AP 8th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

These AP 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions 13th Lesson The Indian Constitution will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social 13th Lesson Important Questions and Answers The Indian Constitution

Question 1.
Write some of the inequalities prevalent in our society at the time of Independence.

  1. Economic inequalities
  2. Social inequalities

Question 2.
Write some of the discriminations prevalent in our society at the time of Independence.

  1. Racial discrimination
  2. Gender discrimination

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 3.
“A Constitution is a set of rule. ” Write any two rules.

  1. How the country should be governed,
  2. How the government should be formed.

Question 4.
Why do you think the kings were allowed to nominate members to the Constitutent Assembly?
The kings were familiar with the ideas of their people. They could integrate the ideas of their people. So the kings were allowed to nominate members to the Constituent Assembly.

Question 5.
Why do you think there were so few women members? Do you think it would have been better if there had been more women members?
At that time the educated women and the women politicians were very less in number. Even today we are fighting for 33% of women reservations. So there were so few women members. Yes, I think it would have been better if there had been more women members.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 6.
Which of the guiding principles in the Objective Resolution, do you think is the most important?
“Welfare of all mankind” – This guiding principle in the Objective Resolution is the most important.

Question 7.
Why is it necessary for an elected parliament to make laws?
Our constitution provides us a parliamentary form of government. The Parliament, consisting of representatives of the people makes laws. These laws are according to the needs and views of the citizens/people. Judiciary comments on this.

Question 8.
Why do you think the Prime Minister and his Cabinet should get their decisions and actions approved by the Parliament and answer the questions raised by the members of Parliament?
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are answerable to the Parliament. The members of Parliament are the representatives elected by the civilians directly. So they are answerable to them.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 9.
Some countries have a different structure, in which there is only a central government which makes laws for the entire country and governs all the provinces or states. Do you think such a system is suited for India?
India is a land of many diversities. Different regions have different cultures. All these things should be taken into consideration to make laws. So such system is not suited for India.

Question 10.
Discuss why the courts and judges should be independent of the state and central government authorities.
To safeguard the Constitution, the courts and judges should be independent. Otherwise there is a chance of sidetrack. So they should be independent.

Question 11.
Why should the Election Commission be autonomous?
The Election Commission should be autonomous to conduct free and fair elections.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 12.
Read the section ‘Dream and Promise’ again. Draw a table with statements that you consider as dream in the first column and promise in second column.

Dream Promise
1) Release India from all thraldom and patronage. 1) No room for the curse of untouchability.
2) Land of no classes. 2) Or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs.
3) Perfect harmony. 3) Women will enjoy the same rights as men.
4) One man, one vote and one vote, one value. 4) Political equality.
5) Service of India, never ending work. 5) The ending of inequalities, to wipe every tear from every eye.

Question 13.
Observe the following picture and write your comments.
AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution 1
This picture belongs to the celebrations of 26th January, the Republic Day. These are NCC students/cadets. They are marching in daylight without gender discrimination. Their faces are bright with self-reliance.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 14.
Match the names of the leaders with their photos.
AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions 12th Lesson The Indian Constitution 2a
1) D,
2) C,
3) A,
4) B

Question 15.
Which aspects of the dreams and promises can you identify in the words used in preamble? Create a chart to show the relationships.
AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions 12th Lesson The Indian Constitution 3

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 16.
Read the following passage.
When India gained its freedom from colonial rule it was decided to put together basic principles for which we stood and principles and procedures by which our country would be ruled. These were written down in a book called the ‘Constitution of India’.

A Constitution is a set of rules about how the country should be governed- how the laws that run it would be made or changed, how the government should be formed, what would be the role of the citizens, what would be their rights, etc. Above all, the Constitution sets before the country the goals for which the country has to strive.

Now answer the following questions:
1. From whom did India gain freedom?
India gained its freedom from colonial rule.

2. Where were the basic principles and procedures written?
These were written in a book called The Indian Constitution’.

3. “A Constitution is a set of rule.” Write any two rules.

  1. How the country should be governed?
  2. How the government should be formed?

4. Above all the Constitution sets before the country ———– the for which the has to strive.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 17.
Read the following passages.

Some of you may have noticed a name missing from the sketches of the makers of the Constitution: Mahatma Gandhi. He was not a member of the Constituent Assembly. Yet there were many members who followed his vision. Writing in the magazine Young India in 1931, he had spelt out what he wanted the Constitution to do:
I shall strive for a Constitution which will release India from all thraldom and patronage… I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of the intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men… I shall be satisfied with nothing else. – Mahatma Gandhi
Now answer the following questions :
1. Whose name was missing from the sketches of the making of the Constitution?
The sketch of Mahatma Gandhi.

2. Where was the dream written?
In a magazine called ‘Young India’.

3. Whose dream was this?
This was the dream of Mahatma Gandhiji.

4. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of ———–, ———– and ———–.
Untouchability, drinks, drugs

5. ———– will enjoy the same rights as men.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

Question 18.
Locate the following in the given World map.

  1. India
  2. South Africa
  3. U.S.A.

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AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 13 The Indian Constitution

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