AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

These AP 8th Class English Important Questions 9th Lesson will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP Board 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions and Answers



Question No. 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. A mother and her little boy, as we said earlier, sat at the door of their cottage, gazing at the Great Stone Face and talking about it. The child’s name was Ernest.

“Mother,” said he, while the Great Face smiled on him, “I wish that it could speak, for it looks so very kindly that its voice must indeed be pleasant. If I ever see a man with ’ such a face, I should love him very much.” (The Great Stone Face -1)
a) Who was the boy? Who did he sit with?
Ernest was the boy. He sat with his mother.

b) Where did they sit? What were they doing?
They sat at the door of their cottage. They were gazing at the Great Stone Face and talking about it.

c) What did Ernest wish? Why did he wish it?
He wished that the Great Stone Face’ could speak. He wished it because it looks so very kindly that its voice must indeed be pleasant.

d) “I wish that ………” Who does ‘I’ refer to? Who should Ernest love very much?
‘I’ refers to Ernest. He should love the man with the face of the ‘Great Stone Face’.

e) Why were they gazing at the Great Stone Face?
They were gazing at it because of the prophecy attributed to it.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

2. Ernest had had no teacher, but the Great Stone Face became one to him. When the work of the d$ty was over, he would gaze at it for hours, until he began to imagine that those vast features recognised him, and gave him a smile of kindness and encouragement. (The Great Stone Face -1)
a) What did the Great Stone Face become? To whom did it become that?
It became a teacher. It became a teacher to Ernest.

b) What does ‘it’ in the passage refer to? When would he gaze at it?
‘It’ refers to the ‘Great Stone Face’. He would gaze at it when the work of the day was over.

c) Who began to imagine? What did the person imagine?
Ernest began to imagine. He began to imagine that the vast features of the ‘Great Stone Face’ recognised him and gave him a smile of kindness and encouragement.

d) Based on your study of the passage, do you think he was industrious? What kind of smile did the Great Stone Face give the person ?
Yes, he was industrious.
It gave the person a smile of kindness and encouragement.

e) What were those vast features? Do you think they really recognised Ernest?
Those vast features were all the features of the Great Stone Face. No, I don’t think so.

3. “The very image of the Great Stone Face!” shouted the people. “Sure enough, the old prophecy is true. Here we have the great man, at last!”

And, what greatly puzzled Ernest, they seemed actually to believe that here was the likeness which they spoke of. He turned away sadly from the wrinkled shrewdness of that unpleasant face, and gazed up the valley. (The Great Stone Face -1)
a) What did the people shout? Who did they think was the image of the Great Stone Face?
They shouted that the great man they had at last was the very image of the Great Stone Face and so the old prophecy was true. They thought that Gathergold was the image of the Great Stone Face.

b) What is the old prophecy? Do you think has it really come true?
It was that at some future day, a child should be born near the Great Stone Face, who was destined to become the greatest and noblest person of his time and whose face, in manhood, should bear an exact resemblance to the Great Stone Face.
No, I don’t think so.

c) What puzzled Ernest? Who was the likeness, according to the people?
Ernest was puzzled to observe that people seemed to believe that there was the likeness which they spoke of. Gathergold was the likeness.

d) From whom or which did Ernest turn away? Why did he turn away sadly?
He turned away from Gathergold. He turned away sadly because Gathergold was not at all the likeness of the ‘Great Stone Face’.

e) Who was the great man, according to the people? Did the person really resemble the Great Stone Face?
Gathergold was the great.man. No, he did not really resemble it.

4. “O, Mother,” cried Ernest, clapping his hands above his head, “I do hope that I shall live to see him!”

His mother was an affectionate and thoughtful woman. It was proper, she thought, not to discourage the fanciful hopes of her little boy. So she said to him,“Perhaps you may.” (The Great Stone Face -1)
a) Whose mother was mentioned? What kind of a woman was she?
Ernest’s mother. She was an affectionate and thoughtful woman. She would not discourage Ernest.

b) Why was Ernest clapping his hands above his head? What does he hope?
He clapped because he was thrilled by the story told by his mother. He hopes that he will live to see the man resembling the ‘Great Stone Face’.

c) What was proper, according to the mother? What did she say to the boy?
Ernest’s hope that he will live to see the man resembling the ‘Great Stone Face’ was proper. She said that perhaps Ernest might see the man resembling the ‘Great Stone Face’.

d) What does the mother mean by saying “Perhaps you may.”?
By saying that she meant her son would live happily with that hope.

e) What kind of hopes does the boy have? Why does h-Oa mother not discourage the boy?
His hopes were such hopes that a child always would like to see something that was interesting and wonderful. The boy’s mother does not discourage him because she was affectionate and thoughtful.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

5. And Ernest never forgot the story that his mother told him. It was always in his mind whenever he looked upon the Great Stone Face. He spent his childhood in the log- cottage where he was born, was dutiful to his mother and helpful to her in many things, assisting her much with his little hands, and more with his loving heart. (The Great Stone Face -1)
a) Who never forgot?
Ernest never forgot. He never forgot the story told to him by his mother.

b) What was always in his mind? When did he recall it?
The story that his mother told him was always in his mind. He recalled it whenever he looked upon the ‘Great Stone Face’.

c) Where was fye born? Where did he spend his childhood?
He was born in the log-cottage. He spent his childhood in the log-cottage.

d) What kind of a son was Ernest to his mother?
Ernest was dutiful to his mother and helpful to her in many things, assisting her much with his little hands and more with his loving heart.

e) Pick out the word that means ’responsible’. How were his hands and heart?
‘dutiful’ means responsible’. His hands were little and his heart was loving.

Question No.2

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. It was a moonless night in December. A burst of cool breeze from the window was enough to disturb the sleep of Indrani Debi. Half awake she felt for the adjoining pillow, although she knew the answer. Duttada was not there. (The Comet -1)
a) How was the night?
It was a moonless night.

b) What was enough to disturb the sleep?
A burst of cool breeze from the window

c) Who was Indrani Debi?
She was the wife of Duttada.

d) Why did she feel for the adjoining pillow?
to see whether her husband was there or not

e) How was she when her sleep was disturbed?
She was half awake.

2. She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya. (The Comet -1)
a) Who does ‘she’ refer to?
‘She’ refers to Indrani Debi.

b) What does ’tete-a-tete’ mean?
It means a private meeting or talk between two persons.

c) Where did she go?
She went to the roof.

d) Why did she go there?
to break up Duttada’s tete-a-tete with Didya.

e) How did she go there?
She went there by picking up the white woollen pullover and wrapping herself in a shawl.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

3. He got them both when he retired with ample money. The telescope was duly installed and long were the dark nights that Duttada spent in star-gazing. (The Comet – I)
a) In which did Duttada spend?
He spent in star-gazing.

b) What were the both that Duttada got?
He got both enough money to buy the telescope and enough spare time to observe the heavens.

c) When did he get both?
He got them when he retired with ample money.

d) How much time did he spend in star-gazing?
He spent many long dark nights.

e) What was duly installed?
The telescope

4. Like every other amateur astronomer, Duttada had a secret ambition that he would one day discover a new comet. For, comets can be new, coming as they do from the remote corners of the Solar System. Like planets, comets also orbit round the Sun but their orbits are highly eccentric. (The Comet -I)
a) How are the orbits of comets different from that of the planets?
Unlike the orbits of the planets, the orbits of comets are highly eccentric.

b) Write the meaning of the word ‘eccentric’.
’eccentric’ means unusual / unlike the orbits of other planets.

c) Was Duttada an amateur astronomer?
Yes, he was.

d) What was the secret ambition that Duttada had?
It was that he would one day discover a new comet.

e) Where do comets come from?
They come from the remote corners of the solar system.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

5. “Comets bring ill-luck and I wish a good man like you were not associated with the discovery of one,” Indrani Debi said with concern. (The Comet -I)
a) What does the word ‘one’ refer to?
‘one’ refers to a new comet.

b) What was the belief of Indrani Debi?
Indrani Debi’s belief was that comets bring ill-luck.

c) How did she say?
She said with a concern.

d) Who should not be associated with the discovery of comets, according to Indrani Debi?

e) Do you believe that comets bring ill-luck?
No, I don’t believe that.

Question No.3

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. The conference lasted one week and went on under total cover of secrecy. First the experts checked and rechecked James Forsyth’s calculation with the latest observations of Comet Dutta. (The Comet – II)
a) How did the conference go on?
It went on under total cover of secrecy.

b) How long did it last?
It lasted one week.

c) Who checked?
The experts checked.

d) What did they check?
They checked James Forsyth’s calculation.

e) With which did they check his calculation?
They checked his calculation with the latest observations of Comet Dutta.

2. Arriving home he found another crowd gathered under a pandal. He glanced questioningly at Indrani Debi. Surely she knew how he hated crowds. Indrani, obviously un¬easy, offered the explanation: “I have arranged ayajna and called priests to bless you.” (The Comet – II)
a) Who do the words ‘he’ and ‘I’ in the passage refer to, respectively?
‘he’ refers to Duttada.
‘I’ refers to Indrani Debi.

b) Why did she call the priests?
She called them to bless her husband, Duttada.

c) Pick out the word that means ‘clearly’.

d) Who and how did Duttada glance at?
Duttada glanced at Indrani Debi questioningly.

e) Why did the crowd gather under a pandal?
They gathered there to give a warm welcome to Duttada.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

3. In the middle of October, Duttada got a letter from Sir John. In the midst of descrip-tions of the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, the unseasonably warm weather, the opening matches of the football season and a recent by-election, Duttada spotted the sentence he was eagerly looking’for: “The charge of the Light Brigade has begun. Let us hope for the best.” So the spacecraft had been launched on time. (The Comet – II)
a) Name the meeting mentioned in the passage.
It was the meeting of the Royal Astono-mical Society.

b) Who wrote the letter to whom?
Sir John wrote the letter to Duttada.

c) How was the weather?
It was unseasonably warm weather.

d) What was he eagerly looking for?
He was eagerly looking for the sentence about the Project Light Brigade.

e) Who does the word us’ refer to?
‘us’ refers to Sir John and Duttada.

4. Indrani Debi looked at Sibaji babu, the younger brother of her husband. Sibaji babu coughed and explained, “We have all been very disturbed since you discovered the comet. Guruji recommended a shanti yajna to pacify the evil spirit behind the comet We are all waiting for you to perform the yajna.” (The Comet – II)
a) Why have they been disturbed?
They have been disturbed because of the discovery of Comet Dutta made by Duttada.

b) What did Guruji recommend?
He recommended a shanti yajna.

c) Why did he recommend it?
He recommended it to pacify the evil spirit behind the comet.

d) Who was Sibaji babu?
He was the younger brother of Duttada.

e) Who should perform the yajna?
Duttada should perform it.

5. “Mr. Dutta, I will give you an honest answer ! 1 am not buying any Christmas presents till December 15.” (The Comet-II)
a) Who is the speaker of these words?
Sir John Macpherson is the speaker.

b) Who was Mr. Dutta?
Mr. Dutta was Duttada, the amateur astrologist and also the discoverer of the Comet Dutta.

c) What kind of answer did the person give?
He gave an honest answer.

d) What was the answer?
It was that Sir John was not buying any Christmas presents till December 15.

e) Which date was mentioned?
The date was December 15.

Question No.4

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. Weavers may not be formally educated. But they have complex calculations at their fingertips. They draw patterns on the graphs and copy them on the threads. Threads stretched out long with dots of different colours shining. Such a sight is seen in vil¬lages of Nalgonda. The dots are like raindrops. Chitiki rumal was the favourite head¬gear of fishermen and other labourers. It was also the towel on the shoulders of trad¬ers in Gujarat.
a) What do the weavers have at their fingertips?
They have complex calculations at their fingertips.

b) What are the dots on threads compared to?
The dots on threads are compared to the raindrops.

c) The favourite headgear of fishermen is ………. (ii)
i) threads
ii) Chitiki rumal
iii) silk clothes
ii) Chitiki rumal

d) Which statement is true, according to the given passage? (iii)
i) Weavers may be formally educated.
ii) They have simple calculations at their fingertips.
iii) They have complex calculations at their fingertips.
iii) They have complex calculations at their fingertips.

e) Where do they draw patterns on? (i)
i) the graphs
ii) the threads
iii) coloured clothes
i) the graphs

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

2. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is one of the most lovable Presidents of India. After his Presidentship, he chose to become a teacher as he thought that whatever he had achieved in his life, gives all this back to the society through education. He always used to say in his speech that he wanted to be remembered as a teacher rather than a scientist or the President of India. He rightly advocated that a student spends 25,000 hours in the campus. The school must have the ability to teach, love teaching and 1 build moral qualities.
a) Who is Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?
He is one of the most lovable Presidents of India.

b) What did he choose, filter his Presidentship?
He chose to become a teacher.

c) According to Kalam, a student spends ________ in the campus. (i)
i) 25,000 hours
ii) 15,000 hours
iii) 25,000 days
i) 25,000 hours

d) Which statement is true? (ii)
i) Kalam wanted to be remembered as a scientist.
ii) The school must have the ability to love teaching and build moral values.
iii) The school must have the ability to build moral values but not love teaching.
ii) The school must have the ability to love teaching and build moral values.

e) Who wanted to be remembered as a teacher? (i)
i) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
ii) Indira Gandhi
iii) Jnani Jail Singh
i) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Question No.5

1. Study the bar graph given below and answer the questions.

Percentage distribution of monthly expenditure of a family
AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions 1
a) What is the bar graph about?
It is about the percentage distribution of Monthly Expenditure of a Family.

b) What is the second highest area of expenditure for a family?
House rent

c) In which area is the family expenditure the least? (ii)
i) Health
ii) Savings
iii) Study Loan
ii) Savings

d) For which area does a family,spend more on health but less than transportation? (ii)
i) Savings
ii) Study Loan
iii) Food
ii) Study Loan

e) Choose the correct statement from the following. (ii)
i) The highest expenditure of a family is on house rent.
ii) A family spends more on food than on health.
iii) The least family expenditure is on health.
ii) A family spends more on food than on health.



Question No.6 & 7

6. a) The yajna was performed by Khoka, the grandson of Duttada on behalf of Duttada. After that, everyone there was happy as the expected calamity has not happened. Duttada felt it was because of the success of the Project Light Brigade. But his wife Indrani Debi felf the happiness was due to the effect of the yajna conducted in her house.
Now, write a possible conversation between Duttada and Indrani Debi.
Indrani : I feel very happy.
Duttada : So do I.
Indrani : At last, the ill-luck that has been a ttributed to that comet has been averted.
Duttada : It’s not the ill-luck but the predicted calamity.
Indrani : What do you say?
Duttada : Yes. Because of the success of the Project Light Brigade, and the efforts of the eminent scientists, we all are now safe.
Indrani : No. It’s because of the yajna we conducted.
Duttada : Do you still believe in superstitions ?
Indrani : It’s not a superstition. It’s the effect of the yajna.
Duttada : See, you are an M.A. Still you are superstitious.
Indrani : Leave it aside. Don’t go for further discovery.
Duttada : O.K.
Indrani : Keep that telescope aside and don’t use it. Spend the time happily with your grandson.
Duttada : It’s difficult.
Indrani : If so, I will one day make it out of your reach.
Duttada : Don’t talk silly.
Indrani : Actually you should haveperformed the yajna. But since you were highly reluctant then, our grandson did it on your behalf.
Duttada : There was a big gathering when I came home.
Indrani : So what?
Duttada : You know well of my nature.
Indrani : But you have to do certain things for the pleasure of the members of your family.
Duttada : Let’s not heat the things further.
Indrani : It’s not I but you that does such things.
Duttada : O.K. Cool yaar.
Indrani : O.K. Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Duttada : Yeah!
Indrani : Be relaxed for a while. I’ll come with it soon.
Duttada : O.K.

b) When people praised Gathergold as the true image of the ‘Great Stone Face’, Ernest felt sad as he could not find any feature of the Great Stone Face in him. He disapproved him to be the likeness of the Great Stone Face. After reaching home, he expressed his feelings in his diary.
Imagine yourself to be Ernest and write the diary entry.
22 June, 20xx
9 p.m.
Dear Diary,
Today when there was a huge crowd shouting that the likeness of the Great Stone Face is coming and the prophecy is coming true, I was delighted to see the person who could resemble the Great Stone Face. Actually I have been longing to see such a man. So I rushed out to see him. People were busy clapping hands and praising the man. When I asked someone in the crowd, he told me that he was Gathergold and he was the true image of the Great Stone Face and so the prophecy came true.

I saw him at close quarters. I was shocked. I felt hurt and deeply sad because he is not at all the likeness of the Great Stone Face. I wondered how people could treat him as the likeness as he has no features of that Great Stone Face. Nevertheless with a disappointed face, I came home and told my mother the fact. She asked me not to lose my heart and assured me that the true likeness of the Stone Face would certainly come and that I should wait for him. My mother’s words cooled me. I’ll never Ipse my hope.

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

7. a) Write a biographical sketch of P. Suseela using the following hints.
Name : P. Suseela
Birth : 13 November, 1935
Profession : Playback singer
Place : Vizianagaram, A.P.
No. of songs : More than 40,000
Languages : Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam
Titles : Gaana Kokila, Andhra Latha Mangeshkar, Queen of Melody, Kalaimamani.
Awards : Bharathdashan Award, National Best Singer (2005) (Sirisiri Muwa), Padma Bhushan (2008)
P. Suseela is one of the most outstanding singers that India has ever produced. She sings so sweetly and melodiously that everyone pays full attention to listen to her song.

This great singer, P. Suseela was born on 13 November, 1935. She was born in Vizianagaram in Andhra pradesh. By profession, she is a playback singer. She sang with many great singers such as Ghantasala Venkateswara Rao, S.P. Balasubrahmanyam, V. Ramakrishna, P.B. Srinivas, A.M. Raja, S. Janaki and P. Leela.

P. Suseela has sung more than 40,000 songs. She sang in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam. The great singer S.P. Balasubrahmanyam once said that one should listen to the songs sung by P. Suseela to understand the sweetness of Telugu language.

P. Suseelcyhas received so many awards and titles. She is an ever-living singer.

Suseela has received the Bharathdashan Award. She was given the award of National Best Singer in 2005 for her song in the film ‘Sirisiri Muwa’. She got Padma Bhushan in 2008. She is famous for ‘Veena songs’ and ‘Bhakthi songs’.

b) Write a story using the following hints.
Once upon a time – lion in forest – killing animals – the animals gathered – approach the lion with an offer – one animal – every day – turn of one of the animals – rabbit’s turn – chose old, wise among them – rabbit late – lion impatient – strode along to the lion by sunset – lion angry – wise rabbit – told about another lion – lion asked rabbit – location of the other lion – wise rabbit – deep well – lion – roared – other lion – roared – Hon – jumped – lion – died – rabbit – alive – moral.
A Lion and a Rabbit
Once upon a time there was a lion in a forest. He was killing many animals. Other animals in that forest were afraid. So they all gathered at a place. Then they took the decision to send one animal a day for the food of the lion.

They all approached the lion. They told the lion that one animal would come to him every day. The lion accepted. Thus he began to kill one animal every day for his food: One day it was the turn of the rabbits. An old and wise rabbit was chosen.

The wise rabbit wanted to go late. The lion became impatient. The rabbit strode along to the lion by sunset. The lion became ^ngry. Then the wise rabbit tQl^the lion that on his way he happened to meet another lion who declared that he was the king of the forest and no other animal cojuld fight and defeat him. The lion was very angry to hear those words. He asked the rabbit to take him to the place where that other lion was.

The wise rabbit took him to a deep well and said that the lion was inside the well and was roaring. The lion looked into the well. He saw his reflection in the water of the well. But he thought that he was another lion. Unable to control his anger he roared and jumped into that deep well. The lion died. The rabbit survived.
Moral: Act wisely in critical situations.



Question No.8

Choose the words with similar meaning (synonyms) from the list given below to the words underlined.

1. [raise, stuck, very large, pile, sketch, onlooker]
If the spectator (a) approached too near, he lost the outline (b) of the enormous (c) face and could see only a heap (d) of gigantic rocks.
a) onlooker
b) sketch
c) very large
d) pile

2. [unreal, loving, trusted, designed, probably, dishearten]
His mother Was an affectionate (a) and thoughtful woman. It was proper, she thought, not to discourage (b) the fanciful (c) hopes of her little boy. So she said to him, “Perhaps (d) you may.”
a) loving
b) dishearten
c) unreal
d) probably

3. [accurately, feast, soft, hearsay, thoughtful, way]
In this manner (a), from a happy yet often pensive (b) child he grew up to be a mild (c) and quiet youth. There was a rumour (d) throughout the valley.
a) way
b) thoughtful
c) soft
d) hearsay

4. [of birth, ran, lined, social, at last, agitated]
Ernest had been deeply stirred (a) by the idea that the great man was at length (b) to be seen in his native (c) valley. A carriage dashed (d) round the turn of the road.
a) agitated
b) at last
c) of birth
d) ran

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

5. [feast, pleasing, resemblance, speaking in a low tone, declared, identify]
If there was such a likeness (a) as the crowd proclaimed (b), Ernest could not recognise (c) it. The Great Stone Face was whispering (d) to him.
a) resemblance
b) declared
c) identify
d) speaking in a low tone

Question No.9

Write the words opposite in meaning (antonyms) to the words underlined.

1. The years went (a) on, and Ernest grew to be a young (b) man. He attracted (c) little notice from the inhabitants of the valley. They saw nothing (d) remarkable.
a) came
b) old
c) repelled
d) everything

2. Ernest was industrious (a), kind (b) and neighbourly. They did not know that the Great (c) Stone Face had become a teacher (d) to him.
a) lazy / idle
b) cruel
c) ordinary / normal
d) student

3. His mother (a) was an affectionate and thoughtful (b) woman. It was proper, she thought, not to discourage (c) the fanciful (d) hopes of her little boy.
a) father
b) thoughtless
c) encourage
d) real / genuine

4. By this time poor (a) Mr Gathergold was dead (b) and buried. His wealth, which was the body and spirit of his existence, had disappeared (c) before his death (d).
a) rich
b) alive
c) appeared
d) birth

5. Old (a) and tired now (b), he had lately (c) expressed a desire to return to his native (d) valley.
a) young
b) then
c) long ago
d) foreign / non-native

6. One afternoon (a), when the sun was going down (b), a mother and her little boy sat (c) at the door of their cottage, talking (d) about the Great Stone Face.
a) forenoon
b) coming up
c) stood
d) listening to / hearing

Question No.10

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in brackets.

1. He ______(a) (spent / spends / spending) his childhood in the log-cottage ______(b) (when / where / which) he was born, was ______(c) (duty / dutifully / dutiful) to his mother and helpful to her in many things, ______(d) (assisted / assist / assisting) her much.
a) spent
b) where
c) dutiful
d) assisting

2. Neither did Ernest ______(a) (knows / knew / know) that the thoughts ______(b) (who / which / when) came to him so ______(c) (naturally / natural /naturalized), in the fields and at the fireside, were of a ______(d) (highest / high / higher) tone than those which all men shared with him.
a) know
b) which
c) naturally
d) higher

3. On the day of the general’s ______(a) (arrived / arrival / arriving), Ernest and all the other people of the valley left ______(b) (his / their / our) work, and ______(c) (proceeded / proceeding / proceeds) to the spot ______(d) (when /who / where) a great banquet had been prepared.
a) arrival
b) their
c) proceeded
d) where

4. Since the ______(a) (melting / melted / melts) away of his gold, it had ______(b) (be / being / been) generally agreed ______(c) (that/ whether / why) there was no likeness, after all, between the ruined merchant ______(d) (or / but / and) the majestic face upon the mountain.
a) melting
b) been
c) that
d) and

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

5. Gathergold, ______(a) (who / what / which) was his name, had set up as a shop-keeper and, ______(b) (be / been / being) sharp in his business matters, had ______(c) (become / becoming / became) very ______(d) (richness / richer / rich).
a) which
b) being
c) become
d) rich

Question No.11

a) Complete the blanks in the following words with ai, au, ou, ia, ie, ei, ea, ee, io, oi, ua.
1. Sold_ _rs (i) stood on g_ _rd (ii).
2. i) He could h_ _r voices.
ii) They came to see Bl_ _d-and-Thunder’s face.
3. i) It was being s_ _d that the likeness had come.
ii) One w_ _Id notice them clearly.
4. i) All the n_ _ghbours gathered there.
ii) B_ _ng sharp, he became rich.
5. i) He has done much lab_ _r.
ii) They settled at a distant s_ _port
6. i) act_ _lly ii) th_ _ghts
7. i) b_ _r ii) rum_ _r
8. i) sympath_ _s ii) n_ _se
9. i) st_ _ply ii) b_ _ming
10. i) earl_ _r ii) h_ _p
1. i) soldiers ii) guard
2. i) hear ii) Blood
3. i) said ii) would
4. i) neighbours ii) Being
5. i) labour ii) seaport
6. i) actually ii) thoughts
7. i) bear ii) rumour
8. i) sympathies ii) noise
9. i) steeply ii) beaming
10. i) earlier ii) heap

b) Complete the blanks with the suffixes given in the brackets.

1. i) It w§s their cott____. (age / ege)
ii) Her voice is pleas____. (ent /ant)
2. i) The spectat____(er / or) came near.
ii) There are some immen____(ce /se) rocks.
3. i) People attribute stor____(ees / ies) to these shapes.
ii) People believed in that prophe____(sy / cy)
4. i) He was the like____(nes / ness) of that Stone Face.
ii) There went a rum____(ur / our)
5. i) perpendicul____(ar / er)
ii) dist____(ence / ance)
6. i) ben____(ine / ign)
ii) pleas____(ent / ant)
7. i) inhabit____(ents / ants)
ii) approv____(el / al)
8. i) dwell____(ers / ors)
ii) sentim____(ant / ent)
9. i) industr____(yous / ious)
ii) sti____(red / rred)
10. i) glan____(se / ce)
ii) command____(or / er)
1. i) cottage ii) pleasant
2. i) speactator ii) immense
3. i) stories ii) prophecy
4. i) likeness ii) rumour
5. i) perpendicular ii) distance
6. i) benign ii) pleasant
7. i) inhabitants ii) approval
8. i) dwellers ii) sentiment
9. i) industrious ii) stirred
10. i) glance ii) commander

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

c) One word in the set given below is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided.

1. rough, pardon, shriek, solemin
2. prison, wisper, reward, support
3. matter, excite, certen, tremble
4. compose, beleive, novelist, inform
5. hudled, wrapped, muttered, bothered
6. aestronomer, oblivious, comet, hobnob
7. presume, bekoned, concern, puzzled
8. implied, suppressed, acuracy, efficient
9. chores, faint, gigantic, nebulus
10. greated, collision, dispelled, invitee
1. solemn
2. whisper
3. certain
4. believe
5. huddled
6. astronomer
7. beckoned
8. accuracy
9. nebulous
10. greeted

Question No.12

Put the following words under correct headings.

1. [on account of, put in, took for, in front of, go in, search for, by the side of, in the middle of]

Phrase Phrasal verb
1) on account of 1) put in
2) in front of 2) look for
3) by the side of 3) go in
4) in the middle of 4) search for

2. [theatre, books, shop, library, cinema, machine, factory, ration]

Place Related one
1) theatre 1) cinema
2) library 2) books
3) shop 3) ration
4) factory 4) machine

3. [distance, handful, disaster, relaxation, opening, anxieties, pleasant, practical]

Adjectives Nouns
1) handful 1) distance
2) opening 2) disaster
3) pleasant 3) relaxation
4) practical 4) anxieties

4. [questioningly, explanation, unusual, premature, misfortune, exchanging, operation, underestimate]

Prefixes Suffixes
1) unusual 1) questioningly
2) premature 2) explanation
3) misfortune 3) exchanging
4) underestimate 4) operation

5. [giant, castle, child, garden, sailor, nurse, bank, forest]

Places Persons
1) castle 1) giant
2) garden 2) child
3) bank 3) sailor
4) forest 4) nurse

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

Question No.13

a) Add ‘ly’ to each of the following adjectives given in the box, then use them to fill in file blanks.

1. [easy, serious, proper, clever]
Adverbs with ’ly’:
i) It is an easy question. I can answer it _________.
ii) The injured man needs proper advice. So advise him _________.
iii) It is a serious issue. We should discuss it _________.
iv) She is clever. She speaks _________.
easily, seriously, properly, cleverly
i) I can answer it easily.
ii) So advise him properly.
iii) We should discuss it seriously.
iv) She speaks cleverly.

2. [angry, brave, melodious, correct]
i) He has fought very _________.
ii) P. Suseela sings _________.
iii) Don’t look at me _________.
iv) You have answered all the questions _________.
angrily, bravely, melodiously, correctly
i) He has fought bravely.
ii) P. Suseela sings melodiously.
iii) Don’t look at me angrily.
iv) You have answered all the questions correctly.

3. [brief, strict, happy, sad]
i) Ayaasya explained it _________.
ii) Nagalakshmi is coming _________ because she has secured A grade marks in all the subjects.
iii) Why are you working _________?
iv) The exams have been conducted _________.
briefly, strictly, happily, sadly
i) Ayaasya explained it briefly.
ii) Nagalakshmi is coming happily.
iii) Why are you working sadly?
iv) The exams have been conducted strictly.

4. [beautiful, deep, neat, quiet]
i) You have to think it over _________
ii) Krithin has painted the picture _________
iii) She was _________ dressed in.
iv) A thief walks into the room _________
beautifully, deeply, neatly, quietly
i) Think it over deeply.
ii) Krithin has painted the picture beautifully.
iii) She was neatly dressed in.
iv) A thief walks into the room quietly.

5. successful, loud, cunning, quick
i) The’hungry man is eating _________.
ii) They shouted _________.
iii) He completed the project work _________.
iv) Don’t believe him. He speaks _________.
successfully/loudly, cunningly, quickly
i) The hungry man is eating quickly.
ii) They shouted loudly.
iii) He completed the project work successfully.
iv) He speaks cunningly.



Question No.14

Read the following passage, correct the underlined parts. Rewrite the corrected parts in the space provided.

1. Mobiles should be used limit (a). Mobiles have broke (b) distance barriers. Both rural and urban dwells (c) use moble phones. Children show eager (d) towards mobiles.
a) limitedly
b) broken
c) dwellers
d) eagerness

2. A hunger (a) dog was once going about in the market. He saw a piece off (b) meat lying on the ground near the shop. He picked it down (c). He wants (d) to eat it in a quiet place.
a) hungry
b) of
c) up
d) wanted

3. Long long ago there lived a boy naming (a) Ayaasya Krithin. When he is (b) six years old, his father send (c) him to a teacher for their (d) education.
a) named
b) was
c) sent
d) his

4. Words can soothe a (a) individual and make difficult things easier. On the other hand, it (b) can also robbed (c) the spirit of an individual and throw him in (d) depression.
a) an
b) they
c) rob
d) into

5. Aditya is always friendly but (a) helpful. He helps those which (b) are in need. His neighbours admired (c) him. His parents are proud with (d) him.
a) and
b) who
c) admire
d) of

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

6. One day a fox felt thirst (a). He found a well nearby. He went to a (b) well to quench her (c) thirst. But unfortunately he slipped or (d) fell into the well.
a) thirsty
b) the
c) his
d) and

Question No.15

Complete the following passage choosing the right words from those given below.

Each blank is numbered and four choices are given. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B) (C) or (D) in the blank.

1. Last Sunday when I _______(1) Tirupathi Chennakesava Sarma. he was chanting some mantras. After finishing the work, he took me _______(2) his house. His wife Annapurna offered me some sweets which she _______(3) prepared. I ate some. Later I told him the ourDose of _______(4) visiting him.
1) A) meet B) meets C) met D) has met
2) A) for B) to C) from D) on
3) A) herself B) her C) himself D) itself
4) A) his B) our C) my D) her
1) C 2) B 3) A 4) C

2. Plants take in carbon dioxide and _______(1) oxvsen. Thev need CO2 _______(2) the Drocess of Dhotosvnthesis. _______(3) prepare the organic material from the inorganic material. All animals depend on plants directly _______ (4) indirectly.
1) A) gives out B) give out C) gave out D) giving out
2) A) for B) by C) with D) to
3) A) It B) We C) They D) Everyone
4) A) and B) but C) or D) however
1) B 2) A 3) C 4) C

3. Venkata Guruvardhan and Nagalakshmi are brother and sister. _______(1) are affec¬tionate to _______(2). They _______(3) their mother Sitarama Kalyani, _______(4) strives well for (heir welfare.
1) A) We B) She C) Their D) They
2) A) each other B) one another C) all others D) each of us
3) A) assists B) assisted C) assist D) assisting
4) A) which B) when C) who D) what
1) D 2) A 3) C 4) C

4. Obesitv is _______(1) over eating and excess of calories _______ (2) diet. It is a big _______(3) hazard. Obese children, when grow they will be target _______(4) many diseases.
1) A) due to B) in spite of C) along with D) in addition to
2) A) on B) for C) with D) in
3) A) healthy B) health C) healthier D) healthiest
4) A) with B) by C) of D) off
1) A 2) D 3) B 4) C

5. Naani will leave _______(1) Hyderabad tomorrow, to meet his sister, Sirisha _______(2) is a C.A. Naani asked Sravan to come _______(3) him. _______(4) Sravan has some important work to do, tomorrow, he agreed.
1) A) to B) on C) from D) for
2) A) which B) who C) that D) whom
3) A) with B) by C) on D)upon
4) A) Though B) If C) As D) Since
1) D 2) B 3) A 4) A

6. Master Krithin is such a nice boy _______(1) he pleases whoever _______(2) his house _______(3) his pleasant smile. _______ (4) talk.
1) A) who y B) which C) what D) that
2) A) visited’ B) visit C) visits D) visiting
3) A) with B) for C) by D) from
4) A) and B) but C) or D) yet
1) D 2) C 3) A 4) A

Question No.16

a) Write the noun forms of the following words by adding -i ness or -ity to them appropriately. Check the spelling of the new words.
1. i) dense_________
ii) eaeer_________
iii) curious_________
iv) bright
v) soft_________
vi) capable_________
i) density
ii) eagerness
iii) curiosity
iv) brightness
v) softness
vi) capability

2. i) like_________
ii) polite_________
iii) public_________
iv) responsible_________
v) sad_________
vi) happy_________
i) likeness
ii) politeness
iii) publicity
iv) responsibility
v) sadness
vi) happiness

3. i) able_________
ii) sweet_________
iii) nervous_________
iv) electric_________
v) loval_________
vi) obese_________
i) ability
ii) sweetness
iii) nervousness
iv) electricity
v) loyalty
vi) obesity

4. i) rich_________
ii) pure_________
iii) hard_________
iv) kind_________
v) durable_________
vi) bitter_________
i) richness
ii) purity
iii) hardness
iv) kindness
v) durability
vi) bitterness

5. i) rigid_________
ii) stable_________
iii) lofty_________
iv) liable_________
v) smooth_________
vi) mild_________
i) rigidity
ii) stability
iii) loftiness
iv) liability
v) smoothness
vi) mildness

AP 8th Class English 9th Lesson Important Questions

b) Complete each sentence below using the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets.

1) i) After _____ (a) (enter) the classroom only, I found the glass of the window _____ (b) (break).
ii) I _____ (a) (reach) their house after they _____ (b) (go) out.
iii) Before _____ (a) (take) your lunch, _____ (b) (wash) your hands well.
iv) I don’t think he is a hard-worker. If he _____ (a) (work) hard, he _____ (b) (attain) that success.
i) a) entering b) broken
ii) a) reached b) had gone
iii) a) taking b) wash
iv) a) worked b) would attain

2) i) As long as he (a) (not make) a noise, we (b) (not present) any objection.
ii) The earth _____ (a) (be) a unique planet because living beings _____ (b) (live) on it.
iii) What I observed was that while the teacher _____ (a) (teach) the lesson, the two boys on the last bench _____ (b) (be) asleep.
iv) Yesterday when the postman _____ (a) (ring) our door bell, my mother _____ (b) (make) some special dishes for us.
i) a) does not make b) don’t present
ii) a) is b) live
iii) a) was teaching b) were
iv) a) rang b) was making

3) i) Hurry up ! You _____ (a) (miss) the train if you _____ (b) (not walk) fast.
ii) The more you _____ (a) (eat), the less you _____ (b) (digest).
iii) If it _____ (a) (rain,), I _____ (b) (stay) indoors.
iv) book! They _____ (a) (dance). Hear ! She _____ (b) (sing) melodiously.
i) a) will miss b) don’t walk
ii) a) eat b) digest
iii) a) rains b) will stay
iv) a) are dancing b) is singing

4) i) When the Headmistress came into our classroom, we all _____ (a) (stand) up and _____ (b) (bid) good morning.
ii) It _____ (a) (rain) as there _____ (b) (be) thick dark clouds in the sky.
iii) The municipal authorities announced that the municipal water _____ (a) (not supply) tomorrow and _____ (b) (ask) the people not to waste the water.
iv) Our team lost the match because of some errors. If we _____ (a) (not make) those errors, we _____ (b) (win) the match.
i) a) stood b) bade
ii) a) may rain b) are
iii) a) would not be supplied b) are
iv) a) had not made b)s would have won

5) i) Sravya usually doesn’t get up early. If she _____ (a) (wake up) early, she _____ (b) (catch) the early morning first bus.
ii) Last night I went to see that film. But as there _____ (a) (be) a big queue, I _____ (b) (not have) a ticket and so I returned home.
iii) We are off today. We _____ (a) (write) to you after we _____ (b) (be) back.
iv) Last Monday while they _____ (a) (cross) the road, they _____ (b) (hit) by a speedy car.
i) a) woke up b) would catch
ii) a) was b) did not have
iii) a) will write b) are
iv) a) were crossing b) were hit

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