These AP 9th Class Biology Important Questions 12th Lesson Improvement in Food Resources will help students prepare well for the exams.
AP 9th Class Biology 12th Lesson Improvement in Food Resources Important Questions
Class 9 Biology Chapter 12 Important Questions – 2 Marks
Question 1.
Name the three stages in which farming practices are divided.
a) choice of seeds
b) nurturing of crop plants
c) protection of the growing and harvested crops.
Question 2.
What are genetically modified crops ?
The crops obtained by introducing a gene that provides the desired characters is known Genetically modified crops.
Question 3.
Define hybridisation.
Hybridisation refers to crossing between genetically dissimilar plants, to obtain, better variety of crops.
Question 4.
“Shorter the duration of the crop from sowing to harvesting, the more economical is the variety” – Give reason for this.
Due to short duration of crop growth, farmers can grow more crops in a year, and reduce the cost of crop production.
Question 5.
What are macro – nutrients.?
The nutrients required by plants in larger quantity is called macro – nutrients. They are – Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium & sulphur.
Question 6.
Name the nutrients that plant obtain from air and water ?
Air – Carbon dioxide and Oxygen
Water – Hydrogen and Oxygen
Question 7.
What are the major group of activities involved for improving of crop yields ?
a) Crop variety improvement
b) Crop production improvement
c) Crop protection management.
Question 8.
What are the different ways / methods of hybridisation ?
Hybridisation can be
a) inter varietal – between different variety of crops.
b) interspecific – between two species of same genus.
c) intergenic – between two different genera.
Question 9.
What are the main characters that are required in a crop during its improvement ?
a) Disease resistance
b) Response to fertiliser
c) Product quality
d) High yield
Question 10.
How do deficiency of nutrients affect the crop ?
Deficiency of any nutrient affects physiological processes in plants including repro-duction, growth and succeptibility to diseases.
Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 Important Questions – 3 Marks
Question 1.
State the difference between Macro – Nutrients and Micro Nutrients.
Macro – Nutrients | Micro – Nutrients |
1) These are required by crops in larger quantity. | 1) These are requried by crops in very small quantity. |
2) Six macro nutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorous, potassium, .calcium, magnesium & sulphur | 2) Seven micronutrients are Iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and chlorine. |
Question 2.
Differentiate between Manure and fertilizer.
Manure | Fertilizer |
1) It consists of organic matter | 1) It consists of inorganic matter. |
2) Prepared from animal excreta and plant waste | 2) It is prepared commercially from chemicals. |
3) Its use causes no pollution. | 3) It caused pollution in soil and water. |
Question 3.
What is organic farming ?
It is the farming in which no chemical fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides are used. But uses all organic matter for its growth like manure, neem leaves as pesticides and for grain storage.
Question 4.
State the preventive and control measures used before grains are stored.
a) Cleaning of the grains.
b) Proper drying of the produce in sunlight, there should be no moisture.
c) Fumigation of produce using chemicals that kills pests.
Question 5.
Name some varieties of bees used for commercial honey production.
a) Apis cerana indica – Indian bee
b) A dorsats – rock bee (local varieties)
c) A florae – the little bee
d) A mellifera – Indian bee variety
Question 6.
How does insect posts attack the plant and affect it.
- They cut the root, stem and leaf.
- They suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant.
- They bore into stem and fruits.
This way they affect the health of the crop and reduces yield.
Question 7.
Give different methods of weed control ?
Weeds can be controlled by different methods :
a) Weedicides:
These are the chemicals sprayed on the weeds to kill them. Excessive use is poisonous and causes environmental pollution.
b) Mechanical removal:
In this method weeds are uprooted by removing manually or by machines.
c) Preventive methods:
Proper seed bed preparation, timely sowing of crops, inter cropping and crop rotation helps in weed control.
Question 8.
What are the new variety traits obtained by cross breading of Indian and exotic breeds of poultry ?
The new variety / traits obtained by cross breeding of Indian and exotic breeds of poultry are :
- The number and quality of chicks.
- Dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick production.
- Summer adaptation capacity / tolerance to high temperature.
- Low maintenance requirements.
- Reduction in the size of the egg laying bird with ability to utilise more fibrous and cheaper diet, formulated using agricultural by products.
Question 9.
State the difference between egg layer and broiler.
Egg layers | Broiler |
1) They are fed on protein rich food. | 1) They are fed on vitamin rich supplementary feed for good growth rate. |
2) Used for laying eggs. | 2) Used for meat purposes. Lot of protein included in the diet. |
Question 10.
Give one word for the following.
a) Farming without the use of chemicals as fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides is known as ________
b) Rowing of wheat and ground nut on the same field is called as __________
c) Planting soya bean and maize in alternate rows in the same field is called as ___________
d) Growing different crops on a piece of lands in pre – planned succession is known as __________
e) Causative organism of any disease is called __________
a) Organic farming
b) Mixed cropping
c) Inter cropping
d) Crop rotation
e) Weeds
f) Pathogen.
Question 11.
Cultivation practices and crop yield are related to environmental condition. Explain.
Cultivation practices and crops yield are related to environmental condition various crops require different climatic conditions, temperature and photoperiod, for their growth and completion of life cycle. On the basis of seasonal variations, crops in India can be classified into three main groups :
a) Rabi crop : It is a winter season crop grown from November to April.
b) Karif crop : It is a rainy season crop grown from June to October.
c) Zaid crop : It is a summer season crop grown from April to June.
Question 12.
Arrange these statements in correct sequence of preparation of green manure.
a) Green plants are decomposed in soil. r
b) Green plants are cultivated for preapring manure or crop plant parts are used
c) Plants are ploughed and mixed into the soil.
d) After decomposition it becomes green manure.
i) b ii) c iii) a iv) d
Question 13.
In agricultural practices, higher input gives higher yield.
1) In agricultural practices, higher inputs give higher yield.
2) Higher inputs in the form of sowing of seeds of improved variety, application of better manures and fertilisers, proper spraying of pesticides and weedicides, improved threshing and harvesting crops leads to increase in crop productivity. This also means the higher money inputs to raise the yield.
Financial condition of farmers allow them to take up different farming practices and technologies. The farmer’s purchasing capacity for input decides cropping system and production practices.
Question 14.
i) Which type of cropping system is in this picture ?
ii) What is the use of this type of inter cropping system ?
iii) With this type of cropping system, both crops will get beenfit or not ?
i) The name of the cropping system is inter cropping.
ii) This inter – cropping ensures maximum utilisation of the nutrients supplied, and also prevents pests and diseases from spreading to all the plants belonging to one crop in a field.
iii) Yes, in inter cropping method both crops will get benefit and give better returns.
Question 15.
i) Name the type of breed in the picture.
ii) Which breeds show resistance to diseases?
iii) Which breeds select for long lactation periods?
i) The type of breeds are indigenous milch breed of cattle.
ii) Local breeds such as Red Sindhi, Sahiwal show resistance to diseases.
iii) Exotic or foreign breeds such as Jersey Brown swill are selected for long location periods.
Important Questions on Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 – 5 Marks
Question 1.
Differentiate between the following.
i) Bee keeping and poultry farming.
ii) Capture fishery & cultrue fishery.
i) Bee keeping | Poultry farming |
1) Practice of rearing honey bees for the commercial production of honey and bee wax is called apiculture or bee keeping. | 1) Practice of raising domestic flows for commercial production of egg and meat is called poultry farming. |
2) Varieties of honey bees used for production of honey are Apis cerena indica, A. dorsata and A. Florae | 2) The common poultry birds are chicken, turkeys, ducks, geese guinea – fowls and pigeons. |
ii) Capture fishery | Culture fishery |
1) Method of obtaining fish from natural resources, is called capture fishery. | 1) Method of obtaining fish from fish farms is called culture fishery. |
2) It is carried out both in inland and marine water resources. | 2) It is carried out mostly in inland water resources and near sea shore. |
Question 2.
What do you understand by composite fish culture ?
- Practice of culturing combination of five or six spices of fish in a single fish pond is termed as composite fish culture.
- Selection of several species of fish for culturing in a pond helps to enhance yield with same cost and to utilise most of available food in the water reservoirs.
Fishes are selected on the basis of following characteristics.
a) The selected species are fast growing. For example, when common Indian carps (rohu, catla and mrigal) an exotic carps (sivler carp, grass carp) are selected for culturing, they give 8 -9 times more yield.
b) The fishes selected should not compete with each other for space and nutrition. They should live in-district zones inside the pond.
For example, calta and silver carp live mostly in surface zone, rohu and grass carp live in middle zone and mrigal and common carp live at the bottom.
c) The feeding habits of species selected should be district.
For example, silver carp feeds on phytoplanktons, catla feeds on Zoo planktons, rohu and mrigal feed on decaykig plant and detritus, grass carp feeds on aquatic plants and weeds. Thus, they can be grown together.
Composing fish farming is advantageous, economical and profitable from business point of view.
Question 3.
Name two types of animal feed and write their functions.
The food required by dairy animals is called feed. The dairy animals must get adequate palatable, laxative appetising and balances ration with sufficient greens and all nutrients in appropriate amounts. Large quantity of water is also required for milk production.
Two types of normal feed for dairy animals are :
i) Roughages
ii) Concentrates
i) Roughages : This part of cattle feed contains mostly fibres which come from bay (straw of cereals or Bhusa, green folders (cow pea, berseem etc) and silage.
ii) Concentrates : These are mixtures of substances containing less fibres and relatively excessive amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals etc. A balanced ration containing all nutrients in proper amounts plus sufficient water must be offered to dairy animals at frequent intervals. Besides this, various additives whicji contain micronutrients, antibiotics etc, must also be given to cattle to promote. their milk production.
Question 4.
Why are improved poultry breeds developed ?
- poultry farming is undertaken to raise domestic fowl for egg production and chicken meat.
- For this improved poultry breeds are developed and farmed to produce layers for eggs and broilers for meat.
- The cross breeding programmes between Indian and foreign breeds for variety improvement are focused on developing new varieties for the following desirable traits.
- The number and quality of chicks.
- The dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick production
- Tolerance to high temperature $ Low maintenance requirements
- Reduction in the size of the egg – laying bird possessing the ability to utilise more fibrous and economical diet that are formulated using agricultural by products.
Question 5.
Enlist the criteria for the selection of crops for mixed cropping.
Mixed cropping is employed to minimise risk and as an insurance against crop failure due to abnormal wealther conditions. The main criteria’s for selection of the crops for mixed cropping are as follows :
a) Duration of Crops :
One of the crops should be a long duration and other should be a short duration crop.
b) Growth habit:
One of the crops should be growing tall and the other should be growing short. The component crops should have different canopy.
c) Nutrient Demand :
One of the component crops should require lesser nutrients than the other crop.
d) Root pattern :
One of the crop should be deep – rooted while the other should be shallow – rooted.
e) Water requirement:
One of the component crops should require lesser water than the other.
Question 6.
What are the various methods of irrigation in India ?
Most of agriculture in India is rainfed, several different kinds of irrigation system are adopted to supply water to agricultural lands. The resources are wells, canals, rivers and tanks.
a) Wells : Dug wells and tube wells. In dug wells water is collected from water bearing strata.
b) Tubewells : Can tap water from deeper strata.
c) Canals : Most extensive irrigation system. Canals receive water from reservoirs or rivers, The main canal is divided into branch canals having further distributaries to irrigate fields.
d) River lift system : Water is directly drawn from the river for supplementing irrigation in arease close to rivers.
e) Tanks : These are small storage reservoirs, which intercept and store the run-off of smaller catchment areas.
Question 7.
Large amount of food grains get spoiled every year in India due to improper stor¬age of food grains. How can this be avoided ?
Food grains get spoiled by insects, fungi, rodents, bacteria, moisture, temperature in the place of storage.
Storage losses can be minimised by following preventive and control measures :
- The seeds / grains that are to be stored should be dry, with no moisture in it.
- The grains should be cleaned.
- The grains should be fumigated using chemicals that kills pest.
- The storage houses should be water proof.
- The grains should be stored in sealed gunny bags or metal containers.
- The bags should be stacked in order in pile for proper fumigation, and should be kept few centimetres away from the wall.
- The walls and floors should be water proof with no holes in it, to avoid rodents, pests.
Question 8.
Explain different types of fisheries.
The different types of fisheries are marine fisheries, inland fisheries, capture fishing, mari culture and aqua culture.
Marine fisheries
Marine fishes are caught using fishing nets. Large schools of fishes is located by satellites. Some are farmed in sea water.
Mari culture
Marine fishes are cultured in sea water, this type of culturing known as mariculture.
Inland fisheries:
The fisheries done in fresh water resources like canals, ponds, reservoirs and rivers is called inland fisheries.
Capture fishing:
It is done in sea water, estuaries and lagoons.
Aqua culture :
Culture of fish done in different water bodies is called aqua culture.
Question 9.
What are the factors for which variety improvement of crop is done ?
a) Biotic and Abiotic resistance :
Crop should be resistant to biotic factors like disease, insects, pests and abiotic factor
like droughty, salinity, heat, cold, frost & water logging.
b) Change in maturity duration :
Short duration maturity allows farmer to grow more crops in a year and reduces the cost of crop production.
c) Wider adaptability:
Crop should be able to adapt to change environmental conditions.
d) Higher yield : It increases production of crops.
e) Desirable eagranomic :
The tallness and dwarfness of crop. Dwarfness is required for cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed.
Question 10.
What are fertilisers ? Excess use of fertilisers is not advisable. Explain.
- Fertilisers are obtained artificially on commercial basis.
- It is a chemical which contains the nutrients required for the crop to grow.
- ertilisers supply various nutrients as they are nutrient specific, eg – urea provides nitrogen.
- Mixed fertiliser provides any two mixture of nutrients. They are expensive but their use yield large production. Hence a factor of high cost farming.
Excessive, use of fertilisers are not advisable as
a) It leads to soil and water pollution
b) It can destroy the fertility of soil. As the soil is not replemished, microorganisms in the soil are harmed by fertilizers.
Question 11.
What are the different patterns of cropping ?
Different ways of cropping system of growing crops are : a) Mixed cropping b) Inter cropping c) Crop rotation
a) Mixed Cropping:
It is a method in which two or more crops grow simultaneously on the same piece of land. Ex : Wheat + grain
This helps in reduction of risk factor.
b) Inter – Cropping :
- It is a method of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same field in a definite patterns.
- A few row of one crop alternate with a few rows of second crop. Ex : Soya beans, Maize.
c) Crop – Rotation :
The growing of different crops on a piece of land in a pre – planned succession is known as crop – rotation.
The availability of moisture and irrigation facility decides the choice of crop to be cultivated afthr one harvest.
Extra Questions on Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 – 4 Marks
Question 1.
Nutrients supplied by air, water and soil
Source | Nutrients |
Water Soil |
carbon, oxygen hydrogen, oxygen i) Macronutrients : nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, clacium, magnesium, sulphur ii) Micronutrients : iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, chlorine |
i) Name the Nutrients which supplied by air.
ii) What are macro nutrients ?
iii) What are micro nutrients ?
iv) What happens if these lack ?
i) Carbon and oxygen will be supplied by air.
ii) Macro nutrients are the nutrients which are required in large quantity to the plants.
iii) Micro nutrients are the nutrients which are required in less quantity to the plants.
iv) The deficiency of these nutrients affects the physiological processes in plants including, reproduction, growth and susceptibility to diseases.
Question 2.
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions ?
Fish is a cheap source of animal protein for our food. Fish production includes the finned true fish as well as shellfish such as prawns and molluscs. There are two ways of obtaining fish. One is from natural resources, which is called capture fishing. The other way is by fish farming, which is called culture fishery. |
i) What is the cheap source of animal protein for our food ?
ii) How many ways of obtaining fish are there ?
iii) Define culture fishery ?
iv) What is the basic source of fish ?
i) Fish is the cheap source of animal protein for our food.
ii) There are two ways of obtaining fish.
iii) The fish farming is known as cultrue fishery.
iv) The water source can be either sea water or fresh water, such as in rivers and ponds.