AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 6th Lesson वर्षापरिदेवनम् Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material 6th Lesson वर्षापरिदेवनम्

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
वर्षपरिदेवनम् इत्यस्थ सारांशं लिखत?
Write the summary of the lesson Varsha – paridevanam.
2. वषदिव्यः परिदेवनं संक्षेपेण लिखत?
Write in brief the lamentation of the rain goddess.
Introduction :
The lesson Varsha – paridevanam was written by Prlf. G.S.R. Krishna Murthy. He wrote Vanaki, Suvarna svachalitam etc. story books. In Varshaparidevanam, the author describes how the goddess of rain laments at the environmental pollution.

The Early morning :
Once the early mornings were filled with the cooing of the cuckoos, chirping of the birds, fragrant breezes, etc. Every where there was purity. All were pure in body, mind and speech. But time changed. Roads became dusty. Vehicle and factory were emitting smoke. Garbage piled up. Culverts were clogged. People suffered from epidemics. Even the animals and the trees suffered. The goddess of rain was thinking about that. She requested the sun and saw that clouds were formed, and there was rain. She swept the universal yard, and decorated it with the rainbow.

The duties of the season – brothers :
The brothers of the rain – goddess helped her. Under the supervision of the Autumn, the rivers became lucid. The Winter drenched the worlds with dew. When Spring came, flowers blossomed. Summer made the twilight hours charming. When the Rain returned, the surroundings were clean, and she felt happy.

The fault of the people :
But things changed, their efforts became futile. The goddess realized that it was not their fault, but that of the people. People did not care about the purity of the environment. Hence there was no use even if there were many sanitary workers. The governments were making some efforts by advertising about cleanliness through print and audio visual media. But no one heard them or followed them. The rain goddess recounted the story of the four workers, All, Someone, Anyone and No one. If everyone acted without instructing others, any work would be successful.

Finally she said that a person who would act alone was a learned one.

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
स्वच्छताया विषये सर्वकारः किं करोति?
स्वच्छताया विषये सर्वकारः बहुयत्नान् करोति। नगरपालिकासु, परिशुद्धकर्मचारिणः नियुक्ताः। आकाशवाणी-दूरदर्शनीद्वारा बहु प्रचारयति।

प्रश्न 2.
षट् ऋतवः के?
वसन्तः, ग्रीष्मः, वर्षा, शरत्, हेमन्तः तथा शिशिरः इति षट् ऋतवः।

प्रश्न 3.
वर्षादेव्याः संदेशः कः?
सर्वे वयं जागृयाम। स्वच्छतायै प्रयतामहे। यः क्रियावान् स पण्डितः।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

प्रश्न 4.
चत्वारः पुरुषाः के?
सर्वः, कश्चित्, यः कोऽपि, न कोऽपि इति चत्वारः पुरुषाः।

एकपदसमाधानप्रश्ना: One Word Answers

प्रश्न 1.
मार्गाः काभिः कलुषिताः?
मार्गाः धूळिभिः कलुषिताः।

प्रश्न 2.
वायुः कान् चालयति?
वायुः मेघान् चालयति।

प्रश्न 3.
हेमन्तानुजः कैः विश्वमासिञ्चति?
हेमन्तानुजः तुषारैः विश्वम् आसिञ्चति।

प्रश्न 4.
अधिकारिणः कानि प्रदाय बोधयन्ति?
अधिकारिणः करपत्राणि प्रदाय बोधयन्ति।

सन्दर्भवाक्यानि Annotations

1. जीर्णम् अङ्गे सुभाषितम्।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यम् वर्षापरिदेवनम्इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयिता आचार्य गुल्लपल् िश्रीरामकृष्णमूर्तिः।

स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणार्थं चिन्तयन्ती वर्षादेवी एतत् वदति।

भावः –
सुभाषितम् मनसि एव स्थापितम्।

विवरणम् – वर्षादेवी स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणार्थं जनान् बोधयितुम् इष्टवती। परन्तु कः श्रृणोति माम् इति सुभाषितम् अङ्गे जीर्णम्।

2. तुषारैः विश्वम् आसिञ्चति।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यम् वर्षापरिदेवनम् इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयिता आचार्य गुल्लपल्लि श्रीरामकृष्णमूर्तिः।

सन्दर्भः –
स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणार्थं कृतं प्रयत्नं वर्षादेवी एवं वदति।

भावः –
हिमबिन्दुभिः जगत् सिञ्चति।

विवरणम् –
वर्षादेवी स्वच्छजलेनविश्वप्राङ्गणं मार्जयति। शरत्कुमारः परिवेक्षते। ततः हेमन्तानुजः अपि तुषारैः विश्वम् आसिञ्चति।

3. नायं मम दोषः। न वा शरदादीनाम्।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यम् वर्षापरिदेवनम् इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयिता आचार्य गुल्लपल्लि श्रीरामकृष्णमूर्तिः।

सन्दर्भः –
स्वच्छता कुत्र गता इति पृच्छन्ती वर्षादेवी एवं वदति।

भावः –
एष मम दोषः नास्ति। शरदादीनाम् दोषः अपि नास्ति।

विवरणम् – वर्षादेवी स्वच्छजलेन विश्वप्राङ्गणं मार्जयति। तथापि विश्व कलुषितमेव दृश्यते। कस्य दोषः अयम्? वर्षायाः तस्याः अनुजानां च दोषो नास्ति।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

4. स्वच्छतायै प्रयतामहे।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यम् वर्षापरिदेवनम् इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयिता आचार्य गुल्लपल्लि श्रीरामकृष्णमूर्तिः।

सन्दर्भः –
स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणार्थं प्रयत्नं करणीयमिति वदन्ती वर्षादेवी एवं प्रबोधयति।

भावः –
स्वच्छतार्थं प्रयत्नं कुर्मः।

विवरणम् –
विश्वं कलुषितम् इति दुःखित्वा वर्षादेवी स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणार्थं जनान् प्रबोधयति। स्वच्छतार्थं प्रयत्नं कुर्मः। यः क्रियावान् स पण्डितः। इति।

विशेषतो ज्ञेयाः


तीव्रघोषाः – कठोरशब्दाः
प्रयतते – प्रयत्नं करोति
परिष्कृत्य – स्वच्छं कृत्वा
अपराद्धम् – अपराधः कृतः
परिदेवनम् – विलापः

तथा + एव = तथैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः
अत्र + अन्तरे = अत्रान्तरे – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
रविः + अपि = रविरपि – विसर्गसन्धिः
देव + आलयानाम् = देवालयानाम् – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
कः + अपि = कोऽपि – विसर्गसन्धिः
पर + उपदेशम् = परोपदेशम् – गुणसन्धिः
तदा + एव = तदैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः


यन्त्रागाराः – यन्त्राणाम् अगाराः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
चिकित्सालयः – चिकित्सायाः आलयः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
कार्यभारः – कार्यस्य भारः – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
स्वच्छतासम्पादनम् – स्वच्छतायाः सम्पादनम् – षष्ठीतत्पुरुष समासः
अगरुगुग्गुलुघृतादयः – अगरुः गुग्गुलुः घृतम् आदिश्च – द्वन्द्वसमासः
जीर्णपत्राणि – जीर्णानि च पत्राणि – द्वन्द्व समासः

वर्षापरिदेवनम् Summary in English

वर्षापरिदेवनम् Introduction:

प्रस्तुतः पाठ्यभागः महामहोपाध्यायस्य आचार्यस्य गुल्लपल्लि श्रीराम कृष्णमूर्तः कथानिकासंग्रहात् स्वीकृतः। श्रीकृष्णमूर्तिः वानकी, सुवर्णाश्वचलितम्, नवरूपकम् इत्यादीन् काव्यग्रन्थान् रचयित्वा उत्तरप्रदेशसर्वकारेण सम्मानितः। प्रयागहिन्दीसाहित्यसम्मेलनात् महामहोपाध्याय इति बिरुदेन सभाजितः।

The present lesson is taken from the collection of stories of Professor Gullapalli Sri Ramakrishna Murthy. He wrote Vanaki, Suvarnasvachalitam, Navarupakam etc. story books, and was honoured by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. He was presented the title Mahamahopadhyaya by the Hindi Sahityasammelan, Allahabad.

प्रस्तुते पाठ्यांशे लेखकः साम्प्रतिके काले पर्यावरणकालुष्यमभिलक्ष्य प्रकृतिप्रतिनिधीभूतां वर्षादेवी परिकल्प्य तस्याः विलापं वर्णयति। अधुनातने काले पर्यावरणे च कलुषिता सर्वत्र दृश्यते। जनानां चिन्तने अपि स्वच्छता नास्ति। सर्वे अपि परस्परमुपदेशका भवन्ति। कोऽपि कस्यापि उपदेशं न शृणोति, न पालयति। कथं सफलता भवेत्? जननां सुखं कथं भवेत्? कदा शान्तिः लभ्यते? इति विलपन्ती अस्मान् उद्दिश्य सन्दिशति पर्यावरणस्वच्छताविषये।

In the present lesson, the poet, highlighting the environment pollution of today, created the goddess of rains as the symbol of Nature, and describes her sorrow. Today every where one observes pollution of the environment. There no purity even in the thinking of the people. Everyone preaches another. But no one does not listen to the advice of the other, and runs away. How then there will be success? How can there be happiness to people? When will peace prevail? Thus crying, she advises us regarding the cleanli-ness of the environment.

वर्षापरिदेवनम् Summary

Once, in the early mornings there were the cooing of the cuckoos, clucking of the cocks, chirping of the sparrows, cries of the infants, mooing of the cows, the ‘chooi, chooi’ sound of milking the cows, the sounds of churning, tinkling of the bracelets of women etc. were spreading. The sun was rising. The flowers were blooming. Fragrant breeze was blowing. People were engaged in their duties. The temple bells were heard. Everywhere there was purity. All were pure in body, mind and speech.

Where has that purity gone? Where has that cleanliness of people gone?’, thus the Rain – deity has been thinking. Meanwhile season has changed. The roads have become dirty with dust. Vehicles and factories are emitting smoke. We find torn paper pieces thrown everywhere. Marks of spitting on the road are seen. The culverts are unclean. The rivers are contaminated. Both water and air are polluted. Pipe water is obstructed. Garbage has piled up. Mosquitoes increased. People suffer from epidemics like fever and cold. Hospitals are filled with sick people. The doctors are over burdened. Animals are suffering. Even the trees have become withered and dry. · The rain deity was worried.

‘Sometimes I become worried on observing the impurity of the world. For its cleanliness, I requested the sun to think of a way. The sun had kindly attracted the water with his rays. The fumes of the sacred agrau, guggul, ghee and others covered the water thus reached the sunrays. By that black clouds formed. Wind blew the clouds. Those clouds rested on dense trees. The clouds were churned by the friction between the trees and the clouds. I encouraged them and cause rain. I cleaned the whole environment with pure water.

Just as women in the family clean every day the front yard and having mopped it with water mixed with cow dung draw rangolis (designs) so did I sweep the universal yard and made the rainbow appear on the sky, grew the crops and decorated the universe. Having done this I felt happy. After doing this, I asked my brothers Autumn – boy and others to supervise the cleaned universal yard, and went away.

The autumn – boy supervised. The rivers became lucid. The heat became bearable. The lotus ponds bloomed. After him, Winter – brother drenched the worlds with dew. Next, Fall – boy removed the dead leaves and prepared the trees for budding. Then Spring came. Flowers blossomed. Cool breezes fanned the world. After that Summer arrived, and made the days charming at twilight hours. Then when I arrived again, on seeing the beautiful surroundings I felt happy.

Today I note the failure of our efforts. The whole universe has become polluted. Where has the cleanliness gone? How the people have become agitated ? Thus a doubt arose in my mind.

I am thinking as to whose fault this is. This is not my fault. Nor that of Sarat and others. What wrong have Autumn, Winter, Fall, Spring and Summer done ? Many questions worried my mind. I thought much. Finally I got the answer. This is not the fault of the nature. The fault lies in the minds of people. As long as people do not care about the purity of the soul and body of the environment, so long will there be no use even if there are many sanitary workers, supervisors and officers in charge of cleanliness.

Having thought so, I wanted to enlighten the people.

But nobody wants to listen to me. Hence the good words are suppressed within myself. Still, having come to know that some beginning has been made towards cleanliness, I felt happy. The governments are also taking many measures. Many sanitary workers have been appointed in the corporations and panchayats. Those duty minded workers come every day and sweep the roads, and wash them with water. Even the supervisors also display many boards written in big letters. But who will notice them? Officers also got pamphlets printed and distribute. But who will read? Advertisements are given in audio – visual media. Who will listen? Through radio and TV also it is being very much advertised. Who will understand ? Many meetings are arranged. Who will attend? Even the determined politicians are also arranging programmes. Who will follow them ? Even gentle men are advertising cleanliness through interviews. Who will follow?

Same is the case with old and the young. Again the same pathetic condition. On observing this matter, a story heard previously came to my mind. It goes thus –

Some urgent work was to be done. Four people had been appointed for that. The first of them was called All (sarvah), the second Someone (kaschit), the third Anyone (yah ko’pi) and the fourth None(nako’pi). Among the four, three advised one another. “All should do” thus one, “Someone should do” thus another, and “Anyone should do” thus the other one. Finally, none did it. How can such a work be successful ? I understand that this is the case with cleanliness also.

If everyone acts without instructing others, then only the work will be successful. This is the moral of that story.

Let all of us wake up. We shall work for cleanliness. He, who acts, is a learned man. Thus it is said in the Gita -.

Whatever the noble do, other people follow it. What standards they set, the world follows it.

वर्षापरिदेवनम् Translation in English

प्रभातवेला !
पिकानां कूजनानि, कुक्कुटानां रुतानि, चटकानां कलकलारावाः, शिशूनां प्रबोधाः, धेनूनां मुम्बारवाः, गोदोहनस्य ‘चुय चुय्’ इति कलरवाः, दधिमन्थनस्य ‘किर किर् इति तीव्रघोषाः, महिलानां कङ्कणानां शिञ्जितानि च प्रसरन्ति। सूर्यः उदेति । कुसुमानि विकसन्ति। सुगन्धः वायुः प्रचलति। जनाः स्वकीयेषु कार्येषु संलग्नाः भवन्ति। देवालयानां घण्टारवः श्रूयते। सर्वत्र स्वच्छता सर्वे सन्ति . कायेन मनसा बाचा च निर्मलाः।

(पिकानाम् of the cuckoos, चटकानाम् of the sparrows, गोदोहनस्य milking of the cows, The churning of the curds)

Early morning,
The cooing of the cuckoos, clucking of the cocks, chirping of the sparrows, cries of the infants, mooing of the cows, the ‘chooi chooi’ sound of milking the cows, the sounds of churning, tinkling of the bracelets of women etc. were spreading. The sun was rising. The flowers were blooming. Fragrant breeze was blowing. People were engaged in their duties. The temple bells were heard. Everywhere there was purity. All were pure in body, mind and speech.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

सा स्वच्छता कुत्र गता? जनानां निर्मलता कुत्र गता? इति चिन्तयन्ती वर्षादेवी तिष्ठति। अत्रान्तरे कालः परिवर्तते। मार्गाः धूलिभिः कलुषिताः। बाहनानां यन्त्रागाराणां च धूमाः प्रसरन्ति। यत्र कुत्रापि पश्येम छिन्नकागदानि विकीर्णानि। मार्गेषु निष्ठीवनानि दृश्यन्ते। नालिकाः मलिनाः। नद्यः कलुषिताः। जलं वायुश्च प्रदूषितौ। नालिकाजलस्य अवरोधः। अबकराणां राशयः घनीभूताः। मशकानां समृद्धिः। संक्रमिकज्वरकासादिभिः जनाः पीडिताः। चिकित्सालया रोगिभिः सम्भरिताः। वैद्यानां कार्यभारः अघिको जातः। जन्तवः क्लिश्नन्ति । वृक्षा अपि शीर्णा शुष्काश्च।

Where has that purity gone? Where has that cleanliness of people gone ?’, thus the Rain-deity has been thinking. Time has changed. The roads have become dirty with dust. Vehicles and factories are emitting smoke. We find torn paper pieces thrown everywhere. Marks of spitting on the road are seen. The culverts are unclean. The rivers are contaminated. Both water and air are polluted. Pipe water is obstructed. Garbage has piled up. Mosquitoes increased. People suffer from epidemics like fever and cold. Hospitals are filled with sick people: The doctors are overburdened. Animals are suffering. Even the trees have become withered and dry.

एषा स्थितिः कथमागता? कुत्र सा स्वच्छता? इति पश्यन्ती वषदिवी मनसि स्वच्छतासम्पादनाय प्रयतते।

How did this happen? Where is that purity? Thus looking around, the Rain-deity has been searching in mind for ways to get cleanliness.

सा एवं पुरा स्वकीयान् स्वच्छतापरिरक्षणाय प्रयासान् कथयति।

She recounts thus her previous efforts for safe guarding cleanliness.

कदाचित् विश्वस्य कलुषतां पश्यन्ती व्याकुला भवामि। ततः अस्याः स्वच्छतायाः कृते रविमनुनीतवती यत् अत्र उपायः चिन्तनीय इति। रविरपि करूंणया स्वकिरणैः जलमाकृष्टवान्। पवित्राणाम् अगरुगुग्गुलु घृतादीनां धूमाः रविकिरणगतं जलमाच्छादयन्ति। तेन च नीलमेघाः प्रादुर्भूताः। वायुः मेघान् चालयति। ते च मेघाः निबिडान् वृक्षान्। आश्रयन्ति। वृक्षमेघसंघर्षणेन मथिताः मेघाः। अहं तान् सम्प्रेर्य वर्ष कृतवती। स्वच्छजलेन सर्वं पर्यावरणं मार्जितवती।

Sometimes I becomes worried on observing the impurity of the world. For its cleanliness, I requested the sun to think of a way. The sun had kindly attracted the water with his rays. The fumes of the sacred agrau, guggul, ghee and others covered the water thus reached the sunrays. By that black clouds formed. Wind blew the clouds. Those clouds rested on dense trees. The clouds were churned by the friction between the trees and the clouds. I encouraged them and cause rain. I cleaned the whole environment with pure water.

परिवारे महिलाः प्रतिनित्यं प्रातः प्राङ्गणं मार्जयित्वा गोमयजलेन परिष्कृत्य रङ्गवल्ली: रचयन्ति यथा तथैव अहमपि विश्वप्राङ्गणं परिष्कृत्य आकाशे इन्द्रचापमाविष्कृत्य सस्यादीन् वर्धयित्वा विश्वम् अलंकृतवती। एतत् कृत्वा सन्तुष्टा जातास्मि। ततः मे अनुजान् शरत्कुमारादीन् शुद्धस्य विश्वप्राङ्गणस्य परिवेक्षणं कर्तुम् आदिश्य निर्गतवती।

Just as women in the family clean every day the front yard and having mopped it with water mixed with cow dung draw rangolis (designs) so did I sweep the universal yard and made the rainbow appear on the sky, grew the crops and decorated the universe. Having done this I felt happy. After doing this, I asked my brothers Autumn-boy and others to supervise the cleaned universal yard, and went away.

शरत्कुमारः परिवेक्षते। नद्यः प्रसन्नाः। आतपः समशीतोष्णः संजातः। कमलसरांसि विकसन्ति।

ततः हेमन्तानुजः अपि तुषारैः विश्वमासिञ्चति।

अग्रे शिशिरकुमारः जीर्णपत्राणि निर्मूल्य वृक्षान् विकासाय सज्जितान् करोति।

अग्रे वसन्तः आगतः। कुसुमानि विकसन्ति। मलयमारुतः विश्वं वीजयति।

तदनु ग्रीष्मः आगतः। दिवसान् परिणामरमणीयान् करोति। पुनः यदा अहमागच्छम् मनोहरं परिवेशं वीक्ष्य सन्तोष प्राप्ता। एवं क्रमेण प्रतिसंवत्सरं करोमि, शरत्कुमारादयः तथैव आचरन्ति। अस्माकमयमभ्यासो जातः।

अधुना अहमस्माकं प्रयासानां विफलतां पश्यामि। विश्वं सर्वमपि कलुषितमेव दृश्यते। स्वच्छता कुत्र गता? जनानां व्याकुलता कथमागता? इति मनसि सन्देहः उत्पन्नः।

The autumn-boy supervised. The rivers became lucid. The heat became bearable. The lotus ponds bloomed.

After him, Winter-brother drenched the worlds with dew.

Next, Fall-boy removed the dead leaves and prepared the . trees for budding.

Then Spring came. Flowers blossomed. Cool breezes fanned the world.

After that summer arrived, and made the days charming at twilight hours.

Then when I arrived again, on seeing the beautiful surroundings I felt happy.

Thus I have been doing every day. Saratkumara and others also have been doing so. This has become a schedule to us.

Today I note the failure of our efforts. The whole universe has become polluted. Where has the cleanliness gone? How the people have become agitated? Thus a doubt arose in my mind.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

अहं चिन्तयामि कस्य दोषः? इति। नायं मम दोषः। न वा शरदादीनाम्। शरत्कुमारहेमन्त-शिशिरवसन्त-ग्रीष्मैरपि किमपराद्धम्? अनेके प्रश्नाः मनः व्याकुलयन्ति। वहुधा चिन्तनं कृतम्। अन्ततो गत्वा समाधानमुपागच्छम्। इयं च न प्रकृतेः दोषः। दोषस्तु जनमानस्य। याबता जनाः पर्यावरणस्य आत्मनः मनसश्च स्वच्छतायै न चिन्तयन्ति तावता कियन्तोऽपि परिशुद्धकर्मचारिणो भवन्तु, परिशुद्धेः कार्य परिवेक्षकाः अधिकारिणः वा नियुक्ताः भवन्तु, तावता प्रयोजनं न किमपि सिद्ध्यति।

एवं विचिन्त्य जनान् बोधयितुमिष्टवतीं।

I am thinking as to whose fault this is. This is not my fault. Nor that of Sarat and others. What wrong have Autumn, Winter, Fall, Spring and Summer done ? Many questions worried my mind. I thought much. Finally I got the answer. This is not the fault of the nature. The fault lies in the minds of people. As long as people do not care about the purity of the soul and body of the environment, so long will there be no use even if there are many sanitary workers, supervisors and officers in charge of cleanliness.

Having thought so, I wanted to enlighten the people.

न हि कश्चित् शृणोति माम्। अत एव जीर्णम् अङ्गे सुभाषितम्। तथापि अस्मिन् स्वच्छतायै उपक्रमः आरब्धः इति ज्ञात्वा हर्ष प्राप्ता। सर्वकाराः अपि बहुयनान् कुर्वन्ति। नगरपालिकासु, ग्रामपञ्चायतीषु परिशुद्धकर्मचारिणः अनेके नियुक्ताः। ते च आगत्य प्रतिदिनं कर्तव्यपरायणाः मार्गान् सम्मार्जयन्ति। जलेन प्रक्षालयन्ति। परिवेक्षकाः अपि अनेकफलकान् सूचनाः बृहदक्षरैः विलिख्य प्रदर्शयन्ति, को वा पश्यति? अधिकारिणः अपि अत्र करपत्राणि प्रदाय बोधयन्ति, को वा पठति ? दूरश्रवणयन्त्रमाध्यमेन प्रकटना अपि प्रसारयन्ति, को वा शृणोति? आकाशवाणीदूरदर्शनीद्वारा बहु प्रचारयन्ति, को वा अवगच्छति? अनेकानि सम्मेलनानि कुर्वन्ति, को वा गच्छति? राजकीयपुरुषाः अपि स्वच्छतायै कटिबध्दाः भूत्वा प्रदर्शनानि कुर्वन्ति, को वा तान् अनुसरति? भद्रपुरुषाः अपि संवादमाध्यमेन मार्जनं बहु प्रचारयन्ति, को वा आचरति?

But nobody wants to listen to me. Hence the good words are suppressed within myself. Still, having come to know that some beginning has been made towards cleanliness, I felt happy. The governments are also taking many measures. Many sanitary workers have been appointed in the corporations and panchayats. Those duty minded workers come every day and sweep the roads, and wash them with water. Even the supervisors also display many boards written in big letters. But who will notice them? Officers also got pamphlets printed and distribute. But who will read? Advertisements are given in audio-visual media. Who will listen? Through radio and TV also it is being very much advertised. Who will understand? Many meetings are arranged. Who will attend ? Even the determined politicians are also arranging programmes. Who will follow them ? Even gentle men are advertising cleanliness through interviews. Who will follow?

आबालवृद्धमियमेव स्थितिः। पुनः सा एव दुरवस्था। सर्वममुम् उदन्तं पश्यन्त्याः मम मनसि पुरा श्रुता कथा स्मृतिपथमागता। यथा –

किमपि आवश्यक कार्यं कर्तव्यम्। चत्वारः पुरुषाः तस्मिन् कार्ये नियुक्ताः। तेषु च पुरुषेषु प्रथमः सर्वः, द्वितीयः कश्चित्, तृतीयः यः कोऽपि, चतुर्थः न कोऽपि। चतुषु त्रयः अन्योन्यम् उपदिशन्ति। सर्वोऽपि कुर्यादिति इतरः, कश्चित् कुर्यादिति अन्यः, यः कोऽपि कुर्यादिति अपरः, अन्ततः न कोऽपि कृतवान्। तादृशं कार्यं किं सफलं भवति ? तथैव स्वच्छताविषयेऽपि अवगच्छामि।

परोपदेशं विहाय यदि स्वयं कर्तुमारभते, तदैव कार्य सफलं भवति इति तस्याः कथायाः सारः।

Same is the case with old and the young. Again the same pathetic condition. On observing this matter, a story heard previously came to my mind. It goes thus –

Some urgent work was to be done. Four people had been .appointed for that. The first of them was called All (sarvah), the second Someone (kaschit), the third Anyone (yah ko’pi) and the fourth None (nako’pi). Among the four, three advised one another. “All should do” thus one, “Someone should do” thus another, and “Anyone should do” thus the other one. Finally, none did it. How.can such a work be successful ? I understand that this is the case with cleanliness also. · If everyone acts without instructing others, then only the work will be successful. This is the moral of that story.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 6 वर्षापरिदेवनम्

सर्वे वयं जागृयाम | स्वच्छतायै प्रयतामहे। यः क्रियावान् स पण्डितः। तथा च कथितं गीतायाम् –
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठ: तत्तदेवेतरो जनः।
सयत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते।।

Let all of us wake up. We shall work for cleanliness. He, who acts, is a learned man. Thus it is said in the Gita –

Whatever the noble do, other people follow it. What standards they set, the world follows it.

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