AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 3 बोपदेवः

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् 3rd Lesson बोपदेवः Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Upavachakam 3rd Lesson बोपदेवः

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
राजसान्नवाच्याः के भवन्ति?
अतिकषायपदार्थः, अतिलवणम्, अत्युष्णापदार्थः, अतिक्षारपदार्थः, अत्याम्लपदार्थः, अतिक्षातिदाहपदठार्थाः राजसान्नवाच्या भवन्ति।

प्रश्न 2.
सर्वेषां प्राणिनां प्राणधारणं कस्यधीनं वर्तते?
बोपदेवविरचितः व्याकरणशास्त्रग्रन्थः मुग्धबोधः।

बोपदेवः Summary in English

बोपदेवः Introduction:

बोपदेव इति पाठ्यांशः श्रीवागीश्वरी शिवराममहोदयविरचितात् ‘बालकथामाला’ इत्यस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः। कार्यसिद्धिपर्यन्तं प्रयत्नः कर्तव्य एवेति, आत्मबलेन सर्वं सिद्ध्यतीति बोधयितुम् एषा कथा उपनिबद्धा।

The lesson Bopadeva is taken from the Balakathamala written by Vageeswari Sivarama. This story tells that one should put effort till the work is accomplished, and everything will be successful by will power.

बोपदेवः Summary

There was a student named Bopadeva in a Gurukula (residential school). All the students there were very intelligent. All of them used to grasp immediately the lesson taught by the teacher. But Bopadeva could not understand even after the teacher explained to him repeatedly. Grammar was the most difficult of all the subjects to him. All the inmates of the Asrama used to laugh at him. They called him “Murkhasikhamani” (dull-head). Even the teacher was unable to make him a scholar. Bopadeva became very by the criticism.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 3 बोपदेवः

Unable to bear the insult and abuse, one day he left the Asrama without informing anyone and started for his village. He became tired by running. His clothes were dirty, hair was loose and face was dusty. He was thirsty also. He saw a village on the way. He wanted to drink water there. He saw a well. There were many women drawing water from the well. He went there and asked for some water. On seeing his condition, filled with pity, they gave him water. One of the women asked Bopadeva, “Where are you coming from ?” He told them everything and said that he was unable to study grammar, and hence became dejected, and was going to his place. On hearing this conversation, another intelligent woman asked him to come to her. Having lifted her waterpot from the top of the well, she indicated him to see that place. Bopadeva did so.

He could not see anything there. That intelligent one asked him to see once again. He again looked at that place. He saw the stone was worn out. Even then he could not understand the inner meaning of the words of the intelligent one. He hung his head sadly.

Then the intelligent one said, “Brother. By placing the water-pot at the same place every day, even a stone has become worn out. Thus by again and again studying, even a .. difficult subject can be understood. Continuous practice is required.”

On hearing her words, Bopadeva regained his confidence. Having thanked her, he returned to the Gurukula. He concentrated on his studies, and became a scholar in a few years. He became famous by writing a simple book on grammar Mugdhabodha for an easy comprehension of grammar.

बोपदेवः Translation in English

कस्मिंश्चित् गुरुकुले बोपदेवः नाम छात्रः आसीत्। तस्मिन् गुरुकुले सर्वे छात्राः चतुराः। ते सर्वे अपि गुरुणा पाठितं पाठं शीघ्रम् एव जानन्ति स्म। किन्तु। बोपदेवः गुरुणा पुनः पुनः पाठितस्सन्नपि ज्ञातुम् असमर्थः आसीत्। तस्य सर्वेषु शास्त्रेषु व्याकरणम् अतीव कठिनम्। आश्रमस्थाः सर्वे छात्राः तम् उपहसन्ति स्म। ते “मूर्खशिखामणिः” इति च कथयन्ति स्म। गुरुः अपि तं सुशिक्षितं कर्तुं न शक्तवान्। बोपदेवः निन्दावचनैः अतीव दुःखम् अनुभूतवान्।

There was a student named Bopadeva in a Gurukula (residential school). All the students there were very intelli· gent. All of them used to grasp immediately the lesson taught by the teacher. But Bopadeva could not understand even after the teacher explained to him repeatedly. Grammar was the most difficult of all the subjects to him. All the inmates of the Asrama used to laugh at him. They called him “Murkhasikhamani” (dull-head). Even the teacher was unable to make him a scholar. Bopadeva became very by the criticism.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 3 बोपदेवः

सः एकदा अपमानं हिंसां च असहमानः कस्यापि अनुक्त्वा एव आश्रमात् स्वग्राम प्रति प्रस्थितवान्। धावित्वा सः अतीव श्रान्तः। वस्त्र मलिनम्, केशाः विकीर्णः मुखं च रजोमयम्। तृषा च तं पीडयति। मार्गे एक: ग्रामः दृष्ट:। सः तत्र जलं पातुम् इष्टवान्। एक कूपं दृष्टवान्। अनेकाः स्त्रियः कूपात् जलम् उद्धरन्ति स्म। तत्र आगत्य सः जलं याचितवान्। तस्य स्थितिं दृष्ट्वा करुणापूर्णाः ताः जलं दत्तवत्यः। एका वनिता बोपदेवप्.- “कुतः आगमनम्” इति पृष्टवती। सः सर्व निवेद्य व्याकरणाध्ययने अहमसमर्थः निराशा च सजाता, अतः स्वग्राम गमिष्यामि इति उक्तवान् एतत् सम्भाषणं श्रुत्वा अन्या एका चतुरा त स्वसमापम् आहुचता। कूपस्य शिलायाः उपरि स्थापितं घटम् उद्धृत्य एतत् स्थलं पश्यतु” इति सूचितवती। बोपदेवः तथैव कृतवान्।

Unable to bear the insult and abuse, one day he left the Asrama without informing anyone and started for his village. He became tired by running. His clothes were dirty, hair was loose and face was dusty. He was thirsty also. He saw a village on the way. He wanted to drink water there. He saw a well. There were many women drawing water from the well. He went there and asked for some water. On seeing his condition, filled with pity, they gave him water. One of the women asked Bopadeva, “Where are you coming from?” He told them everything and said that he was unable to study grammar, and hence became dejected, and was going to his place. On hearing this conversation, another intelligent woman asked him to come to her. Having lifted her waterpot from the top of the well, she indicated him to see that place. Bopadeva did so.

सः तत्र किमपि न दृष्टवान्। सा चतुरा पुनः एकवारं द्रष्टुंप्रचदितवती। सः पुनः सम्यक् दृष्टवान्। सः शिलायाः उपरि एक गर्तं दृष्टवान्। तथापि तस्याः चतुरायाः वाण्याः गूढार्थं सः न ज्ञातवान्। म्लानवदनस्य तस्य मस्तकम् अवनतम्।

He could not see anything there. That intelligent one asked him to see once again. He again looked at that place. He saw the stone was worn out. Even then he could not understand the inner meaning of the words of the intelligent one. He hung his head sadly.

तदा सा चतुरा – “सहोदर ! प्रतिदिनम् एकस्मिन् एव स्थले घटस्य स्थापनेन शिलायाम् अपि लघुगतः सञ्जातः। एवम् एव पुनः पुनः अभ्यसनेन कठिनविषयः अपि अवगतः भवति। निरन्तरम् अभ्यासः अत्यावश्यकः” इति उक्तवती।

Then the intelligent one said. “Brother. By placing the water-pot at the same place every day, even a stone has become worn out. Thus by again and again studying, even a difficult subject can be understood. Continuous practice is required.”

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 3 बोपदेवः

तस्याः वचनं श्रुत्वा बोपदेवः आत्मविश्वास प्राप्तवान्। तस्यै कृतज्ञतां समर्थ्य सः गुरुकुलं प्रतिनिवृत्तः। श्रद्धया विद्याभ्यासं कृत्वा कतिपयेषु वर्षेषु एव पण्डितः अभवत्। व्याकरणस्य सुखबोधाय सः मुग्धबोधः इति एक सरलग्रन्थं रचयित्वा सुप्रसिद्धः अभवत्।

On hearing her words, Bopadeva regained his confidence. Having thanked her, he returned to the Gurukula. He concentrated on his studies, and became a scholar in a few years. He became famous by writing a simple book on grammar Mugdhabodha for an easy comprehension of grammar.

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