Telangana SCERT TS 6th Class English Study Material Pdf Unit 5C Children, Speak Up! Textbook Questions and Answers.
TS 6th Class English Guide Unit 5C Children, Speak Up!
Questions & Answers:
I. Answer the following questions :
Question 1.
What kind of life does Suzuki want for herself and for all the children of the world ?
Suzuki wants pollution-free earth for herself and for all the children of the world. She wants a world without starving children.
Question 2.
What advice does Suzuki give to the adults ?
Suzuki advises the adults to make their actions reflect in their words. She advises ‘ them not to pollute our environment and to give a healthy life to our future. generations. She further advises them to spend money on ending poverty and finding environmental answers.
Question 3.
“I wonder if they will exist for my children to see. ” Why does the speaker say so?
The speaker has dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterflies. But the man pollutes the environment so that all the creatures may disappear one day. So, the speaker wonders if they will exist for her children to see.
Question 4.
My dad always says, “You are what you do, not what you say.”
a) Who said these words ?
b) Who did the speaker say these words to ? What do they mean ?
a) Suzuki’s dad said these words.
b) The speaker said these words to Suzuki. This means that we must not limit to our words. We must show them in our actions.
Question 5.
What is Suzuki’s speech about ?
Suzuki’s speech is about how we have been polluting our environment. She advises all the elders to make our environment free of pollution and give a chance to our future generations to live a healthy life. She speaks on behalf of all the starving children around the world.

Children, Speak Up ! Summary in English
Severn Suzuki, a 13-year-old child of Canada delivered this speech at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro on June 11, 1992. She expressed her grief how we have been polluting our surroundings. We are making holes in the ozone. We are polluting the air with chemicals. We are polluting even the water. So the speaker was afraid that animals and plants would disappear one day.
She also expressed her concern for the poor and starving children. She wished for the forests which were full of wild animals and trees. She requested the elders to give all the children to live a happy and healthy life. She asked us not to pollute our surroundings. She advises us that we should make our actions reflect in our words.
environment (n) : the air, water and land on earth
extinct (v) : doesn’t exist any more
evanish (v) : disappear
herd (n) : a group of animals
delegate (n) : the person who has been chosen to speak
greedy (adj) : wanting more than one needs

Section – A : Reading Comprehension (25 Marks)
Questions : 1 -10, Marks : 15
Passage No. 1:
1. Read the following Passage.
Trees are the most useful things in the world. Children play under them. Travellers rest in their cool shade. Trees give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. We build houses and make furniture with the wood of the trees. We need trees for our lives. If there were no trees, there would be no life on earth. Living things (people and animals) breathe in air.They breathe in oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide.
If all the oxygen in the air was used up leaving only carbon dioxide, what would happen to all of us? Everyone would die. But trees help us to live. They breathe in the carbon dioxide from the air and let oxygen out into the air. With the help of the sunlight,they break up carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen. They use the carbon to make starch and let the oxygen out into the air.
Trees make all the starch in the world. Starch is the most important part of our food.Without trees we will not have any starch to eat.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
What are the most useful things in the world ?
A) animals
B) trees
C) firewood
D) carbon dioxide
B) trees
Question 2.
What do the trees give us ?
A) fruits and firewood
B) cool shade
C) birth
D) A & B
D) A & B
Question 3.
If there were no trees, what would happen ?
A) we all are happy
B) we all are sad
C) we all cry
D) there would be no life on the earth
D) there would be no life on the earth
Question 4.
What do we need for our lives ?
B) animals
C) birds
D) insects
A) trees
Question 5.
Trees breathe out oxygen. What do they breathe in ?
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Oxygen
C) Nitrogen
D) Methane
A) Carbon dioxide

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
Where do the children play ?
Children play under the trees.
Question 7.
Why do we plant trees ?
If trees are not there, there would be no life on the earth.
Question 8.
In what way are trees helpful to us ?
Trees give us oxygen to breathe. They give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. They give us cool shade.
Question 9.
If trees do not let out oxygen into air, what will happen ?
If trees do not let out oxygen into air, everyone would die.
Question 10.
What do we make with the wood of the tree ?
We build houses and make furniture with the wood of trees.

Passage No. 2:
2. Read the following passage :
Trees are the most useful things in the world. Children play under them. Travellers rest in their cool shade. Trees give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. We build houses and make furniture with the wood of the trees. We need trees for our lives. If there were no trees, there would be no life on earth. Living things (people and animals) breathe in air.They breathe in oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide.
If all the oxygen in the air was used up leaving only carbon dioxide, what would happen to all of us? Everyone would die. But trees help us to live. They breathe in the carbon dioxide from the air and let oxygen out into the air. With the help of the sunlight,they break up carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen. They use the carbon to make starch and let the oxygen out into the air.
Trees make all the starch in the world. Starch is the most important part of our food.Without trees we will not have any starch to eat.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
The living things breathe in __________
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Oxygen
C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon monoxide
B) Oxygen
Question 2.
To make starch, the trees need __________
A) oxygen
B) sunlight
C) air
D) nitrogen
B) sunlight
Question 3.
Trees breathe out __________
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Oxygen
C) Carbon monoxide
D) Nitrogen
B) Oxygen
Question 4.
We get water with the help of __________
A) trees
B) leaves of trees
C) oxygen
D) starch
A) trees
Question 5.
Our food is made of __________
A) Oxygen
B) Starch
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Nitrogen
B) Starch

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
What are the uses of trees?
Trees give us oxygen to breathe. They give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. They give us cool shade. They give us wood to build houses and to make furniture.
Question 7.
What would happen if there were no trees ?
If there were no trees, there would be no life on earth.
Question 8.
How do trees produce oxygen ?
Trees break up carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen with the’help of sunlight. They use the carbon to make starch and let the oxygen out into the air.
Question 9.
What is starch ?
Starch is the most important part of our food.
Question 10.
How are the trees commercially helpful to us ?
Trees give us timber to build houses and to make furniture.

Passage No. 3:
3. Read the following passage.
Trees help us to get rain. The leaves of trees breathe out a lot of water vapour into the air. This makes the air cool. The. cool air helps rainfall. Rain gives us water. No one can live without water. And we need trees to get water.
Trees have many more uses. The rubber tree grows in many parts of (he world. From the sap of this tree we get rubber. Rubber is a very useful thing. Some trees like eucalyptus give us medicines. In South America there is a tree called the cow tree. People drink the sap of this tree instead of milk! It is less expensive than milk.
How long can a big tree live? Nobody knows. Some trees have already lived for more than four thousand years. They can live for five to six thousand years more. Some of them will live as long as ten thousand years. There is a tree called General Sherman in California in America. It is a huge evergreen tree. It is said to be several thousand years old.
How do we know the age of a tree? Do trees have birthdays? Yes, they do. They even get gifts on their birthdays. They get rings!
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
How long does a big tree live?
A) for thousands of years
B) for one year
C) for two years
D) for three years
A) for thousands of years
Question 2.
Where is California?
A) In America
B) In Australia
C) In Japan
D) In Africa
A) In America
Question 3.
How old is General Sherman?
A) Several weeks old
B) Several years old
C) Several months old
D) Several thousand years old
D) Several thousand years old
Question 4.
How do we know the age of a tree?
A) by counting its annual rings
B) by counting its monthly rings
C) by counting its weekly rings
D) by counting its leaves
A) by counting its annual rings
Question 5.
The oldest tree mentioned in this passage is __________
A) The banyan tree
B) The pipal tree
C) The coconut tree
D) General Sherman
D) General Sherman

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
How do trees help us to get rain ?
The leaves of trees breathe out a lot of water vapour into the air. This makes the air cool. The cool air helps rainfall.
Question 7.
How does air become cool ?
The leaves of trees breathe out a lot of water vapour into the air. This makes the air cool.
Question 8.
Describe the amazing fact mentioned in the passage.
In South America there is a tree called cow tree. People drink the sap of this tree instead of milk!
Question 9.
What are the uses of trees mentioned in the above passage ?
- From the sap of the rubber tree we get rubber,
- Some trees like Eucalyptus give us medicines.
Question 10.
Name some medicinal plants that are present around you.
Neem, Tulsi, Aloevera, Lemon

Passage No. 4:
4. Read the following passage :
Every year a tree grows a little bigger. As it grows, the trunk gets another layer of wood; it gets another ring. You cannot see the rings because they are inside the tree. But if you look at the trunk of a cut down tree carefully, you will find the rings. One ring indicates one year. Some trees can live only for five to ten years. But some can live for hundreds or even thousands of years, like General Sherman.
Man cuts down hundreds of trees every year to build houses, to make furniture, to cook food, and to make paper. If this continues, one day there will be no more trees in the world. What will happen then? We all will die!
So what shall we do? We should avoid cutting trees as far as possible. Mean while.we must plant a lot of trees. Every one of us should plant at least one tree every year.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
The tree grows __________
A) until it dies
B) until it becomes 2 m
C) until it becomes 4 m
D) until it becomes 6 m
A) until it dies
Question 2.
As the tree grows, the trunk gets __________
A) annual rings
B) leaves
C) fruits
D) flowers
A) annual rings
Question 3.
Where do we find the rings ?
A) on the leaves
B) on the trunk
C) inside the fruit
D) Inside the trunk
D) Inside the trunk
Question 4.
What is meant by one ring?
A) two years
B) three years
C) one year
D) four years
C) one year
Question 5.
I will find the rings __________
A) If I look at the trunk
B) If I look at the tree
C) If I look at the trunk of a cut down tree
D) If I look at the branches
C) If I look at the trunk of a cut down tree

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
What are the annual rings ?
Every year a tree grows little bigger. As it grows, the trunk gets another layer of wood. It gets another ring. In this way the annual rings are formed.
Question 7.
Why does the man cut trees ?
The man cuts trees every year to build houses, to make furniture, to cook food and to make paper.
Question 8.
What will happen-if we continue to cut down trees ?
If we continue to cut down trees, one day there will be no more trees in the world, then we all will die.
Question 9.
How can you maintain clear, green and clean environment ?
We should avoid cutting trees as far as possible. Mean while we must plant a lot of trees. In this way we can maintain clean, clear and green environment.
Question 10.
Write any two slogans on trees to your class notice board.
- Save trees – Save environment,
- Save trees – Save life.

5. Read the following poem.
If a tree could talk, what would it say ?
“Don’t chop me down, just walk away. ”
If a river could talk, what would it say ?
“Don’t dump in trash, throw it away. ”
If the air could talk, what would it say ?
“The factories must learn to keep smoke away. ”
, If the animals could talk, what would they say ?
“Help us to live, we wish to stay. ”
If the Earth could talk, what would it say ?
“Protect me by making every day Earth Day!”
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 1.
Chop down means __________
A) cut down
B) to put something in a careless untidy way
C) low quality
D) high quality
A) cut down
Question 2.
Who is being addressed in the poem ?
A) man
B) animal
C) bird
D) insect
A) man
Question 3.
What do you understand from this poem ?
A) The tree wishes to give her a chance to live.
B) The tree requests the human beings not to cut her down.
C) The tree requests the human beings to cut her down.
D) Both A & B
D) Both A & B
Question 4.
Which day is mentioned in the poem ?
A) Environment Day
B) Earth Day
C) Children’s Day
D) Annual Day
B) Earth Day
Question 5.
Pick out a good thing that we do to make our surroundings clean.
A) Dumping the garbage on roads
B) Dumping the wastage in rivers
C) Planting trees
D) Cutting down the trees
C) Planting trees

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 x 2 = 10
Question 6.
What are we doing to a river ?
We are dumping in trash in the rivers. We are polluting them.
Question 7.
What must a factory learn ?
A factory has to learn to keep its smoke away.
Question 8.
What would the animals say, if they could talk ?
If animals could talk, they could request us to help them to live.
Question 9.
Who is the common enemy to trees, rivers, air, animals and the earth ?
Man is the common enemy to all of them.
Question 10.
What is the theme of the poem ?
The plight of the tree and the others mentioned above for their protection.

Passage No. 5:
6. Read the following passage :
This is an extract from a speech given by Severn Suzuki, a 13-year-old girl from Canada, on June 11, 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
Hello, I’m Severn Suzuki, speaking for ECO, the Environmental Children’s Organisation. We are a group of four 12 and 13-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference – Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg, and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come 6000 miles to tell you adults that you must change your ways.
I am here to speak for all future generations to come. I am here to speak on behalf of all the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have no where left to go.
I am afraid to go out in the sun now, because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air, because I don’t know what chemicals are in it. I used to go fishing inVancouver, my home town, with my Dad, until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day – vanishing every day.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
Who is delivering the speech ?
A) Morgan Geisler
B) Severn Suzuki
C) Vanessa Suttie
D) Michelle Quigg
B) Severn Suzuki
Question 2.
What is the occasion mentioned in the passage ?
A) Swatch Bharat
B) Earth Summit
D) Sports Day
B) Earth Summit
Question 3.
She wants to speak for the
A) dying animals
B) caring mothers
C) Canadian children
D) eager audience
A) dying animals
Question 4.
Severn Suzuki is __________
A) a Canadian
B) a Russian
C) an Indian
D) a French
A) a Canadian
Question 5.
Whose cries are gone unheard ?
A) poor children
B) street children
C) starving children
D) wandering children
C) starving children

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
Why did the children raise the money ?
The children raised all the money themselves to go 6000 miles to tell the adults that they must change their ways.
Question 7.
On what aspects does the speaker afraid ?
The speaker is afraid to go out in the sun because of the holes in the ozone. She is afraid to breath the air because there are chemicals in the air.
Question 8.
Why can’t she breathe air ?
Man is polluting the air by releasing the chemicals into it. So she can’t breathe air
Question 9.
Why can’t she go fishing any more ?
Man is polluting the water so that the fish are found full of cancers. So she can’t go fishing any more.
Question 10.
Pick out the word which means ‘don’t exist any more’.

Passage No. 6:
7. Read the following passage :
In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles, and rainforests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see. Did you have to worry about these things when you were of my age?
Here you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organisers, reporters or politicians. But really, you are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles. And all of you are someone’s child. I am only a child yet I know we are all part of a family, five billion strong, in fact, 30 million species strong and we all share the same air, water and soil – borders and governments will never change that. I am only a child yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal. In my anger, I am not blind, and in my fear, I’m not afraid to tell the world how I feel.
I’m only a child yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this Earth would be.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
‘In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rain-forests ………….’ Who is the speaker of above lines ?
A) Severn Suzuki
B) Vanessa Suttie
C) Morgan Geisler
D) Michelle Quigg
A) Severn Suzuki
Question 2.
Boarders and governments will never change
A) air
B) water
C) soil
D) all the above
D) all the above
Question 3.
What is the single goal mentioned in the passage ?
A) rehabilitation of the environment
B) polluting the environment
C) urbanisation
D) to cut down trees
A) rehabilitation of the environment
Question 4.
What type of text is the passage?
A) article
B) narrative
C) report
D) speech
D) speech
Question 5.
What is the given text about?
A) degradation of environment
B) pollution of the environment
C) reforestation
D) both A & B
D) both A & B

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
What was the speaker’s dream?
The speaker’s dream was to see great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and butterflies.
Question 7.
When would this earth be wonderful according to the speaker?
According to the speaker, if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, this earth would be wonderful.
Question 8.
How do we spend our money now ?
We spend our money on wars.
Question 9.
The speaker advised the elders to spend money on two things. What are they ?
The speaker advised the elders to spend money on ending poverty and finding environmental answers.
Question 10.
What is your dream of the future world ?
I dreamt of seeing the future world with a clear, clean, green environment with full of vegetation.

Passage No. 7:
8. Read the following passage :
At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave m the wood. You teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share – not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?
Do not forget why you are attending these conferences, you are doing this for your own children. You are deciding what kind of a world we will grow up in.
Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying, “Everything is going to be alright. It’s not the end of the world. We are doing the best we can.” But I don’t think you can say that to us anymore. Are we even on your list of priorities?
My dad always says, “You are what you do, not what you say.” Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown-ups say you love us. I challenge you, please, make your actions reflect your words. Thank you for listening.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) In your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Question 1.
What kind of a world does the speaker want?
A) Pollution tree world
B) Pollution environment
C) Pristine environment
D) Both A & C
D) Both A & C
Question 2.
Where did the children learn how to behave in the world?
A) at home
B) at office
C) at school
D) at hotel
C) at school
Question 3.
What should the elders decide?
A) to make the conference successful
B) to attend the conference
C) to participate in the conference
D) to decide what kind of a world children will grown up in
D) to decide what kind of a world children will grown up in
Question 4.
‘Are we on your list of priorities?’ What does the word ‘we’ refer to in the above line?
A) parents
B) delegates
C) reporters
D) children
D) children
Question 5.
What makes the speaker cry at night?
A) indiscriminate actions of elders towards the environment
B) good actions of elders
C) scoldings of elders
D) difficult problems
A) indiscriminate actions of elders towards the environment

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10
Question 6.
What do the elders teach young ones?
The elders teach the young ones how to behave in the world, not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, not to hurt others, to share and not to be greedy.
Question 7.
What should the parents be able to?
The parents should be able to comfort their children by saying everything was going to be alright. It was not the end of the world and they were doing the best they could.
Question 8.
What does the speaker’s father always say ?
The speaker’s dad always says that we are what we do, not what we say.
Question 9.
What does the speaker appeal to the grown-ups ?
The speaker appeals to the grown-ups to make their actions reflect on their words.
Question 10.
Do the parents do their job perfectly according to the speaker ? Why (or) Why not ?
According to the speaker, the parents don’t complete their job perfectly as they are not providing the pollution free world.

Questions : 11 – 16, Marks : 10
Passage No. 1:
Read the following passage :
Once a cunning jackal jumped into a big tub of blue dye and it was looking different in blue colour. “I am your king,” he said. All the animals, big and small believed him and bowed before him. The clever jackal smiled. Now he was the most powerful animal in the forest. He was proud to be a king.
Once the jackal woke up in the middle of the night. The jackals in the forest were howling at the full moon in the sky. The blue jackal forgot that he was a king. He too began to howl.
“Hu ……….. aah ! Hu …………. aah !” he said. The animals ran out to see. He was not a king. He was just a jackal! They shouted. They rushed to attack him.
“Stop, stop ! I am sorry, I tricked you, please do not kill me,” said the blue jackal. The animals forgave him, but only after giving the jackal a good beating.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices given below the questions. 2 × 1 = 2
Question 11.
The jackal was __________
A) clever
B) cunning
C) intelligent
D) bright
A) clever
Question 12.
All the animals bowed before the jackal because they thought that jackal was
A) helpful
B) powerful
C) helpless
D) powerless
B) powerful
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 4 × 2 = 8
Question 13.
Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king ? :
The animals thought that the jackal was a king because it was looking different in blue colour.
Question 14.
What made the jackal howl ?
When the blue jackal heard the howling of the other jackals in the forest, he too began to howl.
Question 15.
What did the animals do when they saw the jackal ?
The animals rushed to attack him and bet him.
Question 16.
How did the animals know that the king was just a jackal ?
The animals came to know that the king was just a jackal by his howling.

Passage No. 2:
Read the following passage.
One day a lion, the king of the forest asked all the animals to come for a meeting and it ordered them to send an animal every day for his meal. All the animals agreed. One day when it was the turn of the hare, it had gone late. The lion roared. The hare said that it was chased by another lion. The lion asked the hare to show the another lion. Then, the hare took him to a well and asked him to see into the well. The lion saw his own reflection. When this lion was roared, the reflection was also roared. The lion thought that it was another lion. So he jumped into the well and died.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices given below the questions. 2 × 1 = 2
Question 11.
The lion called animals for __________
A) an assembly
B) a function
C) a meeting
D) playing
C) a meeting
Question 12.
Which word in the passage means “to throw back light or a picture” ?
A) see
B) reflection
C) mirror
D) well
B) reflection
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 4 × 2 = 8
Question 13.
What was the plan of the lion ?
The lion planned to eat an animal every day for his meal.
Question 14.
Why was the lion angry ?.
As the hare went late, the lion got angry.
Question 15.
How did hare escape from the lion ?
The hare made the lion to see its own reflection. The lion thought that it was another lion and it wanted to kill it so it jumped into the well and died. In this way the hare escaped from the lion.
Question 16.
If you were in the place of the hare, how would you escape from the lion ?
If I were in the place of the hare, I would do the same to escape from the lion.

3. Read the following poem.
Trees are the kindest things I know,
They do no harm, they simply grow
and spread a shade for sleepy cows,
and gather birds among the boughs.
They are the first when day’s begun
to touch the beams of morning sun,
they are the last to hold the light
when evening changes into night,
and when a moon floats on the sky.
They hum a drowsy lullaby
of sleepy children long ago.
Trees are the kindest things I know.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices given below the question. 2 × 1 = 2
Question 11.
Do trees do any harm ?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Certainly
D) Of Course
B) No
Question 12.
Where did the tree gather the birds ?
A) among the leaves
B) among the branches
C) among the flowers
D) among the fruits
B) among the branches
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 4 × 2 = 8
Question 13.
How do trees help the cows ? .
The trees spread a shade to the cows for sleeping.
Question 14.
What do trees do in the morning ?
The trees touch the beams of morning sun.
Question 15.
When do they hum a lullaby ?
When evening changes into night, and when a moon floats on the sky, the trees hum a lullaby.
Question 16.
Why does the poet like trees ?
The poet likes the trees because the trees are the kindest things he know.

Section – B : Vocabulary and Grammar (20 Marks)
Questions : 17 – 21, Marks : 5
Passage No. 1:
Read the following passage and write as directed.
Trees are the most useful (17) things in the world. Children play below (18) them. Travellers rest in their cool shade. Trees give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. We. build (19) houses and make furniture with the wood (20) of the trees. We need (21) trees for our lives.
Question 17.
Write the opposite word to the underlined word.
Question 18.
Replace the underlined word with a right word.
Question 19.
Write the other verb forms of the underlined word.
Question 20.
Write the synonym of the underlined word.
Question 21.
Write the right form of the underlined word.

Passage No. 2:
Read the following passage and write as directed.
Trees make all the starch of (17) the world. Starch is the most important (18) part of our food.Without trees we will not have any starch to eat. Trees help (19) us to get rain. The leaves of trees breathe (20) out a lot of water vapour into the air. This makes (21) the air cool.
Question 17.
Replace the underlined word with a right word.
Question 18.
Write the opposite word to the underlined word.
Question 19.
Write the right form of the underlined word.
Question 20.
Write the synonym of the underlined word.
Question 21.
Write the other verb form of the underlined word.

Passage No. 3:
Read the following passage and write as directed.
Every year a tree grows (17) a little bigger. As it grows, the trunk (18) gets another layer of wood; it gets another ring. You cannot see the rings because they is (19) inside the tree. But if you look at the trunk of a cut down tree carefully. (20) you will find (21) the rings.
Question 17.
Write the other verb form of the underlined word.
grew – grown
Question 18.
Write the synonym of the underlined word.
Question 19.
Replace the underlined word with a right word.
Question 20.
Write the right form of the underlined word.
Question 21.
Write the opposite word to the underlined word.

Passage No. 4:
Read the following passage and write as directed.
I am here to speak (17) for all future generations to come. I am here to speak (18) on behalf of all the starving (19) children around the world whose cries (20) go unheard (21).
Question 17.
Write the right form of the underlined word.
Question 18.
Write the other verb form of the underlined word.
spoke – spoken
Question 19.
Write the synonym of the underlined word.
Question 20.
Write the singular form of the underlined word.
Question 21.
Write the opposite of the underlined word.

Passage No. 5:
Read the following passage and write as directed.
Five billion strong. (17) in fact, 30 million species strong and we all share the same (18) air, water and soil – borders and governments will never change that. I am only a child (19) yet I know (20) we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal, (21).
Question 17.
Write the right form of the underlined word.
Question 18.
Write the opposite word to the underlined word.
Question 19.
Write the plural form of the underlined word.
Question 20.
Write the other verb forms of the underlined word.
knew – known
Question 21.
Write the synonym of the underlined word.

Questions : 22 – 26, Marks : 5
Complete the passage cl loosing the right word from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for ea ch blank four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. 5 × 1 = 5
Passage No. 1:
One day Priyanka took Gowthami to __________ (22) grandfather. The oldman was __________ (23) as uncle Rao. Kashmir is a land of __________ (24) snow-covered mountains, rivers __________ (25) lakes. Gcwthami’s grandfather lived on top of one of these mountains __________ (26) a chalet.
Question 22.
A) his
B) her
C) your
D) our
B) her
Question 23.
A) know
B) knows
C) knew
D) known
D) known
Question 24.
A) beautiful
B) handsome
C) ugly
D) smart
A) beautiful
Question 25.
A) or
B) and
C) so
D) but
B) and
Question 26.
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) of
B) in

Passage No. 2:
I Once, there __________ (22) a cat. She was big, and fat, and jolly. She made very __________ (23) food. Her family loved to __________ (24) the food that she made. Near the cat’s house lived __________ (25) mouse. The cat and mouse __________ (26) friends.
Question 22.
A) is
B) am
C) was
D) were
C) was
Question 23.
A) taste
B) tasty
C) tastier
D) tastiest
B) tasty
Question 24.
A) eat
B) eats
C) ate
D) eaten
A) eat
Question 25.
A) an
B) a
C) the
D) some
B) a
Question 26.
A) are
B) were
C) is
D) am
B) were

Passaae No. 3:
A caterpillar or ice lived __________ (22) a lemon tree. He __________ (23) a long, thin body and eight pairs of legs __________ (24) the tree there was a rose bush. A bee came every day to (25) nectar from the roses. The caterpillar loved to watch __________ (26) bee.
Question 22.
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) of
A) on
Question 23.
A) have
B) has
C) had
D) having
C) had
Question 24.
A) Near
B) Far
C) On
D) In
A) Near
Question 25.
A) gathers
B) gather
C) gathered
D) gathering
B) gather
Question 26.
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) some
C) the

Passage No. 4:
Ali was a poor man __________ (22) lived in Baghdad. His neighbour __________ (23) a rich man named Abukasim. Kasim was __________ (24) miser. __________ (25) always looked for a chance to get Ali __________ (26) trouble.
Question 22.
A) who
B) which
C) that
D) where
A) who
Question 23.
A) is
B) am
C) was
D) were
C) was
Question 24.
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) some
A) a
Question 25.
A) He
B) she
C) his
D) her
A) He
Question 26.
A) in
B) into
C) on
D) onto
B) into

Questions : 27 – 31, Marks : 10
Rewrite the following passage given below. Five sentences in the passage are numbered (27 – 31) at the beginning. Each of the five sentences has an error. Correct and rewrite them in the answer booklet. 5 × 2 = 10
1. (27) Trees are a most useful things in the world. (28) Children play below them. (29) Travellers rest on their cool shade. (30) Trees give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn. (31) We built houses and make furniture with the wood of the trees.
27) Trees are the most useful things in the world.
28) Children play under them.
29) Travellers rest in their cool shade.
30) Trees give us fruit to eat and firewood to burn.
31) We build houses and make furniture with the wood of the trees.
2. (27) Trees has many more uses. (28) The rubber tree grows in many parts of a world. (29) From the sap of that tree we get rubber. (30) Rubber is a very useless thing. (31) Some trees like Eucalyptus gives us medicines.
27) Trees have many more uses.
28) The rubber tree grows in many parts of the world.
29) From the sap of this tree we get rubber.
30) Rubber is a very useful thing.
31) Some trees like Eucalyptus give us medicines.
3. (27) How far can a big tree live? (28) Nobody know. (29) Some trees have already lives for more than four thousand years. (30) They will live for five to six thousand years more. (31) Some of them will lived as long as ten thousand years.
27) How long can a big tree live ?
28) Nobody knows.
29) Some trees have already lived for more than four thousand years.
30) They can live for five to six thousand years more.
31) Some of them will live as long as ten thousand years.
4. (27) I am afraid to went out in the sun now, because of the holes in the ozone. (28)1 am afraid to breathe a air, because 1 don’t know what chemicals are in it. (29) I used to go fishing in Vancouver, my home town, with her dad, until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. (30) And now we hear of animals and plants going extinct every day – vanishing every day. (31) In my life, I dream of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles, and rainforests full of birds and butterflies.
27) I am afraid to go out in the sun now, because of the holes in the ozone.
28) I am afraid to breathe the air, because I don’t know what chemicals are in it.
29) I used to go fishing in Vancouver, my home town, with my dad, until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers.
30) And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day – vanishing every day.
31) In my life, I dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles, and rainforests full of birds and butterflies.
5. (27) In school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world. (28) You teach us not to fought with others, to work things out, to respect others, (29) to clean out our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share – not to be greedy. (30) Then why do we go out and do the things you tell us not to do ? (31) Do not forget why you are attending these conferences, you are doing this to your own children.
27) At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world.
28) You teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others,
29) to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share – not to be greedy.
30) Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do ?
31) Do not forget why you are attending these conferences, you are doing this for your own children.

Section – C : Conventions of Writing (5 Marks)
Question : 32, Marks : 5
Read the following sentences using necessary punctuation marks (Capitalization, . , ? ! ” “) 5 Marks
Question 1.
if all the oxygen in the air was used up leaving only carbon dioxide what would happen to all of us everyone would dye
If all the oxygen in the air was used up leaving only carbon dioxide, what would happen to all of us? Everyone would die.
Question 2.
in south America there is a tree called cow tree people drink the sap of this tree instead of milk it is less expensive than milk
In South America there is a tree called cow tree. People drink the sap of this tree instead of milk! It is less expensive than milk.
Question 3.
so what shall we do we should avoid cutting trees as far as possible meanwhile we must plant a lot of trees everyone of us should plant at least one tree every year
So what shall we do? We should avoid cutting trees as far as possible. Mean while,we must plant a lot of trees. Every one of us should plant at least one tree every year.
Question 4.
hello im Severn suzuki speaking for ECO the environmental childrens organisation we are a group of four 12 and 13-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference – vanessa suttie, morgan geisler michelle quigg and me
Hello, I’m Severn Suzuki, speaking for ECO, the Environmental Children’s Organisation. We are a group of four 12 and 13-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference – Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg, and me.
Question 5.
my dad always says You are what you do not what you say well what you do makes me cry at night you grown-ups say you love us
My dad always says, “You are what you do, not what you say.” Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown-ups say you love us.

Section D – Creative Writing (20 Marks)
Question : 33, Marks : 12
Question 1.
Write a choreography script of the poem ‘If a Tree Could Talk’.
Title : If a tree could talk.
The script of the choreography :
1. How do we begin the poem ?
- Sing the poem three or four times to register the tune and rhythm.
2. Characters involved in the poem.
- The tree, the river, the air, the animals and the earth.
3. What is the theme of the poem ?
- The plight of the tree and the others mentioned above for their protection.
4. What is the theme of each line ?
- The tree requests not to chop it down.
- The river asks not to dump trash in it.
- The air requests us to keep away smoke from it.
- The animals ask us not to slave them and
- The earth requests us to protect it from destruction.
5. Locations : Forest.
6. Presentation of the choreography on the stage.
- The chorus team sings the poem.
- The characters perform their actions.
- The actions related to facial expressions and gestures.

Question 2.
Vanamahotsav aims at ‘Grow more trees’. Write a newspaper report on the plantation drive organised by your school.
– by Gautam / The Hindu
Hyderabad, July 29 : The young environmentalists undertook the tree plantation drive on July 29 at the cross road adjoining Rajendra Nagar. The whole-hearted participation from the students; parents and teachers, undoubtedly facilitated environmental awareness among them and the general public. Dr. Rao said that it was imperative for all to learn about environmental care and protection.
Children also participated in painting competition and many fun filled activities Everybody hummed the tunes of the tree-songs that were continuously played in the background.
Question 3.
Write a possible conversation between Severn Suzuki and her friend after going home. (about her speech)
Friend : Hai, Suzuki ! When did you return from the Earth Summit?
Suzuki : I have returned last night itself.
Friend : Have you given a speech in the Earth Summit?
Suzuki Yes, I have.
Friend : Which topic did you take?
Suzuki : I gave speech on pollution.
Friend : Who came to attend the summit?
Suzuki : Delegates, business people, organisers, reporters and politicians carne there.
Friend : How did they reflect on your speech?
Suzuki : I think they have reflected positively. I touched all the points about the degradation of the environment. I make it clear that I am afraid of the future environment.
Friend : Yes, day by day we are losing much vegetation. My mother told me that she had pristine environment with full of vegetation in her childhood. Now ills degraded.
Suzuki : Bad luck! What shall we do ? At least we are listening to such type of environment. But the future generation may not have that chance also.
Friend : Yes, let us make all the people around us to be aware of this dreadful threat to the environment. It’s only left for us.
Suzuki : Yes, let us go to class, it’s time to go.

Question 4.
Prepare a speech on need of saving animals.
Respected teachers and my dear friends, A warm good morning to one and all.
Today I, Prabha, am before you to speak on need of saving animals. We all know that animals are as important for our life as oxygen and water. These animals help in the maintenance of proper ecological balance of nature. But sadly animals are being slowly killed to make items of fashion for the fashion crazy. The loss of habitats, the contamination of water and food supplies, poaching and indiscriminate hunting and fishing have decreased the population of many species.
Most scientists agree that prospects for the survival of many animals and hence biodiversity are worsening. Various species of animals are going to be extinct. These need to be protected for their survival ultimately for our survival. So man should think a while at least now to save the animals. All this can be put to an end by careful long-term ecological planning.
Thank you.
Question 5.
Mid-day meals need quality checks. Write a newspaper report about the adverse effects of the mid-day meals.
-by Gautam / The Hindu
Adilabad, March 20: As many as ninety nine students of the little buds primary school became sick after consuming mid-day meal in the school. The children started vomiting and complaining of stomach ache soon after taking food. They were rushed to the neighbouring General Hospital for treatment.
The General hospital declared that there were symptoms of food infection. The students were kept under observation and none of them was reported to be serious. Anxious parents were seen in front of the hospital gates.

Question 6.
Science is not all about reading it, it is in doing that develops the scientific temper. Write a newspaper report on Science Festival held in your school.
– by Abhilash
Warangal, October 12: A great science festival was organised by District Educational Officer, Warangal on October 12. District Collector inaugurated the exhibition. To set the programme, cultural programmes are conducted. It was thrilling to see the display of models and power point projections by different schools from all over the district. All the presentations focussed on environmental issues and how they could be solved.
Question 7.
Write a newspaper report on Annual Day celebrations.
– by Priyanka
Madhira, February 13 : The local high school celebrated its Annual Day on 12th February, yesterday. The parents had wonderful celebrations of Annual Day with their children in their school. The District Educational Officer, the village Sarpanch and the donaors of prizes were cordially invited.
The programme started with lighting of the lamp at 4 pm.
The prayer song was sung by the girls and the Headmaster read the school Anuual report. The guests gave their valuable messages and gave away the prizes for students who won in various events of the school. The magnificent ‘cultural activities’ were conducted.
Question 8.
Write a newspaper report on the road accident took place on November 2, 20xx in which a speedy motor cyclist hit an RTC bus. Include the following in your report.
- Where did the accident take place ?
- When did the accident take place ?
- How did the accident take place ?
- What are the reasons for the accident ?
- Who were the victims ?
- Who helped them ?
Meenavolu, November 2 : It was a sad Sunday for a motor cyclist, who was coming from Khammam to Meenavolu to spend his Sunday in their uncle’s house. The tragedy took place when the speedy motor cyclist trying to take over a lorry. He was hit by an RTC bus.
In the mishap he, his wife and his daughter (3) were seriously injured. The bus driver informed the police and some passengers called 108. Police personnel rushed to the spot and registered a case. The 108 staff shifted the injured persons to a nearby hospital.

Question : 34, Marks : 8
Question 1.
The tigers are going to be disappeared. Prepare a poster on tiger conservation.

Question 2.
Prepare a poster on the importance of the tree.

Question 3.
Prepare a poster on pollution.

Question 4.
You are the editor of the school magazine, and want to hold an interclass competition to collect poems and cartoons for the magazine before 20 August, 20xx.
Draft a notice for the students ntoice board inviting entries. Mention all details required like entry date, prizes, etc.
10 August, 20xx
There will be an interclass competiton for collecting poems, cartoons, etc. for the school magazine, on 25 August at 1 pm in the school hall. Students willing to participate should give their names to the undersigned by 20 August. The winning articles carry prizes of Rs. 500, 300, 100 respectively. The decision pf the judges shall be final and binding.

Question 5.
Write a notice for the school notice board informing students about school inspection to be held on 10 March, by the District Educational Officer. The notice should be of 50 words asking for punctuality, cleanliness and discipline.
March 3, 20xx
The District Educational Officer will visit the school for inspection on 10.3.20xx. All the students of the school are requested to be particularly careful on the occasion. They should be extremely punctual, clean and disciplined. They should be attentive to what their teachers tell or teach when on the occasion.
Head Boy
Question 6.
Abhilash of class VI ‘A’ lost his library book on the playground during recess. He wants to put up a notice on the school notice board. Write a notice on behalf of him.
Abhilash of class VI A, has lost his library book named ‘Stories for Children’ during the recess on 2.3.20xx. He who find it, is requested to give it to him.
Question 7.
Rajesh of VI ’A’ found a purse containing some money and papers. It has no name. Draft a notice on behalf of him.
14 April, 20xx
Rajesh of class VI A, has found a purse containing some money and papers. He has no clue about the owner. The owner can contact him giving proof of his being the real owner.
Head Boy

Question 8.
Your school has decided to hold a fete in the school playground. The Headmaster has asked you to write, as the Head boy / Head girl of the school, a notice about this fete inviting the students and teachers to participate in it. The notice should include ail necessary details. Write this notice in about 50 words.
March 2, 20xx
There will be a fete in the school playground from 1.4.20xx to 5.4.20xx. The Head-master has invited all the teachers and the students to participate in the fete. The interested students should see the science teacher with their ideas on or before 10.3.20xx.
Head Boy / Head Girl