TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class English Study Material Pdf Unit 1A Peace And Harmony Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Look at the picture and discuss the questions that follow:

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Question 1.
What does this picture tell you about the animals ?
This picture tells us that the animals and the birds are holding a meeting. They are discussing something seriously.

Question 2.
Are they happy or unhappy ? How do you know ?
I think they are unhappy. They are discussing something seriously. They might have been facing some kind of problem. So they are holding a meeting to solve their problem by discussing it.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Oral Discourse:

Description : Select any one animal from the above picture and describe it.


Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth. Male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall. They have tusks. They can weigh up to nearly 6500 kg. Their ears alone can be five feet long. Elephants eat all day long. They eat vegetables, grass,

leaves and other plants and fruits like bananas. They use their trunks to grab food and put it in their mouths. They can also suck water into their trunks and squirt the water into their mouths. Elephants sometimes drink up to 150 litres of water a day ! Elephants use their trunks to pick up small things as small as a marble, or as big as a tree trunk. They also breathe through their trunks.


I. Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
How were the animals before the jackal joined them ? Pick out the words which describe their mood.
Before the jackal joined the animals, they roamed about the jungle and played together. They often held a musical evening in a large open field and invited the moon, his friends and the stars to witness their abilities. The words that describe their mood are ‘proud’, ‘admired’, ‘enjoyed’, etc.

Question 2.
What happened to the animals after the jackal came to the forest ?
The jackal poisoned the minds of the animals, birds and insects. All the creatures began suspecting one another. They started to put up boundaries and build fences around their properties. They moved about individually or with their own group.

Question 3.
What was the jackal’s plan ? How did it succeed ?
The jackals’ plan was to disturb the peace and harmony in the forest. He wanted to develop enmity among the creatures in the forest. In that way he wished to eat all the creatures in the forest one by one. It succeeded in its attempt in creating differences among the creatures. When they moved about individually, the jackal started killing them one by one.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Question 4.
What did the animals do to check the jackal’s evil design ?
The animals, insects and birds held a meeting and decided to meet the sadhu and plead with him to kill the jackal. All of them met the Sadhu and requested him to kill the jackal.

Question 5.
How was the moon disguised ? Why did he choose that form ?
The moon was disguised as a sadhu. He chose that form to set peace and harmony in the forest by killing the cunning jackal. In that way he wanted to save the creatures’ lives.

Question 6.
Why did the sadhu ask the jackal to take him for his meal ? Would you do the same if you were in his place ?
The sadhu wanted to save the lives of the hens. Besides, he wanted to teach the jackal a lesson. So, he asked the jackal to take him for his meal. If I were in the sadhu’s place, I wouldn’t do the same. I would kill him using my wit.

Question 7.
What did the sadhu teach the animals in the forest ?
The sadhu taught the animals to live in peace and harmony. He wanted that there would be no fences around them. He wished that they might sing and dance together. He advised them to remember him and not to be afraid.

Question 8.
Do you think the sadhu sacrificed his life for the sake of animals in the forest? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, I think the sadhu sacrificed his life for the sake of animals in the forest. He offered himself as food to the jackal to save the lives of hens. He did that only to save the lives of creatures in the forest. Otherwise there was no need for him to sacrifice his life in that manner.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

II. Read the following paragraph and analyse it in terms of cause and effect/ consequence. One has been done for you.

The animals in the forest were friendly, so the jackal could not eat any animal. The jackal then thought of a plan and implemented it. The animals started suspecting each other as the jackal’s plan worked. The life in the forest became dull because there were no musical evenings. All the animals requested the sadhu for help, so he talked to the animals and the birds and solved their problem. However, the sadhu didn’t want to kill the jackal, but preferred to teach a lesson to it.

TS 6th Class English Guide 1A Peace And Harmony 1


Cause Consequence
1. All the animals in the forest were friendly. The jackal couldn’t eat any animal.
2. The jackal’s plan worked. The animals started suspecting each other.
3. There were no musical evenings. The life in the forest became dull.
4. All the animals requested sadhu for help. He talked to the animals and the birds and solved the problem.

III. Rearrange the following sentences in the order of their occurrence in the story.

1. The animals and the birds requested the moon to help them.
2. The moon came in the form of a sadhu.
3. The jackal created an unfriendly atmosphere.
4. The peace and harmony in the forest was disturbed.
5. The jackal entered the forest.
6. The peace and harmony in the forest was restored.
7. The jackal did not like this, so it killed the sadhu.
8. The sadhu talked to everyone int he forest and tried to restore peace.
9. Every month they had a musical evening.
10. The animals and the birds began suspecting each other.
11. The animals and the birds were living happily together.
12. The stomach of the jackal bloated and then burst into pieces.
Here is the first sentence : The animals and the birds were living happily together.
a) The animals and the birds were living happily together. (11)
b) Every month they had a musical evening. (9)
c) The jackal entered the forest. (5)
d) The jackal created an unfriendly atmosphere. (3)
e) The animals and the birds began suspecting each other. (10)
f) The peace and harmony in the forest was disturbed. (4)
g) The moon came in the form of a sadhu. (2)
h) The animals and the birds requested the moon to help them. (1)
i) The sadhu talked to everyone int he forest and tried to restore peace.
j) The jackal did not like this, so it killed the sadhu. (7)
k) The stomach of the jackal bloated and then burst into pieces. (12)
l) The peace and harmony in the forest was restored. (6)

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony


I. Read the following sentences from the story :

They heard a soft voice.
He was dirty and dangerous.
It was easy for the jackal to hunt the smaller animals and birds.
The jackal told the elephant, “You are the biggest animal in the forest.”
He said to the peacock, “You are the loveliest bird in the forest.”

The underlined words are called Adjectives.
1. They come either before or after a noun (a tall boy).
2. They take intensifiers like very, quite (a very tall boy).
They have degrees of comparison – Positive, Comparative and Superlative.
Here are the three forms of some adjectives.

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Read the following paragraph carefully, underline all adjectives and write the other degrees of comparison for them.

Yesterday we went for a picnic to Nehru Zoological Park which is one of the biggest zoos in the country. The climate was cool and pleasant. We saw many animals, birds, reptiles etc. We also saw a very large elephant. After that, we saw a tall giraffe with a long neck. There were also some small birds which sang sweet songs. There was a beautiful peacock which danced majestically. We went very close to the brown cobra. We felt very happy. We reached home late in the evening.

Positive Degree  Comparative Degree  Superlative Degree
1) big  bigger  biggest
2) cool  cooler  coolest
3) Pleasant  more pleasant  most pleasant
4) many  more  most
5) large  larger  largest
6) tall  taller  tallest
7) long  longer  longest
8) small  smaller  smallest
9) sweet  sweeter  sweetest
10) beautiful  more beautiful  most beautiful
11) close  closer  closest
12) happy  happier  happiest
13) late  later  latest

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

II. Read the following words. Each pair has one word the other word is opposite in meaning :

1. big x small
2. dark x light
3. happy x unhappy
4. large x small
5. live x die
6. long x short
7. near x far
8. open x close
9. start x stop
10. thick x thin
11. appear x disappear
12. common x uncommon

Now fill in the blanks in the sentences given below with the word opposite in the maning to the one in bold letters.

Question 1.
The elephant’s eyes are small but its body is _________

Question 2.
The animals were happy in the beginning. After the jackal entered the forest, they became _________

Question 3.
The giraffe’s neck is very long but its tail is _________

Question 4.
Mangoes are sweet but lemons are _________.

Question 5.
The coconut is a tall tree but the guava is a _________ tree.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

III. The following pairs of words are similar in meaning. Pick out such pairs from the story you have just read.

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  1. called – invited
  2. loveliest – beautiful
  3. tiny – little
  4. opportunity – chance
  5. happily – cheerfully
  6. fear – terror
  7. admire – praise
  8. often _ frequently
  9. cunning – cheating


I. Degrees of Comparison : (Comparison of Adjectives)

Read the following sentences.

The elephant is bigger than the donkey.
The donkey is not so big as the elephant.
In the above sentences the elephant and the donkey are compared with respect to their size. The words “big” and “bigger” are adjectives that are used to compare their size.

Read these sentences.

1. Aruna is a tall girl.
2. Aruna is taller than Karuna.
3. Aruna is the tallest girl in the class.

In the first sentence the adjective ‘tali’ tells us that Aruna is a tall girl, without saying how much tall she is. The adjective ‘tall’ is said to be in the ‘Positive Degree’. In the second sentence, the adjective taller tells us that Aruna is taller than Karuna. Here the comparison takes between two persons. The adjective ‘taller’ is said to be in the ‘Comparative Degree’.

In the third sentence, the adjective ‘tallest’ tells us that of all the girls in that class, Aruna is the tallest girl. It shows us the highest degree. The adjective ‘tallest’ is said to be in the ‘Superlative Degree’.

The adjectives come either before or after the noun. They take intensifiers like very, quite etc.

So, we can say that there are three degrees of comparison in English. They are

  1. Positive Degree
  2. Comparative Degree
  3. Superlative Degree

1. The Positive Degree :
The Positive Degree of an Adjective is the Adjective in its simple form. It is used when there is no comparison.

2. The Comparative Degree :
The Comparative Degree of an Adjective tells us a higher degree of the quality than the Positive. It is used when there is comparison between two things or persons or places.

3. The Superlative Degree :
The Superlative Degree of an Adjective tells us the highest degree of the quality. It is used when there is comparison among more than two things or persons or places.

Here are the three forms of a few adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative
dark darker darkest
small smaller smallest
near nearer nearest
big bigger biggest
lovely lovelier loveliest
dirty dirtier dirtiest
melodious more melodious most melodious
great greater greatest
long longer longest
tall taller tallest
happy happier happiest
easy easier easiest
many more most
old older oldest
old (two members of the same family) elder eldest
sweet sweeter sweetest
sad sadder saddest
thin thinner thinnest
courageous more courageous most courageous
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Interchange of the Degrees of Comparison

1. Ravi is as tall as Ramu. (Positive)
Ramu is not taller than Ravi. (Comparative)

2. The elephant is bigger than the donkey. (Comparative)
The donkey is not as big as the elephant. (Positive)

3. Harini is as fat as Raghava. (Positive)
Raghava is not fatter than Harini. (Comparative)

4. Lakshmi is older than Gopi. (Comparative)
Gopi is not so old as Lakshmi. (Positive)

5. Vasavi is not as heavy as Raghava. (Positive)
Raghava is heavier than Vasavi. (Comparative)

6. Siddu is the heaviest boy in the group. (Superlative)
Siddu is heavier than any other boy in the group. (Comparative)
No other boy in the group is so heavy as Siddu. (Positive)

7. No other river in India is as long as the Ganges. (Positive)
The Ganges is the longest river in India. (Superlative)
The Ganges is longer than any other river in India.

8. Sravanthi is more beautiful than most other girls.
Sravanthi is one of the most beautiful girls.
Very few girls are as beautiful as Sravanthi.

9. Prakash is one of the most courageous boys in the class.
Prakash is more courageous than most other boys in the class.
Very few boys in the class are as courageous as Prakash.

10. Mumbai is one of the largest cities of India.
Mumbai is larger than most other cities of India.
Very few cities of India are as large as Mumbai.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Here is some information about a group of pupils in 6th class.

Name of the Student Age in Years Height in Ft. Weight in Kgs.
Harini 11 4.9 27
Seshagiri 12 5.1 30
Akhila 12 4.8 28
Bhaskar Raju 10 4.5 24
Siddu 13 5.3 35
Rajesh 11 5.1 28
Raghava 12 4.9 28
Vamsi 13 4.5 27
Manoj 12 5.1 30
Gopi 10 4.5 25

Nov make 20 sentences comparing the age, height and weight of the students as shown in the examples given below :

Harini is as tall as Raghava.
Harini is not so heavy as Raghava.
Harini is older than Gopi.
Siddu is the heaviest boy in the group.
Answers :
1) Siddu is the tallest boy in the group.
2) Siddu and Vamsi are the oldest boys in the group.
3) Bhaskar Raju and Gopi are the youngest boys in the group.
4) Seshagiri is younger than Vamsi.
5) Harini is not so old as Akhila.
6) Manoj is older than Rajesh.
7) Seshagiri is not as tall as Siddu.
8) Rajesh is taller than Akhila.
9) Vamsi is one of the shortest boys in the group.
10) Akhila is not so heavy as Manoj.
11) Siddu is heavier than any other pupil in the group.
12) No other member in the group is so heavy as Siddu.
13) Rajesh is as heavy as Raghava.
14) Manoj is heavier than Gopi.
15) Vamsi is as heavy as Harini.
16) Siddu is taller than any other pupil in the group.
17) No other pupil in the group is as tall as Siddu.
18) Rajesh is taller than Raghava.
19) Akhila is shorter than Harini.
20) Vamsi is not as tall as Manoj.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

II. Adverbs of frequency :

Look at the following sentences paying special attention to the underlined words.

The tiny ants, which were always busy, tickled the dark buffaloes.
They often held musical evenings in a large open field.

The underlined words are adverbs, which tell us how often something happens.They are called adverbs of frequency.

An adverb modifies a verb or an adjective or another adverb.
Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens.
Often, always, frequently, seldom, sometimes etc., are some of the adverbs of frequency.
e.g.: 1) The tiny ants, which are always busy, tickled the dark buffaloes.
2) They often held a musical evening in a large open field.
3) I have told you twice.
4) She seldom comes here.
5) He always tries to do his best.

Read the following passage and underline the adverbs of frequency.

Sekhar is a busy taxi driver. He never finds time to read books. He often takes food outside. He reaches home early in the evening. But he seldom goes to bed early. So. his children always ask him for a bed time story. Sometimes he takes his children to picnics and buys toys and gifts.

Look at the conversation between two friends, Murthy and Krishna. Fill in the blanks with always, never, often, seldom, sometimes.

Murthy : Do you like reading books’?
Krishna : Yes, very much. I ________ read books, a book a day. How about you?
Murthy : I like books too. But I ________ read books, not always.
Krishna : How ________ do you read books?
Murthy : Once or twice a month.
Krishna : Oh, that’s fine. Have you read Asura by Anand Neelakanian?
Murthy : No, I haven’t. I’ll read it next month. How ________ does your brother read’?
Krishna : He ________ read books. The last he read a book was 10 years ago.
Murthy : Do you like to reading books ?
Krishna : Yes, very much. I always read hooks, a book a day. How about you?
Murthy : I like hooks too. But I sometimes read books, not always.
Krishna : How often do you read books ?
Murthy : Once or twice a month.
Krishna : Oh, that’s fine. Have you read Asura by Anand Neelakantan?
Murthy : No, I haven’t, I’ll read it next month. How often does your brother read?
Krishna : He seldom reads books. The last he read a book was 10 years ago.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony


I. Here is an invitation card from the animals about a musical programme in the forest. Read it carefully.

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Suppose you are planning to conduct a cultural programme In your school on the occasion of your School Anniversary. Design an Invitation card. You may use the model given above.

School Anniversary – 20xx

Welcome Address : Kum. K. Lavanya, Vi Class A/s.
Venue : Z.P. High School, Vemulavada.
Guests of Honour :

  1. Mr. L. Bajaj, MDO
  2. Mrs. S. Kanchana, MEO

Cultural Programmes:

1. Dance : Kathakali by VI C/S girls.
2. Song : “Desamante ….“ by VI B/s boys.
3. Play : ‘Alexander’ by VI A/s boys and girls
4. Skit : ‘Laugh …. Laugh …….. Laugh’ by VI class girls and boys
5. Vote of thanks : Master S. Anirudh, CPL, VI A/s

All are welcome.

School Anniversary Committee.

II. Read below how Peacock, the organizer, compered the whole programme in the Greenwood Forest.

Dear Mr. Moon, Stars and dear friends,

I welcome you all to the Peace and Harmony Programme organised in the Greenwood Forest. As you’re aware, we have with us Mr. Moon and Stars as our guests of honour. On behalf of our animal kingdom, and on my behalf, I thank them for sparing some of their valuable time for us. I’d request Mr. Moon to say a few words on this occasion.
(Mr. Moon says a few words)
Mr. Moon sir, ……………….
Thank you sir, for saying very kind words for us.
Now I will begin our cultural programme with a dance item called “Made for Each Other”. This will be presented by Elephant and Deer.
(Dance item by Elephant and Deer)
I’m sure you have liked the item. The next item on our programme is a song called “Victory over Jackal.” This will be sung by Parrots and Mynahs.
(A song by Parrots and Mynahs)
How was the song ? Did you like it ? Now you will see the gymnastic show called ‘Health Tips for All Animals’. This will be presented by Tiger and Deer.
(Gymnastic show by Tiger and Deer)
I am sure you have enjoyed the show. Now you will see a skit called ‘Fine Fur of Rabbit’. It will be presented by Cuckoo and Friends.
(Skit by Cuckoo and friends)
Now I invite the Wild Buffalo, the President of the animal kingdom to propose a vote of thanks.
(Vote of thanks by Wild Buffalo)
Finally, I invite you all to have a mouthful of juice before you leave.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

III. Imagine that you are the cultural Secretary of your school. You have been asked to compere the programme on the school Anniversary day. Prepare your script and then give a mock performance before your group.

Dear Mr. L. Bajaj, Mrs. S. Kanchana and dear friends,

I welcome you all to our school Anniversary Programme organised at Z.P. High School, VemulavadAnswer: As you are aware, we have with us Mr. L. Bajaj, the MDO of our mandal and Mrs. S. Kanchana, the MEO of our mandal as our guests of honour. On behalf of our school, and on my behalf, I thank them for sparing some of their valuable time for us. I would request Mr. L. Bajaj to say a few words on this occasion.
(Mr. L. Bajaj says a few words)

Mr. Bajaj sir, ……….
Thank you sir, for saying very kind words for us.
Now, I would request Mrs. S. Kanchana to say a few words on this occasion.

(Mrs. S. Kanchana says a few words)

Thank you madam for giving your valuable speech for us.
Now I will begin our cultural programme with a dance item called “Kathakali”. This will be presented by Class VI C/s girls.
(Dance item by VI C/s girls)

I am sure you have liked the item. The next item on our programme is a song called “Desamante…”. This will be sung by Class VI B/s boys.
(A song by VI B/s boys)

How was the song ? Did you like it ? Now you will see the play called “Alexander”. This will be presented by Class VI A/s boys and girls.
(A ‘Play’ by VI A/s boys and girls)

I am sure you have enjoyed the play. Now you will see a skit called “Laugh ………. Laugh …….. Laugh’ by Class VI girls and boys.
(Skit by Class VI girls and boys)

Now I invite Master S. Anirudh, CPL, VI A/s to propose a vote of thanks.
(Vote of thanks by S. Anirudh)

Finally, I invite you all to have a mouthful of juice before you leave.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Study Skills:

Read the following Table of Contents of a book :

TS 6th Class English Guide 1A Peace And Harmony 6

Fill in the blanks with the information in the Table of Contents given above.

Question 1.
“Fossils” is found on page ________.
32 (thirty two)

Question 2.
If you want to know about crocodiles you must turn to page ________.
38 (thirty eight)

Question 3.
“Mosquito” is found in ________.
Unit 8 (eight)

Question 4.
The Unit 7 : “Kites” is found from page ________ to ________.
47 to 51 (forty seven to fifty one)

Question 5.
Unit 4 talks about ________.
Vikram Sarabhai and Trees

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Listening and Speaking:

Listen to the story “The Friendly Mongoose” and answer the following questions:

TS 6th Class English Guide 1A Peace And Harmony 7

The Friendly Mongoose

Once, a farmer and his wife lived in a village with their small son. They loved him very much. “We must have a pet,” the farmer said to his wife one day. “When our son grows up, he will need a companion. This pet will be our son’s companion.” His wife liked the idea.

One evening, the farmer brought with him a tiny mongoose. “It’s a baby mongoose,” said his wife, “but will soon be fully grown. He will be a friend to our son.”

Both the baby and the mongoose grew. In five or six months, the mongoose had grown to its full size – a lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. The farmer’s son was still a baby in the cradle, sleeping and crying alternately.

One day, the farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market. She fed the baby and rocked him to sleep in his little cradle. Picking up the basket, she said to her husband, “I’m off to the bazar. The baby is sleeping. Keep an eye on him. Frankly. I don’t like to leave the child alone with the mongoose.”

“You needn’t be afraid,” said the farmer. “The mongoose is a friendly animal. It’s as sweet as our baby and they are the best of friends, you know.”

The wife went away, and the farmer, having nothing to do in the house, decided to go out and take a look at his fields not far away. He ran into some friends on the way back and didn’t return for quite some time.

The farmer’s wife finished her shopping and came back home with a basket full of groceries. She saw the mongoose sitting outside as if waiting for her. On seeing her, he ran to welcome her, as was customary. The farmer’s wife took one look at the mongoose and screamed. “Blood!” she cried. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.

“You wicked animal! You have killed my baby,” she screamed hysterically. She was blind with rage and with all her strength brought down the heavy basket full of groceries on the blood-smeared mongoose and ran inside to the child’s cradle.

The baby was fast asleep. But on the floor lay a black snake torn and bleeding. In a flash she realised what had happened. She ran out looking for the mongoose.

“Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?” she cried touching the mongoose, who lay dead and still, unaware of her sobbing. The farmer’s wife, who had acted hastily and rashly, stared long at the dead mongoose. Then she heard the baby crying. Wiping her tears, she went in to feed him.

Question 1.
Which character do you like the most in the story and why ?
I like the character of the mongoose the most in the story. It saved the little child’s life by sacrificing its life.

Question 2.
Do you think the mongoose would have bitten the child ?
No, I don’t think the mongoose would have bitten the child.

Question 3.
Is the woman right in killing the mongoose ? What would you have done ?
No, the woman is not right in killing the mongoose. I wouldn’t have killed the mongoose. I would have gone into the room where the baby slept and known what had happened there.

Question 4.
Why did the husband go to fields leaving the child to the mongoose ?
The husband went to fields to reap the harvest leaving the child to the mongoose.

Question 5.
Why do you think the mongoose killed the snake ?
I think that the snake tried to bite the baby. Then the mongoose killed the snake to save the baby.

Question 6.
Suggest one word that describes the character of the mongoose in the story.

Question 7.
It is a good idea to have a mongoose as a pet ? Give reasons.
Yes, it is a good idea to have a mongoose as a pet. A mongoose is a lovable and faithful animal. The crawling creatures may not dare to enter our houses.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

Peace And Harmony Summary in English

Once there lived many animals, birds, snakes and insects in a thick forest. They wandered together around the forest without any fear. They lived in peace and harmony. They often held a musical evening in a large open field and invited the moon and her friends and the stars as the guests of honour. They used to show their special abilities at their cultural evenings.

One day a cunning jackal entered the forest and disturbed the peaceful atmosphere. He wanted to make all the animals as his prey one by one by creating enmity among them. He changed their minds with his saying and poisoned them. He was successful and the animals moved about individually or with their own group. There was the opportunity the cunning jackal was waiting for. He started killing the animals one by one and ate them up. There were no more cultural evenings.

Seeing this the moon came to the forest in the disguise of a sadhu. All the creatures met him. They blamed one another in his presence. The sadhu understood the situation and tried to set peace and harmony by talking to them. Gradually the normal conditions were being set. But the jackal was very angry with the sadhu and was looking for an opportunity to attack him.

One day, while the jackal tried to kill the hens, the sadhu offered himself as a prey to the jackal and requested the jackal to leave them. Then the jackal dragged him into the forest, tore him into pieces and ate him up. After eating the sadhu, the jackal’s stomach bloated until it burst. Even in his last seconds, the sadhu advised and wished that the animals, birds and insects should live in peace and harmony. The creatures once again started to roam, sing and sleep in peace. The moon and the stars witnessed their cultural evenings in a happy mood.


1. roam (v) : travel without any definite aim.
He used to roam around the city.

2. admire (v) : regard somebody with respect and pleasure
The foreigners admired Gandhiji.

3. melodious (adj) : producing pleasant music
The tune of this song is melodious.

4. tiny (adj) : little, very small
They are living in a tiny room.

5. gymnastics (n) : physical exercises
I like gymnastics very much.

6. cunning (adj) : clever at deceiving others
Our boss is a cunning fellow.

7. praise (v) : express approval for somebody
They praised Sachin for achieving the great success.

8. approach (v) : come near
Yesterday we approached the director of the firm.

9. whisper (v) : speak softly
I whispered something in his ear.

10. suspect (v) : mistrust
I suspected that he was the thief.

11. property (n) : objects or things owned by somebody
This property belongs to Mr. Raju.

12. woe (n) : extreme sadness
They expressed their stories of woe when he met them.

13. sob (v) : draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow while crying
She sobbed into her handkerchief.

TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 1A Peace And Harmony

14. accompany (v) : come as a companion
The teacher accompanied the students.

15. harmony (n) : a state of living together peacefully
They live in peace and harmony under his rule.

16. unanimously (adv) : unitedly
Mr. Prabhu was elected as the President unanimously.

17. drag (v) : pull along with difficulty
The dog dragged the log along the road.

18. strange (adj) : not familiar, unusual
He wore a strange, dress.

19. bloat (v) : become bigger and bigger (swell unpleasantly)
My stomach was bloated when I took meal last night.

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