AP 8th Class Social Geography 2nd Lesson Notes Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

AP Board 8th Class Social Geography Notes 2nd Lesson Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

→ LAND :

  • Land is the most important natural resources. It covers 30% of total area of the earth surface.
  • Reasons for the uneven distribution of population in different parts of the world are topography and climate.
  • The rugged topography areas are normally sparsely populated or unhabited.
  • Deserted and low lying areas are sparsely populated but plains are densely populated.
  • The Land used for various purposes like agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads etc.
  • The physical factors that determines the use of land are topography, soil, climate and
  • The human factors that determines the use of land are technology and population.
  • Land can also be classified in to private and community land.
  • Community lands are also called common property resources.
  • The quality of land also differs from place to place.
  • People started encroaching the common Iands to build up commercial areas.
  • Land usage pattern also reflect the cultural changes in our society.
  • Land degradation, landslides, soil erosion, desertification are the major threats to the environment.
  • Due to growing demands of the people forest cover area will be reduced.

→ SOIL :

  • The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth is called soil.
  • Soil is made up of organic matter, minerals, and weathered rocks found on the earth.
  • Landforms determine the type of soil.
  • Mass movement of the rock is called landslide.
  • Climate, topography, organic material etc. are major factors of soil formation.
  • Soil erosion and depletion are the major threats to soil as a resource.
  • Mulching, contour barriers, rock dam, terrace farming, contour ploughing and shelter belts are some methods of soil conservation.
  •  In coastal and dry regions, shelter belts are maintained to check the wind movement.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 2nd Lesson Notes Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources


  • Water is a vitpfl renewable natural resource and support variety of plant and animal life.
  • Our earth is called water planet, 3/4 th of earth’s surface covered with water.
  • Life began almost 3.5 billon years back.
  • The ocean water is saline and not fit for human consumption.
  • Freshwater accounts for only 2.7%
  • Nearly 70% water occur as ice sheets and glaciers.
  • Only 1% of fresh water is available and fit for human use.
  • Evaporation, Precipitation, and run off process is called Water cycle.
  • Water scarcity is caused by over-exploitation and contamination of water sources.
  • The excessive use of water lead to shortage of fresh water and contamination of water.
  • Disposal of sewage, chemicals and dumping of waters in river water causes pollution.
  • Water conservation is an important remedy.
  • It can be done by afforestation adopting effective, technique for irrigation and promoting rain water harvesting.


  • Forests and other vegetation cover slow the surface runoff and replenish underground water.
  • In the biosphere living beings are inter related and interdependent on each other for survival.
  • Wild life includes animals, birds, insects, as well as the aquatic life forms.
  • Smaller and big animals all are integral to maintaining balance in the ecosystem.
  • The major,vegetation grouped as forests, grasslands, scrubs.
  • Growth of vegetation depend up on temperature and moisture.
  • Cold Polar Regions comprise of mosses and lichens.
  • Human interference Influenced many species have become vulnerable or endangered.
  • National parks. Wildlife sanctuaries are biosphere reserves. They made to protect our natural vegetation and wildlife.
  • CITES Means the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 2nd Lesson Notes Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

→ LAND : The solid part of the earth surface. It was one of the most important natural resources.

→ TOPOGRAPHY : The arrangement of the natural physical feature of an area.

→ RUGGED TROPQGRPHY : Rugged topography consists of mountain ranges, valleys * and deep gorges. Rugged area of land is uneven and covered with rocks, with few trees or plants.

→ LOW LAYING AREAS : The land lying below the normal level.

→ SUSCEPTIBLE : Liable to be influenced.

→ POPULATED AREAS : A large group of people living in a certain place is called populated areas.

→ LAND DEGRADATION : Loss of the biological or economic productivity of Land.

→ LAND USE : Land used for various purposes like agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads etc.

→ PRIVATE LAND : It was owned by individuals.

→ COMMUNITY LAND : Land which is owned by a group of persons of same community far common usage.

→ LANDSLIDES : The movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope.

→ SOli EROSION : Transport of the upper layer of soil by different agents like water, wind etc.

→ DESERTIFICATION : The process by which fertile land becomes desert, this land inappropriate for agriculture.

→ OVERGAZING : Excessive grazing which causes damage to grassland.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 2nd Lesson Notes Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

→ SOIL : The thin upper layer of the earth is called soil.

→ WATER : Water is a vital renewable natural resource.

→ POLLINATION : Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.

→ DEFORESTATION : The action of clearing a wide area of trees.

→ MULCHING : The bare ground between plants is covered with layer of organic matter like straw.

→ CONTOUR BARRIERS : Contour barriers are contour strips made with stones, grass, soil are-ttsed. That intercept downslope flowing water and soil particles.

→ ROCK DAM : Rocks are piled up to stow down the flow of water.

→ TERRACE FARMING : Terrace farming is a method of farming whereby slopes of hills and mountains.

→ INTERCROPPING : Different crops are grown in alternate rows in same field.

→ CONTOUR PLOUGHING : Ploughing along the contours of the land in order to minimize soil erosion.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 2nd Lesson Notes Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

→ DROUGHTS : Abnormal weather situation like lack of water availability.

→ CONTIMINATION : Pollutants include chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites.

→ ECOSYSTEM : The life supporting system is known as the ecosystem.

→ TUNDRA : A vast area of land treeless and snow covered cold desert is called Tundra.

→ BIOSPHERE RESERVES : Series of protected areas linked through a global network, intended to demonstrate the relationship between conservation and development.

→ VANAMAHOTSAVA : It was a plantation and awareness program of increasing forestry. It was organized by community.

→ Weathering : The breaking up and decay of exposed rocks, by temperature changes, frost action, plants, animals and human activity.

→ National Park : A natural area designated to protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for the present and the future generations

→ Biosphere reserves : Series of protected areas linked through a global network, intended to demonstrate the relationship between conservation and development.

AP 8th Class Social Notes

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