AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material गद्यभागः 5th Lesson स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि Textbook Questions and Answers, Summary.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material 5th Lesson स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

निबन्ध प्रश्नः Essay Questions

प्रश्न 1.
‘स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि’ इति पाठ्‌यभग सारांशं लिखत?
Narrate the story of the lesson स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि’
2. शबरी रामाय को कथामुक्तवती?
What story did Sabari tell Rama?
The Teacher’s Query:
Once a teacher, while going to the forest along with his students asked them which water was the best in the world. The students gave different answers such as the water of the Gangas, rain water and tears. The teacher then told them a story.

Sabari’s Hospitality :
While searching for Sita in the forest, Rama and Lakshmana met Şabari. She worshipped Rama, and offered him sweet fruits. There were beautiful and fragrant flowers in front of the place where Sabari lived. Rama asked her about those flowers. Matanga and his students :

Sabari told him that the hermitage of Matanga used to be there at that place. Many students came for their studies to the hermitage. Once it was the end of the summer, and monsoon was about to set in. But no arrangement to store fuel sticks was made.

Sage Matanga and his students went to the forest, and cut wood. The young and the old carried the load on their heads and returned to the hermitage. Everyone was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat dropped from the bodies on the ground.

The fragrance:
The next day everyone at the hermitage was surprised at the fragrance that spread tħere. The students found that the fragrance came from the direction of the forest where they went the day before. They went there and saw beautiful flowers blossomed here and there. Those flowers were not there the day before. The students ran back to Matanga, and reported to the teacher that strange incident. Matanga went there, and touched those flowers affectionately.

The flowers of sweat :
Matanga told his students that the flowers were born from their sweat. Sweat born of labour was pure. The heart of Mother Earth seemed to have bloomed up on seeing their effort. He told them that there was nothing purer than physical labour. If the farmer and the weaver did not work, there would be no crop or clothes. The world moved on because of the labourers. He advised them to respect the workers. The students promised Matanga that they would respect the labourers and see that they were comfortable.

Rama and Lakshmana bowed to those flowers and went away.

The real sweat :
Having told the story the teacher explained to his students that the sweat from which any useful thing was produced was the sacred and true sweat. He advised his students to make the lives of the workers happy when they grew up.

लघुसमाधानप्रश्नाः Short Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
शिक्षकः छात्रान् किं प्रश्नं पृष्टवान्?
अस्मिन् जगति किं जलम् अतीव उत्तमम्? अतीव पूतं जलं किम्? किं च जलं मूल्यवत्? इति शिक्षकः छात्रान् प्रश्नं पृष्टवान्।

प्रश्न 2.
रामचन्द्रः शबरी किं पृष्टवान्?
शबरि ! कः एतेषां पुष्पसस्यानाम् आरोपणं कृतवान्? इति रामचन्द्रः शबरी पृष्टवान्।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

प्रश्न 3.
कः स्वेदः पवित्रः?
श्रमजातः स्वेदः पवित्रः। कर्मणां स्वेदः पवित्रः।

प्रश्न 4.
बालकाः स्थाने स्थाने कानि दृष्टवन्तः?
बालकाः स्थाने स्थाने सुन्दराणि पुष्पाणि विकसितानि दृष्टवन्तः।

एकपदसमाधानप्रश्ना: One Word Answer Questions

प्रश्न 1.
स्वेदबिन्दवः कुत्र पतन्ति स्म?
स्वेदबिन्दवः भूमौ पतन्ति स्म।

प्रश्न 2.
स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागः कस्मात् स्वीकृतः?
स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागः मधुराः कथाः इत्यस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः।

प्रश्न 3.
स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि दृष्ट्वा रामः किं कृतवान्?
स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि दृष्ट्वा रामः नमस्कृतवान्।

प्रश्न 4.
तृणवत् कान् न गणयेम?
तृणवत् श्रामिकान् न गणयेम |

सन्दर्भवाक्यानि Annotations

1. पर्जन्यस्य जलं सर्वेषु महत्त्वपूर्णम्।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री डा.माधवी जोषी।

सन्दर्भः –
विनायकः इति शिष्यः शिक्षकम् एवं वदति।

भावः –
वर्षाजलं सर्वेषु उत्तमम्।

विवरणम् –
शिक्षकः छात्रान् किं जलम् उत्तम, पूतं, मूल्यवत् इति पृष्टवान् । तदा विनायकः इति शिष्यः मेघस्य जलं महत्त्वपूर्णम् इति समाधानं दत्तवान्।

2. एतत् जगत् श्रामिकैः प्रचाल्यते।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री डा:माधवी जोषी।

सन्दर्भः –
मातङ्गः छात्रान् एवम् उपदिष्टवान्।

भावः –
श्रमजीविनां कारणात् एतत् जगत् प्रचलति।

विवरणम् –
श्रमजातः स्वेदः पवित्रः इति मातङ्गः उपदिष्टवान्। परिश्रमः एव पवित्रः। श्रमस्य स्वेदः न भवति चेत् जगत् न प्रचलति। इति उक्तवान्।

3. न हि परिश्रमात् ऋते पवित्रम् इह किमपि विद्यते।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री डा.माधवी जोषी।

सन्दर्भः –
मातङ्गः छात्रान् एवम् उपदिष्टवान्।

भावः –
परिश्रमं विना अन्यत् पवित्रम् नास्ति।

विवरणम् –
श्रमजातः स्वेदः पवित्रः इति मातङ्गः उपदिष्टवान्। परिश्रमः एव पवित्रः। श्रमस्य स्वेदः न भवति चेत् जगत् न प्रचलति। इति उक्तवान्।

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

4. पुण्यरुपाणि एतानि पुष्पाणि वन्दे।
परिचयः –
एतत् वाक्यं स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इति पाठ्यभागात् स्वीकृतम्। अस्य रचयित्री डा.माधवी जोषी।

सन्दर्भः –
रामः शबरीम् एवं वदति।

भावः –
मातङ्गस्य पुण्यरूपाणि एतानि पुष्पाणि नमस्करोमि।

विवरणम् –
शबरी स्वेदपुष्पाणां कथां रामाय अकथयत्। तत् श्रुत्वा रामः तानि पुष्पाणि नमस्कृतवान्।

विशेषतो ज्ञेयाः

1. सन्धयः
सदा + एव = सदैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः
केन + अपि = केनापि – सवर्णदीर्घसन्धिः
प्रति + उत्तरम् = प्रत्युत्तरम् – यणादेशसन्धिः
इति + उक्तवान् = इत्युक्तवान् – यणादेशसन्धिः
तत्र + एव = तत्रैव – वृद्धिसन्धिः
महा + ऋषिः = महर्षिः – गुणसन्धिः

स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि Summary in English

स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि Introduction:

स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि इत्ययं गद्यपाठ्यांश: मधुराः कथाः इत्यस्मात् ग्रन्थात् स्वीकृतः। मराठीभाषायाम् अस्य रचयिता पाण्डुरङ्ग सदाशिवसाने महोदयः। अयम् अनुवादग्रन्थः, मराठी मूलकः। मधुराः कथाः इति नाम्ना, डॉ.माधवी जोशी संस्कृते अनूदितवती। इयं चिपलूणग्रामे अध्यापिका सती विविधेषु संस्कृतकार्यक्रमेषु भागं स्वीकृत्य संस्कृतसेवा करोति । मधुराः कथाः इत्यस्मिन् ग्रन्थे स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि, महान् त्यागः, स्वर्गमाला, वामनभटस्य धेनुः, बहुला धेनुः, यस्य भावः तस्य देवः इत्यादिकथाः विद्यन्ते।

The lesson स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि is taken from the book मधुराः कथाः. These stories were originally written by Panduranga Sadasivasane in Marathi. Dr. Madhavi Joshi translated them into Sanskrit as मधुराः कथाः. She is working as a teacher in Chiplun, and taking part in many programmes related to Sanskrit. The other stories in the volume are Mahan Tyagah, Swargamala, Vamanabhattasya Dhenu, Bahaula Dhenu, Yasya Bhavah Tasya Devah etc.

स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि Summary

Once a teacher went along with his students for a feast in the garden (Vanabhojanam). The students were very happy. The teacher and the students went discussing kavyas and sastras. “Which water is the best in this world? Which is the purest? Which is the most valuable?” queried the teacher. The students replied differently as the water of the Gangas, rain water and tears. The teacher, who was not satisfied with these answers said “None of you said what is in my mind”. The students asked. “What is in your mind?” “I will tell you a story. Then you will be able to know the answer. ” Having said so, the teacher started to tell a story.

Rama and Lakshmana were wandering in the forests searching for Sita. They met Sabari on their way. She worshipped Rama, and offered him sweet fruits. Once there was an old hermitage where Sabari lived. There were beautiful and fragrant flowers in front of the hermitage. Rama wondered at their beauty and fragrance, and asked Sabari about them.

Sabari replied :
“Rama! Many years back the hermitage of Sage Matanga existed at this place. His fame spread far and wide. Students stayed at his hermitage, arriving from different places for studies. Once the summer was about to end. But no arrangement for fuel was made at the hermitage for the monsoon. Dry wood was not collected.

Sage Matanga himself was prepared to go to the forest with an axe in hand. On seeing it, all the students followed. The guests who arrived to stay in the hermitage, and other sages also started. All of them went to the forest, and cut wood. Dry sticks were tied in heaps. Both the young and the old carried the load on their heads and returned to the hermitage. The third quarter of the day approached. Everyone was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat dropped from the bodies. Those drops of sweat fell on the ground. They reached the hermitage. All slept quickly.

When the dawn broke, everyone at the hermitage were surprised at the fragrance that spread there. The students went in search of the cause of the fragrance. They went in the direction from which the fragrance came. The fragrance came from that direction in which they went to the forest and returned the day before. The students went there.

Rama ! What did they find? Those students saw beautiful flowers blossomed here and there. Those flowers were not there the day before. From where did they appear suddenly? Whether the stars in the sky wanted to become purified by falling in front of the hermitage? Who planted these auspicious plants?

The students ran back to Matanga, and reported to the teacher that strange incident. Matanga himself went to witness that wonderful sight. Matanga stood there watching. He touched those flowers with his hand in devotional affection, and paid obeisance to them.

“Sir, where from have these flowers sprung?”the students questioned.

“From your sweat. Yesterday you came this way carrying the load of wood on your heads. Sweat dropped from your body. It fell on this ground. It drenched the ground. Sweat born of labour is pure. What else is purer than it? How you did exert, and how you were drenched in sweat! Mother Earth seemed to have opened thousands of eyes of flowers to watch it. Her heart seemed to have bloomed up on seeing your effort. O children! There is nothing more pure than physical labour. How will the world move on if there were no sweat of labour? If the farmer doesn’t work hard, if his sweat does not fall in the field, how will the crops grow? If the weaver doesn’t get tired weaving the cloth, what will you wear on your bodies? This world moves because of the labourers. When you grow up to become youth, you also do work. Respect the workers. Have you understood?” Thus Matanga asked them affectionately.

“Yes, teacher, we will work. We do not feel shy to do any sort of work. We never consider the workers as grass. We respect the labourers. We keep in mind always that it is because of them only the world moves, and be grateful to them. First of all we take care to see whether they are comfortable or not.” The students promised to Sage Matanga.

Rama! This is the story of these flowers. These flowers bloom all through the year. They always look fully blown and in bloom even if someone offers them water or not. It seems that one drop of sweat has been watering them for infinite period. Rama! Shall I offer these flowers to you?” “No. I bow to these flowers, the symbol of the merit of Matanga.” Having said so, Rama bowed to those flowers. Lakshmana also bowed. Rama and Lakshmana left.

The teacher stopped his story. The students did not speak. Everyone walked in silence. “Is the story, over ?” Madhukar asked. ” Then which water is the best ? The rich always perspire. By laying on the bed, they break into a sweat. As there are many clothes on the body, sweat appears. For some people there will be an excess of wind (vaata). How much do they sweat?” Madhukar queried again.

“That is not sweat. That sweat is sacred from which any useful thing is produced, things which are necessary for all are produced, such as rice, flowers, fruits, houses, doors, clothes, and other various useful household articles. That sweat is caused by the effort to exert. That sweat which comes out from the head and body is sacred, honourable and proper. Indeed he alone is a human being. However, now-a-days such people are very rare. When you grow up, you work for them. Make their lives happy.”The teacher said.

स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि Translation in English

एकदा शिक्षक: छात्रैः सह वनभोजनार्थं गतवान्। छात्राः अतीव प्रमुदिताः। काव्यशास्त्रविनोदं कुर्वन्तः शिक्षकः छात्राश्च गच्छन्ति स्म। अस्मिन् जगति किंजलम् अतीव उत्तमम्? अतीव पूतं जलं किम्? किं चजलं मूल्यवत्? इति शिक्षकः प्रश्नं पृष्टवान्। गङ्गायाः जलं सर्वेषु पूतम् इति सदाशिवः उक्तवान्। पर्जन्यस्य जलं सर्वेषु महत्त्वपूर्णम् इति विनायकः उक्तवान्। पश्चात्तापात् नेत्रमुक्तं जलं सर्वेषु महत्तमम् इति विचारं कुर्वन् लक्ष्मणः उक्तवान्। एतैः उत्तरैः असंतुष्ट: शिक्षक: मम मनसि यत् उत्तरम् आसीत् तत् केनापि न कथितम् इत्युक्तवान्। भवतः मनसि किम् उत्तरम् अस्ति? इति छात्राः पृष्टवन्तः। अहम् एकां कथां कथयामि | ततः भवन्तः उत्तरं ज्ञातुम् अर्हन्ति इति शिक्षकैः उक्त्वा कथाम् आरब्धवान्।

Once a teacher went along with his students for a feast in the garden (Vanabhojanam). The students were very happy. The teacher and the students went discussing kavyas and sastras. “Which water is the best in this world? Which is the purest? Which is the most valuable?” queried the teacher. Sadasiva answered that the water of the Gangas was the purest. Vinayaka replied that the rain water was the greatest. Thinking awhile, Lakshmana said that the best water was the that which came out from the eyes caused by repentance. The teacher, who was not satisfied with these answers said “None of you said what is in my mind.” The students asked. “What is in your mind?” “I will tell you a story. Then you will be able to know the answer. “Having said so, the teacher started to tell a story.

रामः लक्ष्मणः च सीताम् अन्विष्यन्तौ वने अटतः स्म। मार्गे शबरी मिलितवती। सा रामस्य पूजां कृत्वा मधुरफलानि समर्पितवती। यत्र शबरी निवसति स्म से कश्चन प्राचीनः आश्रमः आसीत्। तस्य आश्रमस्य पुस्तः यावत् दूरे दृष्टिः प्रसार्यते तावत् सुन्दराणि सुगन्धितानि पुष्पाणि एव दृश्यन्ते स्म। रामचन्द्रः पुनः पुनः तानि पुष्पाणि पश्यति स्म। सः शबरी पृष्टवान्, शबरि कः एतेषां पुष्पसस्यानाम् आरोपणं कृतवान्? अहो कियन्ति सुन्दराणि दृश्यन्ते स्म। अहो सुगन्धोऽपि कियान् मधुरः।

Rama and Lakshmana were wandering in the forests searching for Sita. They met Sabari on their way. She worshipped Rama, and offered him sweet fruits. There was an old hermitage where Sabari was living. Beautiful and fragrant flowers were seen as far as the eye could see in front of the hermitage. Rama was looking at those flowers again and again. He asked Sabari. “Sabari! Who planted these flower plants ? How beautiful they are to look at ! How sweet the fragrance is !”

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

शबरी प्रत्युत्तरं दत्तवती, रामएतस्य कश्चन इतिहासः अस्ति। अहं कथयामि, शृणोतु भवान्। बहुम्यः वर्षेभ्यः पूर्वम् अत्र मतङ्गस्य महर्षेः आश्रमः आसीत्। तस्य कीर्तिः सुदूरं प्रसृता। नानाप्रदेशतः विद्यार्थिनः तस्य आश्रमम् अध्ययनार्थम् आगत्य निवसन्ति स्म। एकदा किमभवत् ? ग्रीष्मकालः समाप्तप्रायः। अचिरादेव वर्षाकालः आस्यते। किन्तु वर्षाकालार्थम् आश्रमे इन्धनस्य कापि व्यवस्था न कृता। शुष्ककाष्ठसंग्रहः कृतः नासीत्। वर्षाकाले आर्द्रकाष्ठानि कथं ज्वलेयुः ? पाकः कथं भवेत्? यावत् ग्रीष्मस्य दिनचतुष्टयम् अवशिष्टं तावदेव अरण्यतः शुष्ककाष्ठानां सञ्चाः आनीय स्थापनीयाः। परन्तु क: गमिष्यति, आनेष्यति च

Sabari replied:
“Rama ! There is a story regarding this. I. will tell you. Please listen. Many years back the hermitage of Sage Matanga existed at this place. His fame spread far. Students stayed at his hermitage, arriving from different places for studies. What happened once? Summer was almost over. Rainy season was about to set in a short time. But no arrangement for fuel was made at the hermitage for the monsoon. Dry wood was not collected. How will the wet sticks burn in the rainy season? How will food be prepared? Heaps of dry sticks should be collected from the forest and stored in the remaining four days of summer. But, who will go and bring them?

छात्राः स्वयमेव वनं गमिष्यन्तीति मतङ्गः ऋषिः चिन्तयति स्म। किन्तुं छात्राः न गतवन्तः। अन्ते एकस्मिन् दिने वृद्धः मतङ्गऋषिः हस्ते कुठारं गृहीत्वा स्वयं प्रस्थानं कृतवान्। एतत् दृष्ट्वा सर्वे छात्राः अपि प्रस्थिताः । आश्रमे निवासार्थम् आगताः अतिथयः महर्षयः अपि प्रस्थानं कृतवन्तः। सर्वे वनं गत्वा काष्ठकर्तनं कृतवन्तः। काष्ठानां महासञ्चाः च बद्धाः । बालाः प्रौढाश्च सर्वे काष्ठसञ्चान् मस्तके निधाय आश्रमं प्रतिनिवृत्ताः। तृतीयः प्रहरः आसन्नः। सर्वे स्वेदक्लिन्नाः। शरीरतः स्वेदः पतति स्म। ते स्वेदबिन्दवः भूमौ पतन्ति स्म। आश्रमः प्राप्तः। सर्वे शीघ्रं सुप्तवतः।

Sage Matanga thought that the students would themselves go to the forest, and bring the fuel. But the students did not venture. At last one day, the old sage Matanga himself prepared to go taking an axe in his hand. On seeing it, all the students followed. The guests who arrived to stay in the hermitage, and other sages also started. All of them went to the forest. .. and cut wood. Dry sticks were tied in heaps. Both the young and the old carried the load on their heads and returned to the hermitage. The third quarter of the day approached. Everyone was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat dropped from the bodies. Those drops of sweat fell on the ground. They reached the hermitage. All slept quickly.

उषः कालः अभवत् । मतङ्गऋषिः मधुरस्वरेण आहूय छात्रान् अजागरयत्। यावत् सः छात्रैः सह यथाप्रकारं नदी प्रति प्रस्थितः तावत् अहो आश्चर्यम् सहसा मधुरः सुगन्धः आगतः। कुतः आगच्छति मधुरः गन्धः? इति छात्राः पृच्छन्ति स्म। गच्छन्तु, अन्विष्यन्तु इति मतङ्गऋषिः उक्तवान्। तस्य सुगन्धरय अन्वेषणं कर्तुं छात्राः प्रस्थितवन्तः। यया दिशा सुगन्धः आगच्छति रम तया दिशा चलितवन्तः। येन मार्गेण पूर्वेयुः ते वनं गतवन्तः तथा प्रत्यागतवन्तः च, तस्य मार्गस्य दिशः सुगन्धः आगच्छति स्म । छात्राः तत्रैव गतवन्तः।

The dawn broke. Sage Matanga called in sweet voice, and woke up the students. As he started for the river as usual along with his disciples, so wonderful ! Sweet fragrance spread immediately. Where from this fragrance came? Thus the students.questioned. Matanga said, “Go, and find.” The students went in search of the cause of the fragrance. They went in the direction from which the fragrance came. The fragrance came from that direction in which they went to the forest and returned the day before. The students went there.

राम ! किं ते दृष्टवन्तः? ते बालकाः स्थाने स्थाने सुन्दराणि पुष्पाणि विकसितानि दृष्टवन्तः। पुष्पाणि पूर्वेद्युः नासन्। सहसा कुतः आगतानि? किम् आकाशस्थाः तारकाः आश्रमस्य पुरतः. आगत्य पूताः भवितुम् भवितुम् इच्छन्ति स्म? कः पुष्पसस्यानाम् आरोपणं कृतवान्?

Rama! What did they find? Those students saw beautiful flowers blossomed here and there. Those flowers were not there the day before. From where did they appear suddenly? Whether the stars in the sky wanted to become purified by falling in front of the hermitage? Who planted these auspicious plants?

छात्राः धावन्तः मतङ्गऋषेः समीपम् आगत्य ताम् आश्चर्यकथां गुरवे निवेदितवन्तः। मतङ्गऋषिः स्वयं तदपूर्वं दृश्यं द्रष्टुं गतवान्। रमणीयम् अपूर्वं दृश्यम्। मतङ्गऋषिः पश्यन् एव स्थितः। सोऽपि भक्तिमयेन स्नेहेन तानि पुष्पाणि हस्तेन स्पृष्ट्वा तेषां वन्दनं कृतवान्।

The students ran back to Matanga, and reported to the teacher that strange incident. Matanga himself went to witness that wonderful sight. Beautiful and wonderful view! Matanga stood there watching. He touched those flowers with his hand in devotional affection, and paid obeisance to them.

भगवन्, कुतः आगतानि एतानि पुष्पाणि ? इति छात्राः पृष्टवन्तः। “भवतां स्वेदतः। ह्यः भवन्तः एतेन मार्गेण मस्तके काष्ठसञ्चान् गृहीत्वा आगतवन्तः। भवतां शरीरेभ्यः स्वेदः निपतति स्म। सः अस्यां भूमौ पतति स्म। सः भूमिं सिञ्चति स्म इव। श्रमजातः पवित्रः स्वेदः। कर्मणां स्वेदः। ततः पवित्रं किम् अस्ति? भवन्तः कथं श्राम्यन्ति? कथं स्वेदक्लिन्नाः भवन्ति? इति द्रष्टुं भूमाता एतानि पुष्परुपाणि सहस्त्रं नेत्राणि उध्दटितवती इव। तस्याः हृदयं भवताम् उद्योगं दृष्ट्वा विकसितम् इव हे बालकाः ! न हि परिश्रमात् ते पवित्रम् इह किमपि विद्यते। श्रमस्य स्वेदः न भवति चेत् जगत् कथं प्रचलेत्? कृषीवलन श्राम्यति चेत्, तस्य स्वेदः क्षेत्रे न पतति चेत् सस्यं कथं वर्धेत? वायिकः वस्त्रं वयन् श्रान्तः न भवति चेत् भवन्तः शरिषु किं धरेयुः ? एतजगत् श्रामिकैः प्रचाल्यते। भवन्तः यदा तरुणाः भविष्यन्ति तदा स्वयं श्राम्यन्तु। श्रामिकाणां सम्मानं कुर्वन्तु। ज्ञातं किं भवद्भिः ?’ इति मतङगऋषिः स्नेहेन पृष्टवान्।

“Sir, where from have these flowers sprung?” the students questioned. “From your sweat. Yesterday you came this way carrying the load of wood on your heads. Sweat dropped from your body. It fell on this ground. It drenched the ground. Sweat born of labour is pure. What else is purer than it ? How did you exert, and how you were drenched in sweat ! Mother Earth seemed to have opened thousands of eyes of flowers to watch it. Her heart seemed to have opened up on seeing your effort. O children ! There is nothing more pure than physical labour. How will the world move if there were no sweat of labour ? If the farmer doesn’t work hard, if his sweat does not fall in the field, how will the crops grow ? If the weaver doesn’t get tired weaving the cloth, what will you wear on your bodies ? This world moves because of the labourers. When you grow up to become youth, you also do work. Respect the workers. Have you understood ? ” Thus Matanga asked them affectionately.

“आम्, आचार्य वयं श्रमं करिष्यामः। किमपि कार्यं कर्तुं न लज्जामहे। श्रामिका तृणवत् न गणयेम। वयं श्रामिकाणां सम्मानं कुर्याम। तैः विश्वं प्रचाल्यते इति सदैव मनसि निधाय तेषु कृतज्ञाः भवेम। प्रथमं ते सुखिनः सन्ति उत न इति पश्येम” इति छात्राः मतङ्गऋषिम् उक्तवन्तः।

“Yes, teacher, we will work. We do not feel shy to do any sort of work. We never consider the workers as grass. We respect the labourers. We keep in mind always that it is because of them only the world moves, and be grateful to them. First of all we take care to see whether they are comfortable or not”. The students promised to Sage Matanga.

राम ! एषः एतेषां पुष्पाणाम् इतिहासः अस्ति । एतानि पुष्पाणि सदैव द्वादशमासेषु विकसन्ति । कोऽपि तेभ्यः जलं ददाति उत न ददाति चेदपि.एतानि नित्यं प्रफुल्लितानि, विकसितानि दृश्यन्ते । स्वेदस्य सः एक: बिन्दुः अनन्तकालपर्यन्तं तेभ्यः आर्द्रतां दास्यति इव | राम ! भवते ददानि किम् एतानि पुष्पाणि ? मास्तु ! अहं मतङ्गमहर्षेः पुण्यरूपाणि एतानि पुष्पाणि वन्दे इति उक्त्वा रामः तानि पुष्पाणि नमस्कृतवान् । लक्ष्मणः अपि नमस्कृतवान् । रामलक्ष्मणौ प्रस्थितौ |

Rama ! This is the story of these flowers. These flowers bloom all through the year. They always look fully blown and in bloom even if someone offers them water or not. It seems that one drop of sweat has been watering them for infinite period. Rama ! Shall I offer these flowers to you ? ” “No. I bow to these flowers, the symbol of the merit of Matanga.” Having said so, Rama bowed to those flowers. Lakshmana also bowed. Rama and Lakshmana left.

शिक्षकः कथनं स्थगितवान्। छात्राः न वदन्ति स्म । सर्वे मौनेन चलन्ति स्म। समाप्त किं कथा ? इति मधुकरः पृष्टवान्। तर्हि किं जलम् उत्तमम्? धनिकानां तु सततं स्वेदः उद्भवति। तल्पे शयानानां तेषां स्वेदः आगच्छति। शरीरे बहूनि वस्त्राणि भवन्ति अतः स्वेदः आगच्छति। केषाञ्चन जनानां शरीरे अतीव वातप्रकोपः भवति। तेषां कियान् स्वेदः आगच्छति इति मधुकरः पुनः पृष्टवान्।

The teacher stopped his story. The students did not speak. Everyone walked in silence. “Is the story over?” Madhukar asked. “Then which water is the best? The rich always perspire. By laying on the bed, they break into a sweat. As there are many clothes on the body, sweat appears. For some people there will be an excess of wind (vaata). How much do they sweat?” Madhukar queried again.

AP Inter 1st Year Sanskrit Study Material Chapter 5 स्वेदस्य पुष्पाणि

सः स्वेदः न। यस्मात् स्वेदात् किमपि उपयोगिवस्तु निर्मितं भवति, सर्वेषां कृते आवश्यकानि वस्तूनि निर्मितानि भवन्ति, धान्यम्, पुष्पाणि, फलानि, गृहाणि, द्वाराणि, वस्त्राणि, गृहोपयोगीनि विविधानि वस्तूनि निर्मितानि भवन्ति सः स्वेदः पवित्रः। सः परिश्रमजनितस्य उद्यमस्य स्वेदः। यः स्वेद: मस्तकतः, शरीरतः च निर्गच्छति सः पवित्रः, सः पूज्यः, सः युक्तः, सत्यं स एव मनुष्यः। किन्तु इदानीं तादृशाः जनाः विरलाः। भवन्तः यदा तरुणाः भविष्यन्ति तदा तेषां निमित्तं कार्य कुर्वन्तु। तेषां जीवन सुखमयं कुर्वन्तु इति शिक्षकः उक्तवान्।

“That is not sweat. That sweat is sacred from which any useful thing is produced, things which are necessary for all are produced, such as rice, flowers, fruits, houses, doors, clothes, and other various useful household articles. That sweat is caused by the effort to exert. That sweat which comes out from the head and body is sacred, honourable and proper. Indeed he alone is a human being. However, now a days such people are very rare. When you grow up, you work for them. Make their lives happy.” The teacher said.

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