AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 6th Lesson अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material 6th Lesson अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
अप्पय्यदीक्षितस्य जीवितचरितं संक्षेपेण लिखत।
(Write briefly the story of Appayya Dikshita.)
2. अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्र इति पाठ्यभागसारांशं संग्रहेण विवृणुत?
(Summarize the lesson Appyyadikshitendra.)
Introduction :
The lesson Appayyadikshitendra was written by Sanka Usharani. This lesson narrates the story of the great scholar and devotee Appayya Dikshita.

Family of scholars :
Appayya Dikshita was born in the family of scholars. His father was Rangarajadhwari was a genius. His grandfather was in the court of Acchana Dikshita. Appayya was born in 1554 in Virinnchipura in Tamilnadu.

Appayya was a poet, philosopher, scholar, devotee, Grammarian, Mimamsaka, Logician, Ritualist etc. He studied all the fourteen branches of knowledge at the feet of his teacher Nrisimha Ramaswamy.

Marriage and works:
A scholar named Ratnakheta Srinivasa wanted to defeat Appayya with the grace of the goddess Kamakshi. However, the goddess advised him to give his daughter in marriage to Appayya. 3uq: 3RIERU: ad CASTTH: | He did so. Appayya had two daughters and three son.

Many students came to him to receive education. ‘Bhattoji Dikshita came to him to learn Mimamsa and Vedanta

Appayya wrote 104 works on many subjects like Vyakarana, Vedanta, Alankara, etc. Among the Vedanta works Siddhantalesasangraha and Parimala vyakhya were famous. Sivakarnamritam and Sivarchanachandrika were his famous works devoted to Siva. Kuvalayananda and Chitramimamsa were Alankara works.

Appayya was invited by Vellere Chinabommanayaka to adorn his court. Appayya was epileptic. But when the king came to his house to observe his disease, Appayya transferred his disease on to his upper garment. Dikshita means one who performed sacrifices. Appayya performed more than 104 sacrifices including Somayaga, Vajapeya, etc. He even performed Viswajit. Once while he was performing a sacrifice, the king arrived there and offered him clothes, ornaments, etc. Which he immediately put in the fire. The fire god appeared wearing them.

Devotion of Siva :
Appayya was a devotee of Siva. To test his devotion, he ate dattura leaves and became mad. In that state, he recited Unmattapanchasat. The king honoured him with a shower of gold coins when Appayya completed his Sivarkamanidipika. राजा चं कनकाभिषेकेण सत्कृतवान्। Appayya built a temple for Siva with that gold in his native village. Though Appayya was a Tamilian he used Telugu idioms and proverbs. He praised Telugu language thus :

Being born in Andhra, knowing the language of Telugu, studying Prabhakara’s Mimamsa work, and belonging to the Yajurveda School are the fruit of not less penance.

Though the householder Appayya was in the path of action, his mind was in the path of detachment only. He spent his last days in the presence of Nataraja of Chidambara. He became one with Siva at the age of 72 in the year of 16261 He was considered the incarnation of Siva Himself. अप्पय्यः साक्षात् परमशिवस्य अवतारः।

लघु समाधान प्रश्नः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः कुत्र जन्म लेभे?
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः तमिळदेशे आरणिसमीपे अडयप्पलमिति ग्रामे जन्म लेभे |

प्रश्न 2.
रत्नखेटिश्रीनिवासस्य अभिलाषा का?
रत्नखेटश्रीनिवासस्य अभिलाषा – अप्पय्यः जेतव्यः, स्वपादयोः पातनीयः च इति।

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

प्रश्न 3.
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः आन्ध्रभाषां कथं प्रशशंस?
आन्ध्रत्वम् आन्ध्रभाषा च नाल्पस्य तपसः फलम् इति अप्पय्यः आन्ध्रभाषां – प्रशसंश।

एकपदसमाधान प्रश्नः One Word Answers

प्रश्न 1.
अप्पय्यदीक्षित इति पाठ्यांशस्य रचयित्री का?
अप्पय्यदीक्षित इति पाठ्यांशस्य रचयित्री सङ्का उषाराणी।

प्रश्न 2.
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः कस्य पुत्रः?
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः रङ्गराजाध्वरेः पुत्रः।

प्रश्न 3.
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः चतुर्दशविद्याः कस्मात् अधीतवान्?
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः चतुर्दशविद्याः नृसिंहरामस्वामिनः अधीतवान्।

सन्दर्भ वाक्यानि Annotations

1. अप्पय्यः असाधारणः वादे जेतुमशक्तः।
परिचय :
एतत् वाक्यम् अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्र इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री सङ्का उषाराणी।

सन्दर्भ :
अप्पय्यं जेतुं, स्वपादावनतं कर्तुं च रत्नखेटश्रीनिवासः अभिलषति स्म। तदर्थं सः काञ्चीपुरे कामाक्षीं प्रार्थितवान्। तदा देवी कामाक्षी अप्पय्यं जेतुं न शक्यते। तव पुत्रिकां तस्मै विवाहे प्रयच्छ इति उक्तवती।

भाव :
अप्पय्यः असामान्यः। वादे तं जेतुं न शक्यते।

2. राजा तं कनकाभिषेकेण सत्कृतवान्।
परिचय :
एतत् वाक्यम् अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्र इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री सङ्का उषाराणी।

सन्दर्भ :
अप्पय्यदीक्षितः शिवार्कमणिदीपिकां अरचयत्। तदा राजा चिनबोकनायकः तं कनकाभिषेकेण सत्कृतवान्। तेन हिरण्येन अप्पय्यः स्वग्रामे शिवालयं निर्मितवान्।

भाव :
राजा अप्पय्यदीक्षितं कनकाभिषेकं कृत्वा सम्मानितवान्।

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

3. अप्पय्यः साक्षात् परमशिवस्य अवतारः।
परिचय :
एतत् वाक्यम् अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्र इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री सङ्का उषाराणी।

सन्दर्भ :
केचन जनाः अन्तिमसमये अप्पय्यदीक्षितम् चिदम्बरे नटराजप्रतिमायां लीयमानम् अपश्यन्। तस्मिन्नेव समये गृहे अप्पय्यः

अभवत्। तेन सः परमेश्वरस्य अवतारः इति विज्ञाः मन्यन्ते स्म।

भाव :
अप्पय्यः साक्षात् परमेश्वरस्य अपरः अवतारः एव।


1. आडम्बरः – बामप्रदर्शनम् , डाम्बिकता, पटाटोपः
2. उन्मत्तता – चित्तभ्रान्तिः, मतिभ्रमः, उन्मादः, बुद्धिभ्रंशः, व्यामोहः

व्याकरणांशाः Grammar


1. नटराज + अनुग्रहेण = नटराजानुग्रहेण – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
2. चरण + अमृतसेवनम् = चरणामृतसेवनम् – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
3. दीक्षितः + अपि = दीक्षितोऽपि – विसर्गसन्धिः
4. भूसुरः + अम्बिके = भूसुरोऽम्बिके – विसर्गसन्धिः
5. कश्चित् + मदंशः = कश्चिन्मदंशः – अनुनासिकसन्धिः
6. अनयोः + एव = अनयोरेव – रेफादेशसन्धिः
7. कालकण्ठ + ईश्वरालयः = कालकण्ठेश्वरालयः – गुणसन्धिः
8. वदामि + इति = वदामीति – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
9. परम + आश्चर्यचकितः = परमाश्चर्यचकितः – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
10. पुनः + निर्माणम् = पुनर्निर्माणम् – विसर्गसन्धिः


1. महानन्दभरितः – महानन्दे भरितः – तृतीयातत्पुरुषसमासः
2. मातुलग्रामे – मातुलस्य ग्रामे – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
3. अर्घ्यपाद्यादिभिः – अर्घ्यं च पाद्यं च तदादयः, तैः – द्वन्द्वसमासः
4. अकिञ्चनः – न किञ्चनः – नञ् तत्पुरुषसमासः
5. पापपरिहाराय – पापस्य परिहाराय – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
6. अशेषम् – न शेषम् – नञ् तत्पुरुषसमासः
7. दत्तूरफलानि – दत्तूर इति फलम्, तानि – सं.पूर्व. कर्मधारयः
8. स्वपादयोः – स्वस्य पादाः स्वपादाः,तयोः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
9. स्वकन्याम् – स्वस्य कन्या, ताम् – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
10. कामनापूर्तिः – कामनायाः पूर्तिः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
11. स्वदुहितरम् – स्वस्य दुहिता, स्वदुहिता, ताम्- षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
12. गुरुप्रशंसाम् – गुरोः प्रशंसा – गुरुप्रशंसा, ताम् – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः

अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः Summary in English

अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः Introduction:

सङ्का उषाराणी भाग्यनगरे जन्म लेभे। अध्ययनस्य अधिकांशः तत्रैवा भवत्। बाल्यादेव देववाण्याम् अभिरुचेः कारणेन स्नातकोपाधिम्, स्नातकोत्तरोपाधिं च उस्मानिया-विश्वविद्यालयात् सम्प्राप्तवती। ततश्च तिरुपतिस्थे राष्ट्रिय संस्कृतविद्यापीठे व्याकरणाध्ययनं कृत्वा, सङ्गणकयन्त्रीय भाषाशास्त्रक्षेत्रे धातुकारका काङ्कायाः अध्ययनं विषयत्वेन स्वीकृत्य शोधं निरुह्य विद्यावारिध्युपाधि प्राप्तवती।

Sanka Usharani graduated from Osmania University, and later took her post-graduation degree also from the same University. Later she studied Vyakarana at Rashtriya Sanskrita Vidyapeeth, where she submitted her doctoral thesis in the field of Computational Linguistics.
The present lesson narrates the story of the great scholar Appayya Dikshita.

अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः Summary

Once a great scholar, who was a great devotee of Lord Siva wanted to test himself as to whether he was really a devotee or it was only a pretence. Man’s true nature would be known only when was out of his senses or mad. So I would become mad, and see what I would speak.’ Thus he thought and told his students that he would eat thorn apple (dattura). He asked them to write down whatever he uttered after that, and later give him the antidote. They agreed. He ate the thorn apple and became mad. What he spoke in that state became a collection of fifty poems. After taking the antidote, he came to his senses, and read what he prattled. Those poems proved the nature of Siva according to the authority of the Veda. They are called the Unmatta-panchasat or Atmarpanastuti. He became very happy on knowing his real nature.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

He was Appayya Dikshita, who was born in sixteenth century by the grace of Siva. He was affectionately called as Appa, Appai, Appaya, etc. He was given the name Vinayaka Subrahmanya in his childhood. He was born in his maternal uncle’s village Virinchipura. His forefathers lived in North Arcote district in Tamilnadu.

In Sivarahasya his birth was indicated as – Dikshita will take birth with part of my power, and he will be a follower of tradition having taken birth in a Saivite family.

He was born in 1554 in the year of Pramadheecha, in the Ashadha month, on the first day of Dark fortnight in the lagna of Kanya when the star was Uttarashadha in a family of scholars. His father Rangarajadhwari, a great scholar and genius. His grandfather Acchana Dikshita was in the court of Krishnadevaraya. Appayya learn all the sciences from them. Appayya had a brother whose name was also Acchana. Neelakantha Dikshita, a great Sanskrit poet was the grandson of Acchana.

He was versatile like Adi Sankara, and was a poet, philosopher, scholar, devotee, Grammarian, Mimamsaka, Logician, Ritualist etc. By region, he was a Vaishnava but an Advaiti according to the family tradition. He studied all the fourteen branches of knowledge at the feet of his teacher Nrisimha Ramaswamy.

There was a scholar by the name Ratnakheta Srinivasa in the court of the Cholas. When he heard about the scholarship and fame of Appayya, he wanted to defeat him and make him touch his feet. He went to Kanchi and prayed to the Goddess for skills in argument. The Goddess said that it was not possible to defeat Appayya, and advised him to give his daughter in marriage to him. Then he would touch your feet as you would be his father-in-law. At the same time, Siva appeared in Appayya’s dream and asked him to go to Kanchi. There Srinivas gave his daughter in marriage to him. He had two daughters Marakatavalli and Mangalamba, and three sons Umamaheswara, Neelakantha, and Chandravatamsa.

Many students came to him to receive education. Bhattoji Dikshita came to him to learn Mimamsa and Vedanta. He heard about him and came meet to him from a great distance. He thought such a person who had access to the court halls of the kings, before whom every one bow down, who had thousands of disciples and who authored many books, would be ostentatious, but Appayya was in a hut, wore dirty clothes and seemed to be penniless. He wrote praising his teacher in astonishment –

I bow down to Appayya Dikshita, the teacher of all sciences, understanding and not understanding of whose works become the condition for being a scholar or non-scholar.

Appayya wrote 104 works on many subjects like Vyakarana, Vedanta, Alankara etc. Among the Vedanta works Siddhantalesasangraha and Parimala vyakhya were famous. Sivakarnamritam and Sivarchanachandrika were his famous works devoted to Siva. Kuvalayananda and Chitramimamsa were Alankara works. Durgachandrakalastuti, Varadarajastava etc. works stand as examples of his establishing different philosophies of deities according the authority of the Veda. Nyaya-rakshanamani and Yadav abhyudam were his commentary works.

Many kings from Tanjavur, Tirupathi, Kalahasti invited him. After his father’s death the king of Vellore Chinabommanayaka invited him. He built a house called Sarvatobhadra for Appayya. Tatacharya, who was the court scholar became jealous of him, and tried to kill him.

Appayya was a devotee of high order. He always went to the temple, and prayed.

It is a rule that a person suffering from any disease should not be appointed to an important post. But Appayya was epileptic. When someone informed the king of this, the latter wanted to see for himself whether it was true or false. So when Appayya had a seizure, the king was informed. But when the king went to the house of Appayya, the latter welcomed him with a smile. The surprised king asked him about his disease. Appayya replied that on knowing that the king was arriving, he left his disease on his upper garment. The garment was shivering like an epileptic patient. The king was astonished, and bowed to him. Appayya’s disease never hampered his teaching or writing activities, nor his religious practices. Though he was able to eliminate his fate, he chose to experience it and nullify it. Thus he set an example that everyone should accept their fate.

Dikshita means one who performed sacrifices. Appayya performed more than 104 sacrifices including Somayaga, Vajapeya etc. He even performed Viswajit. Once while he was performing a sacrifice, the king arrived there and offered him clothes, ornaments etc. Which he immediately put in the fire. The king became angry at this. Then Appayya showed fire god in the flames. The fire god appeared wearing the very clothes and ornaments offered by the king. On seeing this, the king became very happy.

Though Appayya was a devotee of Siva, he never criticized Vishnu. Scholars are of the opinion that he was born to propagate Saivism. The king honoured with a shower of gold coins when Appayya completed his Sivarkamanidipika. Appayya built a temple for Siva with that gold in his native village. In Adayappalam that Kalakantheswara temple exists even now, where the life of Appayya was engraved on stones.

Though Appayya was a Tamilian by birth, he was well acquainted with the people, language and customs of Andhra. He used Telugu idioms and proverbs. He praised Telugu language thus :

Being born in Andhra, knowing the language of Telugu, studying Prabhakara’s Mimamsa work, and belonging to the Yajurveda School are the fruit of not less penance.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 अप्पय्यदीक्षितेन्द्रः

Though the householder Appayya was in the path of action, his mind was in the path of detachment only. He spent his last days in the presence of Nataraja of Chidambara. He became one with Siva, having become fulfilled in all his activities, and having been released from the worldly bondages at the age of 72 in the year of 1626. On his last day he was seen by some devotees sitting on the Panchakshara steps in the temple, and getting merged in the statue of Nataraja. At the same time Appayya breathed his last at home. Because of such extraordinary activities of his, he was considered to be the incarnation of Siva. We become blessed on knowing such a great person’s history.

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