AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

Students get through AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions 3rd Lesson Science of Plants – Botany which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions 3rd Lesson Science of Plants – Botany

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Explain how the term Botany has emerged. [AP M -19]

  1. The term Botany is derived from the Greek word Bouskein, which means cattle feed.
  2. In course of time Bouskein gave rise to Botane and hence the term Botany is derived.

Question 2.
Name the books written by Parasara and mention the important aspects discussed in those books. [AP M-17, 20]
The books written by Parasara are: “Krishi Parasaram” and “Vrikshayurveda”.

  1. Krishiparsaram deals with agriculture and weeds.
  2. Vrikshayurvedam deals with the types of forests and characters of plants including medicinal plants.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany
Question 3.
Who is popularly known as father of Botany? What was the book written by him?

  1. Theophrastus is popularly known as Father of Botany. [AP &TS M-16]
  2. The book written by him is deHistoria Plantarum.

Question 4.
Who are Herbalists? What are the books written by them?

  1. The scientists who identified and described the Medicinal plants technically are called the Herbalists.
  2. The books written by them are called Herbals.

Question 5.
What was the contribution of Carolus Von Linnaeus for the development of plant taxonomy?

  1. “Carolus Von Linnaeus” popularised the “Binomial Nomenclature system”.
  2. He proposed “Sexual system” of classification.

Question 6.
Why is Mendel considered as the father of Genetics? [TS M-17]

  1. Mendel conducted hybridisation experiments on pea plants and also introduced the laws of inheritance in 1866.
  2. After this a considerable progress was seen in Botany. So, he is declared as Father of Genetics.

Question 7.
Who discovered the cell and what was the book written by him? [TS May-17,22] [IPE-Mar-14]

  1. Robert Hooke discovered the cell.
  2. The book written by him is Micro graphia.

Question 8.
What is Palaeobotany? What is its use? [AP M-17, 22] [TS M- 15,17,20]

  1. Palaeobotany is the study of fossil plants.
  2. It helps in understanding the course of evolution in plants.

Question 9.
Name the branches of Botany which deal with the chlorophyllous autotrophic thallophytes and non-chlorophyllous heterotrophic thallophytes.

  1. Phycology deals with the study of chlorophyllous autotrophic thallophytes (Algae)
  2. Mycology deals with the study of non-chlorophyllous heterotrophic thallophytes (fungi)

Question 10.
What are the groups of plants that live as symbionts in lichens? Name the study of lichens.

  1. The plants that live as symbionts in lichens are algae and fungi.
  2. The study of lichens is called Lichenology.

Question 11.
Which group of plants is called vascular cryptogams? Name the branch of Botany which deals with them? [TSM-19][AP May-19]

  1. Pteridophytes are called Vascular cryptogams.
  2. Pteridology is the branch that deals with pteridophytes.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

Question 12.
Which group of plants is called amphibians of plant kingdom? Name the branch of Botany which deals with them. [TS M-22]

  1. Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom
  2. The branch of botany that deals with bryophytes is Bryology.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Explain the brief the scope of Botany in relation to agriculture, horticulture and medicine.
I) Botany in relation to agriculture, and horticulture:

  1. Experiments in hybridization, genetic engineering and techniques of plant breeding are useful to develop high-yielding varieties of crops like rice, wheat, mary gold etc in the field of Agriculture and Horticulture.
  2. Knowledge of plant physiology like the study of role of plant hormones in plant growth helps to improve agriculture and horticulture.
  3. Knowledge of plant pathology helps to control and prevent several plant diseases.

II)Botanyin relation to medicine:

  1. Study of plants like Neem, Arnica, Belladona, Cinchona, Datura, Rauwolfia, Ocimum having medicinal value are important to explore them for human health care. These lead to the development of Ayurvedic & Homoeopathic pharmacies.
  2. Production of antibiotics like Penicillin, bioinsecticides is made possible through study of product yielding plants.

Question 2.
Explain the scope of Botany taking plant physiology as example,

  1. Plant physiology helps to known the role of minerals in plant nutrition.
  2. Plant physiology helps in the rational usage of chemical fertilizers and control ofmineral deficiencies.
  3. Role of plant hormones in plant growth and development can be understood.
  4. Herbicidal control of weeds, breaking seed dormancy is dealt in plant physiology.
  5. The other benefits of plant physiology are rooting of stem cuttings for vegetative propagation, artificial ripening of fruits like apple, banana and water melons, enhancement of shelf period of leafy vegetables like spinach.

Question 3.
What are the different branches of Botany that deal with morphology of plants? Give their salient features.
1) Morphology deals with the study and description of different organisms of a plant.

2) It is the fundamental requisite for classification of plants. It can be divided into two parts.

  • External Morphology: It is the study and description of external characters of plant organs like roots, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed.
  • Internal Morphology: It is the study of internal structure of different plant organs.

It has two branches.

  1. Histology is the study of different tissues present in the plant body.
  2. Anatomy deals with the study of gross internal details of plant organs like root, stem, leaf, flower etc.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Give a comprehensive account on the scope of Botany in different fields giving an example for each.
1) Scope of Botany in Agriculture:

  1. Enhancement of crop yield through Green revolution solves the problem of ‘decreasing re¬sources and increasing population’.
  2. New techniques of plant breeding are useful to develop hybrid varieties in crop plants like rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane etc.
  3. Soil and water pollution caused by chemical fertilizers can be avoided by using biofertilizers.
  4. Crop cultivation refers to the origin of human civilization.

2) Scope of Botany in Horticulture:

  1. Progress in horticulture is possible through experiments in hybridization and genetic engineering.
  2. Experiments in tissue and organ culture made it possible to produce large number of plants in the laboratory (micro propagation) with in a short duration of time.

3) Scope of Botany in Medicine:

  1. Study on plants like Arnica, Cinchona, Neem, Datura, Ocimum, Rauwolfla, Aloe, Withania having medicinal value are important to explore for human health care.
  2. Production of antibiotics like Penicillin, bioinsecticides, single cell proteins made possible through the study of product yielding plants.

4) Scope of Botany in Plant physiology:

  1. Hybridization and Genetic Engineering experiments improve applied fields like Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Floriculture.
  2. Hybrid varieties in crop plants like Rice, Wheat, Maize is possible through plant breeding.
  3. Knowledge of plant physiology is useful in rational usage of chemical fertilizers.
  4. Plant pathology is helpful in the prevention and eradication of several plant diseases.

5) Scope of Botany in Industries:

  1. Industries like Cloth mills, Paper mills, Ayurvedic pharmacies, Sugar mills could be developed due to Botany.
  2. Knowledge of commercially important plant products like timber, fibres, coffee, tea, rubber, gums, aromatic oils is of great importance for their exploitation.
  3. Fuels like petrol, coke, gasoline, petrol are past formed products of fossil plants.
  4. Petroplants like Jatropa, Pongamia produce bio-diesel.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

6) Scope of Botany in Environment:

  1. Intensive tree plantation control green house effect.
  2. Usage of biofertilizers like Azolla, Nostoc and recycling of nutrients by saprophytic organisms avoid soil and water pollution.

7) Other uses:

  1. Usage of algae like chlorella as food for astronauts in space research programme and extraction of iodine, agar agar from sea weeds indicate wide scope of Botany for the contemporary world.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Father of Biology is
1) A. P.de Candolle
2) A. W.Eichler
3) Aristotle
4) Theophrastus
3) Aristotle

Question 2.
TCA cycle was discovered by
1) Rendel
2) V. Ramdas
3) Bessy
4) Hans Krebs
4) Hans Krebs

Question 3.
Herbals are
1. Books written by herbalists
2.Collection of herbaceous plants of a particular area
3. Herbarium of various types of plants
4. Flora of a particular region
1. Books written by herbalists

Question 4.
Anatomy deals with the study of
1. Different tissues in the plant body
2. Gross internal structure of plant organs
3. Formation of gametes
4. Vital activites of plants
2. Gross internal structure of plant organs

Question 5.
The branch of botany which deals with multiplication of cells is
1) Phytogeography
2) Bryology
3) Cytology
4) Palynology
3) Cytology

Question 6.
Ptcridology is the study of
1) Phaenerogams
2) Angiosperms
3) Vascular cryptogams
4) Amphibians of plant kingdom
3) Vascular cryptogams

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

Question 7.
Vrikshayurveda contains information on
1. Medicinal plants
2. Crop plants
3. Fruit trees
4. Flowenng plants
1. Medicinal plants

Question 8.
The book written by Theophrastus is
1. The origin of species
2.Genera plantatrum
3. de Historia plantarum
4. Species plantarum
3. de Historia plantarum

Question 9.
Bionomial nomenclature of plants was first introduced by
1. Gaspard bauhin
2. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
3. Socrates
4. de Candolle
1. Gaspard bauhin

Question 10.
Agar-agar, an inert polysaccha ride is extracted from
1. Green algae
2. Brown algae
3. YelIow algae
4. Red algae
4. Red algae

Question 11.
The study of development of male and female gametophytes ¡s
1. Systematic Botony
2. Palaeobotany
3. Palynology
4. Embryology
4. Embryology

Question 12.
Identify the correct pair
1. Father of Botony – Aristotle
2. Father of Palaeobotany – Linnaeus
3. Father of Genetics – Mendel
4. Father of Biology – Theophrastus
3. Father of Genetics – Mendel

Question 13.
The first descriptions of sexual reproduction in plants wa$ given by
1. Thomas Fair Child
2. Gregor Mendel
3. Camerarius
4. Norman Borlaug
3. Camerarius

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

Question 14.
Which one of the following branches deals with fossil plants?
1. Plants ecology
2. Phytogeography
3. Paleobotany
4. Palynology
3. Paleobotany

Question 15.
Identify the medicinal plants among the following
1) Arnica, Neem, Datura, Belladona, Aloe
2) Pisum, Neem, Datura, Lathyrus, Agave
3) Hibiscus, Neem, Datura, Agave
4) Euphorbia, Neem, Datura, Bryophyllum
1) Arnica, Neem, Datura, Belladona, Aloe

Question 16.
Single cell proteins are
1) Spirullina, Dolichos
2) Spirullina, Chlorella
3) Euphorbia, Lathyrus
4) Hibiscus, Pisum
2) Spirullina, Chlorella

Question 17.
Botany expanded rapidly and accumulated vast amount of knowledge in various aspects of plant life during ……….centuries.
1) 18th, 16th
2) 19th and 20th
3) 17th and 18th
4) 16th and 17th
2) 19th and 20th

Question 18.
Identify the correct statement.
1) Phycology gives information about all Thallophytes
2) Anatomy is the branch of Morphology
3) Taxonomy and Histology are same
4) Palaeobotany helps us in understanding the course of evolution in plants
4) Palaeobotany helps us in understanding the course of evolution in plants

Question 19.
Cyanobacteria are referred as
1) Actinomycetes
2) Blue green algae
3) Bryophytes
4) Mycoplasmas
2) Blue green algae

Question 20.
Identify the scientists relating with tissue culture.
a) Hanning
b) Robert son
c) Shimakura
d) Hugodevrics
e) Skoog
f) Robert brown
g) Nitsch
h) Rendel
1) f, g
2) b, d, f, h
3) b, e, g
4) a, c, e, g
4) a, c, e, g

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Important Questions Chapter 3 Science of Plants – Botany

Question 21.
Identify biofertilizers among the following.
a) Canna
b) Anabaena
c) Azolla
d) Brassica
e) Rhizobium
f) Nostoc
1) d, e, f
2) a, d only
3) a, b, d, e
4) b, c, e, f
4) b, c, e, f

Question 22.
Identify the physiological aspects of plants.
a) N2 metabolism
b) Photosyntheis
c) Respiration
d) Growth
1) a, c only
2) a, b, c, d
3) b, c only
4) a, c, d only
2) a, b, c, d

Question 23.
Phycology is the study of the following
a) Autotrophic thallophytes
b) Heterotrophic thallophytes
c) Chlorophyllous thallophytes
d) Non – Chlorophyllous thallophytes
1) a, c
2) b, d
3) a, d
4) b, c
1) a, c

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