AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles

These AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions 4th Lesson Lines and Angles will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class Maths 4th Lesson Important Questions and Answers Lines and Angles

Question 1.
∠POR and ∠QOR is a linear pair. If ∠POR = 3x° and ∠QOR = (2x + 10)° then find the value of x.
∠POR and ∠QOR is a linear pair.
So ∠POR + ∠QOR = 180°
3x + 2x + 10° = 180°
5x + 10° = 180°
5x = 180 – 10
5x = 170°
x = \(\frac{170}{5}\) = 34°
∴ x = 34°.

Question 2.
Draw an equilateral triangle whose sides are 6 cm each.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 1

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles

Question 3.
Write all pairs of vertically opposite angles from the diagram.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 2
From figure Vertically opposite angles are respectively
∠AOB = ∠COD and ∠AOD = ∠BOC

Question 4.
An exterior angle of a triangle is 110° and one of the interior opposite angle is 30°. Find the other two angles of the triangle.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 3
∠A = 30°, ∠ACD = 110°, ∠B = x, ∠C = y 30 + x = 110°
(By exterior angle property)
x = 80°
y + 110° = 180° (∵ linear pair)
y = 70°
∴ Remaining angles are x = 80° and y = 70°.

Question 5.
Find the value of ‘x’ in the figure.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 4
From Figure
(5x + 3)° + 97° = 180° {∵ Linear pair}
5x + 100° = 180°
5x = 180° – 100° ⇒ 5x = 80°
x = \(\frac{80}{5}\) = 16°
∴ x = 16°.

Question 6.
If ∠1 + ∠2 < 180° what can you say about lines l and m?
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 5
∠1 & ∠2 are two interior angles that lie on same side of transversal ‘n’.
As their sum is less than 180°, the two lines intersect at that side.
∴ The two lines ‘l’ and ‘m’ are two intersecting lines at the side of the angles ∠1 & ∠2.

Question 7.
In the following figure \(\overline{\mathbf{A B}}\) is a straight line. OP and OQ are two rays. Find the value of x and also find ∠AOP and ∠AOQ.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 6
\(\overline{\mathbf{A B}}\) is a straight line
Sum of the angles formed at ‘O’ is 180°
∴ 3x – 17 + 2x + 5 + x = 180°
6x – 12 = 180°
6x = 192° ⇒ x = 32°
∴ ∠AOP = 3x -17 = 96 – 17 = 79°
∠POQ = 2x + 5 = 64 + 5 = 69°
∠AOQ = 79° + 69 = 148°.

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles

Question 8.
l // m and ‘n’ is transversal.
If ∠b = (3x – 10)° and ∠h = (5x – 30)° then determine all the angles.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 7
In figure l // m, so ∠b = ∠h
3x – 10 = 5x – 30
-2x = -20 ⇒ x = 10°
∠b = 3x – 10 = 3 × 10 – 10 = 20°
∠a = 180 – ∠b = 180 – 20 = 160°
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 8
(corresponding angles)
∴ ∠b = ∠d = ∠f = ∠h = 20°
∠a = ∠c = ∠e = ∠g = 160°.

Question 9.
In the given figure, the lines, p, q and r are parallel to one another. Find the values of a, b, c, x, y and z.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 9
From given figure .
y = 115° {∵ Corresponding angles}
⇒ x + y = 180° {linear pair}
⇒ x = 180°- y = 180° – 115° = 65°
⇒ z = x°= 65° { ∵ Corresponding angles}
c° – 70°
a° + c° = 180° {linear pair}
⇒ a° + 70° = 180°
⇒ a° = 180° – 70° = 110°
b° = c° = 70°
{Vertically opposite angles}
So, a = 110°, b = 70°, c = 70°, x = 65°,
y = 115°, z = 65°

Question 10.
Calculate the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ using the information given in the figure.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 10
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
⇒ 40° + 60° + x° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 100° ⇒ x = 80°.
∠DCA = 180° – ∠x
[ ∵ ∠BCA, ∠DCA forms a linear pair]
∠DCA = 180° – 80° = 100°
∴ ∠y = ∠DCA + 20°[ ∵ exterior angle of ’ a triangle is equal to the = 100° + 20°
sum of its two opposite interior angles
∠y = 120°.

Question 11.
In the adjacent figure AB // CD. Find ‘ the values of x, y and z.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 11
Given that AB//CD
From the adj. fig. ∠AEP + ∠PED + ∠BEC
= 180° (∵ straight angle)
⇒ x° + 64° + x° = 180°
⇒ 2x = 180° – 64° = 116°
x = \(\frac{116^{\circ}}{2}\) = 58°
Now ∠z + ∠x = 180° [ ∵ AB//CD Zx, Zz are interior angles which are formed same side of the transversal line]
⇒∠z + 58° = 180° ⇒ ∠z = 180° – 58°
∴ ∠z = 122°.
from ΔAPE
∠A + ∠P + ∠E = 180°
⇒ 90° + ∠y + ∠x = 180°
⇒ 90° + ∠y + 58° = 180°
⇒ ∠y = 180° – 148° ⇒ ∠y = 32°
⇒ ∠x = 58°, ∠y = 32°, ∠z = 122°.

AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles

Question 12.
In the given figure \(\overline{\mathrm{AB}}\) || \(\overline{\mathrm{CD}}\). Find the values of x and y.
AP 9th Class Maths Important Questions Chapter 4 Lines and Angles 12
Given that AB // CD.
From the figure x° + 60° + x° = 180°
( ∵ The angles at a point on the line)
2x = 180° – 60° ⇒ x = \(\frac{120^{\circ}}{2}\) = 60°
We know x° + x° + 2y° = 180°
[∵ interior angles on the same side of transversal]
2x°+ 2y° = 180°
2y° = 180° – 2x°
2y° = 180° – 2 (60°) = 60°
y = 30°

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