AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

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AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Reproduction in Plants Questions and Answers

AP Board Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Reproduction in Plants


Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:
a) Production of new individuals from the vegetative part of parent is called ………… .
b) A flower may have either male or female reproductive parts. Such a flower is called ………… .
c) The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or of another flower of the same kind is known as …………
d) The fusion of male and female gametes is termed as …………
e) Seed dispersal takes place by means of ………… , and …………
a) vegetative propagation
b) unisexual flower
c) pollination
d) fertilisation
e) wind, water, insect

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Question 2.
Describe the;different methods of asexual reproduction. Give examples.
The following are the different methods of asexual reproduction:

a) Vegetative propagation: In this asexual production, new plants are produced from roots, stems, leaves and buds of the new plant.For example, stem cutting in rose, leaf bud in case of Bryophyllum etc.

b) Budding : It involves the formation of a new individual from a bulb-like projection called a bud. The bud grows and gets detached from the parent to form a new individual. It is commonly observed in yeast.

c) Fragmentation : In this mode of reproduction, the growth and multiplication is it done by rapidly breaking down into two or more fragrance. Each piece grow into new individuals when water and nutrients are available. For example, algae.

d) Spore formation : This method involves the production of asexual spores, which are hard, spherical particles that can germinate into new plants when the climatic conditions are favourable. For example, sporulation in bread mould.

Question 3.
Explain what you understand by sexual reproduction.
When two parents are involved in reproduction the method is called sexual reproduction.One gamete from each parent is produced which then fuse to form a zygote. The zygote subsequently develops into an embryo which further develops into a new individual.

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Question 4.
State the main difference between asexual and sexual reproduction.
The main difference between asexual and sexual reproduction are as follows :

S.No. Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction
1) It requires only one parent. It requires two parents.
2) In asexual production, newly developed plants are identical to the parent and to each other. In sexual reproduction, newly developed plants are not identical to parents.
3) It does not require the formation of gametes. It requires the formation of gametes.
4) Special organs for reproduction are not required. Special organs for reproduction are required.
5) Characteristics of only parent is inherited. Characteristics of both parents are inherited.
6) Examples: Jasmine, rose, potato, etc. Examples: Hibiscus, coconut, papaya, etc.

Question 5.
Sketch the reproductive parts of a flower.
AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants 1

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Question 6.
Explain the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination.
The difference between self pollination and cross – pollination are as follows:

S.No. Self pollination Cross pollination
1) It involves the transfer of pollen from the stamen to pistil of the same flower. It involves the transfer of pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another flower.
2) It occurs in bisexual plants having anther and stigma, maturing at the same time. It occurs in bisexual flowers having  anther and stigma maturing at different times.
3) External medium is not required. External medium is required.
4) It takes place in plants like wheat, peas etc.finger, tomato, brinjal etc. It takes place in plants like lady’s

Question 7.
How does the process of fertilisation take place in flowers?
When the pollen grain reaches the stigma of the same speices of flower, it starts growing out into the pollen tube of the stigma. This tube continues to grow inside the style till it reaches the ovule. Male cells are released into the ovule for the fertilisation with the female egg cell, and thus the zygote is formed. After this process of fertilisation, the ovary develops into fruit and ovule into seeds.

Question 8.
Describe the various ways by which seeds are dispersed.
Following are the ways in which the seeds are dispersed:
a) Dispersal by Wind or Air : The seeds that are usually smaller in size or that have wings or hair like structures get dispersed by wind to far away places. For example Grasses, oak or maple.

b) Dispersal by Water: The seeds that have the ability to float in the water and drift along with its flow and that have an outer fibrous or spongy covering are dispersed through water to different places. Example : Coconut.

c) Dispersal by Bursting: Seeds get dispersed by the bursting of fruits with sudden jerks.

d) Dispersal by Animals and Birds: Some seeds have spine-like structures on them. They get stuck to the fur of animals and thus get spread to different places. Examples : Beggar tick, Xanthium, etc. Some seeds are swallowed by birds and animals along with fruits. These seeds get dispersed with bird or animal droppings.

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Question 9.
Match items in column I with those in column II:

Column I Column II
a) Bud i) Maple
b) Eyes ii) Spirogyra
c) Fragmentation iii) Yeast
d) Wings iv) Bread mould
e) Spores v) Potato
vi) Rose


Column I Column II
a) Bud iii) Yeast
b) Eyes v) Potato
c) Fragmentation ii) Spirogyra
d) Wings i) Maple
e) Spores iv) Bread mould

Question 10.
Tick (✓) the correct answer:
a) The reproductive part of a plant is the …………
i) leaf
(ii) stem
iii) root
iv) flower
iv) flower

b) The process of fusion of the male and the female gametes is called …………
i) fertilisation
ii) pollination
iii) reproduction
iv) seed formation
i) fertilisation

c) Mature ovary forms the :
i) seed
ii) stamen
iii) pistil
iv) fruit
iv) fruit

d) A spore producing plant is…………
i) rose
ii) bread mould
iii) potato
iv) ginger
ii) bread mould

e) Bryophyllum can be reproduced by its …………
i) stem
ii) leaves
iii) roots
iv) flower
ii) leaves

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Questions given in the lesson

Page No : 2

Question 1.
Paheli thought that new plants always grow from seeds. But, she has never seen the seeds of sugarcane, potato and rose. She wants to know how these plants reproduce.
Some plants can produce offsprings by vegetative propagation. For example – sugarcane, potato and rose can be reproduced using stem or buds of the parent plants.

Page No : 6

Question 2.
Boojho wants to know if there is any advantage of vegetative propagation.
Vegetative propagation has several advantages such as plant parts i.e stem, root and f leaves for reproduction and they require only a single parent The new plant which is : produced is exactly similar to the parent plant. They take less time to grow and to : produce flowers and fruits.The desired characteristics of the parent plant can be conserved from generation to generation

Page No : 10

Question 3.
Boojho wants to know how the male gamete in the pollen grain reaches the female gamete present in the ovule.
The made gamete in the pollen grain reaches the female gamete in the ovules by a series of processes. Firstly, they are transrerred via various means such as wind, water, insects etc., from the anther to the stigma. Upon reaching the stigma, the pollens respond to as sweet fluid secreted, by the stigma and grows downwards in the form of a thin – tube called pollen tube within the style.. Upon reaching the ovule through micropyle, the male gamete reaches the female gamete and a zygote, formation takes place.

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Page No : 12

Question 4.
Boojho wants to know why flowers are generally so colourful and fragrant. Is it to attract insects?
Flowers are generally colourful and fragrant in order to attract insects which can help : them in pollination., In order to attract insects, plants produce flowers with bright colours and nice fragrances.

Extended Learning – Activities and Projects

Question 1.
Make your own cactus garden by collecting pieces cut from different kinds of cacti. Grow the variety in one single flat container or in separate pots.
Cactus can grown in scarcity of water and can withstand the absence of water for a long time. That is why, it can grow easily in the deserts. Thus, cactus can be grown quite easily in pots in home in single container or in separate pots.

Question 2.
Visit a fruit market and collect as many local fruits as possible. If many fruits are not available, you can collect tomatoes and cucumbers (these are fruits, though we use them as vegetables). Make drawings of the different fruits. Split the fruits and examine the seeds within. Look for any special characteristics in the fruits and their seeds.
You can visit a library also to learn about this.
A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, urually with some stored food. It is the product of the ripened ovule of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants which occurs after fertilization. Fruit is formed from the ripended ovary. The fruit which is formed from the ovary may be as hard as almonds and walnuts, or as juicy or fleshy as oranges and mangoes. A fruit can have one or more seeds inside it.

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Question 3.
Think of ten different fruit-bearing plants. Remember that many vegetables are also fruits of the plants. Discuss with your teacher, parents, farmers, fruit growers and agricultural experts (if available nearby) and find out the manner of their dispersal. Present your data in the form of a table as shown below :

S.no Name of fruit­bearing plant Agent through which seeds are dispersed Part of or seed which helps in dispersal


S.no Name of fruit­bearing plant Agent through which seeds are dispersed Part of or seed which helps in dispersal
1) Cotton Wind Hair on seeds
2) Banyan Birds Stick to the beak of birds
3) Coconut Water Fibrous coating
4) Oxalis Animals Barbs/ hooks
5) Lotus Water Thalamus which floats in water
6) Orchid Wind Lightness, minutes
7) Silk Wind Hair on seeds

Question 4.
Suppose there is one member of a particular kind of organism in a culture dish, which doubles itself in one hour through asexual reproduction. Work out the number of members of that kind of organism which will be present in the culture dish after ten hours. Such a colony of individuals arising from one parent is called a “clone”.
The number of organisms becomes twice the initial count in one hour through asexual reproduction. Number of organisms in 1 hour
1 hour x 2 = 2
2 hours = 2 x 2 = 4
3 hours = 4 x 2 = 8
4 hours = 8 x 2 = 16
5 hours = 16 x 2 = 32
6 hours = 32 x 2 = 64
7 hours = 64 x 2 = 128
8 hours = 128 x 2 = 256
9 hours = 256 x 2 = 512
10 hours = 512 x 2 = 1024


Activity 8.1 Page No : 2

Question 1.
Cut a branch of rose or champa with a node. This piece of branch is termed a cutting. Bury the cutting in the soil. A node is a part of the stem/branch at which a leaf arises. Water the cutting every day and observe its growth. Observe and record the number of days taken for roots to come out and new leaves to arise. Try the same activity by growing money plant in ajar of water and record your observations.
Aim : To show the method of vegetative propagation.
Materials required : Rose, water, jar.

Procedure :

  • Cut a branch of rose or champa with a node.
  • Water the cutting every day and observe its growth.
  • Observe and record the number of days taken Node for roots to come out and new leaves to arise.
  • Try the same activity by growing money plant in a jar of water and record your observations.

Observations : We observe stem cutting must have some buds on it and new plants are obtained from the stem. A new plant which is produced is exactly similar to the parent plant.

Conclusion : From the above activity, we can conclude that reproduction is through the vegetative parts i.e., roots, stems, leaves and buds of the plant is known as vegetative propagation

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Activity 8.2 Page No : 4

Question 2.
Take a fresh potato. Observe the scars on it with the help of a magnifying glass. You may find bud(s) in them. Cut the potato into small portions, each with an eye and bury them in the soil. Water the pieces regularly for a few days and observe their progress. What do you find?
Aim : To observe tuber of a potato and grow new plants from potato tubers.

Materials required : A potato with buds (s) eyes, pot with soil.

Procedure :

  • Take a fresh potato.
  • Observe the scars on it with the help of a magnifying glass. You may find bud(s) in them.
  • Cut the potato into small portions, each with an eye and bury them in the soil.
  • Water the pieces regularly for a few days and observe their progress.

Observations : We observe after a few days, new shoots and roots emerge out from the potato.

Conclusion : From the above activity, we can conclude that the new plants can be grown from the tubers of the potato.

Activity 8.3 Page No : 6

Question 3.
Take a piece of yeast cake or yeast powder from a bakery or a chemist shop. Take a pinch of yeast and place it in a container with some water. Add a spoonful of sugar and shake to dissolve it. Keep it in the warm part of a room. After an hour, put a drop of this liquid on a glass slide and observe under a microscope. What do you observe?
Aim : To observe the reproduction in yeast by budding.

Materials required: Yeast cake container, water, sugar solution, magnifying glass.

Procedure :

  • Take a piece of yeast cake or yeast powder from a bakery or a chemist shop.
  • Take a pinch of yeast and place it in a container with some water.
  • Add a spoonful of sugar and shake to dissolve it.
  • Keep it in the warm part of a room.
  • After an hour, put a drop of this liquid on a glass slide and observe under a magnifying glass.

Observation : We observe that the new yeast cells are formed.The small bulb-like projection coming out from the yeast cel! is called a bud.

Conclusion: From the above activity, we can conclude that due to the budding process, yeast grow and multiply in every few hours, if provided with sufficient nutrients and favourable conditions.

AP 7th Class Science 8th Lesson Questions and Answers Reproduction in Plants

Activity 8.4 Page No : 10

Question 4.
Take a mustard/China rose/petunia flower and separate its reproductive parts. Study the various parts of a stamen and pistil.
Aim : To dissect a flower and observe its reproductive parts.
Materials required: A mustard/China rose/petunia flower, needle, a blade and hand lens.


  • Observe the flower using a hand lens and examine the parts.
  • Carefully remove its stamen and pistil
  • Study the various parts of a stamen and pistil.

Observation: We observe stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower. Stamen consists of two parts anther and filament Pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower. It is comprised of the stigma, style and ovary

Conclusion : From the above activity, we can conclude that, stamen and pistil are the reproductive parts of the flower.

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