AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 13 Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

Students can go through AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes 13th Lesson Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques will help students in revising the entire concepts quickly.

AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes 13th Lesson Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

→ Crystallisation: (Principle)
The compound should be insoluble at low temperature but soluble at higher temperature in the given solvent, Impurities either not soluble or soluble go into filtrate.

→ Sublimation:
If the compound is sublimating the impurities should not sublimate.

→ Distillation process is useful for the purification of liquids contaminated with non-volatile impurities.

→ Nitrogen halogens and sulphur in the given organic compounds is detected by leassaigne’s test.

→ Nitrogen is estimated by Duma’s method and kjeldahl’s method.

→ Broadly hydrocarbons can be divided into Aliphatic and Aromatic.

→ A series of organic compounds with same functional group, but the consecutive members differ by a – CH2 – group is called Homologous series.

AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 13 Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

→ Molecules with same molecular formula but differ in the properties are called Isomers.

→ Isomerism arising due to difference in structures is called structural isomerism.

→ Chain isomerism is due to the difference in carbon chain.

→ Position isomerism is due to change in the position of substitued group.

→ Change of unsaturated hydrocarbons to saturated hydrocarbons in presence of Ni catalyst is called Sabatier-Senderen’s reduction.

→ When alkyl halide is heated with sodium metal in dry ether, alkane is formed. This reaction is called Wurtz reaction.

→ Concentrated solution of sodium acetate on electrolysis gives ethane. This reaction is called Kolbe’s electrolysis.

→ Substitution of an atom or group of atoms in a molecule is called substitution reaction.

→ Removal of small molecule from a molecule is called elimination reaction.

→ Dehydro halogenation means removal of hydrogen halide.
Dehalogenation means removal of halogen molecule.
Decarboxilation means removal of CO2 molecule.
Dehydration means removal of water molecule.

AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 13 Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

→ Ethylene on polymerisation forms polyethylene.

→ Ethylene on ozonolysis gives Formaldehyde.

→ On the electrolysis of cone, aqueous solution of potassium maleate (or fiimarate), Acetylene is formed at anode.

→ Calcium carbide on hydrolysis gives acetylene gas.

→ When acetylene gas passed through hot dil. acids in presence of Hg2+ ions, Acetaldehyde is formed.

→ Acetylene gas on passing through red-hot copper tube, benzene is formed.

→ Acetylene decolourises Bayer’s reagent and Br2 in CCl4.

→ Acetylene gives white precipitate with ammonical AgNO3 solution and red coloured precipitate with ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution.

→ Benzene is obtained from the fractional distillation of coal tar.

→ Though benzene is unsaturated compound, it does not undergo addition reactions in ordinary conditions.

→ Chlorination of benzene in presence of UV- rays give benzene hexachloride.

→ Benzene on ozonolysis with three molecules of O3 gives an ozonide and it forms three molecules of glyoxal.

→ Benzene reacts with alkyl halides in the presence of Lewis acids and gives alkyl benzenes.

→ Phenomenon of existance of more than one compound having identical structures but differing in spatial arrangements of atoms or groups due to the restricted rotation about a double bond is known as geometrical isomerism.

→ Markownikoffs rule:
The rule states that when an unsymmetrical reagent adds to a double bond, the positive part of the reagent attaches itself to a carbon of the double bond so as to yield the more stable carbocation as an intermediate.

→ In presence of peroxides, anti Markownikoffs rule takes place, which is called Kharsch effect.

AP Inter 1st Year Chemistry Notes Chapter 13 Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

→ Ethylene reacts with sulphur mono chloride (S2Cl2) to give mustard gas.

→ Acetylene is more acidic than ethylene is more acidic than ethane.

→ Commercially Benzene is prepared from the coal tar-Coal tar on destructive distillation produce different fractions.

→ 0 – and P – directing groups are
– OH, – NH2, – NHR, – OCH3, – CH3 etc;
All those activating groups.

→ m-directing groups are
– CN, – SO3H, – CO2H, – CHO etc
These are deactivating groups.

→ Several poly nuclear hydrocarbons are carcinogenic.
Ex : 1, 3 – benzanthracene, 3 – methyl cholanthrene etc.

→ Alkenes of the type ab C = C ab, ab C = C ax and ab C = C bx show geometrical isomerism.

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