These AP 8th Class Biology Important Questions and 6th Lesson Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 Extra Questions will help students prepare well for the exams.
Class 8 Science Pollution of Air and Water Extra Questions
Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 Important Questions
Question 1.
What is potable water ?
Water which is suitable for drinking is called potable water.
Question 2.
What is chlorination ? Write it’s use.
- Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method for purifying water.
- It is done by adding chlorine tablets or bleaching powder to the water.
Question 3.
How can we reuse the water ?
- Water used for washing vegetables may be used to water plants in the garden.
- We can use the water after bathing to water the plants.
Question 4.
What are water pollutants ?
The substances that pollute water is called water pollutants. Ex : Sewage, Chemical effluents from industries.
Question 5.
Expand WWF.
World Wide Fund for Nature.
Question 6.
How can you say that a river is dead ?
If the pollution levels are so high that aquatic life can not survive. Then the river is called a dead river.
Question 7.
Name the schemes that are intended for purification of the river Ganga.
- Ganga Action plan (1985)
- National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) – 2016.
Question 8.
When do we conduct Van Mahotsav every year ? .
In July every year, we conduct ‘Van Mahotsav’ through out the country.
Question 9.
Write some alternate energy resources we can use instead of fossil fuels ?
Solar energy, wind energy and hydral power which are alternatives to fossil fuels for our energy requirements.
Question 10.
Give examples for fossil fuels.
Petrol, diesel, coal are examples for fossil fuels.
Question 11.
Name one of the most polluted city in the world.
New Delhi.
Question 12.
Write some eco – friendly fuels.
CNG and LPG.
Question 13.
Expand CNG.
Compressed Natural Gas.
Question 14.
Expand LPG.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
Question 15.
Give examples for Green house gases.
CO2, Methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour are called “.green house gases”.
Question 16.
What is the main reason for the melting of Gangotri glacier in Himalayas ?
Global warming.
Question 17.
Where is the Taj Mahal Located ?
The Taj Mahal is located on the banks of the river Yamuna in Agra.
Question 18.
SPM – Expand.
Suspended Particulate Matter.
Question 19.
Give examples for SPM.
Pollen grains, sand particles, soot particles
Question 20.
What is ‘marble cancer’ ?
Acid rain corrodes the marble of the Taj Mahal. This phenomenon is also called “Marble Cancer”.
Question 21.
Name the industry that has contributed towards the yellowing of the marble?
Mathura oil refinery.
Question 22.
Name some substances which impact the health of our earth.
Litter, car exhaust, motor oil, used tyres, smoke, chemicals, disposed computer, mobile phone material etc., all of these can have an instant or a gradual impact on the health of our earth.
Question 23.
What is air pollution ?
The contamination of air by impurities which may have harmful impacts on the living organisms and the non-living components of the environment is called air pollution.
Question 24.
What gases are produced by burning fuels ?
Burning fuels pollute the air by producing carbort monoxide, sulphur dioxide, smoke, soot and ash.
Question 25.
Name various industries that pollute the air.
Granite, lime, cement factories pollute the air by releasing sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide, chlorine fly ash, dust, asbestos dust etc.
Question 26.
How agriculture pollutes land and water ?
Use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture pollutes not only air but also land and water.
Question 27.
If forests reduce what would happen ?
If forests reduce the level of carbondioxide increases resulting to global warming.
Question 28.
In which devices chloro flouro carbons are used ?
Chloro flouro carbons (CFC) are used in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol sprays. CFC pollutes air by depleting the ozone layer.
Question 29.
How to reduce air pollution from industries ?
Install electrostatic precipitators in the chimney of industries.
Question 30.
How to reduce pollution from vehicles ?
Reduce vehicular emission by using non-polluting fuels like CNG.
Question 31.
What is water pollution ? ,
The contamination of water with unwanted and harmful substances such as sewage, toxic chemicals, industrial waste etc., is called water pollution.
Question 32.
What are 3R’s principles ?
The 3R’s principles are Reduce the usage of the materials, Reuse them for secondary purpose and Recycle the material again and again.
Question 33.
How should we maintain natural resources ?
We should keep the natural resources clean and healthy not only for us but also future generations.
Question 34.
How do plant nutrients pollute water ?
Phosphates sand nitrates – chemical fertilizers from agriculture run – off due to rain and industrial waste enter into water through sewage and pollute the water.
Question 35.
What gases are emitted by vehicles ?
Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons, lead compounds and soot.
Question 36.
Expand CFC.
Chloro Fluoro Carbons.
Pollution of Air and Water Extra Questions
Question 1.
What is the role of CFCs in air pollution ?
- CFCs are Chloro Fluoro Carbons.
- They are used in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol sprays.
- CFCs damage the ozone layer of stratosphere.
Question 2.
What is smog ? How is it dangerous to living beings ?
- Smoke + Fog = Smog
- Smoke is made up of oxides of nitrogen other pollutants.
- It causes the breathing difficulties such as asthma, cough and wheezing in children.
Question 3.
Write a short note on Carbon monoxide.
- It is a poisonous gas.
- It is produced by incomplete burning of fossil fuels such as pertrol and diesel.
- It reduces the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen.
Question 4.
What is acid rain ?
- Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen react with water vapour present in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid.
- When these come down with the rain, they make the rain acidic.
- This is called acid rain.
Question 5.
Abhijith said, “ We should plant trees and nurture the ones already present in the neighbourhood” – Do you support him ? Why ?
- Yes, I support Abhijith and appreciate his attitude towards environment.
- Trees reduce air pollution.
- They also control global warming.
Question 6.
What steps do you suggest to control air pollution in your town / city ?
- Encourage the people to switch over to CNG, LPG and electric vehicles.
- Use lead – free petrol in vehicles
- ESPs (Electro Static Precipitators) should be installed in factory chimneys to stop SPM in to the air.
- Grow more trejes in our surroundings.
- Use of aerosols should be reduced.
Question 7.
Some industries discharging hot water directly into the streams. Is it leads to water pollution ? How ?
- Yes, hot water can also be a pollutant.
- When the hot water released into the rivers, it raises the temperature of the water body.
- It adversely affects the animals and plants living in water.
Question 8.
Write different sources of water pollution.
- Domestic sewage from households.
- Chemical effluents from industries.
- Human excreta, cowdung, polythene bags etc… cause water pollution.
Extra Questions of Pollution of Air and Water Class 8
Question 1.
What are the traditional methods used to purify water before consumption ?
1) Filteration : This is a physical method. Generally, people use candle filters for household purpose.
2) Boiling :
- Many households use this method for obtaining purified water.
- Boiling kills the disease causing germs present in the water.
3) Chlorination :
- Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method for purifying the water.
- It is done by adding chlorine tablets or bleaching powder.
Question 2.
How can you reduce water pollution ?
- We should not dump garbage, litter etc…. into water.
- Water treatment plants should be installed in all industrial areas.
- Chemical effluents from industries treated before their discharge into the water bodies.
- Laws for industrial units should be strictly implemented to prevent the disposal of untreated effluents.
Question 3.
How does air pollution lead to water pollution ?
- Air and water are not separate problem. There is a close link between the health of air and the health of water.
- Nitrogen and chemical contaminants are two types of pollutants that harm both the air and water.
- Up to 1/3rd of the nitrogen that pollutes the bay and it’s rivers comes from the air.
- Air pollution from a very large geographic area can eventually wind up in the Bay.
- Use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture pollutes not only air but also land and water.
- Sources of air pollution includes vehicles, industries, power plants and farm operations which lead to water pollution.
Question 4.
Sravya’s uncle is a traffic police officer. He performs his duties at busy intersections of traffic. Give some suggestions to protect his health during duty period ?
I suggest the following steps :
- Wear pollution masks at higher polluted junctions.
- He should be recommended for better and special medical care for his protection.
- He should use ear masks to protect from loud noises.
- He should use ecofriendly solar traffic booths at traffic intersections. These booths contain ionisers which supress the SPM and provide healthy environment for traffic police seated inside.
Question 5.
You wanted to create awareness among the public on pollution. Create some slogans for organising a rally in your town.
- Use bicycle – Avoid bikes and cars.
- Don’t waste paper – Use Recycled paper.
- Stop the use of plastic.
- Compost the wet waste.
- Save water – Save life.
- Plant trees – They are the steps to development.
- Where there is green – There is prosperity.
- Go green – Live ecofriendly.
Question 6.
What is acid rain ? Explain its causes and effects.
- Oxides of sulphtir and nitrogen react with water vapour present in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid.
- When these come down with the rain, they make the rain acidic.
- This is called acid rain.
Causes of Acid Rain :
- Acid rain can be formed by natural causes such as volcanic eruptions.
- Acid rain can also be caused due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, manufacturing, oil refineries, electricity generation and vehciles that releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
Effects of Acid Rain :
- Acid rain is very harmful to agriculture, plants and animals.
- It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans.
- Acid rain causes the corrosion of water pipes.
- It further damages the building and monuments made up of stones and metals.