AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 भिषजः भैषज्यम्

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 5th Lesson भिषजः भैषज्यम् Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material 5th Lesson भिषजः भैषज्यम्

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
‘भिषजो भैषज्यम’ इति पाठ्यभागस्य सारांशं सक्षेपेण लिखत।
(Summarize the lesson Bhishaio Bhaishajyam)
2. वेड्कटरावस्य स्वभावं संग्रहेण लिखत।
(Describe the nature of Venkatarao)
Introduction :
The lesson Bhishajah Bhaishajyam was written by Prof. Pullela Sriramachandra. It is taken from his Sriramachandra-laghukavya-sangraha. This lesson describes the story of a selfish doctor, and the fruit he reaped for his selfishness.

The Villager’s Plea :
One day some villagers came to Dr. Venkata Rao, and requested him to attend to a boy who was injured in an accident. Venkata Rao childed them for not coming in time. वैद्योऽपि मानव एव। He accused them of trying to get treatment done without paying fee. He insulted them saying the boy would be delicate as the baby of a donkey. When they left as the boy was serious क्षणे क्षणे किल परिक्षीयते बालस्य दशा, Venkata Rao thought nothing would happen if one puppy died.

The poor and intelligent Venkata Rao :
Venkata Rao was the son of a poor farmer. He was very intelligent and secured a seat in medical college. His father sold their agricultural land for his education. A rich man married his daughter to Venkata Rao. Venkata Rao’s practice also picked up. Along with money, the three defects grew in him. They were considering others as insects, himself as god, and accepting others praise as the truth. When he spoke of his father as a beggar, his father left him and returned to their village.

Marriage was also a business affair for Venkata Rao. विवाहो नाम वणिम्य वहार एव। For him money was everything. He never loved his wife. His son Suresh alone became the object of his affection.

Desire for Power :
Venkata Rao thought that money was useless without power. He became an MLA twice. But he could not become a minister. He was unhappy about that. He could not win the seat the third time. He blamed the people for that. His hatred for people grew.

Manjuhasini, the Lady Doctor :
At that time, Dr. Manjuhasini joined the government hospital there. She was Venkata Rao’s classmate in medical college. She rejected Venkata Rao’s advances. Venkata Rao was hoping that she might have changed now as he became rich.

The death of his son :
Venkata Rato received a phone call from Manjuhasini requesting his help in an emergency case. His driver tried to inform him that his son was not there at the school when he went there after getting the brake repaired. Venkata Rao cut him short saying that the boy would have reached home. But when he went to the hospital he saw the same villagers who came to him earlier in the day, and the body of his dead son.

लघु समाधान प्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
वेङ्ककटरावस्य पिता कः।
वेङ्करावस्य पिता सुब्बरायशास्त्री।

प्रश्न 2.
प्रभुत्वचिकित्सालये नियोगेनागता भिषगाराना ला का?
प्रभुत्वचिकित्सालये नियोगेनागता भिषगाराना आत्मनः सहाध्यायिनी भिषगङ्गला।

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 भिषजः भैषज्यम्

प्रश्न 3.
मक्षुहासिनी का?
मञ्जुहासिनी आत्मनः प्रेयसी।

एकपदसमाधान प्रश्नः One Word Answers

प्रश्न 1.
भषजः भैषज्यम् गति पाठयांश केन विरचितः।
पुल्लेल श्रीरामचन्द्रः

प्रश्न 2.
वेङ्कटरावस्य पुत्रः कः।

प्रश्न 3.
वेङ्कटरावस्य पत्नी का?

सन्दर्भ वाक्यानि Annotations

1. वैद्योपि मानव एव
वेङ्कटरावस्य भिषजो भैषज्यम् इति पाठ असित अस्य पाठस्य रचयित, श्री पुल्लेल श्रीरामचन्द्रः।

वेङ्कटरावः ग्रामीणं प्रति एवं अवदत्।

वैद्यः अपि चरः एव।

अरे भूर्ख ! स्वसुखनिन्तैव युषमाकम् वैद्यः मानवमात्र एव।

2. क्षणे क्षणे किल परीक्षीयते बालकस्य दशा।
वेङ्कटरावस्य भिषजो भैषज्यम् इति पाठ असित अस्य पाठस्य रचयित, श्री पुल्लेल श्रीरामचन्द्रः।

एकः वृद्धः युवकं उद्दिश्य एवं अवदत्।

क्षणे क्षणे परीशील्यमाने बलकस्य दशा क्षीयेत।

वृया अनेन कलहेन, बालकस्य परिस्यितिः सीयते।

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 भिषजः भैषज्यम्

3. विवाहो नाम वणिग्व्यवहार एव।
वेङ्कटरावस्य भिषजो भैषज्यम् इति पाठ असित अस्य पाठस्य रचयित, श्री पुल्लेल श्रीरामचन्द्रः।

एकः वृद्धः युवकं उद्दिश्य एवं अवदत्।

परिणयः नाम केवलं वाणिज्यव्यवहारः।


सर्वस्य धनं प्रधानं, सर्वेगुणाः धनं आश्रयन्ति । तद्दत् विवाहः अपि केवलं वाणिज्यमेव ।

व्याकरणांशाः Grammar


1. सर्वादा + अपि = सर्वदापि – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
2. सर्वथा + अपि = सर्वथापि – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
3. अत्र + अन्तरे = अत्रान्तरे – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
4. विना + एव = विनैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः
5. इति + उच्यते = इत्युच्यते – यणादेशसन्धिः
6. सर्वाणि + अपि = सर्वाण्यपि – यणादेशसन्धिः
7. मुहुः + मुहुः = मुहुर्मुहुः – विसर्गसन्धिः
8. वैद्यः + अपि = वैद्योऽपि – विसर्गसन्धिः
9. यत् + उच्यते = यदुच्यते – जश्त्वसन्धिः
10. सर्वे + अपि = सर्वेऽपि – पूर्वरूपसन्धिः


1. स्वग्रामे – स्वस्य ग्रामे – षष्ठीतत्पुरुषसमासः
2. अकृत्रिमम् – न कृत्रिमम् – नञ् तत्पुरुषसमासः
3. अलाभः – न लाभः – नञ् तत्पुरुषसमासः
4. अकरुण – न करुण – नञ् तत्पुरुषसमासः
5. दम्पती – जाया च पतिः च – द्वन्द्वसमासः
6. यथाशक्ति – शक्तिम् अनतिक्रम्य – अव्ययीभावसमासः
7. भग्नमनोरथः – भग्नः मनोरथः यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहिसमासः

भिषजः भैषज्यम् Summary in English

भिषजः भैषज्यम् Introduction:

“भिषजः भैषज्यम्’ इत्ययं पाठ्यभागः ‘श्रीराचन्द्रलघुकाव्यसग्रहः’ इति नामकात् कथाकाव्यग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः। अस्य रचयिता महामहोपाध्याय पुल्लेल श्रीरामचन्द्रः। अस्य मातापितरौ मान्यौ सत्यवती – सत्यनारायणौ, जन्मप्रदेशः आन्ध्रप्रदेशे प्राच्यगोदावरी – मण्डलान्तर्गतः इन्दुपल्ली ग्रामः। अयं महान् शास्त्रज्ञः, पण्डितः, कविः, व्याख्याता, विमर्शकः अनुवादकश्च। अनेन शताधिकाः ग्रन्थाः उल्लिखिताः। अयं वेदान्तविशारद – महामहोपाध्यायादिभिः बिरुदैः सत्कृतः, बह्वीभिः संस्थाभिः बहुधा पुरस्कृतश्च। बहुशाश्त्रकोविदाः एते राष्ट्रपति पुरस्कार ग्रहीतारश्च। तथाच एते २०११ तमे वत्सरे भारतसर्वकारेण पद्मश्री बिरुदेन सत्कृताः। प्रथमं द्वित्रासु संस्थासु अध्याप्य १९६० तमे वर्षे, उस्मानिया विद्यालयीय संस्कृतविभागे आचार्यपदवीम् अधिष्ठितवन्तः। बहुकालं संस्कृतपरिषदः निर्देशकत्वेन, (डैरेक्टर्) सुरभारतीसमित्याः सचिवत्वेन (कार्यदर्शी) संस्कृतवाङ्म यस्य सेवां विहितवन्तः। १९८७ वर्षे पदवीतः विश्रान्ताः एते, २०१५ जून्, २४ दिने स्वर्गस्थाः आसन्।

Bhishajah Bhaishajyam is a short story from Srirama chandralaghukavyasamgraha written by Prof. Pulle Sriraramachandra. He was born in Indupalli in East Godayari District, Andhra Pradesh. His parents were Satyavathi and Satyanarayana. Prof. Sriramachandra was a poet, scholar, translator, commentator and critic. He authored more than hundred books. He received Padma Shree award from the Governmont of India. He worked at Osmania University. He also acted as the Director of Sanskrit Academy.

भिषजः भैषज्यम् Summary

Dr.Venkata Rao was angry with the villagers saying that he would stick to his timings only. When the villagers pleaded with him that it was an urgent case, he retorted saying that doctors were also human and needed rest. He chided them for thinking about themselves only. Then one of them pointed out that they brought a boy who became unconscious having been hit by a vehicle, and he could not term it as selfishness or thinking about their needs only.

Venkata Rao became angrier and commented that under the pretext of helping someone, they wanted to get treatment without paying any fees. The villagers said that they would pay fees according to their might, and requested him to check the condition of the delicate boy.
Venkata Rao laughed at them saying that it would be the delicateness of a baby donkey. Then one of the elder persons among them said that the condition of the boy was deteriorating, and it would be better if they went elsewhere. Venkata Rao thought that nothing would happen if the population of India got decreased by the death of a puppy dog.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 भिषजः भैषज्यम्

Venkata Rao was the son of a poor farmer. His mother died when he was five years old. His father kept all his hopes on Venkata Rao only. The intelligent Venkata Rao got seat in MBBS.

His father sold even the little bit of land that was the source of their livelihood for Venkata Rao’s education. He thought that he would get double in return. A rich man made Venkata Rao his sonin-law thinking the handsome Venkata Rao who finished his medical education was a good man. Thus Venkata Rao became rich and also got a beautiful wife. Within a short time, his income crossed two thousand rupees a month. Thus the first part of his father’s dream was realized. But the later part never was realized as Venkata Rao acquired all the vices associated with money.

Treating others as insects, himself as god, and believing in flatteries are the result of newly acquired riches.

He treated his poor father also as an insect and once his father overheard him when the latter spoke about him as a beggar. His father, who showered all his affections on his grandson, went back to his village with his heart burning with indignation.

For Venkata Rao even marriage was a matter of business. According to him, money alone was the most important thing. He might have developed this attitude when he was in the medical college, and felt shameful for being poor, which turned into his hatred towards his father, and love for money. He could not understand how a rich girl would love him, and thought his wife’s love was not true. He loved his son Suresh only.

But to the outer world Venkata Rao was a gentle man kind and helpful. His facade as a gentle man brought him fame and money. As his money grew, he developed desire for authority also.

Venkatarao thought there was no use of money without power. He easily became an MLA twice. But he could not become a minister even after many efforts. He became dejected as all his service to the people, though done with ulterior motives, became fruitless.

His dejection amplified his inner hatred and egotism. When he did not win a third term as MLA, his disdain that started with his father spread to everyone. He blamed the people for his defeat. People wondered at the change of his behaviour. They did not know that it was his true nature.

That day Venkata Rao was in an agitated mood. His classmate in college Manjuhasini was appointed as in the Government Hospital in the city. But she did not try to meet him so far. He could not go to meet her because of the previous incidents between them.

Once during an anatomy class as Venkata Rao was glancing at her again and again, Manjuhasini smiled. Venkata Rao mistook it as a sign of love, and as a result except receiving a slap with sandal all else he got from her. But he thought that things changed now, and she would be friendly and affectionate towards him. While he was thinking, the villagers came.

Half an hour after they left, Venkata Rao received a call from Manjuhasini, who requested his help regarding a critical case. Getting dressed, he came out and called for his driver.

AP Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 भिषजः भैषज्यम्

Then the driver, who came from somewhere, told him that when he went to school to pick up Venkata Rao’s son from school after getting the brake repaired, he did not find the boy at school. But Venkata Rao cut short his words saying that he might have returned, and hurried him saying that he had to go to Government hospital as his assistance was required in some critical case.But when he went there, he saw the villagers who came to him earlier, and the dead body of his son Suresh.

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