AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

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AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 4th Lesson Plant Kingdom

→ Algae, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes are Nonflowering plants while Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are flowering plants.

→ Algae are chlorophyll bearing, simple thalloid, autotrophic and largely aquatic organisms.

→ At least a half of the total carbon dioxide oxidation on earth is carried out by algae through photo synthesis.

→ They Include chlorophyceea (Chlamydomonas, volvox, • spirogyra), phaeophyceae (Ectocarpus, Laminaria, Fucus), Rhodophyceae (Polysiphonia, Gracilaria)

→ Bryophytes are archegoniate, Embryophytic and atracheophytic cryptogams.

→ They are also called amphibians of plant kingdom and are primitive land plants.

→ They show heteromorphic allernation of generation and the life cycle is Haplo – diplontic.

→ They include Liver-worts, Hornworts and Mosses.

→ Pteridrophytes are embryophytic, archegoniate, vascular cryptogams.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

→ They include four classes namely psilopsida lycopsida, sphenopsida and pteropsida.

→ Gymnosperms are embryophytic, trachaeophytic archegoniate, phanerogams.

→ They are divided into three classes, cycadopsida coniferopsida and Gnetopsida.

→ Angiosperms are embryophytic, non-archegoniate vascular, fruit bearing phanerogams.

→ They are divided into Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons based on the Number of cotyledons is seed.

→ Many algae such as Volvox, Spirogyra and some species of Chlamydomomas shows Haplontic life cycle.

→ Pteridophytes and all seed bearing plants show Diplo-haplontic life cycle.

→ Bryophytes, exhibit an Intermediate condition (Haplo-diplontic).

→ Anisogamy : It is the fusion of morphologically and physiologically dissimilar gametes in which both the gametes may be either motile or non-motile.

→ Archegoniates : These are Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms where the female gametangium is archegonium.

→ Colonial form : In a colonial form the plant body is a colony or coenobium which is hollow at the centre and the cells are arranged in a single layer within the peripheral colonial matrix.

→ Cryptogams : These are flowerless and seedless spore plants.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

→ Embryophytes : These are Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms consisting of embryo which develops from zygote by mitotic divisions.

→ Eusporangiate development : The sporangium develops from a group of superficial cells.

→ Gametophyte : It is the haploid, gamete producing stage or sexual stage in the life cycle of a plant.

→ Heterospory : It is the condition where different types of spores are produced by a species.

→ Homospory : It is the production of only one type of spores by a species.

→ Heterospory : It is the production of two types of spores by a species.

→ Isogamy : It is the fusion of morphologically and physiologically similar gametes.

→ Kelps : Large algal members of Phaeophyceae where the plant body is differentiated into a holdfast, stipe and lamina.

→ Leptosporangiate development : The sporangium develops from a single superficial cell.

→ Oogamy : It is the fusion of a small motile or non-motile male gamete (spermatozoid or sperm) with a large non-motile female gamete (egg or ovum).

→ Phanerogams : These are flower-bearing and seed producing tracheophytes.

→ Siphonogamy : The fusion of male gamete carried out by a pollen tube with an egg.

→ Spermatophytes : These are seed plants with or without fruits.

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

→ Sporophyte : It is the diploid spore producing stage or asexual stage in the life cycle of a plant.

→ Strobilus : It is a structure consisting closely packed sporophylls.

→ Syngamy : Fusion of one male gamete with the egg cell.

→ Thallus : It is a plant body which is not differentiated into roots, stem and leaves.

→ Triple fusion : Fusion of second male gamete with secondary nucleus.

→ Tracheophytes : These are Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms which contain vascular tissues.

→ Zooidogamy : The fusion of motile male gamete with non-motile egg.

→ Zoospores : Flagellated motile spores.

→ Plant kingdom consists of all eukaiyotic, multicellular chlorophyll plants.

→ Plant kingdom includes Algae,Bryophytes,Pteridophytes,Gymnosperms, Angiosperms.

→ It is divided into (i) Cryptograms(non-flowering plants) (ii) Phanerogams (flowering plants).

→ Cryptograms (non-flowering plants): Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes

→ Phanerogams (flowering plants): Gymnosperms, Angiosperms

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

→ Algae are chlorophyll bearing, thalloid, autotrophic, aquatic organisms.

→ Depending on the types of pigments and stored food, algae are classified into
(i) chlorophyceae, (ii) Rhodophyceae (Red algae) (iii) Phaeophyceae (Brown algae). [IPE]

→ Fixation of carbondioxide on Earth is mainly carried out by algae. [IPE]

→ Bryophytes are the amphibious of plant kingdom. They live on moist soil but require water for sexual reproduction.

→ Bryophytes are divided into three Classes:
(i) Hepaticopsida (Liverworts), (ii) Anthocerotopsida (Homworts) (iii) Bryopsida (Mosses)

→ Mosses provide food for herbivorous mammals and birds. [IPE]

→ The plant body of liverworts and hornworts is Thallus whereas mosses have up right Slender axes baring spirally arranged leaves. [IPE]

→ llomosporous pteridophytes: The plants which produce only one kind of spores are called homosporous pteridophytes. Ex: Psilotum, Lycopodium [IPE]

→ Heterosporous pteridophytes: The plants which produce two kinds of spores on the same plant are called heterosporous pteridophytes. Ex: Selaginella, Salvinia. [IPE]

→ Zygote meiosis is characteristic ofChlamydomonas. [NEET-2017]

→ An example of colonial alga is Volvox. [NEET-2017]

→ Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of thick cuticle [NEET-2016]

→ In bryophytes and pteridophytes, transport of male gametes requires water. [NEET-2016]

AP Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 4 Plant Kingdom

→ Male gametes are flagellated in Ectocarpus. [NEET-2015]

→ Sphagnum is responsible for peat formation. [NEET-2014]

→ A prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing symbiont is found in Cycas. [2011 PMT]

→ Algae have cells made up of cellulose, galactans and mannans. [2010 PMT]

→ Floridian starch has structure similar to amylopectin and glycogen. [NEET-2020]

→ Ectocarpus contains mannitol as reserve food material. [NEET-2021]

→ Gemmae are present in some liverworts. [NEET-2021]

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