Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 MCQ Nutrition in Plants

MCQ on Nutrition in Plants Class 7

Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given

I. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following is an autotrophic ?
A) Mushroom
B) Yeast
C) Pencillin
D) Blue-green algae
D) Blue-green algae

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 2.
Identify the saprophyte.
A) Cuscuta
B) Mango tree
C) Pitcher plant
D) Mushroom
D) Mushroom

Question 3.
The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food themselves …………
A) Heterotrophic
B) Autotrophic
C) Parasitic
D) Saprotrophic
B) Autotrophic

Question 4.
Chlorophyll is essential for …………
A) Release of CO2
B) Absorbing CO2
C) Absorbing water from roots
D) Trapping solar energy
D) Trapping solar energy

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 5.
Which of the following is a heterotroph ?
A) Dog
B) Cuscuta
C) Yeast
D) All the above
D) All the above

Question 6.
Food factories of plants …………
A) Stem
B) Roots
C) Leaves
D) Bark
C) Leaves

Question 7.
“Universal food providers” are ………… .
A) Green plants
B) Parasites
C) Saprotrophs
D) Heterotrophs
A) Green plants

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 8.
The colour of iodine in starch solution is …………
A) Brown
B) Greenish blue
C) Blue black
D) No change
C) Blue black

Question 9.
Gaseous exchange in plants take place through …………
A) Stem
B) Stomata
C) Chloroplast
D) Roots
B) Stomata

Question 10.
The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by …………
A) Lenticels
B) Synergids
C) guard cells
D) haustoria
C) guard cells

Question 11.
The shape of the guard cells in stomata …………
A) bean shaped
B) horse – shoe shaped
C) semi-circular
D) round shaped
A) bean shaped

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 12.
The gases that are exchanged through stomata are …………
A) Oxygen
B) Carbondioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) A and B
D) A and B

Question 13.
Which of the following present in the food of a plant …………
A) Starch
B) Fat
C) Protect
D) All the above
D) All the above

Question 14.
Plants get minerals from …………
A) Soil
B) Air
C) Sunlight
D) All the above
A) Soil

Question 15.
Which of the following is necessary for photosynthesis …………
A) CO2
B) H2O
C) Sunlight
D) All the above
D) All the above

Question 16.
Cuscuta absorbs nutrients from …………
A) Soil
B) Air
C) Water
D) Host plant
D) Host plant

Question 17.
Insectivorous plants grown on …………
A) Moist soils
B) Clay soils
C) Sandy soils
D) Nitrogen deficient soils
D) Nitrogen deficient soils

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 18.
Pitcher like structure in a pitcher plant is a modified …………
A) Stem
B) Leaf
C) Root
D) Bark
B) Leaf

Question 19.
Photosynthetic stems are present in …………
A) Mango
B) Apple
C) Grapes
D) Cactus
D) Cactus

Question 20.
“Symbiosis” is seen in …………
A) Lichens
B) Algae
C) Fungi
D) None
A) Lichens

Question 21.
“Rhizobium” is present in root nodules of ………… .
A) Legume plants
B) Oil seed plants
C) Fibre yielding plants
D) None
A) Legume plants

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 22.
Rhizobium fixes atmospheric …………
A) Oxygen
B) Carbondioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Xenon
C) Nitrogen

Question 23.
Rhizobium gets food and shelter from ………… .
A) Legume plants
B) Soil
C) Air
D) Water
A) Legume plants

Question 24.
Which of the following is a legume plant?
A) Beans
B) Peas
C) Black gram
D) All the above
D) All the above

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 25.
Which of the following is a useful fungus ………… ?
A) Yeast
B) Pencillin
C) Rhizopus
D) A and B
D) A and B

Question 26.
Rhizopus is also known as …………
A) Bread mould
B) Fruit mould
C) Stem mould
D) None
A) Bread mould

Question 27.
Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1.1
Identify the above shown plant …………
A) Sunflower plant
B) Pitcher plant
C) Cuscuta
D) Cactus
B) Pitcher plant

Question 28.
Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1.2
This is an example for …………
A) Parasite
B) Saprotroph
C) Autotroph
D) None
A) Parasite

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 29.
In Lichens, algae provides …………
A) Water
B) Shelter
C) Food
D) Nutrients
C) Food

Question 30.
Heterotrophs depends on ………… .
A) Plants
B) Animals
C) Both A and B
D) None
C) Both A and B

Question 31.
In Photosynthesis, photo means ………… .
A) Sun light
B) Photograph
C) Water
D) Oxygen
A) Sun light

Question 32.
In photosynthesis, which gas is evolved …………
A) Oxygen
B) Carbondioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Xenon
A) Oxygen

Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1

Question 33.
Which gas is utilised in photosynthesis ………… ?
A) Carbondioxide
B) Oxygen
C) Water vapour
D) Nitrogen
A) Carbondioxide

Question 34.
Pitcher plant traps …………
A) Insects
B) Snakes
C) Birds
D) Frogs
A) Insects

II. Fill in The Blanks

1. Plants get water from the ………… through their roots.
Answer: water

2. Respiratory organs in plants …………
Answer: stomata

3. All green plants are …………
Answer: Autotrophs

4. ………… pigment is present in green leaves.
Answer: Chlorophyll

5. Pitcher plant is an ………… plants.
Answer: insectivorous

6. All the organisms except plants are examples for …………
Answer: heterotrophs

7. If stomata of a leaf are closed with wax, what would happen …………
Answer: Exchange of gases wouldn’t take place

8. Spiny leaves are seen in ………… plants.
Answer: Desert

9. In desert plants, the surface area of the leaves are reduced to prevent ………… loss.
Answer: water

10. Mushroom grows on ………… and ………… matter.
Answer: Dead, decaying

11. Parasitic plant is …………
Answer: cuscuta

12. Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria …………
Answer: Rhizobium

13. The organisms live together and share both shelter and nutrients, this relationship is known as …………
Answer: symbiosis

14. In lichens, fungus provides ………… to algae.
Answer: shelter, water and minerals

15. Can you identify this fungus …………
Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1.3
Answer: mushroom

16. Bread Mould is a …………
Answer: Fungus

17. The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients from dead and decaying matter is called …………
Answer: Saprophytic Nutrition

18. Slimy, green patches in ponds or stagnant water bodies are nothing but …………
Answer: algae

19. The plant on which cuscuta is climbing to get nutrients is …………
Answer: host

20. This, plant gets it’s nitrogenous materials from insects …………
Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ Science Chapter 1.4
Answer: insects

21. The ………… of a leaf forms a lid in pitcher plant.
Answer: Apex

22. Fungi are propagated through …………
Answer: spores

23. Examples for useful fungi are …………
Answer: yeast and pencillin

24. Fungi grow on …………
Answer: pickles, leather, clothes

25. The ultimate energy source for photosynthesis is …………
Answer: The Sun

III. True OR False

Identify the following statements whether True or False.

1. Mango tree is an example for heterotroph.
Answer: False. Mango tree is a autotroph

2. Cuscuta is a parasitic plant.
Answer: True

3. The end products of photosynthesis are glucose and carbondioxide.
Answer: False. The end products of photosynthesis are glucose oxygen and corbondioxide

4. Stomata are useful in exchange of respiratory gases in plants.
Answer: True

5. The green coloured pigment of the leaf is chlorophyll.
Answer: True

6. Mushroom is an edible fungi.
Answer: True

7. In Lichens, we can see the symbiotic association of algae and fungi.
Answer: True

8. Rhizoblum is a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria present in all plants.
Answer: False. Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacteria present in root nodules of legume crops

9. In plants, the glucose produced in photosynthesis is converted into starch and is stored.
Answer: True

10. Saprotrophs feed on dead and decaying organic matter.
Answer: True

Class 7 Science MCQ

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