AP Board 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

AP State Syllabus AP Board 7th Class English Textbook Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

7th Class English Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What kind of street was Gates Avenue at the beginning of the story?
What was Gates Avenue ? How was it at the beginning of the story?
Gates Avenue was a part of the city of Cleveland. At the beginning of the story, it was dirty and ugly. It had no pavement, no running water facility and no street lighting. It was noisy also because of the nearby railway-track.

AP Board 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

Question 2.
What happened to the Gates Avenue by the end of the story?
By the end of the story the Gates Avenue had a good pavement, streetlight on the corner and running water facility. The houses were painted’and the surroundings were clean.

Question 3.
Why do you think the teacher gave the blue dress to the little girl?
The teacher saw the little girl wearing the same dress over months. She understood that the little girl most probably had no other dress to wear. She was kind and sympathetic. She took pity on the little girl. So she gave her the new blue dress.

Question 4.
What change did the new blue dress bring in the little girl’s house?
The little girl’s parents decided to keep the house and the surroundings clean. The girl’s mother put a cloth on the kitchen table. She washed the kitchen floor. Her husband repaired the fence. He made a garden with the help of the members of his family.

AP Board 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

Question 5.
How did the change in the little girl’s house influence the neighbours?
The neighbours watched the change in the little girl’s house. They too painted their houses and kept them clean.

The New Blue Dress Summary in English

A small good act of a person can make others good. It can change the entire complexion of the surroundings. The present story ‘The New Blue Dress” illustrates this.

Gates Avenue was a short and dirty street in Cleveland. The inhabitants of that street were poor. They never tried to improve their living conditions and better their standard of living. There was no tap water supply in Gates Avenue. There were no street lights. There was also no good pavement.

There was a little girl studying in a school in Gates Avenue. She used to wear the same dress during the spring because she had no other dress to wear. Her parents were too poor to buy a pair of new dress to her.

One day the teacher advised the little girl to keep, at least, her face clean. The girl washed her face clean and came to the class the next morning. She looked more beautiful and tidier. The teacher was pleased. She gave the girl a new blue dress. Her parents saw her in her new blue dress and they were also highly pleased. Since then the members of the family started keeping everything clean and tidy. They washed the floor, repaired the fence and made a garden. The neighbours also followed the same. The surroundings were kept clean. They painted their houses.

After a few days, a young minister of a church passed that way. With his help Gates Avenue got a good pavement, tap-water supply and a street light on the corner.

Within six months Gates Avenue was completely changed. It turned into a neat street where respectable citizens lived.

The new blue dress presented by a teacher to a poor girl could change the entire dirty street into a neat one. So we learn from this incident “A good act shall never go unrewarded”.

AP Board 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

The New Blue Dress Glossary

running water: water coming from the main supply when taps are turned on

pavement (n): footpath

excitement (n): strong feeling

amazed (adj): filled with great wonder

decent (adj): respectable

community (n): people living in the same locality who are considered as a unit

organise (v): to arrange/to make preparation

campaigns (n): a series of planned activities to do something

spring (n): the season of flower, tender leaves and fruit

rail road (n): railway line

dirt (n): dust

probably (adv): perhaps

polite (adj): good mannered

untidy (adj): unclean

tidy (adj): neat/good looking

eagerly (adv): anxiously

AP Board 7th Class English Solutions Chapter 1C The New Blue Dress

rushed home: went home quickly

supper (n): night meal

watch: observe keenly

fence (n): the barrier

minister of a church (n): a priest

deserve: worthy to have

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