Telangana SCERT TS 7th Class English Study Material Pdf Unit 8B Trees Textbook Questions and Answers.
TS 7th Class English Guide Unit 8B Trees
Read the following poem :
Trees are the kindest Things I know,
They do no harm, they simply grow
And spread a shade for sleepy cows,
And gather birds among their boughs……….
They give us fruit in leaves above,
And wood to make our houses of,
And leaves to bum on Halloween
And in the Spring new buds of green.
They are the first when day’s begun
To touch the beams of morning sun,
They are the last to hold the light
When evening changes in to night,
And when a moon floats on the sky
They hum a drowsy lullaby
Of sleepy children long ago…..
Trees are the kindest things I Know. – Harry Behn
I. Answer the following questions :
Question 1.
Who is ‘I’ in this poem ?
The poet is ‘I’ in the poem.
Question 2.
What do trees give us ?
The trees give shade for sleepy cows and shelter for birds.
Question 3.
What is the tree compared to in this poem ?
The trees is compared to a kind mother. “And when a moon floats on the sky; They hum a drowsy lullaby; of sleepy children long ago” from these lines the tree is a kind mother.
Question 4.
What is the poet’s attitude towards trees ? Pick out lines or words that de¬scribe his attitude.
The poet thinks that the trees are the kindest things he knows. From the words of the poem “They do no harm, they simply grow… We can conclude that the poet has a great consideration on trees.
Question 5.
Do you like trees ? Give reasons for your views.
Yes, I like trees. They give us cool shade in hot summer. They give us fruits to eat. They give us their wood to construct our houses.
Question 6.
What is the most touching stanza in the poem ? Why do you think so ?
The most touching stanza in the poem is “And when a moon floats on the sky”
They hum a drowsy lullaby.
Of sleepy children long ago
The above lines depict the tree as the mother who lulls her sleeping child. She is the kindest of all.
II. Try to write a parallel poem about an animal you like. You may follow the structure of the above poem and start like this :
Cows are the useful animals I know
They give us milk and dung, you know.
They are worshipped as God,
They are useful to us for many ways good,
They eat grass
Yet, they serve us many ways.
Work hard is what a cow tells
A cow is a teacher always.
Collect the pictures of poisonous, and non-poisonous snakes. Collect related news items from newspapers and paste them on a chart. Make a presentation in the class. Later, display it on the wall magazine.
Poisonous Snakes
King Cobra :
The King Cobra is a large and powerful snake. King Cobras skin is either olive-green, tan, or black and it has faint, pale yellow cross bands down the length of the body. The belly is cream or pale yellow and the scales are smooth. People treat King Cobra as God in India.
Indian Krait:
Found in most of the India. These are also called as Bungarus. These species contain neurotoxin venom that is 16 times more powerful than cobra venom. Krait venom is extremely powerful and quickly induces muscle paralysis.
Russell’s Viper :
Head of the Russell’s Viper is flattened, triangular also distinct from the neck. The snout of the Viper is blunt, raised and rounded.
Most considerable thing about this snake is the amount of venoun produced by it. The symptoms of the bite are pain at the bite, immediately followed by swelling of the affected extremity. There is a drop in blood pressure and the heart rate falls.
Non Poisonous Snakes
A Young Rat Snake is around 1.5 feet long and is a non venomous snake. It bites, but does not have any venom. It is named Rat Snake because that is what it feeds on.
Trees Summary in English
Trees are the kindest of all because they don’t harm us but give shelter to cows and birds in their shade. They give us fruit, wood, leaves and green buds in spring. They are the first and the last to hold the light of the sun.
boughs (n) = branches (literary use)
Usage: The Banyan tree’s boughs are widely spread.
halloween (n) = the night of 31 October when children dress in special clothes and people try to frighten each other
beams (n) = rays
Usage: The Sim’s beams reflect on river water.
drowsy (adj) = sleepy
Usage: He was drowsy in the class.
lullaby (n) = a song we sing to help a child fall asleep.
Usage: Her teaching is like a lullaby to the students.