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Manufacturing Industries Questions and Answers AP 10th Class Social Geography 6th Lesson
Question 1.
Multiple choice questions.
i) Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material?
a) Aluminium Smelting
b) Cement
c) Paper
d) Steel
a) Aluminium Smelting
ii) Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computer, etc.
a) Steel
b) Electronic
c) Aluminium Smelting
d) Information Technology
b) Electronic
Question 2.
Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words.
i) What is manufacturing ?
The term manufacturing refers to the production of goods in large quantities after processing raw materials to more valuable products.
ii) What are basic industries ? Give an example.
Basic industries are industries which supply their products as raw materials to other industries for manufacturing other products.
For Example : The iron and steel industry supplies steel as a raw material to automobile industries.
Question 3.
Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words.
i) How do industries pollute the environment ?
Industrial pollution degrades the environment in four ways :
a) Air
b) Water
c) Land
d) Noise
a) Air Pollution : it is caused by the presence of high proportion of undesirable gases such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide and airborne particular matter.
b) Water Pollution : it is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents discharged into rivers. Paper, refineries and tanneries are the main culprits.
c) Land Pollution: The degradation of soil by dumping of wastes harmful chemicals, industrial effluents, packaging, salts and garbage renders the soil useless.
d) Noise Pollution : Noise pollution is caused by industrial and construction activities, machinery generators, saws, electric drills etc.
ii) Discuss thesteps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry?
The steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry are as follows:
a) To control water pollution, industrial effluents need to be treated on all three levels. (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary); the use of water for processing should be minimised via reuse and recycling; rainwater can be harvested to meet water requirements and ground water should be regulated by law.
b) For the minimisation of air pollution, smoke stacks should be fitted to factores with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators. Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal.
c) Noise pollution can be controlled by fitting generators with silencers, redesigning machinery to reduce noise and using ear plugs and ear phones besides other noise absorbing material.
Give one word for each of the following with regard to industry. The number of letters in each word are hinted in brackets.
i) Used to drive machinery (5) P…………
ii) People Who work in a factory (6) W…………..
iii) Where the product is sold (6) M………..
iv) A person who sells goods (8) R………..
v) Thing produced (7) P………..
vi) To make or produce (11) M…………..
vii) Land, Water and Air degraded 9) p………
i) Power
ii) Worker
iii) Market
iv) Retailer
v) Product
vi) Manufacture
vii) Pollution
Select one agro-based and one mineral-based industry in your area.
i) What are the raw materials they use?
ii) What are the other inputs in the process of manufacturing that involve transportation cost?
iii) Are these factories following environmental norms?
Agro-based Industry:
i) One agro-based industry located in my area is Tea industry. The industry uses tea leaves as raw materials.
ii) The process of tea production involves plucking, withering, rolling, fermentation, dying, grading, packing, dispatching, also there are a few aspects of manufacturing that require transportation costs to be paid.
iii) Yes, they are following the environmental norms.
Mineral-based Industry:
i) Cement industry uses raw-materials like gypsum, limestone etc.
ii) Other inputs such as gypsum and raw-materials also require transportation to the site of manufacturing and thus incur a transportation cost.
iii) Yes, the factory follows the environmental norms.
Solve the puzzle by following your search horizontally and vertically to find the hidden answers.
1. Textiles, sugar, vegetable oil and plantation industries deriving raw materials from agriculture are called.
2. The basic raw material for sugar industry.
3. This fibre is also known as the ‘Golden Fibre’.
4. Iron-ore, coking coal, and limestone are the chief raw materials of this industry.
5. A public sector steel plant located in Chhattisgarh.
6. Railway diesel engines are manufactured in Uttar Pradesh at this place.
1) Agro based
2) Sugarcane
3) Jute
4) Iron-steel
5) Bhilai
6) Varanasi
AP 10th Class Social Geography 6th Lesson InText Questions and Answers Manufacturing Industries
Question 1.
Do you have some ideas about these industries?
Yes, we do have some ideas about these industries. On the basis of production, industries are classified into three types.
- Large Scale Industry: Clothes, Sugar etc.
- Small Scale Industry: Shoes, Utensils etc.
- Cottage Industry : Diyas (Earthen lamps)
Question 2.
Classify the following into two groups on the basis of bulk and weight of raw material and finished goods.
(i) Oil
ii) Knitting needles
iii) Brassware
iv) Fuse wires
v) Watches
vi) Sewing Machines
vii) Shipbuilding
viii) Electric Bulbs
ix) Paint brushes
x) Automobiles
Heavy Industry:
i) Shipbuilding
ii) Automobiles
Light Industry:
i) Oil
ii) Knitting needles
iii) Brassware
vi) Sewing Machines
v) Watches
iv) Fuse wires
vii) Electric Bulbs
viii) Paint brushes
Question 3.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi lay emphasis on spinning yarn and weaving khadi?
Mahatma Gandhi laid emphasis on spinning yarn and weaving khadi due to following reasons:
- For promoting the cottage industries.
- To develop the feeling nationalism.
- Large number of people could be employed.
- To reduce dependence on foreign clothes.
- To boycott foreign clothes.
Question 4.
Why is it important foiF bur country to keep the mill sector loomage lower than power loom and hand loom ?
It is important for our country to keep the mill sector loomage lower than power loom and handloom because, through power-loom and handloom, large number of people get employment.
Question 5.
Make a list of all such goods made of steel that you can think of.
- Tables
- Chairs
- Doors
- Utensils
- Boxes
- Electrical appliances
- Medical appllances
- Motor cars
- Cycle
- Railway bridges
- Windows
- Rods etc.
Question 6.
Where would it be economically viable to set up the cement manufacturing units?
- it would be economically viable to set up the cement manufacturing units in those areas which are easily accessible for raw materials as this industry requires bulky and heavy raw materials like limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum,
- There should be continuous supply of electric power and there should be proper network of railway and road transport.
Question 7.
Find out where the plants are located in other States of India. Find their names.
The names of the major companies in cement industry and locations of their major cement plants in India are given below –
1) India Cement: Four plants in Andhra Pradesh at Yerraguntla, Chilamkur, Vishnu puram and Malkapur. 3 Plants in Tamilnadu at Sankari nagar, Dalavoi and Sankari.
2) Jaypee Group Century Cement:
- Cluster of plants at Satna, Madhya Pradesh.
- Baikunth, Dist. Raipur in Chattisgarh.
- Sarlanagar, Dist. Satna in Madhya Pradesh.
- Gadchandur, Dist. Chandrapur, Maharashtra.
- Sagardighi, Dist. Mushidabad, Paschim Banga
3) L & T Cement: 5 Plants at
- Jafrabad, Gujarat
- Hirmi, Chhattisgarh
- Chandrapur, Maharashtra
- Tadipatri, Andhra Pradesh
- Arakonam, Tamilnadu.
4) ACC Cement: 17 plants spread over the states of Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh,
Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Paschim Banga.
5) Cement Corporation of India : 41 Plants all over India.
6) Ambuja Cement : 16 plants spreed over the states of Gujarat, Paschim Banga, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kerala and Maharashtra.
7) JK Cement: Gotan, Mangrol and Nimbahera, all in Rajasthan.