AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry

These AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions 5th Lesson Co-Ordinate Geometry will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class Maths 5th Lesson Important Questions and Answers Co-Ordinate Geometry

Question 1.
Write any point lies on \(\overline{\text { OY }}\) (Positive Y – axis) and any point lies on \(\overline{\text { OX }}\) (Negative X-axis).
Point lies on \(\overline{\text { OY }}\) be (x = 0, y ≥ 0)
example : (0, 2) (0, 3).
Point lies on \(\overline{\text { OX }}\) be (x = 0, y ≤ 0)
example : (2, 0) (3, 0).

Question 2.
The position of (3, 4) and (4, 3) are not the same on graph. Why?
Given points (3, 4) and (4, 3) having x and y coordinates are equal.

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry

Question 3.
The points such as (0, x), (0, -x), (0, y) and (0, -y) lie on the same line. Name the line.
That line is Y – axis.

Question 4.
The co-ordinates of a point M(4, – 3). What are the distances of the point M from axes?
Given point = M(4, -3)
Distance from x -axis to the M is | -3 | units = 3
Distance from y – axis to the M is | 4 | units = 4

Question 5.
From the figure given below, write the co-ordinates of the points A, B, P and Q.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 1
A(5,3), B(-4, -3), P(2, -2), Q(-3, 4)

Question 6.
What is a cartesian plane? Explain with a diagram.
1) To locate the exact position of a point on a number line we need only a single reference.
2) To describe the exact position of a point on a Cartesian plane we need two references.
3) The two perpendicular lines taken in any direction are referred to as co-ordinate axes.
4) The horizontal line is called X – axis.
5) The vertical line is called Y – axis.
6) The meeting point of the axes is called the origin.
7) The distance of a point from Y – axis is called the x co-ordinate or abscissa.
8) The distance of a point from X-axis is called the y co-ordinate or ordinate.
9) The co-ordinates of origin are (0, 0),
10 ) The co-ordinate plane is divided into four quadrants namely Q1; Q2, Q3, Q4 i.e., first, second, third and fourth quadrants respectively.
11) The signs of co-ordinates of a point are as follows.
Q1(+, +); Q2; (-, +)
Q3(-, -); Q4; (+, -)
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 1
The coordinates of P are (1, – 2).
The coordinates of Q are (3, 4).
The coordinates of R are (- 2, – 5).
The co-ordinates of S are (- 4, 3).

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry

Question 7.
Without using graph sheet write the location of points given below.
(-1, 3), (2, 0), (-3, -1), (0, -6)
Given points A(-1, 3), B(2, 0), C(-3, -1) and D(0, -6)
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 3

Question 8.
Plot the points A (2, 2) B (6, 2) C (8, 5) and D (4, 5) in a graph sheet. Join all the points to make it a parallelogram. Find its area.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 4
Area of parallelogram = AB × BC
AB = | x2 – x1 | = | 6 – 2 | = 4
BC = | y2 – y1 | = | 5 – 2 | = 3
∴ Area = 4 × 3 = 12 sq. units.

Question 9.
Read the following table and answer the following questions given below.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 4
i) The point belongs to Q3
ii) The abscissa of the point C
iii) The point lie on X – axis
iv) The coordinates of origin
v) The point satisfy x > 0, y < 0
vi) The point satisfy x – y = 1
vii) The position of point B
viii) The Quadrant contain (3,-2)
i) D
ii) 3
iii) F, H
iv) 0,0
v) C (3, – 2)
vi) A (2, 1)
Vii) Positive Y-axis
viii) Q4

Question 10.
i) Plot the points 0(0, 0), A(0, 3), B(4, 3), D(4, 0) on a graph sheet.
ii) Join the points to form quadrilateral OABD. Identify the type of quadrilateral and Justify your answer.
iii) Find its area.
i) Given points are
O(0, 0), A(0, 3), B(4, 3), D(4, 0)
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 6
ii) OABD represents a rectangle.
iii) Area of a rectangle OABD
= l × b = OD × BD = 4 × 3 = 12 sq units.

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry

Question 11.
i) Plot the points A(2, 3), B(6, 3), C(4, 7) on a graph sheet.
ii) Join the points to form triangle ABC. Identify the type of triangle and justify your answer.
iii) Find its area,
i) given points are A(2, 3), B(6, 3), C(4, 7)
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 Co-Ordinate Geometry 7

ii) ΔABC is formed, which is an Isosceles triangle.
CD = | 7 – 3 |= 4 units
AB = |16 – 2 | =4 units

iii) Area of ΔABC = \(\frac{1}{2}\) × b × h .
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × AB × CD
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 4 × 4
= 2 × 4 = 8 sq units

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