AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

These AP 9th Class Biology Important Questions 6th Lesson Tissues will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Tissues Important Questions

Class 9 Biology Chapter 6 Important Questions – 2 Marks

Question 1.
Define Tissue.
A group of cells that are similar in structure or work together to achieve a particular functions forms a tissue.

Question 2.
The growth plants occurs only in certain specific regions. What are they ?
The growth of the plants occurs in certain specific regions. Such regions have special tissues namely Meristematic tissue.

Question 3.
Into how many divisions meristematic tissue classified ?
Meristematic tissue mainly classified into three types.
They are

  1. Apical
  2. Lateral
  3. Intercalary

Question 4.
How are the cells of Sclerenchma tissue ?
The cells of Sclerenchyma are dead and long and narrow as the walls are tickened due to lignin.

Question 5.
Where does Sclerenchyma tissue present ?
Sclerenchyma tissue present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the veins of leaves and in the hard coverings of seeds and nuts.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 6.
How did the cells arranged in Parenchyma tissue ?
The cells are usually loosely arranged, large spaces between cells are found in this tissue.

Question 7.
When a parenchyma called as Chlorenchyma ?
When a parenchyma contains chloroplyll in it and performs the photosynthesis, it is called Chlorenchyma.

Question 8.
When a Parenchyma be called as Aerenchyma ?
When a Parenchyma contains large air consists to help the aquatic plants to float, it is called Aerenchyma.

Question 9.
Which tissue helps the plant parts to bend ?
Collenchyma allows the bending of various parts of a plant like tendrils and stems of climbers without breaking.

Question 10.
How are the structure of Collenchyma ?
The cells of this tissue are living, elongated and irregularly thickened at corners. They have very little intercellular space.

Question 11.
What the epidermal cells on the aerial parts of the plant often secrete and what is the use of it ?
Epidermal cells on the aerial parts of the plant often secretes a waxy, water resistant layer which aids, in protection against loss of water, mechanical injury, and invasion – by parasitic fungi.

Question 12.
Name the elements that present in phloem.
Phloem is made up of five types of cells

  1. Sieve cells
  2. Sieve tubes
  3. Companion cells
  4. Phloem fibres
  5. Phloem parenchyma

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 13.
What do Xylem and Phloem conducts ?
Xylem conducts water and Phloem conducts food material to the various parts of the plants.

Question 14.
Where is simple squamous tissue is persent ?
Simple squamous epithelium present in cells lining blood vessels or lung alveoly where transportation of substances occurs through a selectively permeable surface.

Question 15.
How are the cells in squamous epithelium tissue ?
The cells in squamous epithelium tissues are extremely thin and flat and form a delicate lining.

Question 16.
Where can we find columnar epithelium ?
We can find epithelium the place where absorption and secretion occur, as in the inner lining of the intestine, tall epithelial cells are present.

Question 17.
Where can we find cuboidal epithelium ?
Cuboidal epithelium present in the lining of kidney tubes and in the ducts of salivary glands.

Question 18.
Blood is a type of connective tissue. Why would it be called “connective tissue” ?
Blood is a fluid connective tissue because blood flows and carries varioiis substances from one part of body to the other.

Question 19.
What are the components of blood ?
Blood has a fluid matrix called plasma, in which red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles and platelets are suspended.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 20.
What are tendons ?
Tendons are fibrous tissue with great strength but limited flexibility and if bones are connected with muscles they are called tendons.

Question 21.
Where do you find Areolar tissue ?
Areolar connective tissue is found between the skin and muscles around the blood vessels and nerves in the bone marrow.

Question 22.
What are few components of muscle tissue ?
Muscular tissue comprises longated cells also called muscle fibres, and special protiens called contractile proteins, which contract and relax to cause movement.

Question 23.
What is the other name for muscle cells ?
These muscle cells are called skeletal muscles as they are mostly attached to the bones and help in body movement.

Question 24.
Which muscles controls the movement of food in the alimentary canal or contraction and relaxation of blood vessels ?
Involuntary muscles or smooth muscles controls the movement in the alimentary canal or contraction and relaxation of blood vessels.

Question 25.
What are involuntary muscles ?
The muscles of the heart show rhythmic contraction and relaxation through life. These muscles are called involuntary muscles or cardiac muscles.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 26.
WTiat are the components of nerve cell ?
A nerve cell or Neuron consists of cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm, from which long thin hair like parts arise.

Question 27.
What stimulates the movement of muscles ?
Nerve impulses.

Question 28.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 1
1) Identify the figure.
2) What is the use of this tissue.
1) The name of the tissue is collenchyma.
2) This tissue generally stores food.

Question 29.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 2
1) Which section in this picture depicting ?
2) Name the tissue.
1) It is transverse section of a tissue.
2) The name of the tissue is sclerenchyma.

Question 30.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 3
1) Name the part shown in the figure.
2) Label the part A
1) Stomata
2) A is Guard cell.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 31.
Bindu put a polythene cover on the part of the polled plant. Next day morning, she saw the water droplets in the cover. She got wonder and how these water came and from which part it came.
The excess water came out in the formation of droplets. This process in known as transpiration. Transpiration occurs through stomata.

Tissues Class 9 Important Questions – 3 Marks

Question 1.
Animals of colder regions and fishes of cold water have thicker layer of subcutaneous fat. Describe, why ?
A thick layer of subcutaneous fat functions as an insulating coat that prevents heat loss from the body and helps to keep the body of the animal warm in colder environment.

Moreover, fat also functions as reserve food during the periods of scarcity.
Thus, animals of colder regions and fish of cold water have thicker layer of subcutaneous fat.

Question 2.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 4
i) Identify tissue in the given figure.
ii) Mention the characteristic features of the cells.
iii) Write any two functions of this tissue.
iv) Name any one part of the plant, where there cells are present.
i) The name of the tissue is parenchyma.

ii) a) Parenchyma consists of relatively unspecialised cells will thin cell walls.
b) They are living cells.
c) They are loosely arranged, the intercellular spaces are found.

iii) a) This tissue generally stores food.
b) It helps in the process of photosynthesis and helps aquatic plants to float.

iv) We find this tissue beneath the epidermis.

Question 3.
What about the Neuron or Nerve cell.
i) The cells of nervous tissue are called Nerve cells or Neurons.
ii) A neuron consists of a cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm from which long thin hair like parts arise.
iii) Each neuron has a single long part or process called the axon, and many short, branched parts or processes called dendrites.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 5

Question 4.
Name the different components of xylem and draw a lining component.

  1. Different components of xylem are tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres.
  2. Xylem parenchyma is the only lining component of xylem.

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AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 5.
Draw and identify different elements of phloem.
Different elements of phloem are sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma.
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Question 6.
Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Give one example of each type.

Voluntary muscles Involuntary muscles
1) Voluntary muscles are the muscles, which are under the control of our will. Ex : skeletal muscles. 1) Involuntary muscles are the muscles which are not under the control of our will. Ex : Cardiac muscles
2) Muscles present in our limbs can be moved by our conscious efforts. 2) Muscles present in our heart which cannot be moved by our conscious efforts.

Question 7.
Classify the following activities on the basis of Voluntary (V) or Involuntary muscles (IV)
a) Jumping of frog
b) Pumping of the heart
c) Writing with hand
d) Movement of chocolate in your intestine.

Voluntary Involuntary
a) Jumping of frog
c) Writing with hand
b) Pumping of the heart
d) Movement of chocolate in your intestine.

Question 8.
Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites ?

  1. Epidermis is a layer of parenchymatous cells that forms the outermost covering of plant body.
  2. Epidermis comprises of compactly arranged cells without any intercellular spaces.
  3. On the aerial plant parts, it secretes a thick, waxy, water – resistant layer called – cuticle on its outer surface.
  4. These features make the epidermis protective against loss of water, mechanical injury and the invasion of parasites.

Question 9.
Why is epidermis important for the plants ?

  1. It protects the internal tissues from mechanical injuries.
  2. It acts as a water – resistant layer and checks loss of water by transpiration.
  3. It protects the plants against the invasion of parasitic microorganisms.
  4. It bears stomata on leaves and on young stems, which help exchange of gases during photosynthesis and respiration.
  5. Stomata also act as sites of transpiration.
  6. Root hairs arising from the epidermis of roots help in absorption of water and min¬erals from the soil.

Question 10.
a) What is the lining of blood vessels made up of ?
b) What is the lining of small intestine made up of ?
c) What is the lining of kidney tubules are made up of ?
d) Where are the epithelial cells with cilia found ?
a) Squamous epithelium
b) Columnar epithelium
c) Cuboidal epithelium
d) Respiratory tract

Question 11.
Describe the structure and function of stomata.

  1. Stomata are small pores present in the epidermis of leaves and are enclosed by two kidney shaped cells called guard cells.
  2. Functions of stomata :
    i) Necessary for exchanging gases with the atmosphere during photosynthesis and respiration.
    ii) Transpiration takes place through them.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 12.
Differentiate Xylem and Phloem.

Xylem Phloem
1) Xylem mainly comprises dead cells (except xylem parenchyma).

2) It conducts water and minerals from roots to aerial parts of the plant.

1) Phloem consists of living cells (Except phloem fibre).

2) It translocates prepared food from leaves to storage organs and growing parts of the body.

Question 13.
Write a short note on xylem.

  1. Xylem is a complex permanent tissue and is also known as conduction tissues.
  2. It comprises of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres.
  3. The cells have thick walls, and many of them are dead.
  4. Trachieds and vessels are tubular structures.
  5. This allows them to transport water and mineral vertically upwards.
  6. The parenchyma stores food and helps in the lateral conduction of water.
  7. Fibres are mainly supportive in function.

Question 14.
Write a short note on phloem.

  1. hloem is a complex permanent tissue. It is made up of four types of elements.
  2. It is made up of four types of elements : Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and the phloem parenchyma.
  3. Sieve tubes are tubular cells with perforated walls.
  4. Phloem transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant.
  5. Except for phloem fibres, all the phloem cells are living.

Question 15.
Write a short note on blood.

  1. Blood is a type of connective tissue.
  2. It has a liquid matrix called plasma, in which the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are suspended.
  3. The plasma contains proteins, salts and hormones.
  4. Blood flows and transports gases, digested food, hormones to tissues and waste materials from tissue to the liver and kidney.

Question 16.
Describe the function of bones.

  1. Bones form the frame work that supports the body.
  2. It also anchors the muscles and serve as storage site of calcium and phosphate.
  3. It provides shape to the body and protects vital body organs such as brain, lungs, tissues etc.

Question 17.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 8
i) Name the section of cutting.
ii) What is vascular bundle ?
iii) What is the function of collenchyma ?
i) The section is stem cutting..
ii) Vascular bundle comprises xylem and phloem.
iii) The collenchyma allows the bending of various parts of a plant.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 18.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 9
i) Name the tissue given in the figure.
ii) Mention the parts where this tissue presents in the body.
iii) Why this tissue got that name ?
i) Cuboidal epithelium
ii) It presents in the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands.
iii) The cells are in the shape of cubes – hence it got that name.

Question 19.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 10
i) Identify the tissue given in the figure.
ii) What is vascular bundle ?
iii) What is the function of collenchyma ?
i) The name of the tissue is Adipose tissue.
ii) Adipose tissue stores the fat.
iii) Adipose tissue acts as insulator because of the storage of fat.

Important Questions on Tissues Class 9 – 5 Marks

Question 1.
Describe the structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues.
Types of Epithelial Tissues:
Depending upon the shape and function of the constituent cells, epithelial tissues are of following types:

  1. Squamous
  2. Column
  3. Cuboidal
  4. Ciliated
  5. Glandular
  6. Stratified

Squamous epithelium:
a) The cells in this epithelium are extremely thin and flat and are arranged edge to edge forming a delicate lining or covering.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 11
b) It forms the lining of cavities of ducts and blood vessels, lines the chambers of heart, covers the skin, and lining of mouth.

c) It provides protection to the underlying parts against abrasion and entry of germs or chemicals.

Columnar Epithelium:
a) The epithelium comprises of cells which are much longer than broad and look like a column.
b) It forms the lining of stomach and intestines, also found in salivary glands in the mouth.
c) It also lines mammary gland ducts and parts of urethra.
d) It helps in protection, absorption and secretion.
e) Columnar epithelium of intestine is specialised for the absorption of water and digested food.

Cuboidal Epithelium:
a) Cells are as long as broad and appear cube – like ; a centrally located nucleus is present.
b) The cuboidal epithelium lines the small salivary ducts, pancreas ducts, sweat glands.
c) It helps in protection, secretion, absorption, excretion and gamete formation.

Ciliated epithelium:
a) The epithelium, usually comprises of cuboidal or columnar cells has numerous, thin, delicate, hair like projections called cilia arising from the outer free surface of the cells.

b) This helps in the movement of mucus, urine, eggs, sperms and cerebrospinal fluid in a particular discrection.

Glandular epithelium:

  1. The epithelium comprises of columnar cells modified to secrete chemicals.
  2. It lines the glands such as gastric glands, pancreatic lobules, intestinal glands, etc.

Stratified epithelium:
a) This is a compound epithelium in which cells are arranged in many layers one above the other.
b) It is found in places where there is much wear and tear, such as the epidermis of skin, lining the mouth cavity.

Question 2.
Give reasons for
a) Meristematic cells have a prominent molecules and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole.
b) Inter cellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues.
c) We get a crunchy and granular feeling, when we chew pear fruit.
d) Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity.
e) It is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut tree.
a) i) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm because they are metabolically highly active and are in continous state of division.
ii) Meristematic cells lack, vacuole because they do not store food material, waste materials, sap etc.

b) Sclerenchyma cells have lignified cell walls which makes them compact and leaves no inter cellular spaces.

c) Pear fruit contains sclerenchymatous stone cells or sclereids which provide gritty texture to the fruit.
Thus when we chew pear fruit, we get a crunchy and granular feeling.

d) Collenchyma tissue present in the branches of a tree provides flexibility to them and allows their easy bending without breaking. Thus the branches move and bend freely in high wind velocity.

e) The husk of a coconut is made up of sclerenchymatous fibres which consist of compactly arranged cells with thick lignified cell walls and no intercellular spaces. So they are tightly joined together. Thus, it is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut.

AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Question 3.
List the characteristics of cork.
Cork covers the old stems of woody trees.
Characteristics of cork:

  1. Cells of cork are dead cells.
  2. These cells are compactly, arranged.
  3. Cells do not possess intercellular spaces.
  4. Cells possess a chemical substance suberin in their walls.
  5. They a/e several thick layers.
  6. Cork is impervious to gases and water.

Question 4.
Why are plants and animals made of different type of tissues ?
A) Plants and animals are two different types of organisms.

  1. Plants are autotrophic organisms, so they prepare their own food by photosynthesis.
  2. Moreover, plants are stationary or fixed organisms.
  3. Since they do not consume or need much energy, so most of the these tissues such as xylem, phloem, sclerenchyma and cork are dead tissues, i.e. they do not contain living protoplasm.


  1. Animals on the other hand, are heterotrophic organisms.
  2. They have to move in search of food, mate and shelter; so they need more energy as compared to plants.
  3. Most of these tissues contain living protoplasm,
  4. There are some tissues in plants which divide throughout life.
  5. They divide for the growth and reproduction of the plants.
  6. In contrast to plants, growth in animals is uniform.

Question 5.
i) Tissue A ‘and tissue B constitute tissue C. A carries water while B carries food for the parts of plants. Identify A, B & C.
A = Xylem
B – Phloem
C = Vascular Bundle

ii) A nail is inserted in the trunk of a tree at a height of 1 metre from the ground level. After 3 years, where will the nail be present ?
The nail will remain at the same position even after 3 years. This is because a plant or tree grows from its tip not from the point at which it joins the ground. So, the tree will grow but the nail will remain at the same place on the tree trunk.

iii) A person met with an accident in which two long bones of the hand were dislocated. What could be the reason ?
Dislocation of the bones of the hand was caused due to the breakage of the liga-ment which connects the two bones and keeps them in place.

Question 6.
What is xylem? Explain it’s structure. Which one of it’s component is very important and why ?
1) Xylem is a complex plant tissue which transports water and dissolved minerals from roots in all other plant parts.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 12
2) Structure : Xylem consists of four kinds of cells (also known as elements)
i) Tracheids : A tracheid is an elongated, hollow cell with its both ends tapering. The walls of these cells are thickened by the deposition of lignin. At certain spots lignin is not present. These spots are termed as pits. The trac- heids are dead cells.

ii) Vessels : Vessels are tube like structures formed by a number of cells placed end to end with their transverse walls dissolved. The side walls of these tubes also have deposition of lignin. The thickening of the walls show various kinds of patterns. They are also dead cells.

iii) Xylem Parenchyma : These are thin walled, living cells. They help in lateral conduction of water and sap. They also store food.

iv) Xylem fibres : They are lignified dead fibres which provide mechanical support to plant.

3) i) The important element of Xylem is vessel.
ii) Because most of the water and minerals are carried upward through this component of Xylem.
AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues 13

Question 7.
Describe the structure of bone and cartilage.

  1. Bone is a solid, hard, porous tissue. It is produced by osteocyte cells.
  2. It forms the skeleton and gives the basic structure and also supports the body.
  3. It’s matrix is impregnated with phosphates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium which provides hardness to it.
  4. The matrix is arranged in concentric rings which are called lamellae.
  5. Bone cells lie between the lamellae in fluid – filled spaces called lacunae. Bone cells are also called Osteocytes.
  6. A long bone has a hollow cavity filled with bone marrow which is richly supplied with blood vessels.


  • It has widely spaced cells. It is a solid but semi-rigid connective dissue.
  • The solid matrix is composed of proteins and sugars.
  • The cartilage cells are large and angular and they are called chondrocytes.
  • A sheath called perichondrium binds the cartilage.

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AP 9th Class Biology 6th Lesson Important Questions Tissues

Extra Questions on Tissues Class 9 – 4 Marks

Question 1.
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions:

Bone is another example of a connective tissue. It forms the frame work that sup-ports the body. It also anchors the muscles and supports the main organs of the body. It is a strong and nonflexible tissue. Bone cells are embedded in a hard matrix that is composed of calcium and phosphorus compounds.

a) Give example of the connective tissue.
b) What is the use of bones to the body ?
c) It is a strong and non – flexible tissue. How this property helps in bone functions?
a) The connective tissue is bone.
b) Bones frame the shape and support the body, and anchors the muscles.
c) This property helps in providing shape and support to the body.

Question 2.
Read the paragraph and write the questions :

Yet another type of permanent tissue in Sclerenchyma. It is the tissue which makes the plant hard and stiff. We have seen the husk of a coconut. It is made of sclerenchymatous tissue. The cells of this tissue are dead. They are long and narrow as the walls are thickened due to lignin. Often these walls are so thick that there is no internal ‘ space inside the.cell. This tissue present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the veins of leaves and in the hard covering of seeds and nuts. It provides strength to the plant parts.

a) Where do we find this type of tissue ?
b) How the sclerenchyma tissue form ?
c) Name the parts of the plant where this tissue is present.
a) We find this type of tissue in husk of coconut.
b) The cells of this tissue are dead. They are long, narrow, walls are thicken due to lignin and no inter cellular spaces are there.
c) Sclerenchyma tissue present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the veins of leaves and hard coverings of seeds and nuts.

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