet? ( )
A) Growth is fast
B) Growth lows down
C) Energy increases in the body
D) Fats decreases in the body
B) Growth lows down

Question 33.
Carbohydrates : Energy: Proteins ( )
A) Fats
B) Water
C) Body building
D) Diseases
C) Body building

Question 34.
If you don’t take balanced diet ( )
A) You will become strong
B) You will become intelligent
C) You will become fat
D) You will become weak and feeble
D) You will become weak and feeble

TS 7th Class Science Important Questions 1st Lesson Food Components

Question 35.
I am a component of food that makes paper translucent. Who am I?
A) Carbohydrate
B) Protein ( )
C) Fat
D) Mineral
C) Fat

Question 36.
Put a drop of me on a cut potato. It turns dark blue. Who am I?
A) Iodine solution
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Oxygen
D) Iron
A) Iodine solution

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