Students can go through AP Inter 2nd Year Botany Notes 14th Lesson Microbes in Human Welfare will help students in revising the entire concepts quickly.
AP Inter 2nd Year Botany Notes 14th Lesson Microbes in Human Welfare
→ Microbes are the major components of Biological systems on the earth.
→ They are present even at sites where no other life form could possibly exist-sites such as deep inside the greysers (140°C).
→ Lactic acid Bacteria grow in milk and convert it to curd. It also improves nutritional quality by increasing vitamin B12. In our stomach too, LAB play a main role in checking the microbes.
→ The dough which is used for making bread is fermented using Baker’s yeast (Sachharomyces cerevisiae).
→ ‘Toddy’ a traditional drink is made by fermenting sap from palms.
→ The large holes in Swiss cheese are due to the production of large amount of Co2 by Propionibacterium sharmanii:
→ The roquefort cheese is by Penicillium roqueforti.
→ Microbes are grown in large vessels called fermentors.
→ Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for bread making and also used fqr fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices to produce Ethanol.
→ Wine and beer are produced without distillation where as whisky, brandy and rum are produced by the distillation of the fermented broth.
→ Alexander Fleming discovered an Antibiotic, Pencillin from Pencillium notatum.
→ Its .full potential as an effective antibiotic was established by Ernest Chain and Howard Florey.
→ Examples of Acid producers are Aspergillus, Acetobacter, Clostridium and Lactobacillus.
→ Lipases are used in detergent formulations and are helpful in removing oily stains from laundry.
→ Streptokinase from Streptococcus is used as a ‘clot buster’ for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients.
→ Statins from Monascus purpureus is used as blood cholesterol lowering agent.
→ Treatment of waste water is done by heterotrophic microbes.
→ Microbes can be used to remove toxic substances that are released into the environment such as oil or chemical spills and lands contaminated with toxic wastes. This process is called Bioremediation.
→ Methanobacterium, found in anaerobic sludge during sewage treatment and also present in the rumen of cattle produce methane gas or gobar gas.
→ Microbial bio-control agent used to control butterfly caterpillars is Bacillus thuringiensis.
→ Baculoviruses are pathogens that attack insects and arthropods.
→ Rhizobium, Azospirillum and Azotobacter enriches the Nitrogen content of the soil.
→ Mycorrhiza seen in Glomus helps in absorption of phosphorous from the soil.
→ Cyanobacteria (Anabaena, Nostoc) can fix the atmospheric N2.
→ Bioterrorism involves the actual use of or the threat to use Biological agents in order to spread fear or inflict disease and death upon large populations.
→ Microbes (Micro organisms) are the organisms that are viewed only under Microscope.
→ Microbes are tiny micro organisms like bacteria, fungi, yeasts causing fermentation.
→ Some Microbes are pathogenic. They spoil food and edible items.
→ But many microbes are very useful to human beings.
→ Microbe derived products are curd, dough, bread, cheese, Swiss Cheese etc.,
→ Industrial microbial products are Lactic acid, Acetic acid and Alcohol.
→ Antibiotics like Penicillin is produced from microbes.
→ Antibiotics are used to control diseases like diphtheria, whooping cough and pneumonia.
→ Microbes are used to treat sewage and they help in recycling water.
→ Methanogens like methane are produced while degrading plant wastes.
→ Biogas is produced by microbes and used as a source of energy in rural areas.
→ Microbes are used to kill harmful pests. This process is called biocontrol.
→ Biofertilisers are produced from microbes and are used in the place of chemical fertilisers.
→ Large holes in ‘Swiss cheese’ are due to the production of large amounts of CO2. [IPE]
→ Fermentors are large vessels used to produce beverages and antibiotics on large scale. [IPE]
→ Microbe used for statin production is Monascus purpureus yeast. [IPE]
→ The Nucleopolyhedroviruses are used for biological control of insect pests. [IPE]
→ Cyclosporin A is used as immuno suppressive agent. [IPE]
→ The domestic sewage in large cities is processed by aerobic and then anaerobic bacteria in the secondary treatment in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). [2012 PMT]
→ Monascus purpureus is a yeast used commercially in the production of blood cholesterol lowering statins. [2012 PMT]
→ An organism used as a biofertiliser for raising soyabean crop is Rhizobium. [2011 PMT]
→ During sewage treatment, biogas is produced which includes methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide. [NEET-2013]
→ A good producer of citric acid is Aspergillus [NEET-2013]
→ A commercial blood cholesterol lowering agent is sthtin. [NEET-2019]
→ A ‘biocontrol agent’ used in the treatment of plant disease is Trichoderma. [NEET-2019]
→ Activated sludge is put into anaerobic sludge digester for further sewage treatment. [NEET-2020]