Whole Numbers Class 6 Notes Maths Chapter 2

Students can go through AP 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 2 Whole Numbers to understand and remember the concepts easily.

Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Notes Whole Numbers

→ Introduction :
The set of natural numbers is expressed in the form of N = {1,2, 3, 4, ………..}.
If we add T to any natural number, we get the next natural number.
The next number of any natural number is called its successor and the number just before a number is called its predecessor.
For example, the successor of 15 is 16 and the predecessor is 14.
The number T has no predecessor in natural numbers.

→ Whole Numbers : We include zero to the collection of natural numbers. The natural numbers along with the zero form the collection of whole numbers.
Whole numbers are represented like as follows.
W= {0,1, 2, 3, 4, ………..}
The smallest whole number is ‘0’.

→ Representation of Whole Numbers on Number line: The number line for whole numbers is
Whole Numbers Class 6 Notes Maths Chapter 2 1
On the number line the successor of any number will lie to the right of that number.

  1. Whenever we add two numbers we move on the number line towards right starting from any of them.
  2. We move towards left in case of subtraction.

Whole Numbers Class 6 Notes Maths Chapter 2

→ Every natural number has a successor. Every natural number except 1 has a predecessor.

→ If we add the number zero to the collection of natural numbers, we get the collection of whole numbers. Thus, the numbers 0,1,2, 3,….. form the collection of whole numbers.

→ Every whole number has a successor. Every whole number except zero has a predecessor.

→ All natural numbers are-whole numbers, but all whole numbers are not natural numbers.

→ We take a line, mark a point on it and label it 0. We then mark out points to the right of 0, at equal intervals. Label them as 1, 2, 3, …… Thus, we have a number line with the whole numbers represented on it. We can easily perform the number operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication on the number line.

→ Addition corresponds to moving to the right on the number line, whereas subtraction corresponds to moving to the left. Multiplication corresponds to making jumps of equal distance starting from zero.

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