AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

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AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 6th Lesson Modes of Reproduction

→ Reproduction enables a species to live generation after generation.

→ Reproduction is broadly classified into Asexual and sexual types.

→ Asexual Reproduction : No Involvement of the gametes.

→ Asexual Reproduction is common in organisms that have a Relatively simple organisation such as the fungi and alqae.

→ The offsprings formed by Asexual Reproduction are

→ Identical and are referred to as clones.

→ In several algae and fungi, Asexual Reproduction occurs by forming Zoospores or conidia.

→ In Euglena, Bacteria, Asexual Reproduction occurs by Binary fission.

→ In yeats, Asexual Reproduction occurs by budding.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ In Bryophytes and pteridophytes, the spores produced are haploid and on germination they produce gametophytes.

→ In multicellular or colonial forms of algae, moulds and mushrooms Asexual Reproduction takes place by fragmentation (ft is a type of vegetative Reproduction).

→ In some plants, Asexual Reproduction occurs by Gemmae (liver worts)

→ In Flowering plants, runners, stolons, suckers, offsets Rhizome, Corm, Stem tuber Bulb, Bulbil, Reproductive leaves, all are capable of giving rise to new offsprings.

→ Sexual Reproduction involves the formation of the male and female gametes either by the same individual or by different individuals of opposite sex.

→ Plants, the annual and biennial types show clear cut vegetative Reproductive and senescent phaennes.

→ Some of the grasses such as Rice, Maize, Wheat and bamboo species flower only once in their life time.

→ Century plant Agave americana and bamboo flower at the end of the life. Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers once in 12 years.

→ Sexual Reproduction is characterised by fusion of the male and female gametes, the formation of zygote and embryogenesis.

→ In some algae, the two gametes are so similar in appearance and are called Homo-gametes.
Ex : Cladophora.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ In majority of the plants, the gametes produced are of two morphologically distinct called Heterogametes.
Ex : Funaria, Pteris, Cycas.

→ Several organisms belonging to monera, fungi, algae and Bryophytes have Haploid plant body.

→ In Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and angiosperms, the plant body is diploid.

→ In diploid organisms, Meiocytes undergo meiosis.

→ The fusion of Male and Female gametes is called syngamy results in the formation of zygote.

→ Development of Embryo from an unfertilized female gamete is called parthenogenesis. In majority of Algae, syngamy occurs in the external medium called external fertilisation.

→ In Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, Syngamy occurs inside the body of the organisms called Internal fertilisation.

→ Process of development of Embryo from the Zygote is called Embryogenesis.

→ After fertilization, the ovary develops into fruit, the ovules develop into seeds.

→ In Mangroves, the seeds germinate while still attached to the mother plant and is called Vivipary.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ Apomizis : Replacement of the normal sexual reproduction by asexual reproduction, without fertilisation.

→ Asexual reproduction: Reproduction not involving the fusion of male and female gametes, as in vegetative reproductio, fission, or budding.

→ Clone: Asexually reproduced offspring.

→ Conidiophore : Specialized stalks on which conidiospores are formed.

→ Conidiospore/ conidium : Asexual non-motile spores of a fungus; also called as mitospores produced by conidiophore,

→ Dioecious : Presence of only one kind of sex organs either male or female on a single plant body.

→ Fragmentation: It is a form of asexual reproduction, where plant body breaks1 into fragments by mechanical methods.

→ Gamete : A cell that fuses with another cell during fertilisation in organisms that reproduce sexually.

→ Game togenesis : It is a process by which diploid or haploid precursor cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes.

→ Gemmae : Cup like asexual reproductive structures in plants and fungi.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ Heterothallic : Male and female reproductive organs develop on different thalli.

→ Homothallic : Having both male and female reproductive organs on the same thallus.

→ Karyogamy : It is the fusion of nuclei or genetic material of two cells, as part of syngamy, fertilisation, or bacterial conjugation.

→ Monoecious : Presence of both male sex organs and female sex organs on the same plant body.

→ Reproduction enables a species to live generation after generation.

→ Types of Reproduction in organisms: (i) asexual reproduction (ii) sexual reproduction In asexual reproduction, gametic fusion does not occur, whereas in sexual reproduction gametic fusion .occurs. [IPE]

→ Asexual reproduction is involved with single parent, but sexual reproduction involves two parents (Male and Female). [IPE]

→ In asexual reproduction fertilization doesnot take place, but in sexual reproduction fertilization takes place.

→ In asexual reproduction off springs are identical and same as parents, but in sexual reproduction variation in off springs takes place.

→ Asexual reproduction is common in algae and fungi, they produce zoospores and conidia. Asexual reproduction of Angiosperms is called Vegetative Propagation.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ Vegetative propagation in angiosperms is by runners, rhizomes, suckers, tubers, offsets. The process of formation of two types of gametes, male and female is called gametogenesis.

→ Events of sexual reproduction: Pre-fertilization, Fertilization and Post-fertilization events.

→ Pre-fertilization events include gametogenesis and gamete transfer. s Post-fertilization events include formation of zygote and embryogenesis. [IPE]

→ Plants are designed as monoecious and dioecious. Flowers may be unisexual or bisexual.

→ Transfer of male gametes is done by pollination in angiosperms.

→ Syngamy occurs between male and female gametes. Syngamy may be external or internal.

→ The process of development of embryo from zygote is called embryogenesis.

→ In flowering plants after fertilisation ovary develops into fruit and ovules into seeds.

→ Sexual reproduction generates new genetic combinations leading to variation. [NEET-2016]

→ In ginger, vegetative propagation occurs through rhizome. [NEET-2015]

→ Meiosis takes place in meiocyte. [NEET-2013]

→ Offsets are produced by Mitotic divisions. [NEET-2018]

→ The eyes of the potato tuber are axilary buds. [2010 PMT]

→ Vegetative propagation in Pistia occurs by offset. [2010 PMT]

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 6 Modes of Reproduction

→ Vegetative propagation in mint occurs by sucker. [2009 PMT]

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