AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Intermediate 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress Questions and Answers.

AP Intermediate 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

Syllable and Stress

Introduction :

A syllable is a group of one or more sounds with the vowel sound as its essential part. Words are made of one or more syllables.

Ex :

  1. Objection (Ob. jec. tion) Three syllables. (Tri syllabic word)
  2. Intelligence (In.te.lli.gence) 4 syllables. (Tetra syllabic word)
  3. Light (One syllable). (Mono syllabic)

Syllable అంటే ఒకటి లేక ఎక్కువ ఒవెల్ సౌండ్సు ప్రాముఖ్యంగా ఉన్న శబ్ద సముదాయము. సహజంగా మాటలు ఒకటి లేక అంతకు ఎక్కువ Syllables తో ఉంటాయి.

ఉదా : Objection (Ob.je.ction) మూడు Syllables.
Intelligence (In.te.lli.gence) నాలుగు Syllables.
Light [Light] ఒక Syllable మాత్రమే.

Stress : In a word, some syllables are pronounced with greater force than others. The syllable which is pronounced with greater force is said to be stressed or accented.

Stress is marked in a word by putting a small vertical bar before the syllable.

Ex : ‘artist, ‘doctor, for get, to’day.
ఒక పదంలో కొన్ని Syllables మిగతా వాటి కంటే ఎక్కువ బలంగా ఉచ్ఛరించబడతాయి. ఇలా ఎక్కువ ఒత్తి పలికే Syllable ను “stressed” లేక “accented” అంటాము .
ఆ సిలబుల్ మీద ముందు భాగంలో ఒక చిన్న గీతగీసి stress ను చూపిస్తాము.
ఉదా : ‘artist, ‘doctor, forget, to’day.

AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

Division of syllables :

A syllable is the smallest unit of speech. Vowels and consonants combine in the structure of a syllable. Syllables are divided into four kinds. They are :

  1. Mono syllabic words.
  2. Di syllabic words.
  3. Tri syllabic words.
  4. Poly syllabic words.

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Stress Marking

Stress Mark is a small vertical bar-(), which is placed before a stressed syllable. It sometimes identifies if the word: is a noun, adjective or a verb. It is not required for mono syllabic words.

Rules of Stress Marking :

1. The word stress may shift from one syllable to the other as the function of the word changes : If a word is a noun or adjective the stress is on the first syllable and if the same word functions as a verb, the stress is on the second syllable. Note the stress shift in the following words :
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2. Disyllabic nouns and adjectives and words with a silent ‘r’, have stress on the first syllable.
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a) Tri syllabic words which have stress on the first syllable.
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3. Disyllable words that begin with prefixes like a an be de con -, in -, ex-, re-, have stress on the second syllable.
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a) Tri-syllabic words which have stress on the second syllable.
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AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

4. Compound words which have stress on the first syllable.
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5. The words ending with the suffix ‘-ation’ which have stress on the penultimate syllable
(second syllable from the end).
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6. Words ending with ‘-ity’ which have stress on the ante-penultimate syllable (third syllable from the end).
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7. The derivational suffixes such as -age, -ance, -en, -ess, -ful, -hood, -ice, -ish, -ive, – less, -ly, ment, -ness, -or, -ship, -ter, -ure and -zen do not normally affect the stress.
For example :
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AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress 12

I. Mark the stress on the following words with the help of a good pronouncing dictionary.

1. about = a’bout
2. academic = aca’demic
3. adverse = ‘adverse
4. aeroplane = ‘aeroplane
5. afraid = a’fraid
6. among = a’mong
7. apology = a’pology
8. around = a’round
9. atmosphere = a’tmosphere
10. beginning = be’ginning
11. calendar = ‘calendar
12. character = ‘character

AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

13. cinema = ‘cinema
14. college = ‘college
15. comment = ‘comment
16. comparison = com’parison
17. competition = compe’tition
18. condition = con’dition
19. consider = con’sider
20. consumer = con’sumer
21. confidential = confi’dential
22. confusion = con’fusion
23. continue = con’tinue
24. conscious = ‘conscious
25. consolidate = con’solidate
26. convenient = con’venient
27. conversation = conver’sation
28. cooperation = coope’ration
29. country = ‘country
30. criticize = ‘criticize
31. dais = ‘dais
32. dangerous = ‘dangerous
33. decision = de’cision
34. describe = de’scribe
35. development = de’velopment
36. dialogue = ‘dialogue
37. dictionary = ‘dictionary
38. direction = di’rection
39, discuss = dis’cuss
40. education = edu’cation
41. electricity = elec’tricity
42. encourage = en’courage
43. environment = en’vironment
44. event = e’vent
45. everybody = ‘everybody
46. exam = e’xam
47. experiment = e’xperiment
48. expert = ‘expert
49. failure = ‘failure
50. genuine = ‘genuine
51. govemmet = ‘government
52. grammar = ‘grammar
53. guarantee = guaran’tee
54. holiday = ‘holiday
55. hypocrisy = hy’pocrisy
56. idea = i’dea
57. immediate = i’mmediate
58. important = im’portant
59. instruct = in’struct
60. information = infor’mation
61. intermediate = inter’mediate
62. intelligent = in’telligent
63. introduction = intro’duction
64. kilometer = ‘kilometer
65. laboratory = la’boratory
66. library = ‘library
67. literature = ‘literature
68. minister = ‘minister
69. nation = ‘nation
70. necessity = ne’cessity

AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

71. objection = ob’jection
72. opinion = o’pinion
73. parliament = ‘parliament
74. participate = par’ticipate
75. perform = per’form
76. petrol = ‘petrol
77. polite = po’lite
78. possibility = possi’bility
79. prefer = pre’fer
80. pronunciation = pronunci’ation
81. question = ‘question
82. remarkable = re’markable
83. repeat = re’peat
84. romantic = ro’mantic
85. signal = ‘signal
86. security = se’curity
87. sportsman = ‘sportsman
88. strategy = ‘strategy
89. student = ‘student
90. suggestion = su’ggestion
91. survive = sur’vive
92. technique = tech’nique
93. television = ‘television
94. theatre = ‘theatre
95. tourism = ‘tourism
96. trophy = ‘trophy
97. umbrella = um’brella
98. understanding = under’standing
99. university = uni’versity
100. welcome = ‘welcome

Mark the stress in the following words which are taken from your textbook.

1. prevalent = ‘prevalent
2. agony = ‘agony
3. intrepid = in’trepid
4. celebration = cele’bration
5. laughter = ‘laughter
6. amputated = ‘amputated
7. business = ‘business
8. suffering = ‘suffering
9. profound = pro’found
10. preacher = ‘preacher
11. conflict ‘ = ‘conflict
12. comrade = ‘comrade

AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

13. betray = be’tray
14. pageant = ‘pageant
15. subtle = ‘subtle
16. keystone = ‘keystone
17. ruin = ‘ruin
18. creseograph = ‘creseograph
19. misery = ‘misery
20. reflex = ‘reflex
21. sojourner – ‘sojourner
22. incessantly = in’cessantly
23. commandeer = comman’deer
24. malignant = ma’lignant
25. recreation = recre’ation
26. impulse – ‘impulse
27. woodland = ‘woodland
28. nobility = no’bility
29. inspiration = inspiration
30. modern = ‘modern
31. study = ‘study
32. delight – de’light
33. ornament = ‘ornament
34. natural = ‘natural
35. intellectually = inte’llectual
36. comment = ‘comment
37. architect = ‘architect
38. builder = ‘builder
39. structure = ‘structure
40. ascending = a’scending
41. secure = ‘ se’cure
42. secret = se’cret
43. splendor = ‘splendor

AP Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Word Stress

44. tempest = ‘tempest
45. triumphant = tri’umphant
46. indomitable = in’domitable
47. achievement = a’chievement
48. research = re’search
49. demonstrated = ‘demonstrated
50. telegraphy = te’legraphy

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