AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 6 वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् 6th Lesson वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Upavachakam 6th Lesson वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
युवकः वणिजः गृहे केन रूपेण उद्योगं प्राप्तवान्?
युवकः वणिजः गृहे भृत्यरूपेण उद्योगं प्राप्तवान्।

प्रश्न 2.
पेटिकायां व्यापारी किम् अपश्यत्?
पेटिकायां व्यापारी एकं जीर्णं धौतवस्त्रम्, एकं प्राचीनं करांशुकम्, एकं पुरातनं पादत्राणम् च अपश्यत्।

वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु Summary in English

वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु Introduction:

संस्कृतसाहित्ये बोधकथाः महत्वं स्थानमाबहन्ति। तादृशकथाः सत्यकथाः वास्तविक्यः इति प्रसिद्धाः। एतासु कथासु अनेके संदेशात्मकाः वर्तन्ते। बालानां मानसिकविकासाय नैतिकजीवने परिवर्तनाय अत्यन्त मुपकुर्वन्ति। तासु एषा कथा अन्यतमा। वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु” इत्ययं पाठ्यांशः बोधकथाः इत्यस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः। बोधकथाः प्रथमं हिन्दीभाषायाम् अशोककौशिकः रचितवान्। डा. सजीवः संस्कृतभाषायाम् अनूदितवान्।

Moral stories occupy an important place in Sanskrit Literature. They are famous as real and true stories. Many of these are message oriented. They help in developing the mind of the children and bringing a change in their moral life. This is one of those stories. The lesson Vaastavikataam Avagacchatu (Know the reality) is taken from the book Bodhakathah. These stories were written in Hindi by Ashok Kaushik, and were translated into Sanskrit by Dr. Sanjeev.

वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु Summary

A not so well educated youth went to the city in search of a job. After wandering for a long time, he got the job of a servant in the house of a merchant. He spent his time like that. Whenever he got time, he would take a good book and read it. On knowing him that he was educated, the merchant offered him the work of writing and answering letters. His writing was beautiful, and the writing style was also good. The merchant was pleased. Later he came to know that the boy was good at accounts also and appointed him as his cashier.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 6 वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

Thus he became important in the eyes of the merchant. He also discharged his duty with devotion. He never showed any egotism. As a result, the merchant put him in charge of all the important matters. On seeing the growth of the servant, the other servants became jealous of him. Though they were working there from an earlier time, they remained in their old positions only. They became more jealous. All those jealous people became a group, and waited to find fault with him. But he never did anything of that kind. Still, slowly rumours about him started to reach the ears of the merchant. The servants became suspicious that he was hiding money secretly.

The merchant gave him two rooms at the back of his house. He lived in one room. The other room was closed. But every day he would go into that room. The servants suspected that he was hiding his money there only.

Everyone had been waiting. One day, when he went inside the closed room, the other workers called the merchant. The merchant also saw that the room was closed from inside. He asked him to open the door or otherwise he would break open the door.

The servant could not understand what the matter was. He opened the door immediately. The merchant straightaway entered the room. He looked here and there. The room seemed empty. He could not understand what he could hide in that room that those jealous of him became such opponents. At last, a box was found at a corner.

The merchant asked him to open it. But the servant pleaded with him not to open the box saying that there was nothing in it. But the merchant said that if did not open it, he would break it.

The servant put the box before the merchant. There is no lock to the box. The merchant opened the box and was surprised. A torn white cloth, an old shirt and old slippers were there in the box. Even after inspecting well, nothing else was found. Everyone was stunned. They did not understand why he came to that room every day.

When the merchant asked him what it was the servant answered thus : “Nothing Sir ! These were the clothes wearing which I first entered this building. Then you showed kindness, and gave me shelter near you. May your kindness be not forgotten and may not I become arrogant. Who am I really ? In order to remember all these points, I kept these things safely as reminders.”

Then the merchant asked him why he came to the room every day. The servant replied :

“Sir ! I see these things every day, and pray to god” O god, save me from arrogance and pride. Give me such ability that I serve my master devotedly concentrating my mind. So that I also may get such a worker.”

Then the merchant said : ‘You are blessed. After your arrival, my business has grown more and more. I thought that it were my intelligence and luck, which were the reason for the success of my business. Today my eyes are opened. All this happened because of the power of your merit. If not, my intellect and luck were there with me before your arrival also.” The other servants who came along with the merchant ran away with shame already.

Jealousy is man’s natural bad quality. Release from that is divinity.

वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु Translation in English

एक: समान्यशिक्षितः युवक: उद्योगाय नगरं प्रति गतवान्। बहु भ्रमणानन्तरम् एकस्य वणिजः गृहे भृत्यरूपेण उद्योगः प्राप्तः। एवम्प्रकारेण तस्य समयः गम्यमानः आसीत्। सः यदा कदापि अवकाश प्रात्पे उत्तम पुस्तकं स्वीकृत्य पठति स्म।

A not so well educated youth went to the city in search of a job. After wandering for a long time, he got the job of a servant in the house of a merchant. He spent his time like that. Whenever he got time, he would take a good book and read it.

एकदा व्यापारी तं पठन्तं दृष्ट्वा पृष्टवान् –
“भवान् किमपि पठितवान् अस्ति वा?”

Once the merchant saw him reading, and asked him : “Have you studied anything?”

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 6 वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

आम्, स्वल्पं पठितवान् अस्मि’ इत्युत्तरं दत्तवान्। व्यापारी तस्मिन् विश्वास कृत्वा तस्मै पत्रादीनां लेखनम् उत्तरदानश्चेति कार्य सूचितवान्। तस्य लेखोऽपि सुन्दरः, लेखनशैली अपि शोभना आसीत्। व्यापारी प्रसन्नः अभवत्। कालान्तरे ज्ञातं यत् सः गणितविषये अपि कुशलः अस्ति इति। अतः तं मुख्यकोशाध्यक्षपदे नियोजितवान्।

“Yes, a little,” he replied. The merchant trusted him, and offered him the work of writing and answering letters. His writing was beautiful, and the writing style was also good. The merchant was pleased. Later he came to know that the boy was good at accounts also. So, he appointed him as his cashier.

एवं सः व्यापारिणः दृष्ट्यां श्रेष्ठ: जायमानः आसीत्। सोऽपि निष्ठया कर्तव्यपरायणताम् आचरन् आसीत्। कदापि अहंकारं न प्रदर्शितवान्। परिणामतः व्यापारी तं सकलेष्वपि मुख्यकार्येषु नियोजितवान्। तस्य भृत्यस्य एतादृशीम् उन्नतिं विलोक्य अन्ये भृत्याः तस्य विषये ईष्याम् आरब्धवन्तः। ये तस्मात् पूर्वकालात् कार्यं कृर्वन्तः आसन् ते प्राचीने एव पदे आसन्। ते अधिकाम् ईर्ष्या प्रदर्शयन्ति स्म। ईर्ष्याकर्तारः सर्वे एकीभूय तस्य दोषान्वेषणं कुर्वन्तः प्रतीक्षारताः आसन्। परन्तु सः तादृशं किमपि कार्यमेव न करोति स्म। तथापि व्यापारिणः कर्णौ तस्य विषये अपचर्चायाः प्रवेशस्य आरम्भः जातः।

Thus he became important in the eyes of the merchant. He also discharged his duty with devotion. He never showed any egotism. As a result, the merchant put him in charge of all the important matters. On seeing the growth of the sėrvant, the other servants became jealous of him. Though they were working there from an earlier time, they remained in their old positions only. They became more jealous. All those jealous people became a group, and waited to find fault with him. But he never did anything of that kind. Still, slowly rumours about him started to reach the ears of the merchant.

केचन उक्तवन्तः यत् – “स: धनं गोपयित्वा रक्षति” इति। परं व्यापारी एतं विषयं बहु न मन्यते स्म। व्यापारी स्वस्य आवासस्य पृष्ठे एव तस्मै प्रकोष्ठद्वयं दत्तवान्। भृत्यः एकस्मिन् प्रकोष्ठे वसति स्म। अपरः प्रकोष्ठः पिहितः एव भवति स्म। अन्ये कर्मचारिणः दृष्ठवन्तः यत् – “एषः प्रतिदिनं कार्यालयं प्रत्यागमनात्पूर्व पिहितं प्रकोष्ठं प्रविश्य किमपि करोति’ इति।

Some remarked, “He is hiding money secretly.” But the merchant did not take the news seriously. The merchant gave two rooms to him at the back of his house. He lived in one room. The other room was closed. The other servants observed “He goes into the closed room and does something every day before attending the office.”

प्रतीक्षायामेव सर्वे आसन्। एकस्मिन् दिने पिहितप्रकोष्ठं यदा प्रविष्टः तदैव सर्वे व्यापारिणमाहूतवन्तः। व्यापारी अपि दृष्टवान् यत् – प्रकोष्ठः अन्तस्तात् पिहितः अस्तीति।

Everyone had been waiting. One day, when he went inside the closed room, the other workers called the merchant. The merchant also saw that the room was closed from inside.

व्यापारी – “कः अन्तः अस्ति?”
Merchant – Who is inside the room?

भृत्यः – “अहम् अस्मि”
Servant-It is I.

व्यापारी – (उच्चैः) “शीघ्रं द्वारम् उद्धाटयतु
Merchant – (aloud) open the door quickly.

भृत्यः – “निमेषाभ्यन्तरे एव उद्घाटयामि”
Servant – I will open it in a few minutes.

व्यापारी – ‘नैव, झटित्येव उद्धाटय | नोचेतू द्वारं भंजयिष्यामि”
Merchant – Open it immediately. Otherwise, I would break the door.

भृत्यः अवगन्तुमेव न शक्तवान् कः विषयः इति। सः झटित्येव द्वारमुद्घाटितवान्। व्यापारी तत्क्षण एव प्रकोष्ठे प्रविष्टवान्।

The servant could not understand what the matter was. He opened the door immediately. The merchant straight away entered the room.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 6 वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

इतस्ततः दृष्टवान् सम्पूर्णः प्रकोष्ठ: रिक्त एव अभासत। सः अवगन्तुमेव न शक्तवान् यत् – एतस्मिन् प्रकोष्ठे सः किं वा गोपयितुं शक्तुयात्? येन तस्मिन् ईर्ष्याकर्तारः एतावन्तः विरुद्धाः सन्ति। अन्ते कोणे एका पेटिका दृष्टा।

He looked here and there. The room seemed empty. He could not understand what he could hide in that room that those jealous of him became such opponents. At last, a box was found at a corner.

व्यापारी – “तस्यां किमस्ति?”
Merchant – What is inside it?

भृत्यः – “किमपि नास्ति”
Servant – Nothing is there.

व्यापारी – उद्घाटय तां पेटिकाम्”
Merchant – Open the box.

भृत्यः – “स्वामिन् ! महती कृपा भविष्यति, कृपया तां मा उद्धाटयतु, किमपि नास्ति तस्यां पेटिकायाम्।
Seryant – Sir, it will be a great favour. Please don’t open it. There is nothing in the box.

व्यापारी – नैव, अहं द्रष्टुम् इच्छामि । तस्यां किमस्ति ?”।
Merchant – No, I want to see. What is there?

भृत्यः – अहं प्रार्थनां करोमि कृपया मा उद्घाटयतु।
Servant – I am requesting you. Please don’t open.

अन्ये भृत्याः – नैव स्वामिन्। तस्यां पेटिकायामेव एषः सर्वं गुप्तं धनं स्थापितवान्।
Other servants – No Sir! He has hidden all his money in that box only.

अपरः भृत्यः – “भो स्वामिन् ! एतस्यामेव पेटिकायां सञ्चितं धनं सर्वं स्थापितवान्। एताम् अवश्यमेव उद्घाटयतु।”
Another servant – 0 Sir ! He has hidden all the money he accumulated in that box only. You must certainly open it.

व्यापारी- “भवान् किं स्थापितवान्? किमर्थं न उद्बाटयसि? एताम् उद्घाटय। अन्यथा भंजयामि।
Merchant – What did you keep ? Why don’t you open it ? Open it. Otherwise I will break it.

सः पेटिकां व्यापारिणः पुरतः स्थापितवान्। पेटिकायाः ताल: नासीत्। व्यापारी पेटिकाम् उद्वाट्य आश्चर्यचकितः। तस्यां पेटिकायाम् एकं जीर्ण धौतवस्त्रम्, एकं प्राचीनं करांशुकम्, एकं पुरातनं पादत्राणम् च अपश्यत्। बहु अन्वेषणानन्तरमपि किमपि न प्राप्तम्। सर्वे चकिताः। ते नावगतवन्तः यत् – एषः किमर्थं प्रतिदिनं प्रकोष्ठे प्रविश्यति? इति।

He put the box before the merchant. There is no lock to the box. The merchant opened the box and was surprised. A torn white cloth, an old shirt and old slippers were there in the box. Ever after inspecting well, nothing else was found. Everyone was stunned. They did not understand. “Why does he come to this room every day?”

अन्ते, At last
व्यापारी -“एतत् सर्वं किमस्ति?”
Merchant – What is all this?

भृत्यः – “किमपि न स्वामिन्। एतानि तान्येव वस्त्राणि सन्ति यानि धृत्वा अहं एतस्मिन् प्रासादे प्रथमं प्रविष्टवान् आसम्। तदा भवान् कृपां कृत्वा मां स्वपाश्वे आश्रयं दत्तवान्। भवतः कृपायाः विस्मरणं न भवेत्, अहंकारः नागच्छेत्, वस्तुतः अहं कः आसम्? एतान् सर्वान् अशान् सर्वदा स्मतुं एतानि वस्तूनि अहं सुरक्षितानि कृत्वा चिह्नवत् स्थापितवान् अस्मि’।

Servant – Nothing Sir! These were the clothes wearing which I first entered this building. Then you showed kindness, and gave me shelter near you. May your kindness be not forgotten and may not I become arrogant. Who am I really? In order to remember all these points, I kept these things safely as reminders.

व्यापारी – (साश्चर्यम्) “परं भवान् प्रतिदिनं किमर्थम् अस्मिन् प्रकोष्ठे प्रविशति’?
Merchant – (with surprise) but why do come into this room every day?

भृत्यः – “स्वामिन् ! अहं प्रतिदिनं एतानि वस्त्राणि दृष्ट्रा भगवन्तं प्रार्थयामि प्रभो माम् अहंकाराभिमानाभ्यां रक्षतु। मह्यं तादृशं सामथर्यं ददातु येन अहं स्वस्वामिनः सेवां मनोयोगेन सश्रद्धं च कुर्याम्। तथा च मम तादृशः पारिश्रामिकः मह्यं भवेत्।

Servant – Sir ! I see these things every day, and pray to god “O god, save me from arrogance and pride. Give me such ability that I serve my master devotedly concentrating my mind. So that I also may get such a worker.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material उपवाचकम् Chapter 6 वास्तविकताम् अवगच्छतु

व्यापारी – (गद्दो भूत्वा तमालिङ्ग्य) “भवान् धन्यः अस्ति। भवतः आगमनानन्तरं मम व्यापारः उत्तरोत्तरं वर्धितः। अहं स्वव्यापारस्य साफल्ये मम बुद्धिमत्तां भाग्यं च कारणं चिन्तयामि स्म। अद्य मम नेत्रे उद्घाटिते स्तः। सर्वमिदं भवतः पुण्यप्रतापेनैव जातमस्ति। नोचेत् मम चातुर्यं भाग्यं च द्वयमपि मया सहैव आसीत् भवतः आगमनात्पूर्वम्।

Merchant – (becomes chocked, and embracing him) you are blessed. After your arrival, my business has grown more and more. I thought that it were my intelligence and luck, which were the reason for the success of my business. Today, my eyes are opened. All this happened because of the power of your merit. If not, my intellect and luck were there with me before your arrival also.

वणिजा सहागताः अन्ये कर्मचारिणः लज्जया पूर्वमेव पलायिताः। ईर्ष्या मानवस्य स्वाभाविक: अवगुणः। तस्मात् मुक्तिरेव देवत्वम्।

The other servants who came along with the merchant ran away with shame already.

Jealousy is man’s natural bad quality. Release from that is divinity.

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