AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 4 त्यागस्य मीहमा

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् 4th Lesson त्यागस्य मीहमा Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Upavachakam 4th Lesson त्यागस्य मीहमा

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
सर्वे छत्राः बोपदेवं किमिति कथयन्ति स्म?
कृपणस्य अग्रे गमनं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे अट्टहासं कृतवन्तः।

प्रश्न 2.
बोपदेवविरचितः व्याकरणशास्रग्रन्थः कः?
कृपणः महान्तं त्यागं कृतवान्। तेन कारणेन सम्मानितवान्।

त्यागस्य मीहमा Summary in English

त्यागस्य मीहमा Introduction:

भारतीय इतिहासे साहित्ये च बोधकथानां महान् भाण्डारम् अस्ति। एताः कथाः सत्कथाः वास्तविक्यः च सन्ति। यतोऽहि एतासु कथासु ये भावाः संदेशाः च सन्ति ते सर्वेऽपि वास्तविकाः सन्ति। बहोः कालादारभ्य एताः कथाः जनान् परमं सत्यं प्रति प्रेरयन्ति। बोधकथाः प्रथमं हिन्दीभाषायाम् अशोककौशिकः रचितवान्। डा. सजीवः संस्कृतभाषायाम् अनूदितवान् ||

There is a lot of treasure of moral stories in Sanskrit literature. These are good and true stories. Hence the ideas and the message contained in these stories are true. For a long time these stories have been encouraging people towards the highest truth. These stories were written in Hindi by Ashok Kausik, and were translated in to Sanskrit by Dr. Sanjeev.

त्यागस्य मीहमा Summary

There was a miser living in a town. Not only had the people of his town, but also those of surrounding towns and villages known about his miserliness. However, a miser is a miser. He never cared about such things.

By the good luck of the miser, once the study of epic stories (purana-kalakshepam) was organized in the temple in the town where he lived. The story telling went for a few days. The miser also became good intentioned. He started to go to listen the story every day. The people at the venue of the story telling did not respect him feeling that he was a miser. Still he sat in a corner at the venue and listened to the story. Every day at the end of the story, he got up silently and went home.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 4 त्यागस्य मीहमा

On the concluding day of the story telling there was a programme of mahaprasad (great offering to the god), where different kinds of offerings were prepared. Two days before the end of the story telling, the story teller announced : “Day after tomorrow it will be conclusion of the story, and there will be distribution of prasad. Arrangements are being made for preparation of maha-prasad. For that you can donate as you wish. Those who want to contribute can bring their donation tomorrow.”

Everyone brought according to his devotion. They offered it at the donation place and took their seats. No one gave the chance for the miser to go before him.

The miser’s turn came after all of them went and offered their donation. Seeing that the miser was going forward, everyone laughed aloud. On seeing a soiled bag in his hand, they laughed more thus : “Oh, will he also donate ?” But the miser did not mind the scorn of the devotees.

The miser went forward and bowed to the storyteller. He paid his obeisance to the god also. When he opened the bag, and offered his donation, people heard the sound of clink clink. Everyone was surprised. The miser offered gold coins ! On seeing it the people were still more surprised. After offering them, when the miser was about to return to his place, then the storyteller told him : ‘You please come take seat on the dais.”

The miser replied poignantly –
“It becomes not an honour to me, but a respect to the gold coins.”

The scholar said –
“No. It is not respect for the gold coins. The coins were with you previously also. But you did not receive such a re· spect then. Respect is for your sacrifice. You have made a great sacrifice today. Hence you are honoured.”

This is the greatness of sacrifice. The miser became immediately honourable. He also became a great businessman and rich person. He was respected by all.

त्यागस्य मीहमा Translation in English

एकस्मिन् नगरे एकः कृपणः वसति स्म। तस्य कार्पण्यं न केवलं तस्मिन् नंगरे, अपि तु नगरं परितः नगरग्रामेषु जनाः जानन्ति स्म। परं कृपणस्तु कृपण एव भवति। सः एतस्मिन् विषये अवधानं न ददाति स्म।

There was a miser living in a town. Not only had the people of his town, but also those of surrounding towns and villages known about his miserliness. However, a miser is a miser. He never cared about such things.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 4 त्यागस्य मीहमा

कृपणस्य भाग्येन यस्मिन् नगरे सः वसति स्म तस्मिन् एव नगरे स्थिते मन्दिरे एकदा कथायाः आयोजनं जातम्। कथा कतिचन दिनानि प्राचलत्। कृपणस्यापि सुबुद्धिः आगता। सोऽपि कथा श्रोतुं प्रतिदिनं गमनम् आरब्धवान्। कथास्थले जनाः तं कृपणः इति मत्वा तस्मै आदरं न प्रयच्छन्ति स्म। तथापि स प्रतिदिनं कथामण्डपे एकस्मिन् कोणे उपविश्य कथां शृणोति स्म। प्रतिदिनं कथासमाप्त्य नन्तरं मौनेन उत्थाय स्वगृहं गच्छति स्म।

By the good luck of the miser, once the study of epic stories (purana-kalakshepam) was organized in the temple in the town where he lived. The story telling went for a few days. The miser also became good intentioned. He started to go to listen the story every day. The people at the venue of the story telling did not respect him feeling that he was a miser. Still he sat in a corner at the venue and listened to the story. Every day at the end of the story, he got up silently and went home.

कथायाः समापनदिने महाप्रसादस्य कार्यक्रमः आसीत्, यस्मिन् बहाव्यप्रसादाना निर्माण भवति। कथासमाप्तेः दिनद्वयात्पूर्व कथावाचकः सूचना प्रसारितवान् यत् “परश्वः कथासमाप्तिः महाप्रसादस्य वितरणम् च भविष्यति। अतः महाप्रसादस्य व्यवस्था करणीया अस्ति। तन्निमित्तं भवद्भिः यन्निपि समर्पयितुं शक्यते। ये दातुमिच्छन्ति ते श्वः आनीय अर्पयन्तु” इति।

On the concluding day of the story telling there was a pro-gramme of mahaprasad (great offering to the god), where different kinds of offerings were prepared. Two days before the end of the story telling, the story teller announced : “Day after tomorrow it will be conclusion of the story, and there will be distribution of Prasad. Arrangements are being made for preparation of mahaprasad. For that you can donate as you wish. Those who want to contribute can bring their donation tomorrow.”

स्वश्रद्धानुगुणं सर्वे किमपि किमपि आनीतवन्तः। समर्पणवेदिकाया समर्थ्य स्व-स्व स्थाने उपविशन्ति स्म। महान् जनसम्मर्दः आसीत्। कृपणाय अत्रे गन्तु कऽपि अवकाशमेव न ददाति स्म।

Everyone brought according to his devotion. They offered it at the donation place and took their seats. No one gave the chance for the miser to go before him.

कृपणस्य क्रमः तदा आगतः यदा सर्वे गत्वा स्वीय समर्पण कृपवन्तः। कृपणस्य अग्रे गमनं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे अट्टहासं कृतवन्तः। तस्य हस्ते मलिनग्रन्थी दृष्टवा जनाः इतोऽपि हसितवन्तः “एषः अपि दानं करिष्यति बा?” इति। परं कृपणः भक्तानां अट्टहासे अवधानं न कृतवान्॥

The misér’s turn came after all of them went and offered their donation. Seeing that the miser was going forward, everyone laughed aloud. On seeing a soiled bag in his hand, they laughed more thus : “Oh, will he also donate ?” But the miser did not mind the scorn of the devotees.

कृपणः अग्रे गतवान्, कथावाचक नमस्कृतवान्। भगवत प्रणाम कृतवान्। तदनन्तर स्वीयां ग्रन्थीम् उद्धाट्य यदा स्वीयराशेः समर्पणं कृतवान् तदा जनाः डन्खन् इति शब्द श्रुतवन्तः। सर्वे आश्चर्यचकिताः। कृपणः सुवर्णस्य नाणकानि आप्तवान् तद्दष्ट्रा ते इतोऽपि चकिताः। समर्पणस्य अनन्तरं यदा सः स्वीयं स्थानं प्रति गन्तुम् उद्युक्तः तदा कथावाचकः उक्तवान् – “भवान् अत्र आगच्छतु मञ्चे उपविशतु” इति।

The miser went forward and bowed to the storyteller. He paid his obeisance to the god also. When he opened the bag, and offered his donation, people heard the sound of clinkclink. Everyone was surprised. The miser offered gold coins ! On seeing it the people were still more surprised. After offering them, when the miser was about to return to his place, then the storyteller told him : “You please come take seat on the dais”.

कृपणः तदा अभिमानेनोक्तवान् –
“एतन्मय आदरः न अपि तु सुवर्णनाणकानामुपार आदरः भवति” इति ॥

The miser replied poignantly –
“It becomes not an honour to me, but a respect to the gold coins.”

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 4 त्यागस्य मीहमा

कथावाचकः उक्तवान् –
“नैव, सुवर्णनाणकानाम् उपरि आदरः न, एतानि नाणकानि इतः पूर्वं भवतः समीपे एव आसन्, तथापि एष आदरः भवता न प्राप्तः। आदरः तु भवतः त्यागस्य भवति । अद्य भवान् महान्तं त्यागं कृतवान्। अतः भवान् सम्मानितः सजातः अस्ति इति।”

The scholar said:
“No. It is not respect for the gold coins. The coins were with you previously also. But you did not receive such a respect then: Respect is for your sacrifice. You have made a great sacrifice today. Hence you are honoured.”

एवम् भवति त्यागस्य महिमा। कृपणः सद्य एव सम्मानितः। महाव्यापारी धनिकः च। जातः। सर्वैः सम्माननमपि प्राप्तवान्।

This is the greatness of sacrifice. The miser became immediately honourable. He also became a great businessman and rich person. He was respected by all.

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