AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions Resources

These AP 8th Class Social Important Questions Geography 1st Lesson Resources will help students prepare well for the exams.

Resources AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions: 8 Marks

Question 1.
“All resources have some value” Explain with examples.
Value means worth. Some resources have economic value, some do not. For example, metals may have an economic value, a beautiful landscape may not. But both are important and satisfy human needs. Ex : Some resources Can become economically valuable with time. Some areas are not developed at present but in future may be developed as real estate would boom from time to time.

Question 2.
What are the main principles of the sustainable development?

  • Respect and care for all forms of life
  • Improve the quality human life.
  • Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity.
  • Minimize the depletion of natural resources.
  • Change personal attitude and practices towards the environment.
  • Enable communities to care for. their own environment.

Question 3.
Differentiation between Renewable resources and Non- renewable resources.

Renewable resources Non- renewable resources
1. Renewable resources are those which get renewed or replenished quickly. 1. Non-renewable resources are those which are limited instock.
2. Renewable resources are able to supply a continuous source of clean energy. Ex : air, sunlight etc. 2. Non-renewable resources are used up, they cannot be replaced. Ex : petroleum, natural gas etc.

Question 4.
What are the measure to be needed to protect our planet?
The future of our planet and its people is linked with our ability to maintain and, preserve the life support system that nature provides. Therefore it is our duty to ensure that,

  • we should try to protect the diversity of all life on the earth is conserved.
  • we should try to minimized damage to natural environmental system.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions Resources

Question 5.
Explain the factors on which distribution of resources depends.

  • The distribution of resources on the earth is unequal.
  • It depends on the physical factors take terrain, climate and altitude.
  • The terrain has various different features in different regions, The availability of resources depends upon the type of soil.
    Ex : Plateaus are rich in minerals. Plains are good for farming.
  • Variations in climate temperatures, rainfall, snowfall etc., also influences the availability of resources.

Question 6.
Give some examples to human made resources.

  • Natural substances become resources only when their original form has been charged.
  • People learnt to extract iron from iron ore and they made so many objects with the metal.
  • People use resources to make buildings, bridges, roads, machinery and vehicles.
  • These are all examples to human made resources.
  • Technology is also a human made resources.


Question 1.
What is the relation between development of a country and resources?

  1. If a country needs to develop economically it need the availability of resources.
  2. Natural resources like raw materials, air and water are essential for the development of industries.
  3. Human made resources like roads, bridges, vehicles are useful for transportation and technology for better communication.
  4. Human resources with knowledge, skill, education and well trained are the pillars of the economy. Thus, the development of a country depends upon the availability of resources.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions: 4 Marks

Question 1.
What is called resource conservation?

  • Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed and saving the resource for future generations is called resource conservation.
  • Resource such as minerals, water, trees, wild life etc. need to protect for future.

Question 2.
Differentiation between Natural resources and Human resources.

Natural resources Human resources
1. Resource can drawn from nature. 1. People can create.
2. These are available freely.
Ex: Air, water.
2. They make the best use of nature with their skills and abilities.
Ex: Education .Technology.

Question 3.
How many types of Resources are there ? What are they ?

  • Resources are generally classified into three types.
  • They are i) Natural resource ii) Human made resource and iii) Human resource.
  • Natural resource can be broadly categorized into Renewable and Non- renewable resource’s.

Question 4.
What are called human made resource?
People use natural resources to make buildings, bridges, roads , machinery and vehicles etc. which are known as human made resource. Technology is also a human made resource.

Question 5.
What is the reason for human resource is a valuable?
Human resource refer to the number and abilities of the people. The skills of human that help in transferring the physical material into a valuable resource.

Question 6.
What do you know about Human resource development?
Improving the quality of people’s skills and abilities, so that they are able to create more valuable resources. It known as human resource development.

Question 7.
Write a short note on Value?
Value means worth, Some resources can become economic valuable with time. Ex: Metals may have an economic value, a beautiful landscape may not. But both are important and satisfy human needs .

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions Resources

Question 8.
What do you understand by natural resources and now can you classify them into?
Resources that are drawn from nature and used without much modification are known as natural resources. Ex: Air, water, soils and rocks etc.

Question 9.
Value and time can change something as a resource – Justify the Statement.
Some resources have economic value and some may not. But materials with time and technology may change as a resource. Today Grandmother’s remedies may not have economic value, but if they are patented later followed by some medical firms, they will get economic value.
The paper waste might not be a resource but when it transformed into some decorative pieces and cover paper again after recycling, it becomes a resource.

Question 10.
What do you know about the factors that make a substance as a resources?
Utility that satisfy our needs, value of the substance, time and technology are some factors that can change a resource into a substance. People, their skills, knowledge, ideas and inventions lead to create more resources.
Ex : Invention of fire, wheel resulted a lot of development from the ages and now – a- days technology creating substances as resources.

Question 11.
How can you say that human beings are also a resource?
Human beings are a special resource. They can make the best use of nature to create more resources with their knowledge, skill and technology. Education and health help in making people a valuable resource.

Question 12.
What will happen if we over use the natural resources?
If we are not careful then even renewable resources can become very scarce and the non – renewable resources can definitely get exhausted.

Question 13.
As a student what should you do to conserve resources ?
The future of our planet depends on the life supporting system that nature provides .
As a student it is my duty to
all uses of renewable resources are sustainable,
the diversity of life on the earth is conserved,
the damage to national environmental system is minimised.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions: 2 Marks

Question 1.
Which one make a resource?
Utility or Usability is what makes an object or substance a resource.

Question 2.
What are the factors that can be changed substances into resource?
Time and technology are two important factors that can be change substance into resource. .

Question 3.
What is patent?
Patent means the exclusive right over any idea or invention.

Question 4.
What is called technology?
Technology means the application of latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things.

Question 5.
What is called stock of resource?
Stock of resource means the amount of resource available for use.

Question 6.
How can resource have a value ?
If we use any goods and services it gives a value.

Question 7.
What are the important factors that can change substance into resources?
Time and Technology.

Question 8.
Conserving Resourses means.
Using resources carefully and giving them to time to get renewed is called resource conservation.

Question 9.
What is a resource ?
A thing that can be satisfy a need is a resource. Ex: Food grains, Clothes, Books, Furni-ture etc.

Question 10.
Technology is also human made resource – Explain.
Technology i£ the application of knowledge and skill in making a resource. With the “use of technology, man can produce hydro electricity from the fast flowing water.

AP 8th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson Important Questions Resources

Question 11.
Write about Sustainable development.
Using resources carefully for the present generation and saving for future generation is Sustainable development.

Question 12.
Describe types of resources.
Resources are classified into natural, human made and human resources.

Question 13.
Technology is which type of resource?
Technology is a human made resource.

Question 14.
Define human resource development.
Human resource development stands for improvement in the quality of human skills to create more resources.

Question 15.
How can we conserve resources?
Each one of us can conserve resources by reducing consumption, recycling and reus¬ing things.

Question 16.
What do you understand about‘Stock of resources’?
Stock of resource means the amount of the available resources for use.
Ex : Coal, natural gas etc., are the non – renewable resources and they are available in a limited stock.

Question 17.
What is the meaning of resource conservation?
Careful usage and giving time to renew the resources is called as conservation of resources.

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