Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year English Study Material Intermediate 1st Year English Grammar Phrasal Verbs Questions and Answers.
AP Intermediate 1st Year English Grammar Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition or both. Typically, their meaning is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselves.
For example
He looks down on his colleagues because he thinks he is better than they are :
In this sentence, the phrasal verb ‘to look down on’ doesn’t mean that he is looking down from a higher place at his colleagues who are below him ; it means that he thinks that his colleagues are inferior to him.
The verb in this group can help you with the meaning of the verb phrase.
This group requires memorizing their meaning.
In both groups you can place a noun or a pronoun between the verb and the particle.
1. Kiran picks up the children from school.
2. Kiran picks the children up from school.
3. Kiran picks them up from school.
Look at the following sentences and identify the verbal phrases.
E.g. If you bear with me for a few more minutes, we will have all the paper work finished.
1. She was very sad since morning. When I asked her the reason she broke into tears.
2. I broke her iPad and she blew up at me.
3. Sanjay is ill so we will have to call the party off.
4. I gave up learning music because I was too busy with my studies.
5. It’s nearly time for bed. So hurry up and finish your homework.
6. I’m not living up to my parents’ dreams: they want me to be a doctor like my father, but I want to be an actor.
7. Look up the meaning of new English words in your dictionary.
8. He made up lies about me. 1
9. Fans queued up for hours to see the film first day.
10. What time are we setting off ?
Study the following verbal phrases and their use in sentences.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct phrasal verb from the parenthesis at the end of the sentence.
Question 1.
The medicine only ______ infected tissue. (acts on /acts out)
acts on
Question 2.
As we were in the area, we _____ my sister-in-law..(called on/called off)
called on
Question 3.
We’re going to have to _____ our trip to Delhi until September, (put up/put off)
put off
Question 4.
The police would not ____ to the kidnapper’s demands. (give up/give in)
give in
Question 5.
The film ______ alienation in modern life. (deals with/ deals in)
deals with
Question 6.
Have you ever _____ such an unusual price of art ? (come forward/come across)
come across
Question 7.
It’s important to ____ on time, (show up / show off)
show up
Question 8.
_____ your feet when walking; you don’t want to trip! (uplift/lift up)
Lift up
Question 9.
He ____ his hat to show me his new haircut (took off/ took up)
made up
Question 10.
He ____ that he was ill so that he didn’t have to go to school, (made out / made up)
took off