TS 10th Class Social Important Questions 13th Lesson National Liberation Movements in the Colonies

These TS 10th Class Social Chapter Wise Important Questions 13th Lesson National Liberation Movements in the Colonies will help the students to improve their time and approach.

TS 10th Class Social Important Questions 13th Lesson National Liberation Movements in the Colonies

1 Mark Questions

Question 1.
Mention any two reasons for not establishing sustainable Democracy in Nigeria.

  1. Civil War
  2. Military Rule
  3. Support of Multi-National Oil Corporations

Question 2.
Why was the civil war started In Nigeria?
The civil war was started in Nigeria because a just and democratic balance could not happen. Soon cMl war started in Nigeria. The corruption of rulers and Multi-National Oil Corporations suppressed human rights in Nigeria.

Question 3.
Why did America Interfere into Vietnam war?
America interfered into Vietnam war because it was worried that communists would become powerful in Vietnam.

Question 4.
What were the twin tasks of Nigerian nationalists?
The twin tasks of Nigerian nationalists were:

  • Fighting the British
  • Unifying the diverse and conflicting ethnic groups of Nigeria.

Question 5.
Who is regarded as the founder of Modem China?
Sun-Yat-sen is regarded as the founder of modem China.

Question 6.
When was a republic established In China?
The Manchu empire was overthrown and a republic was established in 1911 under Sun-yet-sen who is regarded as the founder of modern China.

Question 7.
Who ruled China at the turn of 20th century?
The emperors of Manchu dynasty ruled China at the turn of 20th century.

Question 8.
What was the programme of Sun-Yat-sen?
The programe of Sun-Yat-sen was called the three principles- (San min chu,)
San means – nationalism
Min means – democracy
Chui means – socialism

Question 9.
Who were called warlords?
Regional military powers of China were called, warlords. China came to be controlled by them.

Question 10.
What happened on 4th May 1919 in China?
On 4th May 1919, an angry demonstration was held in Beijing to protest against the decisions of the Versailles peace conference.

Question 11.
What was called the May Fourth Movement?
Despite being an ally of the victorious sâde led by Britain, China did not get back the territories seized from it by Japan. The protest became a movement, called the “May Fourth Movement”.

Question 12.
What were emerged as major forces striving to unite Ctiina and bring stability?
The Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party emerged as major forces striving to unite the country and bring stability.

Question 13.
What were the four great needs?
Clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

Question 14.
Where was the social base of Guomindang?
The Guomindangs’ social base was In urban areas.

Question 15.
When was Peking University established?
Peking University was established n 1902.

Question 16.
What were the four virtues that the women had to cultivate?
Chastity, appearance, speech, and work.

Question 17.
What was the practice of foot-binding?
Foot-binding was a cruel practice of not allowing women to have fully grown feel.

Question 18.
Who Invaded China in 1937?
Japan invaded China In 1937.

Question 19.
When had the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) been founded?
The CCP had been founded in 1921, soon after the Russian Revolution.

Question 20.
Why did Lenin go on to establish the Coniintern?
Lenin went on to establish the Comintern in March 1918 to help bring about a world government that would end exploitation.

Question 21.
Who was emerged as a major CCP leader?
Mao Zedong.

Question 22.
Where can Mao Zedong’s radical approach be seen?
Mao Zedorigs radical approach can be seen in Jiangxi, in the mountains, where they camped from 1928 to 1934, secure from Guomindarig attacks.

Question 23.
Explain the formation of Nigeria.
The country we know as Nigeria today was actually created by the British by bringing together distinct regions inhabited by different tribal groups around the Niger river system.

Question 24.
How is the region of river Niger?
The region of river Niger is one of the most populous countries of Africa. which has been suffering from different kinds of colonial rule.

Question 25.
Expand NNDP.
The Nigerian National Democratic Party.

Question 26.
Expand NYM.
The Nigerian Youth Movement.

Question 27.
Expand NCNC.
National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroon.

Question 28.
Expand NPC.
Northern Peoples Congress.

Question 29.
Expand A.G.
Action Group

Question 30.
When did Nigeria become independent?
Nigeria became independent on 1st October. 1963.

Question 31.
When did Nigerians electro democratic government?
Nigenans elected a democratic government in 1999.

Question 32.
When was oil discovered in the Niger Delta?
Oil was discovered in 1950s in the Niger Delta.

Question 33.
Who was Ken Saro Wiwa?
Ken Saro Wiwa was an eminent human right activist and environmentalist and was executed by the military government despite International protests.

2 Marks Questions

Question 1.
What is the impact of over-extraction of oil in Nigeria?
Destruction of mangrove forests destroyed of:

  • Ecosystem
  • Crops,
  • Agriculture
  • Soil
  • Water contamination
  • Decline in fish production
  • Cause for cancer

Question 2.
Explain the ‘Pan Africanism.

  1. Pan Africenism s an idee which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe.
  2. One key person in this regard was Kwame Nkrumah,

Question 3.
Mention the crises faced by Rural China.
What were the two crises laced by rural China?
Rural China faced two crises:

  1. Ecological crisis, with soil exhaustion deforestation and floods and
  2. A socio-economic one caused by exploitative land-tenure systems, indebtedness. primitive technology and poor communications.

The cases faced by Rural China were n various ways such as soil exhaustion, deforestation, floods, exploitation through land tenure systems, indebtedness, primitive technology, and poor communications, and so on.

Question 4.
Which qualities do you like in Sun Yat-Sen? Why?

  • Qualities of Sun Yat- Sen:
  • He established Republic in China
  • Founder of Modern China
  • Designed a new Programme of Action.

Question 5.
Write about the May fourth Movement In China.
It galvanized a whole generation to attack old traditions and to call (or saving China through modem science, democracy and nationalism, Revolubonarles called for driving out the foreigners, who were controlling the country’s resources, to remove inequities and reduce poverty. They advocated reforms such as the use of simple language and script, abolishing the practice of foot-binding and the subordination of women, equality in marriage, and economic development to end poverty.

Question 6.
What do you know about he Chiang-Kal-Sh.k?
After the death of Sun, Chiang-Kai-Shek emerged as the leader of the Guomindang as he launched a military campaign to control the ‘warlords, regional leaders who had usurped authority and to eliminate the communists. He sought to militarise the nation. The people, he said, must develop a ‘habit and Instinct for unified behaviour’.

Question 7.
What do you know about the administration of Chiang-Kal-Shek’
Chiang was a conservative and he encouraged women to cultivate the four virtues of ‘chastity, appearance, speech and work’ and recognize their role as confined to the household. Even the length of hemlines (frock like dress for women) was prescribed.

He also tried to suppress the trade union movement to encourage factory owners. The Guomindang, despite its attempts to unite the country, failed because of its narrow social base and limited political vision. A major plank in Sun-Vat-sen’s programme – regulating capital and equalizing land – was never carried out because the party ignored the peasantry and the rising social inequalities. It sought to impose military order rather than address the problems faced by the people.

Question 8.
What were the evil practices against women in China?

  1. Practice of foot-binding.
  2. The subordination of women
  3. Equality in marriage and
  4. Four virtues like
  • Chastity
  • Appearance
  • Speech and
  • Work and

5. Length of hemlines (Frock like dress worn by women) were also prescribed

4 Marks Questions

Question 1.
Read the following paragraph and write your opinion.
Racism became common in the British colonial empire in late 19th and early 20th centuries Educated Africans were excluded from the civil service, and there was discrimination against African entrepreneurs At the same time, the authorities from flung countries gave control lo the tribal chiefs and elite and promoted them.
The given paragraph is about Racial Discrimination between the Black and the White people. It is related to Africa. One more point is that tribal chiefs were given control and the government promoted them.

Nigeria is an African country. It was a colony of the British, The British created Nigeria by bringing together different regions around the Niger river system where people of different tribes lived.

Before bringing alt together, they faced many problems. Hausa Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba tribe were there. Due to long years of missionary activity, many people still practice tribal relious beliefs.

The British implemented their divide-and-rule policy. A section of the people were educated and developed. If alt the people were united in Nigeria. then the British would face the problem, The British always wanted to divide the Vietnamese based on colour or religious practices. That the Britishers followed in India to divide Indians. All the Indians came together and fought against the British, Then the Bribsters encouraged the Muslims to form a separate party for Muslims.

They emphasised that Indian National Congress was the party of Brahmins and of upper caste. Gradually Hindus and Muslims were separated and so the national movement was weakened.

Now afl the Independent countries should give equal opportunities to all and equality is to be maintained. There will be no racial discrimination at any level.

Question 2.
Read the given paragraph and write your opinion.
The coastal environment of Nigeria has been disturbed because of reckless Oil extraction by foreign oit companies. Oil spillage from oil wels has a major impact on the ecosystem.
The given paragraph emphasises that the coastal environment of Nigeria has been disturbed because the oil companies extracted more than their share. It is talking about the consequences of over-spillage of oil.

Over spillage of oil has various negative consequences:
Oil spillage from oil wells has a major impact on the ecosystem. Large areas of the mangrove forests, which are especially susceptible to oil, have been destroyed. This is mainly because oil is stored in the soil and re-released annually.

Around 5-10% of Nigerian mangrove ecosystems have been destroyed either by clearing or oil. Spills destroy crops and agriculture through contamination of the groundwater and soil. Drinking water is also frequently contaminated, and sheen of oil is visible in many local bodies of water.

Even if there is no immediate health effect of this water contamination, it can cause cancer in the long term. Offshore spills, which are usually much bigger in scale, contaminate the coastal environments and cause a decline in the local fish production. If the same is continued the whole world be affected. Oil is a natural resource. So natural resources are to be saved.

Question 3.
Write about China at the turn of the 20th century.
At the turn of the 20th century China was ruled by emperors of Manchu dynasty, which had become powerless to defend the interests of China vis a vis the western colonial powers. These powers had carved out their spheres of influence in different parts of China and had forced the emperors to give them economic and political concessions like low Import taxes, immunity from Chinese Paws, and maintaining armed forces. etc. Both the common people and administrators of the empire were un!happy with this state of affairs,
There were several revolts by the people and attempts at reform by the administrators.

Question 4.
Why did the Guomindang fall?

  1. The Guomiridang, despite its attempts to unite the country, failed because of its narrow social base and limited political vision,
  2. A major plank in SunyeI-sen’s programme – regulating capital and equalising land was never carried out because the party Ignored the peasantry and the raising social Inequality.
  3. it sought to impose military order rather than address the problems faced by the people.

Question 5.
Mao was unlike other leaders – Why?

  1. Mao stressed the need for an independent government and army.
  2. He had become aware of women’s problems and supported the emergence of rural women’s associations.
  3. He promulgated a new marriage law that forbade arranged marriages, stopped purchase or sale of marriage contracts arid simplified divorce. So Mao was unlike other leaders.

These are compulsory for aU the human beings. Chiang had to continue all these four, instead, he put conditions as he was a conservative. Sun-yetsen wanted to control the capital and equalize land but it was not carried out. The parties have to identify the problems of the people and they should fight for welfare of the people.

In democratic system all are treated as equal, Here in China, the women were not allowed to wear the dress they like. They are fixing the dress. Though the cultural roots of a country are to be protected, freedom should be given to them. In many countries women are leading the governments and political parties. In our country also about five states are being ruled by women as Cheif Ministers.

In my opinion, Chiang Kai shek couldn’t fix so. By giving an advice to protect the tradition of the country he should allow the women to wear any of the dresses and chastity is not only the question of women, it is applicable to women also.

Question 6.
Read the following paragraph and Interpret it.
“Racism became common in the British colonial empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Educated Africans were excluded from the civil service, and there was discrimination against African entrepreneurs. At the same time, the authorities from ruling country gave control to the tribal chiefs and elite and promoted them”.
The given paragraph is about Racial Discrimination between the Black and the White people. It is related to Africa. One more point is that tr,bal chiefs were given control and the government promoted them.

Nigeria Is an African country. It was a colony of the British. The British created Nigeria by bringing together different regions around the Niger river system where people of different tribes lived.

Before bringing all together, they faced many problems. Hausa Fulani, lgto and Yotuba tribe were there. Due to long years of missionary activity, many people still practice tral religious beliefs.

The British implemented their divide-and-rule policy. A section of the people were educated and developed. If all the people were united in Nigeria, then the British would face the problem. The British always wanted to divide the Vietnamese based on colour or religious practices. That the Britishers followed in India to divide Indians. AP the Indians came together and fought against the British.

Then the Brltishei-s encouraged the Muslims to form e separate party for Muslims. They emphasised that Indian National Congress was the party of Brahmiris and of upper caste. Gradually Hindus and Muslims were separated and so the national movement was weakened.

Now all the Independent countries should give equal opportunities to all and equality is to be maintained. There will be no racial discrimination at any level.

Question 7.
What are the reforms implemented after the formation of democracy in China?

  1. The Peoples Republic of CNna was based on the principles of the New Democracy, an alliance of all social classes opposed to landlordism and imperialism.
  2. Critical areas of the economy were put under government control.
  3. They carried out large-scale and reform measures.
  4. They took away the land of landlords and distributed among poor peasants.
  5. The new government also managed to enact laws to protect women, their rights, and abolition of polygamy.
  6. This enabled women to assume new roles and enjoy equal status vis a vis man in various fields.

Question 8.
Locate the following In the given map of World.
1. These country people were called colons.

2. Manchu dynasty rule this country.

3. Yaruba people are belongs to this country.

4. Washington
TS 10th Class Social Important Questions 13th Lesson National Liberation Movements in the Colonies 1

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