AP 10th Class Social History 3rd Lesson Questions and Answers The Making of a Global World

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The Making of a Global World Questions and Answers AP 10th Class Social History 3rd Lesson

Question 1.
Give ‘two examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the seventeenth century, choosing one example from Asia and one from the Americas.

  1. Textiles, spices and Chinese pottery were exchanged by China, India and Southeast Asia in return for gold and silver from Europe.
  2. Gold and foods such as potatoes, soya, groundnuts, tomatoes and chillies were first exported from the Americas to Europe.

Question 2.
Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonisation of the Americas.

  1. The Portuguese and Spanish conquests and colonisation of America was decisively underway by the mid-16th century.
  2. European conquest was not just a result of superior fire power.
  3. The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was the germ such as those of smallpox that they on their people.
  4. Because of their long isolation, America’s original inhabitants had no immunity against those that came from Europe.
  5. Smallpox proved a deadly killer. It killed and decimated whole communities, paving the way fat conquest of European.

AP 10th Class Social History 3rd Lesson Questions and Answers The Making of a Global World

Question 3.
Write a note to explain the effects of the following :
a) The British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws.
b) The coming of rinderpest to Africa.
c) The death of men of the working-age in Europe because of the World War.
d) The Great Depression on the Indian economy.
e) The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries.

  1. The British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws was the inflow of /cheaper agricultural crops from America and Australia.
  2. Many English farmers left their profession and migrated to towns and cities. Some went overseas.
  3. This indirectly led to global agriculture and rapid urbanisation, a prerequisite of industrial growth.


  1. The cortiing of rinderpest to Africa caused a loss of livelihood for countless Africans.
  2. Using this situation to their advantage, colonising nations conquered and subdued Africa buy monopolising scarce cattle resources to force Africans into the labour market.


  1. Most of the victims of world war belonged to young generations of working men.
  2. As a result, it reduced the work force in Europe thereby reducing household income.
  3. The role of women increased and led to demand for more equality of status.
  4. It made the faminist movement stronger.
  5. Women started working alongside men in every field.
  6. Women and younsters became more independent and free with long-term effects.


  1. The impact of the Great Depression in India was felt particularly in the agricultural sector.
  2. It was evident that Indian economy was closely becoming integrated to global economy.
  3. India was a British colony and exported agricultural products and imported manufactured goods.
  4. The fall in agriculture price led to reduction of farmer’s income and agricultural export.
  5. The government did not decrease their tax and so, many farmers and landlords became more indebted to moneylenders and corrupt officials.
  6. It led to a great rural unrest in India.


  1. The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries led to a Stimulation of world trade and capital flows.
  2. This relocation was on account of low-cost structure and lower wages in Asian countries.
  3. It also benefitted the Asian Nations because employment increased, and this resulted in quick economic transformation as well.

Question 4.
Give two examples from History to show the impact of technology on food availability.
1) Improved transportation systems : Improved transportation systems helped the
foods get delivered on time to the markets without any harm. Faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships helped move food cheeply and quickly from faraway farms to final Markets.

2) Refrigerated ships : The development of refrigerated ships enabled the transport of perishable foods over long distances.

3) Animals were slaughtered for food at the starting point – in America, Australia or New Zealand and then transported to Europe as frozen meat. This reduced the shipping costs and lowered meat prices in Europe.

4) The poor in Europe could now add meat to their diet, which was monotonous with only bread and potatoes.

Question 5.
What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement?

  1. The Bretton Wood Agreement was signed in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in USA.
  2. To preserve the global economic stability and full employment in the industrial world.
  3. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The International Bank (World Bank) were established.
  4. They mainly death with the debits of the member nations and external surplus and also financed the post-war reconstruction.
  5. The World Bank and the IMF were also known as the Bretton Woods Institutions or Bretton Woods Twins, which commenced financial operations in 1947.
  6. The decision making in these institutions is controlled by the western industrial powers.
  7. The US has an effective right of veto over key IMF and the World Bank decisions.


Question 6.
Imagine that you are an indentured Indian labourer in the Caribbean. Drawing from the details in this chapter, write a letter to your family describing your life and feelings.
Dear father,
I. hope you and mother are in the best of your health. Most of the workers working with me are Indians and the belong to Central India and dry regions of Tamilnadu. They were also on contract like me and they were also promised return travel to India after working for 5 years on the plantations of our employer in Carribean.
But we were provided false information by the agents about the nature of work as well as living and working conditions. On reaching the plantations I found the living conditions different from what I was promised and imagined. Living and working conditions here are inadequate and there are a few legal rights only.
I want to come back to India as soon as my contract ends. I heard that our nationalist leaders began opposing the system of indentured labour migration as abusive and cruel. I hope they will succeed in getting this system abolished. If it was abolished early I can come to India and meet you all soon.
Warm regards

Yours loving son

AP 10th Class Social History 3rd Lesson Questions and Answers The Making of a Global World

Question 7.
Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange. Find one example of each type of flow which involved India and Indians, and write a short account of it.
The three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange are :
1) Flow of trade : The first type of flow is the flow of trade. In the 19th century, it meant the trade in goods particularly in wheat or cloth.
2) Flow of labour: The second type of flow is the flow of labour. It meant the migration of the people to new areas in search of employment.
3) Flow of capital : The third type of flow is the flow of capital in foreign countries either for long-term or short-term investments.
These three flows were closely inter-related and these three affected the lives of the people in many ways.

Examples of the involvement of India and Indians in these flows :
1) Before industrialisation fine cotton produced in India was exported to Europe with industrialisation. British cotton manufacture began to expand and industrialists pressured the government to restrict cotton imports and protect the local industries. Then, the government imposed tariffs on cloth imports into Britain. Because of this the inflow of fine Indian cotton began to decline.

2) In the 19th century hundreds of thousands of Indian labourers went to work on plantations, in mines and in road and railway, construction projects, around the world as indentured labourers. Most of these indentured labourers migrated in hope for a bright future or to escape poverty or oppression in their home village, but they were exploited by the recruiting agents and by the employers.

3) During the British rule in India, pjany Europeans established their factories in India. As a result, the flow of capital involving India and the European countries began.

Question 8.
Explain the causes of the Great Depression.
i) Conditions created by war : There was an immense industrial expansion due to , the increased demand of goods supplied to the army, during the period of the First World War. After the war, the demand for these goods suddenly dropped and so, there was no demand in many industries. There was also a large fall in the agricultural prices due to reduced demand.

ii) Over production in agriculture : Agricultural over production was another major factor responsible for the depression. This was made worse by falling agricultural prices. As the prices and agricultural incomes declined, the farmers tried to increase the production and bring a larger volume of produce to the market to maintain their overall income. This worsened the situation by pushing down the prices of farm produce further.

iii) Shortage of loans : In the mid-1920s, many countries financed their investments through loans from the USA. While it was often very easy to raise loans in the USA during the boom period, lenders in the USA panicked at the. first sign of trouble. Countries that depend on USA now faced an acute crisis.

iv) Multiple effects : With the fall in prices and the prospect of a depression i.e. banks in the USA were unable to collect loans, repay depositors, and recover investments, thousand of banks went bankrupt and were forced to close down. Factories closed, leading to unemployment, which further aggravated the crises. The US banking system collapsed.

v) Large scale unemployment : Farmers could not sell their harvests, businesses . collapsed. As a result, large scale unemployment occurred.

Question 9.
Explain what is referred to as the G-77 countries. In what ways can G-77 be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins ?
G-77 is a group of developing countries which organised themselves into a group as they did pot receive any benefits from the fast growth, experienced in the 1950s and 1960s by the Western Economies. G-77 demanded a New International Economic Order (NIEO).
After the Second World War the developing countries of the world did not benefit from the fast growth of Western economies.
They organised themselves into a group to demand a new international economic order, which would give them real control over the natural resources, fairer prices for raw materials, more developed assistance etc.
These countries were known as G-77 countries.

G-77 be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins :
1) The IMF and World Bank was created to meet the financial need of the industrial country and therefore not equipped to cope with the need of the developing countries or former colonies.

2) As from, 1950’s developed countries of the world became less dependent on Bretton Wood institution, so they started to shift their attention to developing countries.

3) As colonies, these developing countries were part of Western empires.

4) Ironically even after independence, when these countries were trying to lift their population out of poverty, then also their resources controlled by the colonial power.

5) This was because Bretton Wood’s institutions were guided by these former colonial powers.

6) As a result, the resources of developing countries continued to be exploited. As a reaction to this, the G-77 was organised.


★ Find out more about gold and diamond mining in South Africa in the nineteenth century. Who controlled the gold and diamond companies ? Who were the miners and what weretheir lives like?

  1. In South Africa, gold was discovered in Johannesburg and diamonds in Kimberly during the 19th century.
  2. Soon European migrants began mining of gold and diamonds in South Africa. From 1886 onwards mining business became highly profitable.
  3. This can be attested by the data that South Africa was produced. South Africa was produced world’s 27% gold from 1886 to 1914 (the year of First World War).
  4. Cecil Rhodes was the first European to create Gold and diamond mining monopoly by buying/iip land and forming De Beers, today World’s largest diamond producing company.
  5. Mining company were controlled by European and Americans, as many of white . settlers migrated to South Africa; with desire of making huge profits in the mining industry.
  6. They also introduced technological advances and deep mining techniques so that profits could be increased.
  7. The workers on the mining fields were African natives, and most of them migrated toSouth Africa, from other parts and colonial states of African continents.
  8. But the mining worker lived a miserable life.
    For example :
  9. They were paid ten times lower wages than the white workmen.
  10. Apartheid (racism) : The discovery of gold and diamonds in Southern Africa led to partheid (racism) from as early as 1889.
  11. In 1889 chamber of mines was formed by European industrial nations mainly to reduce African wages. This was to increase the profitability of mines.
  12. This increased racial attack on African blacks, as they were a dissatisfied lot and lives miserable lives.

AP 10th Class Social History 3rd Lesson InText Questions and Answers The Making of a Global World

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Question 1.
Explain what we mean when we say that the world ‘shrank’ in the 1500s.

  1. Before 1500s there was not much inter connectedness trade and commence among the residents of various containments. ‘
  2. Europeans discovered the sea route to Asia and so trade activities increased between Asia and Europe.
  3. The American continent was discovered only when the sea route through the Atlantic Ocean to America was found.
  4. Because of the above reasons, there was an increased interaction among the people living in various continents of the world, thus causing the world to shrink in symbolic terms. ,
  5. The word ‘Shrank’ stands for increased interactions among the people of various * continents of the world. So, we can say that the world ‘Shrank’ in the 1500s.

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Question 2.
Imagine that you are an agricultural worker who has arrived in America from Ireland. Write a paragraph on why you chose to come and how you are earning your living.

  1. I am from Ireland and used to work as a peasant in my country.
  2. I arrived in America a few days ago.
  3. The maifi reason behind this was the unemployment of peasants in Ireland. Food shortage was another problem for the migrations.
  4. Import of cheaper food items led to the problems of unemployment in our country.
  5. I decided to migrate to America, as here peasants were required to work on large farms, so I can get an employment.
  6. In America I live near my employer’s farm.
  7. I work in my employer’s farm and grow crops.
  8. Like this, I earn my living.

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Question 3.
Prepare a flow chart to show how Britain’s decision to import food led to increased migration to America and Australia.

Britain decided to import food items.

Eastern European countries, Russia, America and Australia began to export food items to Britain.

These countries acquired cultivable land hy clearing forests.

To clear forest and for food production activities labour was required.

Russia and Eastern European countries had people who could work as agricultural . labourers. ’

America and Australia were newly colonised continents. There was a shortage of – labour in these continents.

So, many people migrated to America and Australia.


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Question 1.
Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national identity.

  1. A persons cultural traditions and the language he speaks identity him as a members of a certain nation, his motherland.
  2. It is the nation which is important than an individual.
  3. People are born and die but language and traditions stay. They are always alive.
  4. Whenever an individual goes, language and traditions give an identity.
  5. So, the language and popular traditions are important in creating national identity of an individual.

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Question 2.
Who profits from jute cultivation according to the jute growers’ lament? Explain.

  1. Traders and moneylenders were profited from jute cultivation.
  2. Peasants of Bengal cultivated raw jute in the hope of better yield and increase in exports.
  3. But this did not happen, because glinny exports collapsed due to the depression and price of raw jute crashed 60%.
  4. Peasants who brought loans and borrowed money from moneylenders fell into debt.
  5. Uike this, only the moneylenders and traders got huge profit from jute cultivation pot the farmers.

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Question 4.
Briefly summarise the two lessons learnt by economists and politicians from the inter-war economic experience?

  1. The interwar economic experience was very bad.
  2. Most of the countries were devastated and cities were destroyed.
  3. The politicians and economists learned that they had to ensure economic stability of the industrial countries.
  4. They also understood the interdependence of national economies all over the world.
  5. Hence, the drew up an internationally accepted framework to recover and consolidate the world economy.

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