AP State Board new syllabus AP Board Solutions Class 9 Biology 12th Lesson Improvement in Food Resources Questions and Answers.
Biology 9th Class 12th Lesson Questions and Answers Improvement in Food Resources
9th Class Biology 12th Lesson Improvement in Food Resources Questions and Answers (Exercise)
Question 1.
Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield.
i) One method used for crop production which ensures high yield is hybridisation.
ii) It is the science involved in improving the varieties of crops by breeding plants.
iii) The plants from different areas is picked up with desired traits and hybridisation or cross – breeding of these varieties is done to obtain a plant/crop of desired characteristic.
iv) The high yielding crop variety shows the following characteristics :
- High yield
- Early meturation, less water for irrigation, better quality seeds are produced, less fertilisers required, adapts itself to the environmental conditions.
Question 2.
Why are manure and fertilisers used in fields ?
They are used to ensure good vegetative growth giving rise to healthy plants, that results in high crop production.
Question 3.
What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation ?
Advantages of using inter-cropping:
- It helps to maintain soil fertility.
- It increases productivity per unit area
- Save labour and time
- Both crops can be easily harvested and processed separately.
Advantages of using crop rotation:
- It improves the soil fertility.
- It avoids depletion of a particular nutrient from soil.
- It minimise pest infestation and diseases.
- It helps in weed control.
- It prevents change in the chemical nature of the soil.
Question 4.
What is genetic manipulation? How is it useful in agricultural practices ?
Genetic manipulation is a process of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties by hybridisation. Hybridisation involves crossing between genetically dissimilar plants. This is done for production of varieties with desirable characteristics like profuse branching in fodder crops, high yielding variaties in maize, wheat etc.
Genetic manipulation is useful in developing varieties which shows :
- increased yield
- better quality
- shorter and early mature peiod
- Better adaptability to adverse environmental condition
- Desirable characteristics.
Question 5.
How do storage grains losses occur ?
The factors responsible for loss of grains during storage are :
- Abiotic factors like mositure, humility and temperature.
- Biotic factors like insects, rodents, birds, mites and bacteria.
Question 6.
How do good animal husbandry practices benefft farmers ?
Good animal husbandry practices are beneficial to the farmers in the following ways :
- Improvement of breeds of the domesticated animals.
- Increasing the yield of food stuffs such as milk, eggs and meat.
- Proper management of domestic animals interms of shelter, feeding, care and protection against diseases.-
These ways help the farmers to improve their economic condition.
Question 7.
What are the benefits of cattle farming ?
Cattle farming is beneficial in the following ways :
- Milk production is increased by high yielding animals.
- Good quality of meat, fibre and skin can be obtained.
- Good breed of draught animals can be obtained.
Question 8.
For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries, and bee – keeping.
Through cross breeding, the production of poultry, fisheries and bee keeping can be increased.
Question 9.
How do you differentiate between capture fishing, mari culture and aqua culture ?
Capture fishing | Mari culture | Aqua cultrue |
It is the fishing in which fishes are captured from natural resources like pond, sea water and estuaries. | It is the culture of fish in marine water varieties like prawns, oysters, bhetki, and mullets are cultured for fishing. | It is done both in fresh water and in marine water. |
9th Class Biology 12th Lesson Questions and Answers (InText)
Question 1.
What do we get from cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables?
- The cereals provide us with carbohydrates.
- The pulses provide us with proteins.
- Fruits and vegetables give us carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and lots of fibers.
Question 2.
How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production ?
Two major factors that affect the crop are Biotic factors like insects, rodents, pests and many more spread the disease and reduce crop production. Abiotic factors like humidity, temperature, moisture, wind, rain, flood and many more destroy the crop raised.
Question 3.
What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements ?
- Crops with high nutritional content.
- Plants that are highly resistant to diseases and pests.
- The yield of the crop has to be high.
- Tallness and profax branching are desirable characteristics for fodder crops.
Question 4.
What are macro-nutrients and why are they called macro-nutrients?
The nutrients which require in large quantities are called macro-nutrients. They provide good yield. Hence they are called like that.
Question 5.
How do plants get nutrients?
Plants get nutrients from manure which supplies nutrients to soil.
Question 6.
Compare the use of manure and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility.
- Manure improves soil quality with added nutrients.
- Manure provides extra organic matter called humus to the soil therefore increasing the water retention capacity of sandy soils and drainage in clayey soil.
- Manures reduces soil erosion.
Effects of fertilisers :
- Fertilisers makes the soil become too dry and powdered and rises the rate of soil erosion.
- The nature of soil changes either too basic or acidic.
Question 7.
Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits ? Why ?
a) Farmers use high-quality seeds do not adopt irrigation or use fertilizers.
b) Farmers use ordinary seeds adopt irrigation and use fertilizer.
c) Farmers use quality seeds, adopt irrigation, use fertilizer and use crop production measures.
- The condition (c) will give most benefits.
- Farmers will get the most benefit because the use of fertilisers make the soil enriched with micro & macro nutrients and good quality seeds led to a better yield crops.
Question 8.
Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops?
- Preventive measures and biological control methods should be prepared for protecting crops because these methods are safe ecologically and do not harm other life forms.
- Biological control methods involve the use of biological organisms and hence these are completely safe for other life forms.
Question 9.
What factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage ?
Abiotic factors :
i) Moisture, humidity (in the air) and temperature are abiotic variables that are responsible for losses of grain during storage.
Biotic factors :
Insects, rats, birds, mites, bacteria and fungi are biotic forces that are responsible for the lossess of grain during storage.
Question 10.
Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why ?
The method of cross-breeding is widely used to improve cattle breeds. Cross breeding to good cattle varieties will lead to a new, improved variety.
Question 11.
Discuss the implications of the following statement:
“It is interesting to note that poultry is India’s most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff (which is unfit for human consumption) into highly nutritious animal protein food.”
- Poultry farming is the practice of farming of fowls for the production of eggs and meat.
- The fowls that are reared in the poultry farms are fed with the left over fibres from the cereals that are left after the grains are removed.
- These are low fibre food that the fowl intake to grow and they produce the eggs and meat finally.
- Therefore by feeding them the low fibre food that human’s generally do not intake, they are providing the highly nutritious animal protein food in the form of meat and eggs.
Question 12.
What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming ?
- A shelter that is both clean and adequate.
- Provision of hygenic and nutritionally adequate food.
- A well ventilated and open, airy place for their development.
- Prevention of sickness and disease-causing pathogens from infection them.
Question 13.
What are the differences between broilers and layers and in their management ?
Broilers do not require much space and lighting. Layers need enough space and lighting. They need protein rich food and sufficient fat food as broilers have fast growth rates.
Question 14.
What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production ?
- A big proportion of honey and wax should be produced and collected by the bees.
- Bees should reside in a hire for long duration.
- The bees should be able to reproduce well.
- The bees must not sting.
Question 15.
What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?
- Pasturage refers to the plants from which bees can collect pollen and nectar.
- Nectar producing plants are Tamarind, Neem etc.
- Pollen producing plants are roses, sorghum, maize etc. Plants that produce both nectar and pollen are apples, bananas, sunflowers etc.
Question 16.
How are fish obtained ?
Fishes are obtained in two methods.
- Capturing fish
- Fish culture
Question 17.
What are the advantages of composite fish culture ?
An advantage of composite fish culture is that it increases the yield of fish nearly 5-6 different species are grown together in single pond.
9th Class Biology Chapter 12 Questions and Answers (Lab Activities)
(Page No. 60)
Question 1.
Visit a near by garden / agricultural field and make a list of the weeds and the flowers / crops found in the area. Also make a list of insect pests, if any infesting the flowers / crops.
I visited near by garden & I made a list of weeds & insect pests.
List of weeds :
- Poison Sumac
- Japanese knot weed
- Crab grass
- Dandelions
- Common Rag weed
- Plantain plants
- Giant Rag weed
- Ground Ivy
- Clover leaf
- Chickweed etc.
List of insect pests
- Scales
- Thrips
- Aphids
- Mealy bugs
- White flies
- Spider mites
- Caterpillars
- Grasshopper
- Weevils etc.
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Question 2.
Collect grains / seeds of cereals / pulses and oil seeds and gather information about the seasons in which they are sown and harvested?
Name of the grains / pulses | Season |
Wheat | Rabi |
Barley | Rabi |
Pea | Rabi |
Gram | Rabi |
Name of the grains/pulses | Season |
Rice Maize Jowar Moong Seasonal fruits Vegetables |
Kharif Kharif Kharif Kharif Zaid Zaid |
(Page No. 62)
Question 3.
Visit a livestock farm. Note the following :
i) Number of cattle and number of different breeds.
ii) The amount of daily milk production from the different breeds.
I visited a near livestock farm. I noted the following list :
Name of the breed | Production of milk (Daily) |
l) Milch Breed | 10 liters |
2) Holestain Friesian | 30 lit. |
3) Jersey | 20 lit. |
4) Red Sindhi cow | 20 lit. |
5) Gir cow | 25 lit. |
6) Rathi cow | 20 lit. |
(Page No. 64)
Question 4.
Visit a local poultry farm. Observe types of breeds and note the type of ration, housing and lighting facilities given to them. Identify the growers, layers and broilers.
I visited Bindu’s Hatcheries pvt.Ltd., at Vijayawada. There I observed so many types of broilers, Growers, Layers. Aseel, Frizzle, Kadaknath, Naked neck etc are the native breeds. The manager of hatcheries explained about the types of ration such as chick starter, Grower feed, Layer feed, Flock raiser, Broiler feed, Game bird feed, Fermented feed cracked corn, etc.,
Asst, manager said about the different types of poultry houses such as Brooder / Chick house, Grower house, Layer house, Broiler’s house, Environmentally controlled house, etc to protect the birds from adverse climatic conditions.
They provided the lighting in this way i.e., light at 7-8 feet above the ground level and he said that it must be hanged from ceiling. If incandescent bulbs are used, the interval between two bulbs is 10 feed. In case of flourascent lights the interval is 15 feet.
I found Aseel, Busra, Danti, Giriraja, Kadaknath, Kalasthi, Nicobari, Punjab Brown, Vanaraja etc in the hatchery.
(Page No. 68)
Question 5.
Visit a fish farm in fish breeding season and note the following:
1. Varieties of fish in fish farm
2. Types of ponds
3. Feed ingredients used
4. Production capacity of the farm
If there are no fish farms close to your locality, gather the above information from Internet, by referring books or talking to people who are engaged in fishery.
I visited “Sneha’s fish farm at near by my village.
I saw Anabas, Tilapia, Rohu, Mrigal and Catla varieties of fishes in the farm. The manager said they constructed the ponds by two types namely, dug out and embankment pond.
The dug out pond is constructed by digging the soil and is most suitable to construct ponds in plain areas. Regarding feeding, the manager explained that they give three types of food. They are natural, food, supplementary feeds, complete feeds etc.
Natural food found naturally in the pond. It may include detritus, bacteria, plankton, worms, insects, snails, aquatic plants and fish. Supplementary feeds are the kitchen wastes or agricultural by products. Complete feeds are the feeds made from a mixture of carefully fleeted ingredients to provide all the nutrients necessary for the fish to grow well.