AP Inter 1st Year English Communication Skills Word Power

Andhra Pradesh BIEAP AP Inter 1st Year English Study Material Communication Skills Word Power Questions and Answers.

AP Inter 1st Year English Communication Skills Word Power

A dictionary is a very important tool for anyone who is learning English as a second language. With a good dictionary you can do the following :

  • Look up the meaning of an English word you see or hear.
  • Find the English translation of a word in your language.
  • Check the spelling of a word.
  • Check the plural of a noun or past tense of a verb.

Now-a-days dictionaries are available online too. They are much easier to use.

Having fun using dictionary

Simply browse a dictionary to enlighten yourself about new words now and then. Just open the dictionary up to any page and scan the page for words that are unfamiliar or seem interesting. Pinpoint them, read the definition and try to add the new word to your thinking or talking during the next few days until it becomes a remembered part of your natural vocabulary.

Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B :

Exercise – I

Column – A Column – B
1) crooked a. easily annoyed by someone’s mistakes

(because you have to wait)

2) amputate b. On the way Emission
3) seismic c. a violent windy storm
4) impatient d. to cut off somebody’s arm, leg, finger in a medical operation
5) eloquent e. fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
6) emission f. dishonest
g. relating to earthquakes
h. the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation

1) f
2) d
3) h
4) g
5) a
6) e

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed Chapter 1 Engine Trouble

Exercise – II

Column – A Column – B
1) gracefully a. make (something bad) less severe serious or painful
2) innovation b. to make someone feel extremely happy, excited, and full of energy
3) acclimatized c. happening, being planned
4) mitigated d. behaving in a polite and pleasant way
5) exhilarate e. a new method, idea, product
6) sherpa f. to get used to (a situation, a new plan)
g. a member of Himalayan tribe who often guide people in the mountains.


1) d
2) e
3) f
4) a
5) b
6) g

Exercise – III

Column – A Column – B
1) en route a. a momentary partial view
2) cynic b. a person who believes that people are not sincere
3) glimpses c. a bad situation
4) acclaim d. to change direction suddenly
5) catastrophic e. on the way
6) affordable f. in expensive, reasonably priced
g. honesty and correct moral behaviour
h. to praise or welcome somebody/something publicly.

1) e
2) b
3) a
4) h
5) c
6) f

Exercise – IV

Column – A Column – B
1) bestow a. to come together in a large group of people or animals
2) intervention b. careful assessment or adjustment
3) adventure c. to give something as an honour or present
4) calibration d. the act of becoming involved intentionally in a difficult situation
5) vestige e. remains, trace
6) congregate f. on the way
g. dishonest
h. an unusual, exciting or dangerous activity

1) c
2) d
3) h
4) b
5) e
6) a

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed Chapter 1 Engine Trouble

Exercise – V

Column – A Column – B
1) despair a. to break suddenly into small pieces, extremely upset
2) magistrate b. the ability to recover quickly from depression, illness or misfortune
3) shatter c. a dead body
4) corpse d. feeling that there is no hope
5) penury e. a judicial officer, judge
6) resilience f. the state of being very poor
g. in exact terms; without any confusion
h. imperious, bad-tempered, arrogant


1) d
2) e
3) a
4) c
5) f
6) b

Exercise – VI

Column – A Column – B
1) stray a. restore to life or consciousness
2) trifle b. happening, being planned
3) afoot c. come face to face with someone
4) revived d. the official procedure of rules governing affairs of state
5) protocol e. something that is not valuable or important
6) pillage f. move aimlessly away from a group
g. to loot or plunder by force
h. a violent windy storm

1) f
2) e
3) b
4) a
5) d
6) g

Exercise – VII

Column – A Column – B
1) contrariously a. to change direction suddenly
2) swerve b. a violent windy storm
3) atomize c. to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but in an uncontrolled way
4) grenade d. in opposed ways
5) giggle e. convert a substance into very fine particles or droplets
6) tempest f. a small bomb thrown by hand
g. the quality of being new
h. a dead body

1) d
2) a
3) e.
4) f
5) c
6) b

Exercise – VIII

Column – A Column – B
1) forlorn a. a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
2) nettles b. a very steep cliff
3) precipice c. in large quantities
4) indignant d. abandoned or lonely
5) trepidation e. any plant the foliage of which is covered
6) copiously f. angry because of something that is wrong not fair
g. to move hurriedly to a location, especially by using all limbs against a surface
h. a lengthy, aggressive speech

1) d
2) e
3) b
4) f
5) a
6) c

Exercise – IX

Column – A Column – B
1) pulsating a. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy
2) kindred b. to float in the air without moving in any direction
3) mutter c. extremely rude and showing a lack of respect
4) insolent d. to submit or yield
5) hover e. to expand and contract rhythmically
6) rapture f. say something in a low or barely audible voice
g. related, connected
h. determination to do something

1) e
2) g
3) f
4) c
5) b
6) a

Exercise – X

Column – A Column – B
1) rectitude a. a danger or risk
2) battered b. an agreement, accord, compact
3) subsistence c. artificial, acting as a substitute for
4) surly d. a momentary or partial view
5) hazards e. to expand and contract rhythmically
6) rapture f. honesty and correct, moral behaviour
g. injured by repeated blows or punishment
h. maintaining or supporting oneself, especially at a minimal level

1) f
2) g
3) h
4) e
5) a
6) b

AP Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Non-Detailed Chapter 1 Engine Trouble

Exercise – XI

Column – A Column – B
1) mystery a. mutilated, disfigured
2) portability b. come face to face with someone with argumentative intent
3) flora and fauna c. the ability to be easily carried or moved
4) mangled d. plants and animals
5) strenuous e. requiring or using great effort or exertion
6) drone f. something strange or unknown which has not yet been explained or understood
g. a stingless male bee, a person who is lazy and gives nothing to society
h. imperious, bad-tempered, arrogant

1) f
2) c
3) d
4) a
5) e
6) g

Exercise – XII

Column – A Column – B
1) extraneous a. turning around
2) lunacy b. irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
3) precisely c. to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side
4) harangue d. the state of being a lunatic; madness
5) whirling e. a deep narrow valley
6) wobble f. in exact terms; without any confusion
g. unhappy, annoyed
h. a lengthy and aggressive speech.

1) b
2) d
3) f
4) h
5) a
6) c

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