These AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 7th Lesson Reproduction in Plants will help students prepare well for the exams.
AP Board 7th Class Science 7th Lesson Important Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants
Question 1.
What is reproduction?
The process of giving rise to new ones of their own kind is called Reproduction.
Question 2.
What are the two types of reproduction?
Generally, plants reproduce in two ways. They are 1) Sexual Reproduction and 2) Asexual Reproduction.
Question 3.
What is Sexual reproduction?
Reproduction in plants with seeds is called Sexual Reproduction.
Question 4.
What is Asexual reproduction?
Reproduction in plants without seeds is called Asexual Reproduction.
Question 5.
Give examples for plants reproduce through seeds.
Tamarind, drumsticks, mango, neem etc. reproduce through seeds.
Question 6.
Give examples for plants reproduce without seeds.
Jasmine, banana, rose etc. reproduce without seeds.
Question 7.
Give examples for plants reproduce by both with seeds and without seeds.
Curry leaf, Coriander etc. can reproduce by both means.
Question 8.
Mention some asexual reproduction methods.
Binary fission, budding, fragmentation, spore formation etc.
Question 9.
What are incomplete flowers?
Flowers which do not have any one of the four whorls are called Incomplete flowers.
Question 10.
Give examples for complete flowers.
Hibiscus, Datura
Question 11.
Give examples for incomplete flowers.
Pumpkin, Ridge guard
Question 12.
What are unisexual flowers?
In some flowers either androecium or gynoecium is present. Such type of flowers are called unisexual flowers.
Question 13.
What are bisexual flowers?
Generally, both androecium and gynoecium are present in the same flower in most of the plants. This type of flowers are called as bisexual flowers.
Question 14.
What are male flowers?
Unisexual flowers that contain only androecium are called male flowers.
Question 15.
What are female flowers?
Unisexual flowers that contain only gynoecium are called female flower.
Question 16.
What is the third whorl of a flower?
The third whorl of a flower is androecium. This is the male reproductive part of the flower.
Question 17.
What is the 4th whorl of a flower?
The fourth whorl of a flower is gynoecium. This is the female reproductive part of the flower.
Question 18.
What are the reproductive parts of a flower?
Androecium and Gynoecium are the reproductive parts of a flower.
Question 19.
What is pollination?
The process of transferring pollen grains from anther to stigma is called as Pollination.
Question 20.
What is self-pollination?
If the pollen grains are transferred from the anther of a flower to stigma of the same flower, is known as SELF POLLINATION.
Question 21.
What is cross pollination?
If the transfer of pollen grains takes place from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower, it is called CROSS POLLINATION.
Question 22.
Mention some pollinating agents.
Insects, birds, animals, air and water are the pollinating agents.
Question 23.
Why do plants try to spread their seeds to distant places?
All the plants try to spread their seeds to distant places to increase the chance of survival and propagation.
7th Class Science 7th Lesson Reproduction in Plants Short Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What is reproduction? How is it useful to the plants?
- The process of giving rise to new ones of their own kind is called Reproduction.
- Reproduction helps to increase their number and continue their existence.
- All plants produce new once like them.
- There is no existence for plants without reproduction.
Question 2.
Write the differences between sexual and asexual reproductions in plants.
Sexual reproduction | Asexual reproduction |
1. Reproduction in plants with seeds is called Sexual Reproduction. | Reproduction in plants without seeds is called Asexual Reproduction. |
2. Pollination takes place | Pollination does not takes place |
3. Fertilization occurs | There is no fertilization |
4. Occurs in most of the plants like Datura, Mango etc. | Occurs in few plants like Bryophyllum, banana etc. |
Question 3.
Write the differences between calyx and corolla.
Calyx | Corolla |
1. First whorl of the flower. | Second whorl of the flower. |
2. They consisting of sepals. | They consisting of petals. |
3. They are green in colour. | They are in different colours in different plants. |
4. They give protection to the inner parts during bud condition. | They attract the insects and helps in pollination. |
Question 4.
Write the differences between bisexual flowers and unisexual flowers?
Bisexual flowers | Unisexual flowers |
Both androecium and gynoecium are present. | Either androecium or gynoecium is present. |
Generally, they have four whorls. | Generally, they have only three whorls. |
They are complete flowers. Ex: Hibiscus, datura |
They are incomplete flowers. Ex : Ridge gourd, bottle gourd |
Question 5.
Differentiate male and female flowers.
- Unisexual flowers that contain only androecium are called male flowers.
- Unisexual flowers that contain only gynoecium are called female flowers.
Question 6.
How can you identify a female flower?
- Female flowers are not difficult to identify.
- Notice the flowers on the variety of gourd creepers we grow around our home.
- Commonly below the petals of the flower are just a stalk found in the male flowers, while in the female flowers, a small berry-like form is seen below the flower which is ready to bear fruit in further days.
- By observing the presence of that berry-like form, we can identify the female flowers.
Question 7.
Write the differences between self-pollination and cross pollination.
Self-pollination | Cross pollination |
If the pollen grains are transferred from the anther of a flower to stigma of the same flower, is known as SELF POLLINATION. | If the transfer of pollen grains takes place from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower, it is called CROSS POLLI – NATION. |
It is possible only in bisexual flowers | It happens in both unisexual and bisexual flowers. |
It may happen even without blooming of the flower | It happens only after blooming of the flower |
Pollinating agents such as insects, air, water etc. may not necessary. | Pollinating agents such as insects, air; water etc. are necessary. |
Question 8.
How do insects and some birds help in pollination?
- Insects like butterflies, honeybees, bumble bees, humming birds, bats, ants visit the flowers in search of nectar.
- When insects come in contact with a flower, the pollen grains stick to their legs and wings.
- When insects visit another flower, the pollen fall on its slimy stigma.
- Thus they help in pollination.
Question 9.
How do fertilization takes place in plants?
- The pollen grains which fall on the stigma of a flower germinates.
- A pollen tube is formed from the pollen grains.
- The pollen tube travels from stigma to the ovules in the ovary.
- Fertilization and zygote formation occur in ovary.
- The zygote develops into an embryo.
Question 10.
What changes will come in the flower after fertilization?
- After fertilization the ovary ripens and turns into fruit.
- The remaining floral parts will fall off.
- The ovules become the seeds.
Question 11.
What is seed dispersal? Mention different means of seed dispersal.
- Spreading of seeds from one place to another place is called seed dispersal.
- Seed dispersal may happen through wind, water, animals, birds, man and even through some mechanical processes such as bursting of fruits.
7th Class Science 7th Lesson Reproduction in Plants Long Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What is vegetative propagation? Mention different vegetative propagation methods and their examples.
Reproduction in plants through vegetative parts such as stem, root, and leaves is called vegetative propagation.
Vegetative propagation method | Part involved | Example |
1. Through suckers | Stem | Banana, Chrysanthemum |
2. Through nodes | Stem | Mint plant, Sugarcane |
3. Through eyes (buds) | Stem | Potato |
4. Through Stem cutting | Stem | Sugarcane, Rose, Hibiscus |
5. Through root cutting | Root | Carrot, Beetroot |
6. Leaf buds | Leaf | Bryophyllum( Ranapala ) |
7. Layering | Stem | Jasmine, Jaji, Bougainvillea, Strawberry |
8. Grafting | Stem | Mango, Rose |
Question 2.
Explain the process of ground layering.
Ground Layering
- Layering is done with branches nearer to the ground.
- Remove the bark of the stem at one place.
- Bend the branch into the ground and cover it with soil.
- Within one month roots will develop from that branch.
- Separate it from the mother plant and plant it where ever you want.
- This method is useful to propagate Jasmine, Jaji, Bougainvillea, Strawberry etc. Plants with creeping stem.
Question 3.
What is grafting? Explain the method of grafting.
Grafting is a technique where two plants are joined so as to continue their growth together. The upper part of the combined plant is called the scion, while the lower part is called the stock.
- Remove the bark of the Stock and Scion plants in such a way that removed portions face each other.
- The parts where bark is removed are joined tightly with the help of a jute twine.
- Wrap and tie with a polythene paper.
- After a month, cut the upper part of Stock and lower part in Scion.
- Within an another month the Scion attaches to the Stock and grows.
- Now remove the new branches which grow on Stock to facilitate the growth of Scion.
Question 4.
Describe the structure of a flower.
Flower is the sexual part of a plant. The green part which connects the flower to stem is called the stalk. The stalk bears a slightly swollen head called Thalamus.
Over the thalamus floral parts are arranged in four whorls.
The green cup shaped leaf like, fused structures that covers the internal parts are Sepals. They are collectively called as Calyx. (Whorl 1)
The white or brightly coloured structures are called Petals. They are collec¬tively called as Corolla. (Whorl 2) .
The soft elongated structures attached to the petals are called Stamens. All the stamens are collectively called Androecium (Whorl 3). This is the male reproductive part of the flower. Each stamen has a swollen structure at the top called Anther.
A bulged structure seated on the thalamus is called Ovary which continues into a fine tube like structure Style with a slimy bead like tip called Stigma. These are collectively called the pistil Gynoecium (Whorl 4). This is the female reproductive part of the flower’
Question 5.
Write the differences between Androecium and Gynoecium.
Androecium | Gynoecium |
This is the third whorl of the flower. | This is the fourth and inner most whorl of the flower. |
This is male reproductive part of the flower. | This is female reproductive part of the flower. |
It consisting of stamens. | It consisting of ovary, style and stigma. |
Number of stamens are more. | In general gynoecium consists of single ovary. |
They produce pollen grains. | It produce eggs or ova. |
Pollen grains are released from stamens for pollination | Fertilization occurs in ovary. |
Generally they drop off after, fertilization | Ovary develop into fruit after fertilization. |
Question 6.
Draw the different whorls of a flower.
Question 7.
Do you find any relationship between the weight of the seeds and the dispersal mechanism? Discuss with suitable examples.
- I find relationship between the weight of the seeds and the dispersal mechanism.
- For example : Seeds of calotropis.
a) These are light and have hairy structure at one end.
b) So they travel with wind and settle at a suitable place to germinate.
c) Milk weed, cotton seeds, etc. are all dispersed by wind. - Another example : Coconut fruit
- a) The outer covering of the seed has empty spaces filled with air and are fibrous,
b) The coconut fruit floats on water and reaches the ground some where. There it germinates. Seeds of lotus is another example. - Another example : Neem fruit.
a) Birds like Bulbuls, Mynahs, crows eat the outer fleshy part gets digested in the food canal and the seed coats of them become tender.
b) They are then dispersed to other places as bird droppings. - Similarly animals, Human beings carry the seeds to other places.
AP Board 7th Class Science 7th Lesson 1 Mark Bits Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants
I. Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the correct answer and write its letters in the brackets.
1. Seeds are related to
A) stem
B) root
C) flower
D) leaf
C) flower
2. Sugarcane propagates through
A) nodes
B) leaf
C) root
A) nodes
3. Ground layering is seen in
A) Jasmine
B) Bougainvillea
C) Strawberry
D) All
D) All
4. Which one is formed from layering branch?
A) Roots
B) Leaves
C) Nodes
D) Fruits
A) Roots
5. The rooted plant in grafting is called as
A) Scion
B) Stock
C) Node
D) Cutting
B) Stock
6. In grafting which have desirable characters
A) Scion
B) Stock
C) Root
D) Leaf
AnsA) Scionwer:
7. This symbol represents
A) Female
B) Male
C) Both
D) Flower
B) Male
8. This symbol represents
A) Male
B) Female
C) Both
D) Pollination
B) Female
9. This diagram indicates
A) Pistil
B) Corolla
C) Stamens
D) Sepals
A) Pistil
10. How many whorls that the complete flower has
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
C) 4
11. Complete flowers also called as
A) Male flower
B) Female flower
C) Unisexual flower
D) Bisexual flower
D) Bisexual flower
12. Ipomea have
A) Unisexual flower
B) Bisexual flower
C) Male flower
D) Female flower
B) Bisexual flower
13. The zygote develops into
A) Embryo
B) Fruit
C) Flower
D) Stem
A) Embryo
14. Which of the flower colour change after fertilization?
A) Mango
B) Rose
C) Cotton
D) Neam
C) Cotton
15. Seeds compitect for
A) Soil
B) water
C) light
D) All
D) All
16. Which process makes life immortal?
A) Reproduction
B) Digesion
C) Respiration
D) Circulation
A) Reproduction
17. Transfer of pollen to stigma is
A) Pollination
B) Fertilization
C) Germination
D) Growth
A) Pollination
18. Assertion (A) : A stamen has 2 parts.
Reason (R) : Filament and anther are parts of a stamen.
A) Both ’A’ and R’ are true and R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’.
B) Both A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A‘.
C) ‘A’ is true but R’ is false.
D) A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
A) Both ’A’ and R’ are true and R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’.
19. Assertion (A) : Parts of pistil are anther and filament.
Reason (R) : Bisexual flowers are those which contain both stamen ahd pistil.
A) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’.
B) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is. not the correct explanation of ‘A’.
C) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
D) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
D) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
20. Assertion (A) : A flower may either have a male or a female part.
Reason (R) : A flower having both male and female parts is called bisexual flower.
A) Both A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’.
B) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A’.
C) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
D) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
B) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A’.
21. Statement (I): After fertilization the ovary becomes the fruit and ovules the seeds.
Statement (ii) : Study of pollen grains is called polynology.
A) Statement (i) is correct while statement (ii) is incorrect.
B) Statement (ii is correct while statement (i) is correct.
C) Both statements are correct.
D) Both statements are incorrect.
C) Both statements are correct.
22. It is the seat on which the parts of a flower are present.
A) Corolla
B) Thalamus
C) Calyx
D) Androecium
B) Thalamus
23. It has funnel shape.
A) Corolla
B) Sepals
C) Calyx
D) Thalamus
A) Corolla
24. This is the male part of the flower.
A) Gynoecium
B) Androecium
C) Petals
D) Sepals
B) Androecium
25. This is the female part of a flower.
A) Petals
B) Calyx
C) Gynoecium
D) Androecium
C) Gynoecium
26. An example for unisexual flower.
A) Bittergourd
B) Datura
C) Ipomea
D) Hibiscus
A) Bittergourd
27. This is a bisexual flower.
A) Papaya
B) Cucumber
C) Bottlegourd
D) Hibiscus
D) Hibiscus
28. The fleshy base to which all the floral parts are attached to is
A) Pedicel
B) Sepals
C) Thalamus
D) Petals
C) Thalamus
29. The pollen grains are found in
A) Ovule
B) Anthers
C) Ovary
D) Stigma
B) Anthers
30. The number of stamens present in Datura :
A) 5
B) 3
C) 6
D) 10
A) 5
31. Ovules develop into :
A) flowers
B) plants
C) leaf
D) seeds
D) seeds
32. The pollen grains contain
A) male garnets
B) female garnets
C) filaments
D) Stigma
A) male garnets
33. It is a ……………
A) Unisexual flower
B) Bisexual flower
C) Female flower
D) Male flower
C) Female flower
34. In which type of flower this part is present?
A) Male flower
B) Bisexual flower
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
C) Both A & B
35. Identify the part of flower
A) Stamen
B) Pistil
C) Petals
D) Sepals
A) Stamen
36. Identify the part of flower.
A) Stamen
B) Pistil
C) Petals
D) Sepals
B) Pistil
37. It shows that
A) T.S of flower
B) L.S of flower
C) T.S of stem
D) T.S of root
B) L.S of flower
38. Pollen grains are formed from
A) Stamen
B) Pistil
C) Ovary
D) Sepals
A) Stamen
39. In the pollination what is transfer from anther to stigma?
A) Ovule
B) Zygote
C) Seed
D) Pollengrain
D) Pollengrain
40. Agents of pollination
A) Birds
C) Air
D) All of these
D) All of these
41. New plants grow from the following part of a plant is not a vegetative reproduction
A) Root
B) Stem
C) Leaf
D) Flower
D) Flower
42. This develops as fruit.
A) Ovary
B) Ovule
C) Petals
D) Flower
A) Ovary
43. Ovules develop into
A) fruit
B) seed
C) flower
D) plant
B) seed
44. Dispersal of this seed is by water.
A) Coconut
B) Soap nut
C) Neem
D) Milk weed
A) Coconut
45. Dispersal of calotropis is through
A) Water
B) Animals
C) Wind
D) Humans
C) Wind
46. These seeds are dispersed by animals.
A) Fleshy fruits
B) Coconut
C) Neem
D) Balsam
A) Fleshy fruits
47. Neem seed is dispersed to other places by
A) Animals
B) Human beings
C) Birds
D) Water
C) Birds
48. Dispersal by bursting of these fruits is done.
A) Neem
B) Coconut
C) Fleshy fruits
D) Bhendi
D) Bhendi
49. People transferred these seeds across the globe.
A) Coconut
B) Neem
C) Soap nut
D) Sugarcane
D) Sugarcane
50. Among the following dispersal of seed occurs through wind in
A) Coconut
B) Lotus
C) Milkweed
D) Mango
C) Milkweed
51. Seeds of Lotus travel by
A) Birds
B) Insects
C) Animals
D) Water
D) Water
52. These are carried by birds
A) Maple
B) Milkweed
C) Lotus
D) Neem
D) Neem
53. On drying the pod explodes releases seeds with great force in
A) Mustard
B) Sugarcane
C) Pears
D) Tomato
A) Mustard
54. These seeds are dispersal through
A) Water
B) Wind
C) Animals
D) Birds
B) Wind
55. These seeds are dispersal through
A) Wind
B) Water
C) Animals
D) Birds
B) Water
56. Seeds of sweet and fleshy fruits can dispersal through
A) Human beings
B) Birds
C) Animals
D) All of these
C) Animals
57. Seed dispersal is essential for survival of
A) Plants
B) Animals
C) Birds
D) Human beings
A) Plants
58. Cotton seeds have the following structures
A) Wing like outer growths
B) Hooks
C) Hairy parts
D) Thorns
C) Hairy parts
59. The following seeds dispersal through human beings
A) Bhendi
B) Coconut
C) Tomato
D) Cotton
C) Tomato
60. Identify the wrong statement.
A) All the seeds of a fruit should be able to germinate
B) Some seeds germinate but plants die before maturation
C) Some seeds never germinate
D) All seeds do not germinate
A) All the seeds of a fruit should be able to germinate
61. This seed is dispersed by
A) Water
B) Air
C) Animals
D) Bursting
C) Animals
62. Dispersal of seeds by bursting of fruits happens in
A) Sugarcane
B) Coconut
C) Lotus
D) Ladies finger
D) Ladies finger
II. Fill in the blanks.
1. The propagation of Banana is through ………………………. .
2. The propagation of sugarcane is done by planting ………………………. .
3. Mint is propagated through ………………………. .
4. In potatoes, ………………………. are used for propagation.
5. In onions ………………………. are used for propagation.
6. Example for rhizome is ………………………. .
7. Example for corm is ………………………. .
8. Example for stem cutting is ………………………. .
9. Examples for ground layering are ………………………. .
10. Artificial propagation method used for getting plants with desired characters is ………………………. .
11. Sepals of a flower collectively called as ………………………. .
12. Petals of a flower are are collectively known as ………………………. .
13. Calyx is present in ………………………. whorl.
14. Corolla is present in ………………………. whori.
15. The male reproductive part of the flower is ………………………. .
16. The female reproductive part of the flower is ………………………. .
17. Androecium consists of ………………………. .
18. Gynoecium consists of ………………………. .
19. Androecium is present in ………………………. whorl of the flower.
20. Gynoecium is present in ………………………. whorl of the flower.
21. The smooth yellow coloured powder in anther is called ………………………. .
22. Transferring pollen from anther to stigma of the same flower is
23. Transferring of pollen grains from anther of one flower to stigma of another flower is known as ……………….. .
24. When pollen grains fall on stigma is ………………………. formed.
25. The fusion of pollen grains with ovules in ovary is known as ………………………. .
26. Fertilization results in the formation of ………………………. .
27. After fertilization, ovary ripes and turn into a ………………………. .
28. After fertilization, ovules turn into ………………………. .
29. Seeds with wings are carried away by ………………………. .
30. Example for seed dispersal through water is ………………………. .
31. Seeds of calotropis dispersed with the help of ………………………. .
32. Seeds of fleshy fruits are dispersed through ………………………. .
33. Seeds having hooks are dispersed with the help of ………………………. .
34. Neem seeds are dispersed with the help of ………………………. .
35. Seeds having hairs dispersed through ………………………. .
36. Dispersal of seed take place by bursting of fruits can be seen in ………………………. .
37. Lotus seeds are dispersed through ………………………. .
38. In Mustard, seeds dispersal takes place through ………………………. .
39. Seeds dispersed through aeroplanes and ships are ………………………. .
40. Flower shown in the picture is ………………………. .
41. Grafting technique is used in the plants like ………………………. for getting desired characters.
- suckers
- nodes of sugarcane
- cut the twigs with nodes and sow them
- eyes
- Bulb
- Ginger
- colocasia
- rose
- Jasmine, Jaji
- grafting
- Calyx
- Corolla
- 1st
- 2nd
- Androecium
- Gynoecium
- Stamens
- Ovary with style and stigma
- 3rd
- 4th
- pollen grains
- Self – pollination
- cross – pollination
- pollen tube
- fertilization
- zygote
- fruit
- seeds
- wind
- coconut, louts
- wind
- animals, birds and man
- animals
- birds
- wind
- bhendi, balsam
- water
- bursting mechanism
- pulses, wheat, paddy
- Unisexual flower (or) incomplete flower
- mango, guava etc.
III. Match the following
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Datura | a) Bursting Mechanism |
2. Cucumber | b) Gynoecium |
3. Papaya | c) Androecium |
4. Stamen | d) Male and female flowers are on different plants. |
5. Pistil | e) Male and female flowers are on same plant. |
f) Complete flower |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Datura | f) Complete flower |
2. Cucumber | e) Male and female flowers are on same plant. |
3. Papaya | d) Male and female flowers are on different plants. |
4. Stamen | c) Androecium |
5. Pistil | b) Gynoecium |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Fertilization | a) Birds |
2. Calotropis | b) Water dispersal |
3. Coconut | c) Animals |
4. Seeds of grass | d) Wind dispersal |
5. Neem | e) Zygote |
f) Bursting mechanism |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Fertilization | e) Zygote |
2. Calotropis | d) Wind dispersal |
3. Coconut | b) Water dispersal |
4. Seeds of grass | c) Animals |
5. Neem | a) Birds |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Ovary | a) Wind dispersal |
2. Ovules | b) Bursting mechanism |
3. Anther | c) Nodes |
4. Maple | d) Pollengrain |
5. Balsam | e) Seeds |
f) Fruit |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Ovary | f) Fruit |
2. Ovules | e) Seeds |
3. Anther | d) Pollengrain |
4. Maple | a) Wind dispersal |
5. Balsam | b) Bursting mechanism |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Suckers | a) Nodes |
2. Rhizome | b) Colocasia |
3. Bulb | c) Potato |
4. Eyes | d) Onion |
5. Corm | e) Ginger |
f) Banana |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Suckers | f) Banana |
2. Rhizome | e) Ginger |
3. Bulb | d) Onion |
4. Eyes | c) Potato |
5. Corm | b) Colocasia |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Sugar cane | a) Suckers |
2. Seeds of Drumsticks | b) Bursting mechanism |
3. Seeds of Xanthium | c) Man |
4. Seeds of Custard apple | d) Animals |
5. Seeds of Lady’s finger | e) Wind |
f) Nodes |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Sugar cane | f) Nodes |
2. Seeds of Drumsticks | e) Wind |
3. Seeds of Xanthium | d) Animals |
4. Seeds of Custard apple | c) Man |
5. Seeds of Lady’s finger | b) Bursting mechanism |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Rose | a) Buds on leaf |
2. Jasmine | b) Rhizome |
3. Mango | c) Suckers |
4. Chrysanthemum | d) Grafting |
5. Turmeric | e) Layering |
f) Stem cutting |
Group – A | Group – B |
1. Rose | f) Stem cutting |
2. Jasmine | e) Layering |
3. Mango | d) Grafting |
4. Chrysanthemum | c) Suckers |
5. Turmeric | b) Rhizome |
Do You Know?
→ You will be amazed that banana contains seeds. The rose plant also has red fruits with seeds. Do you know that Nandivardhanam and Hibiscus also have seeds* There are nuts and seeds in the rose and banana plants that grow wild without human interference in forests. The rose and banana plants that are found in our surroundings have no seeds. Do you know the reason? Our ancestors grew these plants with seeds of the plants with seeds of the plants that were found in the forest.
With the efforts made over many generations to propagate them as plants with favourable characteristics, they became seedless plants.
→ Can you imagine a single plant giving 40 types of fruits such as peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, nectarines and so on? Such types of plants can be produced by Grafting.